and the


N. Gregory Mankiw

& Laurence M. Ball





Modified for EC 204 by Bob Murphy

PowerPoint® slides by Ron Cronovich © 2011 Worth Publishers, all rights reserved

In this chapter, you will learn:

 the main participants in securities markets

 the difference between primary and secondary markets

 factors that affect firms’ decisions about which securities to sell and savers’ decisions about which securities to buy

 the Efficient Markets Hypothesis

 how people can use derivatives for hedging or speculation

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Securities Firms

Mutual funds : hold a diverse set of securities, sell shares to savers

Hedge funds : buy assets with funds raised from wealthy savers and with borrowed funds, largely unregulated

Brokers : buy and sell securities for their clients

Dealers : buy and sell securities for themselves

Investment banks : underwrite and market new securities, assist in mergers and acquisitions, engineer new types of securities

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Other financial institutions

Pension funds

Accept payments from workers and employers, use the funds to buy securities

Provide payments when workers retire

Insurance companies

Use premiums to buy securities

Commercial banks

Buy securities (though most deposited funds are used to make loans)

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Financial industry consolidation

Many financial firms engage in several businesses, e.g. Merrill Lynch is an investment banker and broker.

Two key events leading to consolidation:

1999 Repeal of Glass-Steagall Act, which had separated commercial and investment banking

2007-2009 financial crisis, during which healthy institutions bought weak ones

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

The upheaval in investment banking

Early 2000s: Leading investment banks began issuing mortgage-backed securities (MBS) backed by subprime mortgages (made to borrowers with poor credit). These borrowers had to pay high interest rates, so MBS promised high returns.

2006: Housing prices fell, sharply increasing defaults among subprime borrowers.

Subprime MBS lost value, causing huge losses for the institutions that owned these securities.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

The upheaval in investment banking

Early 2008: Investment bank Bear Stearns was nearly bankrupt, couldn’t raise funds it needed to pay its obligations, was purchased by JP Morgan


September 2008: Lehman Brothers in trouble, couldn’t raise funds, couldn’t find a buyer, so Lehman declared bankruptcy and defaulted on its bonds and loans.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

The upheaval in investment banking

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley held fewer MBS, so they sustained fewer losses.

They reorganized and received emergency loans from the Federal Reserve.

Merrill Lynch was purchased by Bank of America, though it still operates as broker and investment bank.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Primary vs. secondary markets

Public company : a firm that issues stock and bonds that are traded in financial markets

Primary markets : markets in which firms and governments issue new securities

Initial public offering (IPO) : the sale of new securities

Secondary markets : markets in which existing securities are traded

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Primary markets

Investment banks underwrite IPOs

 thoroughly screen the issuing companies

 buy the initial shares, resell to other institutions, earn huge fees

 Investment banks’ reputations are important, especially when the issuing firms are unknown

Buyers of IPOs often resell the securities in secondary markets, where they are subsequently traded

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Secondary markets

Exchange : a physical location where brokers and dealers meet, e.g. New York Stock Exchange

Over-the-counter (OTC) market : a secondary market with no physical location

Dealer market : an OTC market in which all trades are made with dealers over computer networks, e.g. NASDAQ

Electronic communications network (ECN) : an OTC market where buyers and sellers trade directly, without a dealer taking a cut

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Stock market indexes

Stock market index : the average price of a group of stocks.


Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), includes 30 “blue-chip stocks”

 Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500, includes the 500 largest U.S. companies

NASDAQ index, includes all stocks traded in the NASDAQ

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets


What securities should a firm issue?

Should a firm issue stocks or bonds? If bonds, should it issue short-term or long-term bonds?

Capital structure : the mix of stocks and bonds that a firm issues

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Does capital structure matter?

Modigliani and Miller (M and M) theorem : the proposition that a firm’s capital structure does not matter

To raise $100, a firm could sell new bonds or new shares of stock; in either case, the firm sacrifices future income to the buyer of the asset.

According to the classical theory of asset prices, the present value of these payments must equal

$100, whether the asset is stock or bonds.

So, the firm should be indifferent between issuing stock or bonds.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Why capital structure does matter


Interest payments are deductible, so the more bonds a firm issues, the lower its tax bill.

Issuing stock does not affect its tax bill.


In a bad year with low earnings, debt-financed firms at risk of bankruptcy if they cannot make payments on their bonds.

Equity-financed firms at lower risk of bankruptcy, since not obligated to pay dividends.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Why capital structure does matter

Adverse selection

Some firms have strong prospects, others do not, savers lack information to tell the difference.

Weak firms may exploit this and offer shares at a price that exceeds the p.v. of future earnings.

Fearing this, savers may avoid buying any shares.

Then, strong firms cannot sell shares at a fair price.

Less of a problem for bond finance:

As long as the firm remains solvent, it will pay bond buyers their fixed payments, so people more comfortable buying bonds than stock.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Debt maturity

Firms choose bond maturities based their ability to pay off the bonds

Long-term debt appropriate for financing projects that will generate income over the long term, e.g. factories

Short-term debt (e.g. commercial paper) better for short-term needs, e.g. bridging the gap between costs from production and revenue from sales

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

What mix of stocks and bonds should savers buy?

Stocks have higher average returns than bonds:

During 1900-2009, annual real return was 8% on stocks and

2% on bonds

Stocks are riskier than bonds:

During 1900-2009, stock returns were less than –10% in 17 years and near –40% in two years.

Returns on Treasury bonds were never this low.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

The risk-return tradeoff: example


Real return on bonds = 2% every year

Half the time, the real return on stocks is 22%, half the time, it is –6%

 s = fraction of wealth in stocks,

(1 – s) = fraction of wealth in bonds

Let’s see how return and risk depend on s….

