by Daniel R. Barnes init: 11/03/2005 Warning: This presentation includes lots of copyrighted images for which permission for use was not secured from their owners. If you use or reproduce this presentation, you may be violating local, state, federal, and/or international copyright laws. Enjoy! Click the frog to leap to a specific part of the presentation. Click anywhere else if you just want to go to the next slide. SWBAT . . . . . . Describe several of the properties of several key elements. First, we need a quick review of certain regions of the periodic table . . . . . . This is 6.1 & 6.2 stuff . . . Hydrogen Alkali Metals Halogens [Local mp4] Noble Gases [Local mp4] Alkaline Earth Metals H Transition Metals Inner Transition Metals Look at the top of page 157 AND Pass the cut & taped “crown” version of the PT around. Hydrogen Halogens Alkali Metals Noble Gases Alkaline Earth Metals H Li Be He Transition Metals F Ne Na Mg Cl Ar K Ca Br Kr Rb Sr Cs Ba Fr Ra Inner Transition Metals ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ I Xe At Rn SWBAT . . . . . . describe and explain the periodicity of atomic radius, ionization energy, electronegativity, and ionic radius Okay, now we’re heading into 6.3. Look at the graphs on pages 171 and 174 of Prentice Hall’s Chemistry Textbook. The Periodicity of Atomic Radius What is the radius of this cloud? If there is no definite edge, how can you say what the radius is? When two atoms bond to form a molecule, There are ways to measure the distance between their nuclei. { Inter-nuclear distance R nuclei Half of that distance is called “covalent atomic radius” Do not write your data on the same sheet of paper as your notes for this presentation! You’re going to be turning in this graph, along with your data, as a separate “lab” assignment! MATERIALS: a ruler, a sheet of graph paper, and a new sheet of notebook paper for the data 1. Name, seat #, date, & period in upper right hand corner 2. Title = “Atomic Radius vs. Atomic Number” 3. Y axis three squares from left edge of paper 4. X axis three squares from bottom edge of paper 5. Title of Y axis = “Radius/picometers” 6. Title of X axis = “Atomic Number” Firstname Lastname Period 7 9/19/2013 Radius / picometers Atomic Radius versus Atomic Number Atomic Number 7. Number horizontal axis from 0 to 90 (go by 3’s if you can) 8. Number vertical axis from 0 to 300 (go by 10’s if you can) AXIS-NUMBERING RULES: * Number the lines, not the squares. * Each square on the graph paper is worth the same amount * Establish a numbering rhythm and stick to it (Thank you, BC, for getting me to update & re-post!) Atomic rad 60 50 Your graph may be different . . . 40 30 20 10 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Atomic number 7. Number horizontal axis from 0 to 90 (go by 3’s if you can) 8. Number vertical axis from 0 to 300 (go by 10’s if you can) AXIS-NUMBERING RULES: * Number the lines, not the squares. * Each square on the graph paper is worth the same amount * Establish a numbering rhythm and stick to it 9. Record the following data and plot the points . . . Atomic number 1 (hydrogen) is 53 pm in radius. Atomic rad 60 55 50 40 Hydrogen is atomic number 1 30 Hydrogen’s radius is 53 pm 20 10 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Atomic number Atomic number 1 (hydrogen) is 53 pm in radius. Atomic number 2 (helium) is 31 pm in radius. Atomic rad 60 50 40 Helium is atomic number 2 30 Helium’s radius is 31 pm 20 10 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Atomic number Atomic number 1 (hydrogen) is 53 pm in radius. Atomic number 2 (helium) is 31 pm in radius. Atomic number 3 (lithium) is 167 pm in radius. Atomic number 4 (beryllium) is 112 pm in radius. Atomic number 5 (boron) is 87 pm in radius. Atomic number 6 (carbon) is 67 pm in radius. Atomic number 7 (nitrogen) is 56 pm in radius. Firstname Lastname Period 7 9/19/2013 Radius / picometers Atomic Radius versus Atomic Number 200 I’m going to give you about two minutes now to plot some points . . . If you don’t get them all plotted in 2 min, you can finish them later. Don’t worry. 