Ferns, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms

Fern leaves are referred to as?
Tightly coiled fronds are referred to as?
Main stem of fronds are called?
Packets of spores on underside of fern leaf
Ferns are adapted to these environmental conditions
The definition of gymnosperma?
What does ‘conifer’ mean?
What two products result from conifer resin production?
How does turpentine and rosin react to conifer bleeding?
What is a fascicle?
What is the oldest living conifer?
What type of weather are conifers adapted to?
What is the hypodermis?
What is the function of the hypodermis?
How thick can the bark of conifers get?
What differentiates softwood from hardwood?
What do wide growth rings suggest?
The symbiotic fungus related to pines?
Pollen comes from what part of the pine tree?
How long do seed cones mature?
What happens to the cone after pollination?
Three examples of fleshy berry-like conifers.
The one gymnosperm with fleshy nut-like seeds that smell like vomit?
Example of a gymnosperm cycad.
Definition of angeiosperma?
How do parasitic plants grow?
Two examples of parasitic plants.
How do epiphytes grows?
Two examples of epiphytes.
How does pollination take place?
What is a zygote?
What is double fertilization?
What is endosperm?
What is parthenocarpic?
Examples of seedless fruit that develop from a nutritive (2n) cell?
What parts are in a complete flower?
What is an incomplete flower?
What is a perfect flower?
What is an imperfect flower?
What is monoecious?
What is dioecious?
Examples of plants with male pollinators?
Why do bees harvest nectar and pollen?
What type of flowers attract bees?
What type of flowers attract beetle, moth and butterfly pollinators?
What type of flowers attract birds?
What type of flowers attract flies and gnats?
Examples of asexual reproduction.
What are gametes?
What do gametes form?
What is a zygote?
How many sets of chromosomes do gametes have?
What are haploid and diploid cells?
What is meiosis?
What is genetic recombination?
What is a triploid zygote?
What two types of large molecules compose chromosomes?
How is DNA arranged?
Where does DNA reside?
What are four nucleotides that compose DNA?
What are the base pairs that form DNA rungs on the double helix ladder?
What do the sequence of pairs provide?
What is a gene and what does it determine?
Genes direct the production of what?
What is a genome?
How is DNA supplicated during cell division?
What is a mutation?
What are possible causes of mutations?
What is a somatic mutation?
What is a sport?
What is a germ-line mutation?
In Mendelian genetics, what is P, F1 and F2?
What is an allele?
What is the difference between a dominant and recessive allele?
What is genotype?
What is phenotype?
What is homozygous?
What is heterozygous?
What is a monohybrid cross?
What is a dihybrid cross?
What is incomplete dominance?