to my resume in MS Word () format

Robert T. (“Tim”) West
fax: (preferred method )
301 570 1978
301 570-1982
Downloadable, up-to-date copies of this document (in MS-Word format), current contact info and much more are available at
Qualification Summary:
Twenty-five years of background designing, building and implementing ORACLE-based systems for a wide variety of
clients and requirements on many platforms from version 5.1 through 11g in UNIX and various other environments.
Expert level PL/SQL programming, over twenty years of PL/SQL development experience starting with the first Beta
version, including the latest features- bulk binds, FORALL pseudo-loops, objects, collection manipulation, native
dynamic SQL and PL/SQL, table functions, pipelined table functions, parallel pipelined table functions, SQL*PLUS,
SQL and PL/SQL code/database refactoring, tuning and optimization, SQL*FORMS from version 2.1 through the
current versions, reports from introduction to the latest version, PL/SQL Web Toolkit. Extensive familiarity with data
transformation, warehouse migration and mapping and data quality issues (ETL). Broad experience working with data
warehouses and data marts, including tuning programs to efficiently process data sets consisting of up to billions of
records. Working knowledge of Designer (and previous ORACLE CASE tools dating back to the initial Beta version),
SQR (Sybase) Report Writer, UNIX shell scripts and some C language programming. Experience in developing and
implementing project programming standards, enterprise code libraries, database constraints and triggers, and
building stored PL/SQL functions, procedures and packages into comprehensive APIs and libraries for development
team use. Extensive experience modifying, tuning and improving older relational structures and applications. Sound
understanding of various development life cycle (SDLC) methodologies, programming standards, industry best
practices and client interaction. Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
U.S. Citizen by birth, NACI (National Agency Check Investigation) May 2004 + June 2006
Experience Detail (employee), September 2010 – Present:
Buccaneer Computer Systems & Service, Inc. (a General Dynamics company)
Extensive PL/SQL ETL work on the Medicare/Medicaid CMS Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW), dealing with 37
terabytes of data and multi-billion record loads from 22 data sources all working within a relatively narrow batch
window. Wrote programs to take advantage of the multiple (3-6) node RAC environments. Created innovative
PL/SQL programs (using nested Native Dynamic PL/SQL blocks and overloading) to table-drive programmatic
validation of actual pre-and post-transformation column/field values in representative data samples. Tested and
validated ETL program migrations into Oracle 11g.
Experience Detail (consultant), July, 2003 – September 2010:
Department of Energy (Energy Enterprise Solutions LLC)
Modernizing complex legacy data transformations and reports and helping to remove platform dependence by re-writing old,
unstructured COBOL/JCL programs into modern, maintainable, structured PL/SQL, including managing
EBCDIC/ASCII/UNICODE conversion issues.
Department of Commerce, Web Migration Project
Key member of the Web Migration development team, supplying PL/SQL utility libraries and back-end system
programming for team use. Re-wrote over one hundred legacy SQL programs as stored Oracle 10g PL/SQL
packages conforming to improved standards. Extensive work with Oracle 10g Forms and Reports, converting legacy
screens and reports into Web-based applications and updating them to modern standards. Developed
sub-applications for viewing program run logs and operating system files through the database/Web-based
application, and a system using program execution to trigger customized e-mails containing combined program logs
and user entered messages automatically sent to selected application users. Re-wrote, updated and optimized many
legacy PL/SQL programs. Created and maintained a library of utility and logging functions for use in development
JDS Uniphase, Germantown, MD.
Analysis and PL/SQL programming in of the data transformation process to load information from multiple legacy systems into an
Oracle Manufacturing application, in coordination with the company subject matter experts, IT, and an Oracle Corporation
implementation team.
Experience Detail (consultant), continued:
Oracle Applications Consultant, Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA.
Designed and programmed the accounting reconciliation system of programs, reconciling Oracle Financials with data from remote
systems in a nightly batch window. Created revised versions of Oracle Corporation’s Oracle Applications APIs, speeding execution
times from over 10 hours to under 1 minute. Created a suite of reconciliation reports using PL/SQL Web Toolkit.
Data Warehouse Consultant, Internosis/IBM e-Army education project, Arlington, VA.
Designed and coded various loading and transformation (ETL) scripts using the latest features of Oracle and PL/SQL 9i (,
dramatically speeding their batch load times. Trained mid-level programmers in advanced PL/SQL techniques for performance.