150 100 50 Atomic Number Atomic number 8 (oxygen) is 48 pm in radius. Atomic number 9 (fluorine) is 42 pm in radius. Atomic number 10 (neon) is 38 pm in radius. Atomic number 11 (sodium) is 190 pm in radius. Atomic number 12 (magnesium) is 145 pm in radius. Atomic number 13 (aluminum) is 118 pm in radius. Atomic number 14 (silicon) is 111 pm in radius. Atomic number 15 (phosphorus) is 98 pm in radius. Atomic number 16 (sulfur) is 88 pm in radius. Atomic number 17 (chlorine) is 79 pm in radius. Atomic number 18 (argon) is 71 pm in radius. Atomic number 19 (potassium) is 243 pm in radius. Atomic number 20 (calcium) is 194 pm in radius. Atomic number 21 (Scandium) is 184 pm in radius. Take a moment to label the dots for the alkali metals and the noble gases. The alkali metals are the elements in column 1A. The noble gases are in 8A. Seeing a pattern yet? If you kept graphing the values for all the elements, your graph would end up looking something like this . . . Look at Figure 6.14 on page 171 of your Prentice Hall Chemistry textbook. So, what does “periodicity” mean? Finish the graph later up through element #86, if you want more than a C- . I’ve been using the “calculated values” by interacting with the following web page: You’re going to have to poke around a bit to get the values. Be a bloodhound. Don’t give up. HUNT. [Teacher, please demonstrate at this point.] Atomic radius: the distance from the nucleus of an atom to its outermost electron . . . in other words, the SIZE of the atom Look at Figure 6.14 on page 171 of your Prentice Hall Chemistry textbook. Which element is made of the largest atoms? Which element is the smallest? Look at Figure 6.14 on page 171 of your Prentice Hall Chemistry textbook. The altitude of a dot on this graph tells you how big atoms of that element are According to this graph, how big is a helium atom? 50 pm. According to this graph, how big is a sodium atom? 190 pm. Look at Figure 6.14 on page 171 of your Prentice Hall Chemistry textbook. Which family is at the peaks of this graph? Which family is at the valleys of this graph? Look at Figure 6.14 on page 171 of your Prentice Hall Chemistry textbook. What is the horizontal trend, then? Horizontal trend is silly and confusing. Vertical trend is sensible. Why do atoms get smaller as you go to the right, even though the elements are getting heavier? 3-2=1 3+ 3 Li 6.941 4-2=2 4+ 4 Be 9.012 5-2=3 5+ 5 B 10.811 6-2=4 6+ 6 C 12.011 7-2=5 7+ 7 N 14.007 8-2=6 8+ 8 O 15.999 9-2=7 9+ 9 F 18.998 10-2=8 10+ 10 Ne 20.18 11-10=1 11+ 11 Na 22.99 Atomic radius: the distance from the nucleus of an atom to its outermost electron. Look at Figure 6.14 on page 171 of your Prentice Hall Chemistry textbook. Fr Cs Rb Atomic radius K Na Rn Li Xe Kr Ar Ne Atomic number Fr Cs Rb Atomic radius K Na Rn Li Xe Kr Ar Ne Atomic number Q1: What does “radius” mean? A: the distance from the center of a circle to its outside edge. In other words, size. Q2: What family of elements is generally made of the largest atoms? The smallest? A: The alkali metals are the largest. The noble gases are the smallest. Q3: Where on the periodic table to you find the largest atoms? The smallest? A: The largest atoms are found in the lower left. The smallest atoms are found in the upper right. Q4: What happens to atomic radius as you go from left to right across a row in the periodic table? A: Atom size gets smaller. Q5: What happens to atomic radius as you go down a column in the periodic table? A: Atom size gets larger. Q6: In what part of the radius vs. atomic number graph does the graph suddenly leap? Which direction? A: The graph suddenly leaps up when you go from a noble gas to the next alkali metal. Q7: The radius vs atomic number graph goes down gradually as you go from what to what? A: from an alkali metal to the next noble gas The Periodicity of Ionization Energy First Ionization Energy: the energy required to remove one electron from an atom of an element. MY dolly! MY teddy bear! First Ionization Energy First Ionization Energy: the energy required to remove one electron from an atom of an element. Atomic Number First Ionization Energy: the energy required to remove one electron from an atom of an element. 