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

The risk-return tradeoff: example

scenario return on wealth in general s(return on stocks) + (1 – s)(return on bonds) if stock returns high s(22%) + (1 – s)(2%)

= 2% + s(20%) if stock returns low s( –6%) + (1 – s)(2%)

= 2% – s(8%) on average ½ [2% + s(20%)] + ½ [2% – s(8%)]

= 2% + s(6%)

The higher is s, the greater the average return on wealth

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

The risk-return tradeoff: example

Average return depends on s. What about risk?

A simple way to measure risk: difference between return on wealth when stock return is high and return on wealth when stock return is low :

[2% + s(20%)] –

[2% – s(8%)]

= s(28%)

Risk is higher when s is higher

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

The risk-return tradeoff: example

Return and risk for different values of s: s return = 2% + s(6%) risk = s(28%)
















CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets


Which stocks?

One view: pick randomly!

Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH) : no stock is a better buy than any other.

EMH is based on the classical theory of asset prices and rational expectations: every stock’s price equals the p.v. of its expected future dividends, and expected dividends are the best possible forecasts of future dividends.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Which stocks?

EMH implies stock prices follow a random walk : stock price movements are unpredictable.

Prices respond only to news (new information) that changes expectations of future earnings/dividends.

News, by definition, is unpredictable, so price changes must also be unpredictable.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Prices adjust to news quickly

Price of Boeing stock = $50 = p.v. of dividends.

News: United Airlines has ordered 50 planes.

This news raises the p.v. of Boeing’s expected earnings and dividends to $52.

At the $50 price, Boeing stock is undervalued.

Large buyers (e.g., mutual funds, pensions) buy as much Boeing stock as they can (which drives up its price), until it is no longer undervalued.

This process happens very quickly, before most people learn of the news.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Index vs. Actively Managed Funds

Actively managed mutual fund : buys and sells stocks based on its analysts’ research and its managers’ expertise

Index fund : buys all the stocks in a broad market index, matches the market return and does not employ analysts

 Actively managed funds try to “beat the market,” which according to EMH is impossible to do consistently.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets

Index vs. Actively Managed Funds

In the five years ending 12/31/2009,

S&P 500 outperformed 61% of actively managed large-cap funds

S&P MidCap 400 outperformed 77% of actively managed mid-cap funds

S&P SmallCap 600 outperformed 67% of actively managed small-cap funds.

Additionally, actively managed funds have higher expenses than index funds.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets


Derivative : an asset whose payments are tied to the prices of other assets

Three types of derivatives:

 futures, options, credit default swaps

Two uses of derivatives:

 hedging : reducing risk by purchasing an asset that is likely to pay a high return if an asset you already have pays a low or negative return

 speculation : using financial markets to make risky bets

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets


Futures contract : an agreement to trade an asset for a specified price on a specified future date, the delivery date

Example: A wheat farmer wants to hedge against the risk that wheat prices will fall before her harvest is ready, and a miller wants to hedge against the risk that wheat prices will rise before the current crop is ready. The farmer sells the miller a futures contract, and both eliminate their risk by locking in the future price today.

There are futures for securities and commodities.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets


Call option : allows its owner to buy a security at a specified price, the strike price, any time until the option’s expiration date.

Put option : allows its owner to sell a security at a specified strike price on any date before the option expires.

Example: To protect yourself against a fall in stock prices, buy put options on stocks you own.

If stock prices fall, exercise the option to limit your losses.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets


When to exercise a call option

You paid $2 per share to buy a call option on Microsoft stock. The strike price is $40 and the option expires on December 30.

In each of the following scenarios, would you exercise the option? Why or why not?

scenario today’s date Microsoft stock price today a.

Dec. 29 $45 b.



Dec. 29

Nov. 15

Nov. 15





Exercise your call option?

scenario today’s date Microsoft stock price today

Dec. 29 $43 a.

Yes, buy at $40, sell at $43 for quick profit.



Dec. 29 $41

Yes, loss is $1 per share if you exercise option, $2 per share if you do not.

Nov. 15 $35

No, you would lose money, and price might rise d.

rise before the option expires.


It depends. Exercise option to lock in a quick profit, or wait if you think price will rise further.

Credit Default Swaps

Credit Default Swap (CDS) : pays its buyer in the event of default on a particular debt instrument

(e.g. bond or mortgage)

Example: A bank hedges against the risk one of its mortgage borrowers will default by purchasing a

CDS that pays off in that event

CDSs are like insurance, except that the people who trade them need not have any relation to the underlying debt instrument.

CDS are not traded on an exchange, but are negotiated privately b/w buyer and seller

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets


Securities firms are companies whose primary purpose is to hold securities, trade them, or help others trade them.

Examples include mutual funds, hedge funds, brokers, dealers, and investment banks.

Corporations issue securities in primary markets through investment banks, whose underwriting reduces the problem of adverse selection.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets


After securities are issued, they are traded in secondary markets, including exchanges, dealer markets, and electronic communication networks.

Firms can finance investment by issuing stocks or bonds. The mix of the two that a firm chooses is called its capital structure.

Savers split their wealth among classes of assets such as stocks and bonds. Stocks have higher average returns than bonds, but are riskier.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets


The efficient market hypothesis states that every stock’s price is the best estimate of its true value. News that alters this true value will alter the stock’s price. But since news cannot be predicted, stock prices follow a random walk.

Derivatives are assets whose payoffs are tied to other assets. Examples include futures, options, and credit default swaps.

People and firms use derivatives to hedge against possible losses, or to speculate in hopes of earning huge profits.

CHAPTER 17 Securities Markets