Data Warehouse Consultant, Magellan Behavioral Health, Columbia, MD.
Advanced PL/SQL programming for ETL, table staging, repository and data mart transformation involving very large (over 100
million records) tables of health insurance claim information. Extensive use of Oracle 8i collections, bulk binds, search, sort and
merge techniques to tune applications for best performance. Performance increases of several orders of magnitude were achieved
in restructuring legacy PL/SQL programs with new techniques, and tuning for specific databases/instances.
Experience Detail (employee), July 2002 – July 2003:
Software Developer IV, Pearson Government Solutions, Arlington, VA.
Developed data loading and conversion programs, external system interfaces, and custom reports (application extensions) for an
Oracle Federal Human Resources (OFHR) system for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for their massive
federalization of airport screening personnel, and was a key member of a prototype system development team (OFHR) for the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Experience included work with OFHR 11i, Developer (Forms & Reports) 6i,
PL/SQL and Oracle 8i. Coordinated with Oracle Discoverer programming team. Participated in efforts to raise the standard
methodology to CMM Level 3, and assisted other programmers with technical solutions and troubleshooting.
Experience Detail, consultant, (11.5 years) :
Data Warehouse Consultant, CareFirst/ Blue Cross/ Blue Shield (Pikesville, MD)
Worked with end users, clients, and data quality and business process experts to design and code complex data mapping ,
transformation and integration scripts in PL/SQL, to move information from legacy IBM systems into the ORACLE data
warehouse/CDR, running on Windows NT clients with UNIX servers. Participated in logical and physical design modeling review
and discussion, some use of ERwin as a modeling tool. Wrote, optimized, and maintained programs to process tables of over 100
million records, necessitating extensive performance tuning at both the program and database levels, and utilizing the latest
features of SQL and PL/SQL in ORACLE version 8i. Developed both stored packages and suites of anonymous (stand alone)
procedures. Coached, coordinated and assisted other programmers doing similar work.
GSA (Government Services Agency, CHRIS project) (Washington, D.C.)
Two years working closely with both end-users, functional specialists and other programmers, performing analysis, design and
development work for the GSA Comprehensive Human Resources Integrated System (CHRIS), adding custom functionality to
ORACLE's HR and Federal HR (GHR) applications. Created drop-in replacement code for ORACLE-supplied APIs for enhanced
functionality. Designed and built data ETL processes and data mapping for automatic interfaces with external systems, and
developed stored-code APIs in PL/SQL packages to provide functionality for, and isolate complexity (and specification/design
changes) from the coders. Assisted with ORACLE HR configuration and installation issues, enabled PGP encryption concurrent
with the use of FTP within the HR application by use of stored PL/SQL in conjunction with UNIX Korn shell scripts. Worked with
PVCS configuration management tools and Designer 2000, coordinating with Business Objects programmer to develop a front end
for an automatically-refreshed ORACLE data warehouse.
FDA (Food and Drug Administration, CBER Project) (Rockville, MD)
Contracted by former employer PSI International; continuing FDA Biologics licensing/tracking system design and development in
ORACLE version 7.3/Developer 2000 release 2/FORMS 5.0 (Windows NT Server), while maintaining earlier Forms 3.0 and SQR
applications in a VAX 6510/DEC cluster VMS environment. Utilized Designer 2000 to design, model, prototype and generate new
subsystems in close cooperation with management and end users. Appointed technical lead (as an independent consultant) for
the PSI/COMPUS/FDA Project December 1995. As Technical Lead, led the team without a program manager (PM ) on site for
several months, assuming many program manager responsibilities, coordinating development team efforts, and interacting with
client. Repeated full life-cycle experience, successfully designing, developing, testing and demonstrating many new
enhancements and entire subsystems to the BRMS/RMS licensing/pre-licensing systems. Developed programming standards,
naming standards, documentation and code libraries.
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) (Alexandria, VA)
Worked with management, users, and in-house programmers, performing application re-engineering, database redesign, and live
data migration to implement needed changes to a legacy custom-built ORACLE accounting and Human Resources (HR) system.
Performed user support and application maintenance for the prime construction contractor involved in redesigning and rebuilding
Reagan National Airport, while at the same time suggesting and helping to implement design changes to create for the flexibility
needed to complete the database redesign. Worked with end-users to help to integrate legacy desktop system data into the
modified database.
