Three-Step Method for Solving Analogies Problems The best way to solve analogies problems is to attack them using this universal method. Each of the following steps outlined in our Five-Step Method will work with any analogy you may encounter, regardless of the relationship shared between the word pair. Step 1: Build a strong bridge sentence relating the words in the question pair. The bridge should be as short and clear as possible. Function Bridge: SHOVEL : DIG 1) bag : buy 2) baby : cry 3) cloud : rain 4) fork : eat 5) car : stop In the question, the question pair is SHOVEL : DIG. First, think about a necessary relationship shared between this pair: A shovel is used to dig. *Remember, no proper analogies question will put words in the question pair that do not share a direct and necessary relationship. Step 2: Now, use this bridge with each answer choice, inserting them in place of the words in the question pair. 1) A bag is used to buy. Perhaps, but this is not necessarily true. You may use a shopping cart to buy something. Or, you may use money to buy something. So this doesn’t work. 2) A baby is used to cry. This doesn’t work; a baby isn’t used to do anything. 3) A cloud is used to rain.. A cloud produces rain, but a cloud isn’t used to rain. Again, a cloud isn’t necessarily used to do anything. 4) A fork is used to eat. Here we have a strong relationship. A fork is definitely used to eat. This seems to be the correct answer, but let’s try the last one just to make sure. 5) A car is used to stop.. One of the operations of a car is to stop. However, a car is not necessarily used to stop. A car is used to travel, or to transport. So, this doesn’t work. Therefore, answer choice #4 must be the correct answer. Step 3: If after completing steps 1 and 2 you still have not found an answer pair that works, then it may be necessary to adjust the bridge sentence. Let’s look back at our original example: Function Bridge:: 1) bag : buy 2) baby : cry 3) cloud : rain 4) fork : eat 5) car : stop It may be that our original bridge was not strong enough. Imagine if our bridge was: A shovel may be used to dig. Now, it is possible to come up with two correct answers: 1)) A bag may be used to buy.. 4)) A fork may be used to eat.. Our original bridge wasn’t strong enough. Therefore, we need to strengthen our bridge by making it more specific, and repeat steps 1and 2. Function Bridge Examples: Synonyms- words that have the same meaning ex: happy is to joy as wash is to clean pupil: student, courageous: brave Antonyms-words that have opposite meanings ex: hot is to cold, as clean is to dirty start: finish, fact: opinion Part / Whole: an item is part of a whole object ex: stem is to flower as trunk is to tree leg: chair, shade: lamp Function / Purpose: something is used to do something ex: keyboard is to type, as telephone is to call, paintbrush; paint, pen: write Object and Group or Classification: something belongs in a larger, classified group ex: Knife is to weapon, as red is to color pants: clothing, fork: silverware, wolf & pack, tree & forest, seagull & flock Object and Location: objects and their related logical location ex: plane & hangar, dog & doghouse, tree & forest Problem and Solution: presents a problem and then a solution to the problem ex: itch & scratch, unemployment & job application, tired & sleep Cause and Effect: presents something and then presents what causes it ex.spin & dizzy, fire & burn, read & learn Object and Related Object: the words mentioned in the example are all related to each other in some way or another ex: cat & kitten, plant & seed, dog & puppy, brother & sister, aunt & uncle Performer and Action: compares a person to the action they perform ex: painter & paint, soldier & to fight, scientist & to research Sequence: compares items to which they are performed in order ex: peel : eat :: pour : drink, numerical (second : third :: ninth : tenth) Assignment: Nowyou try some. Type in the function bridge statement and type for each analogy and then identify each answer: Write a statement for each answer to justify your answer in the “why” blank. Example: Cheer : Happy A. gloom : sad B. knowledge : study C. luck : gamble D. food : hungry E. satisfaction : work 1. Function Bridge Statement: You cheer when you are happy_____ Type: synonym____________ Why: You are show gloom when you are sad, mean same thing seek : find :: stumble : ______ Function Bridge Statement: __________________________ a. fall b. yell Type: ________________________ Why? __________________________________________ c. walk d. look 2. 1. camera : photograph :: ruler : _______. Function Bridge Statement: ___________________ a. inch Type: ________________________ b. foot Why? __________________________________________ c. picture d. measure 3. month : week : : year : _____ Function Bridge Statement: __________________________ a. time Type: ________________________ b. month Why? __________________________________________ c. decade d. century 4. Cup is to coffee as bowl is to a. dish. Function Bridge Statement: _____________________ Type: ________________________ b. soup. Why? ______________________________________ c. spoon. d. food 5. Admit : Deny A. innocent : guilty B. scholar : accurate C. deer : woods D. hire : worker E. question : scold Function Bridge Statement: _________________________ Type: ________________________ Why? __________________________________________ 6. orange : color :: elephant : ______ Function Bridge Statement: ______________________ a. food Type: ________________________ b. yellow Why?________________________________________ c. animal d. region For 7-17 Write one example of an analogy that you create on your own for each analogy function type. Explain the relationship for each of your examples. Example: Synonym: happy: glad, Giggle: laugh Happy and glad are the same, giggle and laugh are the same, have same meaning and are synonyms 7. Synonym- 8. Antonym- 9. Part / Whole: 10. Function / Purpose: 11. Object and Related Object: 12. Performer and Action: 13. Object and Group or Classification: 14. Object and Location: 15. Problem and Solution: 16. Cause and Effect: 17. Sequence: Create your own analogies for 18-20 using any type and explain the relationship for the pairs. State the type of each example. 18. 19. 20.