1-1 Variables and Expressions – Day 2 Algebra 1 Vocabulary: evaluate – Examples: 3) Evaluate each expression for a = 4, b = 7, and c = 2. A) b – c B) bc Check It Out! 3) Evaluate each expression for m = 3, n = 2, and p = 9. a) mn b) p – n c) p m Examples: 4A) Approximately eighty-five 20-ounce plastic bottles must be recycled to produce the fiberfill for a sleeping bag. Write an expression for the number of bottles needed to make s sleeping bags. 4B) Find the number of bottles needed to make 20, 50, and 325 sleeping bags. Writing Math: A replacement set is a set of numbers that can be substituted for a variable. The replacement set in Example 4 is (20, 50, and 325). Check It Out! 4a) To make on sweater, 63 twenty ounce plastic drink bottles must be recycled. Write an expression for the number of bottles needed to make s sweaters. 4b) Find the number of bottles need to make 15, 25, and 50 sweaters.