Analogy Review 2

Analogy Review
Directions: Since we have taken a break from analogies, we are going to review. On each line, write the letter or letters
that describe the type of relationship the words have to each other. Choose from the following relationships in the right
hand column writing down the proper initials in the blank. Examples and explanations will help give you hints and clues
to the possible answer.
1. Conference: Meeting ____
2. Descendant: Ancestor____
The words have the same meaning.
Example: Find: Locate
3. Vegetable: Garden ____
4. Fork: Utensil ____
5. Anger: Rage____
6. Break: Repair____
7. Disturb: Bother ____
8. Rash: Careful ____
9. Brilliant: Bright ____
10. Red: Color____
11. Celebrate: Grieve ____
12. Boat: Ocean ____
13. Trot: Gallop ____
14. Steel: Hard ____
15. Maple: Tree ____
16. Surprised: Shocked ____
17. Rubber band: Stretchy ____
The words have an opposite meaning.
Example: Grow: Shrink
The word “belongs” in this place. Example:
Moose: Forest.
These words are not the exact same but are
part of that word grouping. Example:
Chuckle: Laugh.
The first word is part of a large group or
category. Example: Dictionary: Book.
Characteristic Quality:
One of the words describes the other.
Example: Circle: Round.
Analogy Review
Directions: Since we have taken a break from analogies, we are going to review. On each line, write the letter or letters
that describe the type of relationship the words have to each other. Choose from the following relationships in the right
hand column writing down the proper initials in the blank. Examples and explanations will help give you hints and clues
to the possible answer.
1. Handlebar: Bike ____
2. Diet: Weight Loss ____
Cause and Effect:
3. Knife: Cut ____
Because of ______, this could happen.
4. Singer: Microphone ____
Example: Rain: Flood.
5. Wash: Dishes ____
6. Shoes: Protect ____
Part and Whole:
7. Collar: Jacket ____
The first word has to be part of a tangible
8. Salesperson: Sell ____
object. Example: Chapter: Book.
9. Student: Notebook ____
10. Close: Door ____
11. Trunk: Elephant ____
It is the object’s purpose. The object has to
12. Person: Crowd ____
be listed first. Example: Pen: Write.
13. Teeth: Bite ____
14. Boredom: Yawn ____
Performer and Action:
15. Storm: Damage ____
Example: Author: Write
Performer and Object:
Example: Cashier: Cash
Action and Object:
Action has to be listed first. Example: Boil:
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