ORACLE Consulting Group (OCG, ORACLE Corporation) (Atlanta, GA- Bethesda, MD)
Member of ORACLE Corporation’s Oracle Consulting Group (OCG) team creating the NUCLEIS administrative software package
for nuclear power plants in a contract with ORACLE Corporation and Baltimore Gas & Electric and Southern Electric (Atlanta, GA).
Responsibilities included application design and modification, consulting, application development and coding, unit testing,
integration testing, and system testing. Development environment included several Sequent, Pyramid, and Sun (UNIX) platforms,
Xwindows environments, and SCCS configuration management and source code control, connected over ORACLE*Net.
Participated in product demonstrations, representing ORACLE Corporation to the client.
Experience Detail (employee), March 1991- December 1991:
Lead Programmer/ Prototype Database Analyst, PSI International, Rockville, MD
Key member of the team developing the Biologic Regulatory Management System (BRMS) for the Center for Biologics Evaluation
and Research (CBER) division of the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA's biological product licensing and pre-licensing
system. Designed, mapped, converted and transformed data from separate Data General, PC and prototype SQL*FORMS V2.3
applications into an integrated ORACLE V6.0/SQL*FORMS V3.0 system on a VAX 8350/VMS platform. Evaluated beta versions
of ORACLE products (forms 3.0, initial release of PL/SQL) for development team use. Performed requirements analysis, database
and application design, coding and development, application demonstrations and end-user training, and extensive coaching and
instruction of junior and mid-level programmers.
April 1990 - March 1991, Programmer/Analyst, Data Transformation Corp. Silver Spring, MD
Performed ORACLE (SQL) database design, application design and programming for government and commercial contracts and
for Data Transformation's Research and Development division (R&D/2). Sole database designer and programmer of the
successful first Nationwide Central Intake Facility system, a legal case tracking system for the Department of Justice. Other work
included application development and testing Oracle systems in UNIX (DYNIX dual universe ATT & BSD running on a Sequent
S27 minicomputer) environments for Department of Justice and Federal Aviation Administration use and the migration of existing
applications from various legacy systems to ORACLE version 6. Assisted with the training, coaching, and performance evaluation
of junior programmers. Acted as company liaison between management and independent contractors. Integrated ORACLE
programming with COTS word processing software for generation of official government documents. Facilitated migration of the
division’s development environments and code from a PC network to UNIX, including extensive UNIX Korn and Bourne shell
Oct. 1986 - April 1990, Oracle Developer, Hof Service Co. Inc., Silver Spring, MD
Performed as a virtual one-man IT shop- as Database Administrator, lead developer and SQL applications programmer in a
multiple-host Oracle environment. Coordinated the work of outside consultants to develop complex custom income tracking,
accounting, and HR/payroll applications. Built and integrated system for staggered collection scheduling, income tracking,
pro-rated contract commission payments, contract performance tracking and income projections, and management decision
support systems in ORACLE version 5/ SQL*FORMS 2.1-2.3. Configured both hardware and software systems for secure Oracle
application development from remote sites. Responsible for database security, data recovery and disaster planning.
Experience Detail (consultant), Oct. 1986 - Oct. 1989 ( occasional ):
Independent Contractor, IBM Academic Information Systems ( ACIS ), Milford, CN
Provided technical support for IBM's academic and trade exhibitions in several cities across the country. Supplied hardware and
software support and configuration for users within IBM and dozens of their clients and grant beneficiary universities and colleges.
Extensive client interaction, user support, technical diagnostics, software and hardware debugging.
Other Training:
Developer 2000 Forms 4.5, Course II
ORACLE Corporation, Bethesda, MD
December 1997
Developer 2000 Reports 2.5
ORACLE Corporation, Bethesda, MD
October 1997
Designer/2000: Designing and Building Applications
ORACLE Corporation, Bethesda, MD
August 1996
SQLFORMS 3.0 to ORACLE FORMS 4.5 for Experienced
ORACLE Corporation, Vienna, VA
June 1995
Getting to Client-Server (PowerBuilder)
Powersoft Corporation, Rosslyn, VA
April 1994
SQL*FORMS V3.0 for V2.3 developers
STR Corporation, Rockville, MD
June 1991
The C Programming Language
Control Data Corporation, Rockville, MD
April 1989
Introduction to ORACLE for Developers
ORACLE Corporation, Bethesda, MD
April 1988