Lesson Plan - EllieTixierEdAcademy

Ellie Tixier
Lesson Plan
1) Class Information
a) Literature/Analogies
b) 35 minutes (I have a study hall class so my teacher wanted me to keep it shorter
so the students to still be able to do their homework and she could help them.)
c) 7th and 8th grade special education
2) Objective
a) Students will be able to make comparisons between concepts by themselves and
fill in the correct analogy on the Thanksgiving worksheet without help from
3) Materials
a) Chalkboard, Thanksgiving worksheet
4) Procedure
a) Anticipatory Set
i) Put words on board that have easy relationships. (warm and hot- bird and flyremember and past- yes and no)
ii) Ask students why these words go together
b) Lesson Objective and Rational
i) Tell students that we need to understand analogies to see relationships
between different words that we may not know.
ii) Give example of word they may not know: (EX. You may no know what he
word cold means but if you know it is the opposite of hot then you can better
understand the meaning)
c) Instructional Input
i) Explain to students that an analogy shows a relationship between words.
ii) Explain that analogies can help them learn new words if they first determine
the relationship between the words.
iii) Write on the chalkboard up:down :: hot:cold
iv) Ask students to read analogy aloud
v) Explain that the double colon splits the analogy into two parts.
vi) The first part is the left-hand side of the double colon, "up:down," and the
second part is the right-hand side, "hot:cold."
vii) Ask them what relationship they see between both sets of words (antonyms).
viii) Explain that the relationship that exists between the words in the first part
is exactly the same as the relationship that exists between the words in the
second part.
ix) One-way to read this analogy is, "Up is the opposite of down, just as hot is the
opposite of cold."
x) Explain to students that there are a number of relationships that can be shown
through analogies. (Part to whole-Cause to effect-Antonyms-SynonymsDefinitions-Item to category-Time sequence-Category-Object to Use-Product
to Producer)
d) Checking for Understanding
i) Write on board: Foot is to animal as _________________ is to truck. Ask
students to come up and fill in the blank. (Invite: invitation::
create;_____creation_____.) (Snow: White:: Blood:___red____) (Pleasure:
Smile :: Pain:_____frown_)
e) Guided Practice
i) Give examples with different answers and help children eliminate answers
until they get the right answer:
December is to winter as September is to _______________. (Spring, Cooler,
School, autumn)
Good is to better as cool is to _______________. (Cold, good, cooler, warm)
Water is to liquid as ice is to _______________. (Snow, freezing, solid, slippery)
Milk is to refrigerator as ice cream is to _______________. (Flavors, scoop,
frozen, freezer)
Fahrenheit is to Thirty-two as Celsius is to _______________. (Zero, degrees,
freezing, thermometer)
Rain is to drop as snow is to _______________. (Flake, shovel, storm, white)
f) Independent Practice
i) Give students Thanksgiving analogy worksheet. The students will fill in or
circle the correct answer for the analogy given.
g) Closure
i) Review the different relationships between the different analogies. . (Part to
whole-Cause to effect-Antonyms-Synonyms-Definitions-Item to categoryTime sequence-Category-Object to Use-Product to Producer)
ii) Remind them that analogies are all about the relationships between words.
h) Evaluation
i) Student Evaluation
(1) Evaluate students' understanding by assessing their work when coming up
to the board to fill in the analogies and when observing the students when
trying to eliminate the wrong answers to find the correct one.
(2) I will also grade the Thanksgiving worksheet that they completed for