3rd Grade Nutrition Lesson Plan: Why Your Body Needs Food

Teacher Candidate Shannon Hildebrandt
Grade Level 3rd Title Why Your Body Needs Food
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)
The contextual factors for my classroom are as follows, 20 students, 8 girls, and 12
boys, with approximately 25 percent of my students being ELs. I have 1 emergent
student and 4 intermediate levels of English proficiency. I have 1 student with an IEP
and he is pulled out several times a day.
WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and be able to do)
Content Walk-Away (SIOP #1: content objective):
Standard VI, objective 2: Identify nutrient groups and the key functions of each.
 Identify nutrient groups, i.e., proteins, fats, water, carbohydrates, vitamins,
 Name foods rich in key nutrients.
 Define the functions of basic nutrient groups.
Language Walk-Away (SIOP #2: language objective):
Student will use Nutrition key vocabulary word in listening, speaking, reading, and
writing as defined in this lesson.
 Summarize
 Compare and Contrast
 Draw Conclusions
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for learning)
Pre assessment, activity book pg 11(Harcourt Health and
Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
Modification for ESL
emergent level of proficiency,
as a class we will do the pre
and post assessment on the
Display the objective on the board and have the students
repeat it with you. Eating healthful foods is important to
good health.
Building Background/Interest
Use a KWL chart to link students’ experiences and past
learning to nutrition.
Introduce key vocabulary words: nutrition, nutrients, diet
Guided Instruction (“We do it”)
1. Discuss two ways animals provide food?
(Provide wait time)We eat animal meat and
products from animals, such as eggs and milk.
2. Discuss some animals that provide food for us to
eat. (Provide wait time). Students should name
the common ones, such as cows, sheep, pigs,
chicken, and fish, as well as others such as deer,
rabbits, ducks, goats, geese, frogs.
3. Read Why Your Body Needs Food by Harcourt
School Publishers.
Collaborative/Cooperative (“You do it together”)
4. In small groups, compare and contrast how
meats and vegetables are alike and different on a
5. As a class, summarize why food is important for
your body. Food has nutrients. You need
nutrients to give your body the energy you need
to grow and be active.
6. Interpret visuals-pictures; have a volunteer read
the captions to the story aloud.
7. Discuss how the use of diet, is used in the text,
differs from the way the word is commonly used
in conversations and in the media. To go on a
diet often means to eat less food or fewer
Accommodations (ELL
(indicate SIOP feature),
IEP, GATE, etc.)
Emergent student will be able
to see the objective as well as
repeat it with the class.
#7 Concepts explicitly linked
to students’ background
#8 Links explicitly made
between past learning and
new concepts.
#9 Key vocabulary words
#16 opportunity for interaction
and discussion between
teacher and other students.
#18 feedback provided to
#29 Regular feedback
provided to students on the
Emergent and intermediate
student can work in small
6 Meaningful activities,
reading, writing, listening and
#17 Grouping configurations
supports the language and
content objectives of the
8. Remind the student to eat a recommended
number of servings of a healthful diet usually
results in proper nutrition, the right number of
calories, and a healthful weight.
9. In small groups have each group study a nutrient
card and then teach what they learned to the
10.Ask the question, how can you be sure that you
are getting the nutrients you need? (Provide
wait time) By eating a variety of foods
containing each of the nutrients every day.
11.Compare and contrast, carbohydrates and
12.Draw conclusions, why is it important for you to
include many different kinds of foods in your
diet? The nutrients in different foods give your
body the energy you need to grow and be active.
13.Review key vocabulary words, nutrition;
nutrients; diet.
14.Post assessment, activity book pg. 11.
15.Close lesson with a photo story.
Materials to have ready?
Nutrition video story
Compare and Contrast handouts
Nutrient cards
Approximate time needed for lesson? 30 minutes
28 Comprehension review of
key content concepts.
#27 Comprehension review of
key vocabulary words
#30 Assessment of student
comprehension and learning.