Model of MIS & Leading Research Presented By: Chris Diller Hoon Cha Matt Jensen Tom Meservy Wei Chang Sidd Kaza Rob Schumaker Cuiping Chen Jun Liu Wei Wei Jeff Correll Ying Liu Ming Yuan Sanghu Gite Iljoo Kim Mike Zhong Joel Helquist Jian Ma Ling Zhu MIS 696A — Readings in MIS (Nunamaker) University of Arizona — Eller College of Business Department of Management Information Sciences Overview Problem Definition Model the MIS domain Framework for characterizing the results of research Research Objectives Build on the prior mappings Identify the top academic researchers and research papers Classify the top research papers Display the landmark events for each discipline in a timeline format. 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 2 Basic MIS Model MIS Foundations Engineering Management Decision Sciences Human-Computer Interaction Database Computer Science Social Science Artificial Intelligence MIS Sub-domains Economics of Informatics Social Informatics Systems Analysis & Design Economics Applied Mathematics 10 December 2003 Collaboration Communication Psychology MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 3 Framework Rigor vs. Relevance: Referring to the utilization of research methods that are mathematical in nature and generally feature tightly controlled experiments (rigor) … or the general applicability of the research for practitioners (relevance). Technical vs. Behavioral: Referring to the positivist philosophy (technical) … or interpretivist philosophy (behavioral) that guided the scientific discovery process or methods employed. Theory Rigor Behavioral Theory vs. Application: Referring to the characterization of an environment or set of conditions (theory) … or the use of theory to develop a usable solution (application). 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project Technical Relevance Application 4 Visual Framework Theory Rigorous Behavioral Theory Rigorous Technical Theory Rigor Behavioral Technical Rigorous Behavioral Application Relevant Behavioral Theory Relevant Technical Theory Relevant Behavioral Application Relevant Technical Application Rigorous Technical Application Relevance Application 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 5 Research Methodology Sources used to identify key research papers Faculty interviews (incl. face-to-face interviews, telephone surveys, and e-mail questionnaires) Prior years' final projects Reading lists from related courses at various universities Internet & library database searches. Primary methods used to prioritize papers Faculty opinion Citation counts Relative journal quality measures Third-party evaluations/critiques of the works (e.g. – university and/or researcher websites) 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 6 Artificial Intelligence 1956 McCarthy coins the term "Artificial Intelligence" 1972 A Model of Evolutionary Change in Proteins 1967 Successful knowledge-based program: Dendral is built 1956 1967 1972 1995 1997 1999 – – – – – – 10 December 2003 1995 Bayesian method developed for determining atomic positions 1990 Basic Local Alignment Search Tool 1999 EcoCyc: The Resource and the Lessons Learned 1997 Deep Blue chess program beats Kasparov 2002 Accomplishments and challenges in literature data mining for biology John McCarthy coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” The successful knowledge-based program: Dendral is built PAM technique: A model of evolutionary change in Proteins Bayesian method developed for determining atomic positions The Deep Blue chess program beats Garry Kasparov EcoCyc is built to query and explore the genetics of E.Coli MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 7 Artificial Intelligence Seminal Works Rigorous Technical Theory A Probabilistic Approach to Determining Biological Structure: Integrating Uncertain Data Sources Relevant Technical Application Relevant Technical Theory Automatic Structuring and Retrieval of Large Text Files Altman, R. B. International Journal Human-Computer Studies; 42; 1995;pp. 593-616 Salton, G.; Allen, J.; Buckley, C. Communications of the ACM; 37(2); 1994; pp. 97 – 108 What are Ontologies, and Why Do We Need Them? Chandrasekaran, B.; Josephson, J.; Benjamins, R. IEEE Intelligent Systems; 14(1); 1999; pp. 20 – 26. 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 8 Artificial Intelligence Key Researchers Herbert A. Simon (1916-2001) John McCarthy Carnegie Mellon University Nobel Prize winner in Economics Stanford University Father of AI Gerard Salton (1927-1995) Cornell University Natural-language processing 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 9 Collaboration 1971 Delphi method proposed as meaningful group communication structure. 1987 Foundation for study of GSS 1987 Collab used at Xerox labs 1971 1987 1987 1991 1991 1996 – – – – – – 10 December 2003 1991 Benfits and drawbacks of GSS established 1996 Groupware Grid proposed 1991 Communication requirements for group support established Delphi method proposed as group communication structure Collaboration used at Xerox labs Foundation for the study of GSS Communication requirements for group support established Benefits and drawbacks of GSS established Groupware Grid proposed MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 10 Collaboration Seminal Works Relevant Behavioral Application Nunamaker, J.F.; Dennis, A.; Valacich, J.; Vogel, D.; George, J. Communications of the ACM; 34(7); 1991; pp. 40 – 61. A Foundation for the Study of Group Decision Support Systems Rigorous Behavioral Theory Relevant Behavioral Application Electronic Meeting Systems to Support Group Work DeSanctis, G.; Gallupe, R. Management Science; 33(5); 1987; pp. 589 – 609. Lessons from a Dozen Years of Group Support Systems Research: A Discussion of Lab and Field Findings Nunamaker, J.F.; Briggs, R.; Mittleman, D.; Vogel, D.; Balthazard, P. Journal of Management Information Systems; 13(3); Winter 1996-1997; pp. 163 – 207. 