Lesson Plan Template


2012-2013 Week of___Dec.5.13_______ Student Page

Grade Level __6___Lesson Plan Template____


Lesson Title: Nutrition

AKS/CC Objectives,

Essential Question

AKS Booklet


F - Nutrition analyze environmental and societal barriers to healthy eating and explore strategies for overcoming these barriers (GPS)

(6HE_F2009-9) assess the nutritive value of various fast foods (6HE_F2009-10)

Standards of Learning : Definitions related to topic

Identify 6 Essential Nutrients

Identify the Food guide Pyramid

Identify the Food Guide Label



Teacher Input: (Model,

Background Knowledge etc)

Anticipatory Set :

At end of class SWBAT:

Day 1: Power point on definitions, sticky notes for favorite foods, poster

Day 2: power point on six Essential Nutrients, video, worksheet, CD power point

Day3 poster , video , book on food guide label

Day 4 power point on Food Guide pyramid, paper for project

Day 5 test

Day 1: What kinds of foods do you like?

Day 2: Are there foods you really need in your diet?

Day 3: Where do you go to find out the amounts of foods you should eat?

Day 4: How do we determine what kind of foods we should eat and how much?

Day 5: test

Day 1: Identify terms related to nutrition

Day 2: Identify the six essential Nutrients and foods in each classification.

Day 3: Identify the food Guide label and the important points regarding the food they are about to eat

Day 4: Identify the Food Guide Pyramid and the food groups .

Day5 ; Test and finish project

Day 1 – 4 discussion about experiences with food , why some foods are good and some not

Discussion on what kinds of noninfectious diseases can result from improper

Guided Practice:


(whole group, pair and share, elbow partners, etc)



Day 1: Writing vocabulary and discussion

Day 2: Groups identify nutrients and present to class

Day 3: Work in pairs to record information off the food guide label.

Day 4: Small group discusses Food Guide Pyramid and project

Day 5 test

Independent Practice:

(when you know you know)

Day 1: questions and answers regarding food

Day 2: maps for nutrients

Day 3: Make map for food guide label

Day 4: list food that are better for you than others

Move sticky note of food s on poster to healthy and unhealthy sides , depending on what they are

Personal experience, Health book , video , power point

Closure: Day 14 review definitions

Review concepts for each day

2012-2013 Week of____12.5..13_____ Student Page

Grade Level __7___Lesson Plan Template____


Lesson Title: Nutrition

AKS/CC Objectives,

Essential Question

AKS Booklet

: F - Nutrition examine the relationship between body image and weight control

(GPS) (7HE_F2009-10) examine the effects of unsafe weight-loss methods and the characteristics of a safe weight-loss program (GPS)


Standards of Learning : Identify related definitions

Identify 6 nutrients

Identify what fad diets are



Anticipatory Set :

At end of class SWBAT:

Teacher Input: (Model,

Background Knowledge etc)

Guided Practice: (whole group, pair and share, elbow partners, etc)

Identify the food guide pyramid

Identify various eating disorders

Identify the information on the food guide label

Identify how to find your daily calorie needs and BMI

Identify eating disorders and consequences

Day 1:Power point with related vocabulary

Day 2 :6 nutrients – map - worksheet on nutrients and puzzle, fad diet power point if time

Day 3: fad diet power point, food guide pyramid video, if time, power point on eating disorders

Day 4: Internet sites for caloric needs, metabolism.

BMI . sugar continue worksheets

Video on eating disorders

Food guide label - map

Day 5 test

Day 1: What are your favorite foods?

Day 2: How should we choose our foods and the amounts? What leads to fad dieting?

Day 3 : Do we all need the same amount of calories and why

Day 4: What are eating disorders and what are the causes? Have you ever experienced someone with and eating disorder?


Day 1: Identify related vocabulary.

Day 2: Identify the 6 nutrients. What is a fad diet is and why they are ineffective

Day3 : Identify the food guide pyramid

Day4: Identify the difference between Anorexia a, Bulimia, binge eating

Day 5 test

Day 1: power point with vocabulary

Day 2: Experiences with people who have gone on diets

Day 3: posters and video regarding food guide pyramid

Day4: Health book, video, discussion

Day 5 test

Day 1: Sticky note for favorite foods

Day 2: discussion nutrients and types of diets

Day3 : Discussion with class on holiday foods and why we gain weight over



FEEDBACK the holidays

Day 4 Discussion on why people have eating disorders -

Independent Practice:

(when you know you know)

Day 1: review definitions - circle map for nutrition

Day 2: mapping for 6 nutrients

Day3- 4 circle maps for holidays and food, eating disorders

Experiences, health book, videos

Closure: 1-4 review definitions and concepts from each day

2012-2013 Week of__12.5.12________ Student Page

Grade Level _8____Lesson Plan Template____ Content______

Lesson Title: Nutrition

AKS/CC Objectives,

Essential Question

AKS Booklet

: Nutrition assess personal diet using recommended adolescent dietary guidelines and recommend improvements (GPS)


Standards of Learning : Process of Digestion

Traditions with Food

6 Nutrients

Dietary guidelines for Americans , Caloric needs , BMI

Food guide pyramid

Food label

Eating disorders



Day 1:power point on vocabulary

Day 2:power point - take notes

Day3: Internet site for BMI and individual calorie intake, Food guide pyramid

Day 3 : Video on Eating disorders and make brochure - book

Day 4 : book for brochure on eating diorders

Day 5 : Test

Anticipatory Set :

At end of class SWBAT:

Day 1: What are your favorite food ? Are all foods created equal?

Day 2: Why is nutrition important to you?

Day 3 Do all people have the same calorie needs?

Day 4 What are eating disorders?


Day 1:Identify terms related to nutrition

Day 2: Identify basic concepts of good nutrition.

Day 3 Identify why people have different calorie needs and how to gain and lose weight

Day 4 Identify various eating disorders, why they happen and how to get help

Day 1-4: student experiences, book information

Teacher Input: (Model,

Background Knowledge etc)

Guided Practice:


(whole group, pair and share, elbow partners, etc)




Day 1:power point on vocabulary , graded vocabulary

Day 2:power point on concepts related to vocabulary, review for vocabulary

Day3:direction on groups and projects - review for notes and vocabulary

Day 4 review vocabulary , notes, group and projects

Day 5 test

Independent Practice:

(when you know you know)

Day 1: graded vocabulary

Day 2: review o n notes

Day 3-4 review on notes and projects

Day 5 - test

Experiences, health book, videos

Day 1-4 Review vocabulary words

Review notes