3.89 4.18 4.34 5.39 Lithium clings to its electrons more tightly than any other alkali metal. Li Na Je surrender! K Rb Cesium surrenders its electrons without much of a fight. Cs Fr 5.14 ? I couldn’t find any ionization energy data for Francium, but I imagine, given the trend shown here, that it would surrender its outermost electron without much of a fight. First Ionization Energy: the energy required to remove one electron from an atom of an element. Good luck stealing an electron from helium 3.89 5.39 10.7 24.6 He Li Cs Rn Please note that the transition metals (d-block) and inner transition metals (f-block) are not represented here. Ignore the red numbers on top. X ionization energy X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X That’s a little higher XthanXit should be, huh? This is one more reason hydrogen X X is not considered to be a Based on the trend in the true alkali metal, even alkali metals, your though it’s in what’s their column. estimate for hydrogen? The size of the shield represents how high the ionization energy of the element is. ? Where on the periodic table are the elements that have the strongest defense against electron theft? the upper right ? Where are the most defenseless elements? the lower left ? First Ionization Energy: the energy required to remove one electron from an atom of an element. What family of elements are the high spikes in the graph? What family of elements are the low spikes in the graph? Is that the way it was with the atomic radius graph? Look at Figure 6.17 on page 174 of your Prentice Hall Chemistry textbook. Fr Cs Rb Atomic radius K Na Rn Li Xe Kr Ar Ne Atomic number He Ne Ar Xe Rn Li Na K Rb Cs Fr Atomic number Atomic radius Ionization Energy Kr Why is it that the smallest atoms are the strongest? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? F = kQ1Q2 e Press this button to skip learning every letter in the equation. 2 R This is the formula that shows the relationship between electrical force, electric charge, and distance. Why is it that the smallest atoms are the strongest? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? F = kQ1Q2 2 R “F” is the strength of the electrical force between two electricallycharged objects. The two objects could both be positive, they could both be negative, or one could be plus and the other minus. Therefore, the force could be either repulsive or attractive. For this example, one object will be the nucleus of an atom (+), and the other object will be an electron (-) from the outermost shell of the atom. Why is it that the smallest atoms are the strongest? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? F = kQ1Q2 2 R “k” is a constant that you don’t have to worry about right now. Why is it that the smallest atoms are the strongest? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? F = kQ1Q2 2 R “Q1” is the electrical charge on the first object, perhaps the nucleus of an atom. “Q2” is the electrical charge on the other object, perhaps an electron in the outer shell of an atom. Why is it that the smallest atoms are the strongest? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? F = kQ1Q2 2 R “R” is the distance between the two objects. If you imagine an atom to be a ball, then R is literally the “radius” of the atom – the distance from the center of the ball (the nucleus) to the edge of the ball (an outer electron). Imagine two atoms . . . a small atom . . . and a big atom. The distance from the nucleus of the small atom to its outermost electrons . . . small R . . . is less than the distance from the nucleus of the big atom to the outermost electrons on the big atom. big F big R FF = kQ1Q2 2 2 RR small F Distance, “R”, is on the bottom of the equation, so when R gets bigger . . . . . . F gets smaller. Bigger atoms have a weaker hold on their outermost electrons. Big = weak. When it comes to atoms pulling on electrons, the smallest are the strongest, and the largest are the weakest. Q1: What is the definition of “ionization energy”? A: the energy needed to remove an electron from an atom Q2: What family of elements is generally the hardest to steal electrons from? Which family is the easiest to rob? A: The noble gases are the hardest family to rob. The alkali metals are the easiest. Q3: Which specific