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 11 Collaboration Key Researchers Jay F. Nunamaker Gerardine DeSanctis University of Arizona Founder of GroupSystems, U of A MIS Department Duke University Ph.D. Advisor for R. B. Gallupe R. Brent Gallupe Queens University (Ontario, Canada) 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 12 Database 1960's and 1970's Hierarchical, network, and relational technologies develop 1960 Magnetic disks replace magnetic tape drives 1961 IDS created 1960 1961 1970 1973 1976 1980 – – – – – – 10 December 2003 1970 Network database model continues 1960's Foundation of relational databases Late 80's 1990's Object oriented Object-Relational technologies emerge technology is the trend 1973 Ingres developed 1970 E.F. Codd's article on relational databases 1980 Oracle creates first database built on SQL 1995 First object oriented dbms COBOL established IDS developed E.F. Codd published article on relational technology Michael Stonebraker developed Ingres / IBM with System R Peter Chen and Entity-Relationship model First database built on SQL (Oracle) 1976 Honeywell launches first commercial product based on relational technology MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 13 Database Seminal Works Rigorous Technical Application Codd, E.F. Communications of the ACM; 13(6); 1970; pp. 377 – 387. The Entity-Relationship Model—Toward a Unified View of Data Rigorous Technical Theory Relevant Technical Application A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Bank Chen, P. ACM Transactions on Database Systems; 1976; Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 9 – 36. The Design and Implementation of INGRES Stonebraker, M. ACM Transactions on Database Systems; 1976, Vol. 1, Issue. 3. 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 14 Database Key Researchers Edgar F. Codd (1923-2003) Peter Pin-Shan Chen Last at IBM San Jose research lab Founder of relational database technology Louisiana State University 35th most cited article in computer science Michael Stonebraker University of California at Berkeley Founder of INGRES 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 15 Decision Science 1980 Framework for DSS 1996 Emergence of E-Commerce 1987 Foundation of GDSS 1980 1987 1996 1997 2000 2001 – – – – – – 10 December 2003 1997 Focus Shifts from OM to SCM 2000 Proof of 2-Player Zero-Sum Stochastic Game Equilibrium 2001 Convergence of E-Commerce and SCM Framework for DSS Developed, Ralph Sprague Foundation of GDSS, Gerry DeSanctis and Brent Gallupe Emergence of E-Commerce, Vladimir Zwass Shift from OM to SCM, Lee, Padmanabhan, and Whang Proof of 2-Player Zero Sum Game Equilibrium, Vieille Convergence of E-Commerce and SCM, Lee and Whang MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 16 Decision Science Key Articles and Seminal Works Relevant Technical Application Sprague, R. MIS Quarterly; 4(4); 1980; pp. 1 – 26. Two-Player Stochastic Games I: A Reduction Rigorous Behavioral Theory Relevant Technical Application A Framework for the Development of Decision Support Systems Vieille, N. Israel Journal of Mathematics; 119; 2000; pp. 55 – 91. E-Fulfillment: Winning the Last Mile of E-Commerce Lee, H.; Whang, S. Sloan Management Review; 42(4); 2001; pp. 75-90. 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 17 Decision Science Key Researchers Ralph Sprague Hau Lee University of Hawaii at Manoa DSS, Framework for the Development of DSS Stanford University Operations Research & SCM, The Bullwhip Effect Haim Mendelson Stanford University eCommerce, Strong mathematical background 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 18 Economics of Informatics 1985 Pricing of computer services 1987 Theories of electronic markets 1985 1988 1993 1999 1999 1996 Economics of E-commerce Business 1988 Switching Costs and Lock-in Theories – – – – – 10 December 2003 1993 Productivity paradox of IT 1998 Versioning of information 1999 Economics of Global IT 1999 Bundling of Information goods Pricing of computer services Switching costs and lock-in theories Productivity paradox of IT Bundling of information goods Economics of global IT MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 19 Economics of Informatics Seminal Works Relevant Behavioral Theory Coase, R.H. Economica; 4(16); 1937; pp. 386-405. Pricing Computer Services – Queuing Effects Rigorous Behavioral Theory Rigorous Technical Theory The Nature of the Firm Mendelson, H. Communications of the ACM; 28(3); 1985; pp. 312-321. The Productivity Paradox of Information Technology Brynjolsson, E. Communications of the ACM; 35(12); 1993; pp. 66-67. 