The Covenant-Making God & YWAM

How a God-initiated, destiny defining vision
continues to shape our church
 Amos 3:7: “surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing
without revealing his plan to his servants the
prophets. Amos 3:7
 Prophetic words: “reassure God’s people that this is
Him at work. They help us to embrace what God is
doing in that hour rather than oppose and miss out.”
(page 31)
 Mike Bickle, Bob Jones, Cindy Jacobs, Larry
Randolph, James Ryle, Marc Dupont etc. all spoke
Into the timing of the Toronto Blessing.
 b’rith (284 times in the OT)
The Narrator
29 Other Sources
 diatheke (33 times in the NT)
 Essentially do-able
 obey, keep, enter into, renew, remember, confirm,
hold fast to, observe, guard, pledge yourself to, not
violate, be faithful to, do
 break, violate, not keep, abandon, not obey, pretend
to obey, refuse to obey, reject, forget, forsake, defile,
 As we reflect on the story of our church, Jubilee
people often point primarily to our historical vision
and values as the unifying, identity-creating factors
which give our apostolic corporate cohesion amidst
great diversity. This is as it should be. But to really
fully understand who we are and whom God has
called us to be, we must look not only to our vision
and values, but also to the covenant-making ways of
A Covenant-Making God
 A God-initiated
 B Destiny-defining encounters.
 1 promise-giving (blessings & curses: Deut 28)
 2 vison-clarifying: Abraham Gen. 12:1-3; 15:17-19;
 3 responsibility-imparting
 4 carrying multi-generational implications
A Covenant-Keeping God
 Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is
indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his
covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his
unfailing love on those who love him and obey his
(Deu 7:9)
 O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like you in all
of heaven above or on the earth below. You keep
your covenant and show unfailing love to all who
walk before you in wholehearted devotion.
(1Ki 8:23 & 2Ch 6:14)
Covenant-Keeping God
 O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God
who keeps his covenant of unfailing love with those
who love him and obey his commands, listen to my
(Neh 1:5-6)
 And now, our God, the great and mighty and
awesome God, who keeps his covenant of unfailing
love, do not let all the hardships we have suffered
seem insignificant to you.
(Neh 9:32)
 O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You
always fulfill your covenant and keep your promises
of unfailing love to those who love you and obey
your commands.
(Dan 9:4)
Covenant Renewal Events
 c. 1447: God makes covenant at Sinai/Horeb
 c. 1407: Moses (Deut 29:1-30:20): ratifies the covenant at Moab
(just before he dies)
 c. 1380: Joshua (Jos 24:1-28): ratifies the covenant at Shechem
(just before he dies)
 .c. 896: Asa of Judah (2Ch 15:1-18)
 c. 835: Jehoida the Priest (2Ki 11:4-12:2; 2Ch 23:1-24:2)
 c. 716 BC: Hezekiah of Judah (2Ch 29:3-31:21)
 c. 632-622: Josiah of Judah (2Ki 22:3-23:25; 2Ch 34:1-35:19)
 c. 597: Zedekiah of Judah (Jer 34:8-22)
 c. 536: exiles returning to Jerusalem from Babylon (Jer 50:1-10)
 c. 458: Ezra and Shecaniah (Ezr 9:1-10:17, nb 10:3
Covenant Renewal Events
 A Man-initiated Ps. 51:1. 16-18
 B Destiny re-engaging events
1 choice-clarifying (life & death) Joshua 24.21-24
2 vison-reaffirming
3 responsibility-embracing (repentance)
4 aligning with the implications of God’s good & perfect
The Three Waves:
Covenant Made
 A. God-initiated
 B. Destiny-defining
 The first wave would be
 1. promise-giving
characterized by new
(blessings & curses)
wine, which would
 2. vison-clarifying
release refreshment, joy
and produce humility in
 3. responsibilityimparting
the body of Christ. God
will speak impossible
 4. carrying multigenerational
things during this time.
(page 35)
The Second Wave:
Covenant Made
 A. God-initiated
 B. Destiny-defining
 The second wave would encounters.
 1. promise-giving
be a wave of fire. This
(blessings & curses)
would be a time of
 2. vison-clarifying
conviction, passion,
holiness, evangelism,
 3. responsibilityimparting
signs and wonders.
 4. carrying multi(pg 35)
Third Wave:
 B. Destiny-defining
Covenant Made
 A. God-initiated
 1. promise-giving
 The third wave would
(blessings & curses)
be characterized by
 2. vison-clarifying
wind, which would
 3. responsibilityrelease a significant
increase of miracles and
 4. carrying multiangelic activity. This
would lead to the end of
the age and the return of
Christ for His Bride.