elements have the highest and lowest ionization energies? Where on the chart are they? A: He has the highest. He is in the upper right. Cs has the lowest. Cs is in the lower left. Q4: How does the ionization energy graph compare to the atomic radius graph? A: They’re both hearbeat-like, but in many ways, they are opposites of each other. Q5: What is the relationship between atom size and ionization energy? A: The smallest atoms tend to have the highest ionization energies, and vice versa. Q6: Why is it that the smallest atoms are the strongest electron-keepers and the largest atoms are the weakest? A: The larger the distance between the nucleus and the outermost electrons in an atom, the weaker the attractive force between the positive protons in the nucleus and the negative electrons in the outer shell. What is Electronegativity? electronegativity: the ability of an atom to attract electrons when the atom is in a compound electronegativity: the tendency of an element to draw electrons toward itself when it bonds with other elements. ? ? Electronegativity is about BONDING and COMPOUNDS. If this is an honors period, click the purple button on the right. If it’s a normal period OR if you’re an honors student browsing this on a computer or a phone, click the yellow button on the left. (Please tell me about bonding and compounds!) (Ain’t nobody got time fuddat.) atoms sticking to each other H = a hydrogen molecule H H = a hydrogen atom O = an oxygen atom H H O = a water molecule O O H O = an oxygen molecule O = a hydrogen peroxide H molecule = atoms sticking to each other H H O Hydrogen and oxygen are both nonmetals, so they bond “covalently” by sharing electron pairs. NOTE: please pardon me for using tiny black dots to represent electrons. You’ll see why when we do lewis structures for molecules in chapter eight. = atoms sticking to each other H H O water molecule A “molecule” is typically made of two or more nonmetal atoms bonded together covalently. = atoms sticking to each other H H hydrogen gas molecule A molecule doesn’t have to be a compound. If it’s made only of one kind of atom, it’s an element. = atoms sticking to each other Na = a sodium atom Na+ = a sodium ion Na+ Cl = a chlorine atom Cl = a sodium chloride formula unit Cl = a chloride ion = atoms sticking to each other nonmetal metal Cl- Na+ cation anion Transfer of electrons “ionic” bond = atoms sticking to each other female male bank employee bank robber “Opposites attract.” * Q1: What does “bonding” mean? A: when two atoms stick to each other Q2: What are the two kinds of chemical bonds? A: covalent and ionic Q3: Compare and contrast covalent and ionic bonds. A: In covalent bonding, two non-metals share electrons. In ionic bonding, a positive metal ion is attracted to a negative non-metal ion. In ionic bonding, e- are not shared, but, rather, given and taken. Q4: What do you call two or more atoms covalently bonded to each other? A: a molecule Q5: What is a compound? A: two or more different elements chemically bonded to each other Q6: Give an example of an ionic compound. A: ex: table salt (sodium chloride) Q7: What is a salt molecule made of? A: TRICK QUESTION! There is no such thing as a salt molecule! Molecules are held together by covalent bonds, not ionic bonds! (Salt is an ionic compound.) The Periodicity of Electronegativity Electronegativity: the tendency of an element’s atoms to draw electrons toward themselves when they bond with atoms of other elements. Electronegativity: the tendency of an element’s atoms to draw electrons toward themselves when they bond with atoms of other elements. This periodic table is color-coded by electronegativity. What color are elements that are strong electron thieves? What color are elements that are generous electron givers? Notice something weird about hydrogen? Once again, it just doesn’t fit in with the alkali metals. This periodic table is kind of like a city. Each element is like a building. The taller the building, the higher the electronegativity. What element is the tallest “building” in this city? Compared to other elements, how big are fluorine atoms? Pretty small, huh? Fluorine is the best electron thief, but fluorine