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 20 Economics of Informatics Key Researchers Erik Brynjolfsson Haim Mendelson Massachusetts Institute of Technology Key paper on bundling information goods Stanford University Key paper on queuing effects Ronald H. Coase University of Chicago The Nature of the Firm & Coase’s Theorem 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 21 Human-Computer Interaction July 1962 Licklider outlines "Man-Computer Symbiosis" goals June 1945 Vannevar Bush's "As We May Think" 1952 Englebart begins defining info manipulation problems 1962 Engelbart's "Augmenting Human Intellect" framework 1965 First "computer mouse" unveiled (SRI) 1963 Sutherland's "SketchPad" Ph.D. Thesis 1977 Xerox PARC explores WYSIWYG displays 1975 David Canfield Smith coins term "icons" 1983 Schniederman's "Direct Manipulation" (IEEE Computer) August 1977 "ZOG: A Man-Machine Communication Philosophy" (CMU) HCI research … responsible for growth/popularity of computing Research Products = Hypertext … Mouse … Windows GUI Format Design Issues (Software / Hardware / Consumer Goods) Information Visualization Future Streams: Adoption, Virtual Reality, Ubiquitous Computing 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 22 Human-Computer Interaction Founding Fathers Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) J.C.R. Licklider (1915-1990) MIT (EE); Director, Office of Scientific Research "As We May Think," Atlantic Monthly (1945) MIT & Founder of ARPA's IPTO "Man-Computer Symbiosis" (1960) Douglas C. Engelbart Stanford University (Stanford Research Labs) "Augmenting Human Intellect" (1962); Mouse (1964) 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 23 Human-Computer Interaction Key Researchers & Contributors Ben Schneiderman Jakob Nielsen & Donald Norman University of Maryland "Direct Manipulation," Designing the User Interface NN Group "Usability Gurus" – Website & Software Design Stuart K. Card (Xerox) PARC Lab – Palo Alto, CA "Psych. of HCI" (1983); Information Visualization 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 24 Human-Computer Interaction Seminal Research Works Relevant Behavioral Theory Relevant Behavioral Application Newell, A.; Card, S. (1985). Human-Computer Interaction, 1 (3). 209–242. The Usability Engineering Life Cycle Relevant Behavioral Theory Prospects for Psychological Science in Human-Computer Interaction Nielsen, J. (1992). IEEE Computer 25 (3). 12–22. Direct Manipulation: A Step Beyond Programming Language Schneiderman, B. (1993). IEEE Computer 16 (8). 57–69. 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 25 Social Informatics 1988 Adaptive technology required for team differences 1998 Trust in global virtual teams 1994 Fair use and digital data 1988 1994 1998 2000 2001 – – – – – 10 December 2003 2001 Intellectual property in an open information environment 2000 Framework to study technology in organizations Adaptive technology required for team differences Fair use and digital data Trust in global virtual teams Framework to study technology in organizations Intellectual property in an open information environment MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 26 Social Informatics Seminal Research Works Relevant Behavioral Application Relevant Behavioral Application Kling, Rob Science Technology and Human Values, 16 (3), 1991, 342-367 Toward a New Politics of Intellectual Property Relevant Behavioral Theory Computerization and Social Transformations Samuelson, P. Communications of the ACM, 44(3) 2001, 98-99. Using Technology and Constituting Structures: A Practice Lens for Studying Technology in Organizations Orlikowski, W. Organization Science, 11(4) 2000, 404-428 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 27 Social Informatics Key Researchers & Contributors Wanda J. Orlikowski Pamela Samuelson Massachusetts Institute of Technology Interactions between information technology and the organization University of California at Berkeley Intellectual property law, public policy for information technology Rob Kling (1944-2003) Indiana University at Bloomington electronic media to support communication 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 28 Systems Analysis & Design 1968 General Systems Theory 1979 1980 Structured Design Abstraction 1972 Information Hiding 1968 1972 1979 1980 1986 1997 1980 workflow emerges 1985-1986 Object-Oriented Development emerges 1994-1997 UML takes shape 1993 Workflow management coalition founded - SAD became a formal discipline, Ludwig von Bertalanffy - Information hiding was promoted By D.L. Parnas - "Structured Design" was published by Edward Yourdon – Workflow emerges - Object-oriented development was described by Grady Booch - UML 1.1 was submitted to the OMG 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 29 Systems Analysis & Design Seminal Research Works Relevant Technical Application Relevant Technical Application Booch, G. IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering; 12(2); 1986; pp. 211-221. A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement Rigorous Technical Application Object-Oriented Development Boehm, B. IEEE Computer; 21(5); 1988; pp. 61-72. Dynamic Configuration for Distributed Systems Kramer, J.; Magee, J. IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering; 11(4); 1985; pp. 424-435. 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 30 Systems Analysis & Design Key Researchers & Contributors Barry Boehm Jeff Kramer University of Southern California Software process modeling, requirement engineering, and architecture. Imperial College, London Software architecture of distributed systems. Edward Yourdon Cutter Consortium 26 books and more than 560 technical papers. 10 December 2003 MIS 696A – Readings in MIS – Final Project 31