Campus Senate 11 20 15

Kathy Novack was in accident (fell at hospital and they are running tests), ETT chaired
a. Resolution 45-07 Change the Name of the Department of Clinical Laboratory
Science to Department of Allied Health [2nd reading] L. McCown b. Proposed
b. Policy on Open Access to Research [discussion item] - Motion made and carried
Open Access to Research: Author rights and addendum added to library; T Wang
asked for clarification that the research performed before joining institution is not
included. An author can change the opportunity to open access; One of the
publishers has agreed that you follow guidelines that are in place. Not all publishers
have the same guidelines. Discussion was held about copyright agreement with
publishers. Also that the university agrees that the research unless given extra
money for research the research belongs to the author not the university. The
purpose is to give students greater access to research and scholarship material,
especially in Third World Countries.
Will the university help with any legal issues concerning copyright infringement. This
really doesn’t address this issue; usually this is with the publisher.
This is not an action item today only discussion on whether we support this or not. It
appears that at this point they are in favor of Open Access.
Will take back to the Senate Conference Committee. UIC may have some issues
with this.
IV. New Business
a. Resolution 45-08 Master of Science in Data Analytics (MSDA) proposed degree
[1st reading]
Need for data analytics graduates in both public and private. Demand could be 5060% greater than the supply by 2018; Training data analysis is difficult; students
need both computer science and statistics. New degree would be interdisciplinary
between Math and Computer Science. Most of courses already exist and
enrollment will be limited to 20 students; Cutting edge discipline.
Further resources may include – new Math Faculty specializing in statistics may be
needed which would actually be replacement. Hiring for 1 semester first and then
for full academic year. Northwestern has started a similar program and had 700
applicants. Right now we have 200 students interested in taking the data analytics
Online expense – expenses are divided between online and on ground. In the
future may need 1 full time and 1 adjunct. UIS would be the first public university to
offer the program. Dr. Wang said it is definitely needed; Data Analytics is also
more marketable if you have specific area of data analytics what is missing from
proposal is no collaboration with other colleges. This type of program could be
collaborative with for example ENS and could create differentiation and market
value. Considering adding business electives down the road. Math does not have
MS degree which is why it is proposed this way. Right now too much core to add
more electives but would consider in the future. This degree is a starting point for
study of Big Data
Question was asked by student representative why there are no 600 level courses:
Provost Pardee – different universities use different number system and here a
600 level course is doctoral
b. Nondiscrimination Statement [discussion item]
Senator Smith – nothing about socio-economic status should that be included; Dr. Wang
thought maybe a statement including micro aggression should be addressed in
statement. Deanie Brown was in attendance and the framework of the nondiscrimination
statement is linked to policy and law which can be expanded but how do you address
the expansion. Legislating prohibited conduct may be difficult and sometimes there is a
question of whether there should be consequences imposed. Dr. Cordell thought that
this may infringe on freedom of speech in the area of micro aggression.
Kerry Pointer believes that wording is wrong in the nondiscrimination statement. Sexual
orientation and gender identity and needs to be updated. Not expansive enough; need
to make it more accurate.
Political affiliation is also an area that might need to be included in the statement
V. Reports
a. Chair – K. Novak – no report
b. Provost – L. Pardie
Admissions Fr: applications are up admits are also up and active deposits are up; Tr
level Spring 2016 applications are down; admits are down a little bit and registration is
up; Gr Spring 2016 applications are up, admits are up and registrations are up.
Annual Academic Review: Have a little bit of information out which is published on the
web; Faculty Advisory Committee (8 member) one from each college and 4 critical
committee members; Provost Pardie receives reports. The focus of the process is
metrics developed for the campus is a little different from the other 2 campuses in the
area of research. Our focus includes Unit Review Metrics; the dashboards were
developed at the request of the BOT. Begins at Department level with the first pass
review and advance that to the Dean and the Dean then to the FAC and they do analysis
and give recommendations. Worked with Survey Research to develop 2 surveys and
have gathered data and analyzing the feedback. Will be making suggestions in the near
c. Student Government Association – J. Lawson – no report
d. BOT report — T. Wang
a. Short meeting last time. Learned that BOT sent statement of concern to
b. Appointments – Interim Dean – Dean Ermatinger
i. New programs were passed
Chair will be dept head in
Faculty Senate report was presented and three major issues;
Diversity and inequality of opportunity
50% of our minority students rely in MAP grant
UIC Healthcare service – performed a lot of service without payment
Research – lack of funding
Gave 3 campuses that our UIS comparison and UIS is performing 70%
level or higher
e. University-wide strategic plan – J. Villegas
Focus groups and town hall were held and very well attended
Received good comments and group was very satisfied with results
Urbana was held last week
UIC is week after Thanksgiving
Will meet as a group the week after to discuss results of all three campus
January will decide where to go from here