 1. Worship: Cultivatin
g, living and abiding in
the Glory and Presence
of God in
worship. (John1:14;
John 15)
 2. Prayer: Exercising
fervent prayer and
intercession. (James
5:16; Amos 9:11)
 3. Healing: Facilitating
healing of Spirit, Soul
and Body. (1
Thessalonians 5:23)
 4. Prophecy: Hearing
the voice of God and
pursuing Prophecy. (1
Corinthians 14:1)
 5. Equipping: Equippi
ng in the Word of
God. (Ephesians 4:1113)
 6. Outreach: Fulfilling
the Great Commission
outside the
church. (Luke 4:18)
 7. Community: Walki
ng in unified
relationship and
community with one
another. (John 17:22-
God’s & Man’s Part
Covenant Made
 A. God-initiated
 B. Destiny-defining
 1. promise-giving
(blessings & curses)
 2. vison-clarifying
 3. responsibilityimparting
 4. carrying multigenerational
Covenant Renewed
 A. Man-initiated
 B. Destiny re-engaging
 1. choice-clarifying
(life & death)
 2. vison-reaffirming
 3. responsibilityembracing (repentance)
 4. aligning with the
implications of God’s
good & perfect will
Jubilee Core Values
 The Presence of God
 God's Unconditional
Delight in Us
 Hearing God's Voice
 Intimacy with God
 Healing & Restoration
 Living Prepared for
Jesus Return
 An Attitude of
 A Lifestyle of
Worship & Prayer
 An Attitude of
 Demonstrating
Unconditional Love
 That You Are
Important & Valuable
 Equipping for
Our Covenant Renewals
 1. Worship: Cultivating, living and abiding in the Glory
and Presence of God in worship. (John 1:14; John 15)
 2. Prayer: Exercising fervent prayer and
intercession. (James 5:16; Amos 9:11)
 3. Healing: Facilitating healing of Spirit, Soul and
Body. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
 4. Prophecy: Hearing the voice of God and pursuing
Prophecy. (1 Corinthians 14:1)
 5. Equipping: Equipping in the Word of God. (Ephesians
 6. Outreach: Fulfilling the Great Commission outside the
church. (Luke 4:18)
 7. Community: Walking in unified relationship and
community with one another. (John 17:22-23)
God’s & Man’s Part
Covenant Made
 A. God-initiated
 B. Destiny-defining
 1. promise-giving
(blessings & curses)
 2. vison-clarifying
 3. responsibilityimparting
 4. carrying multigenerational
Covenant Renewed
 A. Man-initiated
 B. Destiny re-engaging
 1. choice-clarifying
(life & death)
 2. vison-reaffirming
 3. responsibilityembracing (repentance)
 4. aligning with the
implications of God’s
good & perfect will
Jubilee’s Covenant
 Covenant of “love” coming out of brokeness and feeling
 Ken Gott: “We fell in love with Jesus all over again. He
took His place at the centre of our lives, and
subsequently our church family. He became our first
love. He healed our hearts and we found we had come
home. From Here to the Nations, forward page 1.
 Dr. Che Ahn: “I had a radical enounter with God! There
was a deep healing in my heart.
 A God-inspired; destiny-defining encounter
Jubilee’s Covenant
 It was about nobodies ushering in a move of God that
would rock the world.
 It was about a river of life flowing until the King comes
back to claim His Kingdom.
 To was about a call to the Nations to bring renewal and
revival on the earth.
 It was a call to healing the broken and setting the
captives free.
 It was about the Father Heart of God and intimacy.
Our Covenant Renewals
 What’s next? What can we do as spiritual elders to
make sure that we continue (and indeed be
increasingly more fruitful) in our call
To love everyone
To renew our covenant.
To come back to God’s River.
To press on to fulfill the all’s and every’s of the Great
 … and how wonderful when we do fulfill God’s
destiny-defining initiative over our lives. “
Psalm 16
2 I said to the LORD, “You are my Master! Every good thing
I have comes from you.” 3 The godly people in the land are
my true heroes! I take pleasure in them! … 5 LORD, you
alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all
that is mine. 6 The land you have given me is a pleasant
land. What a wonderful inheritance! 7 I will bless the LORD
who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. 8 I
know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for
he is right beside me. 9 No wonder my heart is glad, and I
rejoice. My body rests in safety … 11 You will show me the
way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the
pleasures of living with you forever.