is one of the smallest atoms. Gosh darn little thief! Q1: How is electronegavity similar to ionization energy? A: They both involve an element’s ability to pull on electrons. Q2: How are electronegativity and ionization energy different? A: Ionization energy is a measure of an element’s ability to hold on to its electrons. Electronegativity is not only an element’s ability to keep its own electrons, but also to steal electrons from other elements. Q3: What element has the highest electronegavity? Which element is the lowest? Where on the PT are they? A: Fluorine, the highest, is in the upper right. Cesium, the lowest, is in the lower left. Q4: Which elements do not even have electronegativity ratings? Why not? A: The noble gases almost never form bonds, so the word is meaningless when applied to them. (see definition) Q5: Why is it wrong to say the electronegativity of a noble gas is zero? A: An electronegativity of zero implies that an element gives up its electrons more easily than the alkali metals do. Noble gases are known to cling very tightly to their electrons. NG’s don’t have e-neg values of zero; they don’t have values at all. Q6: What is fluorine very good at doing? A: stealing electrons Q7: What is the process of stealing electrons called? A: oxidation Q8: If fluorine has the highest electronegativity, why isn’t electron-stealing called “fluoridation” instead? A: Oxygen is much more abundant than fluorine here on the surface of the earth, so it’s just more famous and familiar to chemists. Q9: What are the horizontal and vertical trends on the periodic table for electronegativity? A: Electronegativity increases as you go from left to right. Electronegativity decreases as you go down a column. The Periodicity of Ion Radius Ionic radius: the distance from the nucleus to the outermost electron . . . for an ion, not a neutral atom. 4- 4- 32- - 3- - 2- - + + + 2+ 3+ 2+ 3+ Ion Size It seems like all the other elements want to be like the noble gases. He can’t They change+their nuclei, but they can change2+ their # of 3+ electrons, so that’s what they do. 2e- 4- 4- 3- 232- Ar - Ne - + 2+ 3+ 10e- 18e- + Ion Size 4- 6 protons pulling in 10 electrons pushing out 4- 3- 27 protons pulling in 10 electrons pushing out - 32- 9 protons pulling in 10 electrons pushing out He + - 8 protons pulling in 10 electrons pushing out Ne 11 protons pulling in 10 electrons pushing out + 10e- Ar + 10 protons pulling in 10 electrons pushing out 2+ 13 protons pulling in 3+10 electrons pushing out 2e- - 2+ 3+ 12 protons pulling in 10 electrons pushing out 18e- Ion Size 4- 6 p+ 10 e- 4- Protons pull electrons in, making an atom smaller. 3Electrons push 2each other away, puffing an atom Arto a+ larger size. As you go from 3- 7 p+ 10 eC4- to Al3+, number of 2- 8 p+ 10 e- 9 p+ 10 eprotons increases, but 10 p+ 10 eNe + He of number 11 p+ 10 eelectrons + 2+ 12 p+ 10 eremains 3+ 13 p+ 10 e2+ constant. 3+ decreases as This is why ion size you go from C4- to Al3+. 2e- 10e- 18e- Q1: What is an ion? A: an atom or molecule that is either + or Q2: How does a neutral atom become plus or minus? A: by losing e- or gaining eQ3: What kinds of elements tend to become +? -? A: metals tend to become +, nonmetals Q4: What family of elements prefers to remain neutral? Why? A: the noble gases, because they have full outer shells Q5: What two things happen to an atom that loses electrons? A: It becomes smaller and positive. Q6: Where in the periodic table does the ion size graph suddenly jump from small to big? A: at the metalloid “staircase”, where you go from positive metal cations to negative nonmetal anions. Q7: What causes the downward slopes in the ion radius graph? A: equal # of e – but increasing # of p+ Q8: How does a neutral Mg atom become a Mg2+ ion? A: by losing 2 eQ9: How does a neutral F atom become a F- ion? A: by gaining one e- the end CA Chemistry Standard 1c: Students know how to use the periodic table to identify alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and transition metals, trends in ionization energy, electronegativity, and the relative sizes of ions and atoms. Atomic radius Ionization energy Bonding and compounds Electronegativity Ion radius