Career Information System CIS

Career Information System
What Does CIS Do?
• The Oregon Career Information System
(CIS) provides a comprehensive career
information system of occupational and
educational information to help
students learn about the world of work
and education.
CIS is Designed to
• Develop quality career information resources
to support career self-management, career
counseling, and career education;
• Deliver comprehensive, integrated systems
of career information for career awareness,
exploration, planning, and transitions; and
• Promote sound career decisions-making
practices in education, employment, and
community settings through leadership and
Information In CIS
• Occupations and Employment
– Occupations
– Industries
– Self Employment
– Military Employment
– Job Search
• Education and Training Information
– Career Learning Areas
– Programs of Study and Training
– Schools
– Transfer Policies of 4 year colleges and
– Financial Aid
CIS Tools
• Assist students in building educational
plans and profiles (EPP’S)
• Assist students in documenting careerrelated learning standards and career
related learning experiences
Student Portfolios
• My Career Planning Portfolio is a personal
career folder students can create online,
consisting of 5 components that is
transferable between middle and high
schools. It includes:
• My Personal Information
My CIS Favorites
My Plan
My Course Planner
My Education and Work History
7th and 8th Grade Career Learning
During their Seventh and Eighth grade years students are
focusing on creating initial education plans by learning about
themselves, educational options, and the world of work.
Student will:
• Identify occupations of interest through an interest inventory
• Research preparation needed for career interests using regional and
national information
• Connect career aspirations with high school course selection and
postsecondary training.
• Create a high school course plan to meet school requirements and
personal goals
• Identify allies in community and school
• Create an action plan
9th Grade Career Learning Activities
• During their Freshman and Sophomore year students are
focusing on "Looking Deeper". Students will revise their
education plans based upon further research and experience.
Students will:
• Identify transferable skills
• Learn information seeking skills through summarizing,
synthesizing, and evaluating information
• Conduct an Undergraduate School Sort to identify schools that
match personal criteria and education goals
• Compare schools: cost, average financial aid awards,
admissions criteria and programs of study.
• Prepare for and experience a CRLE (includes Career-Related
Learning Standards)
• Evaluate progress and revise action plan for education and
career goals
9th Grade Activities
• 9th grade Career Learning Activities include:
• Resume Activity
Skills Analysis Activity
Sample Resume
Resume Worksheet
Resume Template
• Career Exploration Reflection
IDEAS Assessment
Exploring an Occupation
Work Importance Locator
Career Exploration Reflection Directions
10th grade Career Learning
• Skills Cards Activity
– It’s your Life Career Quiz
• Resume Revision Activity
– How to Make a Resume
– Tips for an Attractive Resume
– Sample Resume
11th and 12th Grade Career Learning
During their Junior and Senior year students are focusing on their
"Next Steps". They may revise their education plan in preparation for
high school-to-postsecondary transition using their career and
education aspirations as guide.
During this time students will:
Apply to postsecondary schools, apprenticeship programs, military, etc
Engage in goal-planning strategy
Learn about and apply for financial aid awards
Review the job search process
Create a budget for postsecondary training
Identify appropriate workplace behavior and revise their resume
Conduct a Financial Aid Sort to find local, regional, and national awards
Create a transition checklist
11th grade Career Learning
• Career Fair Experience
– Attend a Career Fair
– Participate in Mock Job Interviews
• Resume Revision Activity
– Learn How to Make a Resume
– Create a Sample Resume
12th Grade Career Learning Activities
• During this time students will:
• Apply to postsecondary schools, apprenticeship
programs, military, Engage in goal-planning strategy
• Learn about and apply for financial aid awards
• Review the job search process
• Create a budget for postsecondary training
• Identify appropriate workplace behavior and revise their
• Conduct a Financial Aid Sort to find local, regional, and
national awards
• Create a transition checklist
12th grade Career Learning
• Resume Revision Activity
– Senior Resume Guidelines
– How to Make a Resume
– Resume Worksheet
– Tips for an Attractive Resume
– Sample Resume