Geography Field Work

Geography Field Work
Farmland proposal
Route of Group 2
Route of
Group 2
Route of Group 4
Route of
Group 4
Location of the farm
Area of the farm
We adopt a diversified land-use zoning
besides traditional arable land.
The whole farm will consist of arable
lands, greenhouses, windmills,
laboratories, orchards, water-pipes
networks and solar energy plates.
The total area of the farm will be
Locational advantages
Large open space for construction of
transport network or complex for the
Fertile soil is favourable to diversification
of crop species.
Streams supply adequate irrigation water.
Sun shining and windy high land for
generating solar and wind energy.
High accessibility under convenient
Soil characteristics of site O4
Colour: Dark Grey
pH Value: 7(neutral)
Water Content: 14%
Average Temperature: 32.7’C
Soil texture: Sandy loam
(66% sand; 18% silt; 16% clay)
Soil Nutrient: Deflected in nitrogen;
Sufficient in phosphorous;
Sufficient in potassium
Soil characteristics of site A4
Colour: Brown
pH Value: 7(neutral)
Water Content: 8%
Average Temperature: 30.3’C
Soil texture:
Sandy loam
(60% sand; 29% silt; 11% clay)
Soil Nutrient: Deflected in nitrogen;
Sufficient in phosphorous;
Surplus in potassium
Soil characteristics of site O2
Colour: Brown
pH Value: 7(neutral)
Water Content: 8%
Average Temperature: 29.6’C
Soil texture: Sandy loam
(65% sand; 19% silt; 16% clay)
Soil Nutrient: Deflected in nitrogen;
Deflected in phosphorous;
Surplus in potassium
Soil characteristics of site A2
Colour: Dark Grey
pH Value: 6.5(slightly acidic)
Water Content: 6%
Average Temperature: 31.7’C
Soil texture:
Sandy loam
(63% sand; 27% silt; 10% clay)
Soil Nutrient: Deflected in nitrogen;
Adequate in phosphorous;
Sufficient in potassium
Ways to improve the soil
Planting leguminous
plant in order to
increase the nitrogen
Adding compost to
the soil in order to
increase the organic
matter and its fertility
Fertilizers can be
used to improve the
quality of the soil
pH Range of Crops
As the soil of the sites are sandy loam
with neutral pH value, a wide range of
crops can be grown if the nitrogen
content in the soil is improved. For
instance, rye, sweet clover, sorghum,
sugar maple, black walnut etc.
Apart from neutral pH value, site A2 is
slightly acidic, we can grow various kinds
of plant like wheat, corn, soybean, apple,
tomato etc.
The details and reasons for
our farming system
There are 6 parts of our farming system at total.
These include the solar and wind power stations,
the orchards, greenhouses, irrigation network,
biotechnology laboratory for mixed cropping
and manufacturing process.
In fact, our farming system is decided with
making full use of the geographical advantages
of Mr. Kwok’s land.
Pie chart of the land use
Solar and wind
power station
The main reason for the setting of our
farming system is for the sustainable
A successful sustainable development
comprises 3 main elements: The balance
and integration of economic development,
environmental conservation and social
So, the constructions like the solar and
wind power stations for renewable energy
source are all environmental-friendly.
Also, the orchards and biotechnology
farm are for producing profitable
vegetables and fruits for local and
overseas consumption. This is so-called
economic development.
 On the other hand, the manufacturing
process will take place in the farm, so
the transport cost and processing cost
can be reduced. This is also for a
higher economic return.
Eco-farming techniques
We use organic fertilizers to enhance soil
fertility in our farm land, for example,
animal waste, litter, limestone, etc.
Also, we use chemical fertilizers properly
like superphosphere and triple
superphosphere . By adding appropriate
chemical fertilizers can increase soil
fertilizer, and environment will not be
seriously affected.
Besides traditional farming
methods, we also use
greenhouse to plant
vegetables and flowers,
which have a high market
Laboratory is built in order
that new species of plants
and farming methods can be
developed, for instance,
hybrid seeds, genetic
modified vegetables, and
hydroponic farming method.
Most of the electricity in our
farm is supplied by wind and
solar energy, instead of
burning fossil fuels. By using
these kinds of renewable
energy, environment will not
be deteriorated, and energy
can be regenerated.
Besides adding
fertilizers, planting
mulch between crops is
another method to
increase soil fertilizer.
At the same time, we
adopt crops
diversification, so that
different nutrient of the
land can be absorbed.
Planting leguminous
plant in order to
increase the nitrogen
Ploughing is one of the
eco-farming methods.
After harvesting, some
plants’ roots may
remain in the soil.
Through the process of
ploughing, the
remaining roots will be
destroyed and mixed
with the soil, so that the
roots can be regarded
as one kind of organic
fertilizers. This type of
techniques will also be
used in our farm.
Favourable places to develop
renewable energy
Both solar energy and wind
power will be developed .
Wind turbines will be placed
at the eastern part of Mr.
Kowk ‘s land.
The sea in the east with local
wind facilitates the
development of wind power
In day time, the onshore sea
breeze will blow from the
sea to the land. At night,
offshore land breeze will
blow from the land to the
sea. The local wind, hence,
can generate large amount
of wind power.
In developing the use of solar
energy, solar panel will be
established along the eastern
coast line of the island.
The are limitations in the inland,
for example, it receives little
insolation because the
vegetation cover block the solar
However, with less vegetation,
the eastern coast of the region
receives more insolation and
therefore it is better for the solar
panels to be built along the
eastern coast line.
Accessibility and the relief for
Talking about the accessibility, most of
the facilities are located at the eastern
coast, and they are linked with footpath.
Also, the relief of the locations of the
facilities are within 10m to 20m, so that it
is not difficult for the construction there.
Scale of the renewable energy facilities
Along the eastern coast, a large scale of
facilities will be built.
Approximately 20% of the region will be
used for the generation of renewable
The energy generated by such a large
scale facilities will be supporting other
facilities in the region. For examples, the
lab for research and development, the
greenhouses, irrigation networks.
The different sections of Mr.
Kwok’s farm
Area A2, A4, O2, O4 will be developed as
A lab for R&D (research and development) will
be constructed at site X.
Greenhouses will be built at site Y.
In order to use renewable energy, solar and wind
energy stations will be established at site Z.
(windmills and solar panels will be set up along
the eastern coast line.)
Group members
Group 2:
Ryan Luk (Group Leader)
Andrew Li
Ivory Cheong
Kin Tang
Group 4:
Benny Lai (Group Leader)
Janice Pang
Joyce Ng
Max Lau
Gary Chan
Thank you!!!