Pinus contorta, Flowery Range, 1537 m. Low-Elevation Riparian Environments: Warm-Climate Refugia for Conifers in the Great Basin, USA? Constance I. 1 Millar , David A. 1USDA 2 Charlet , Robert D. 1 Westfall , and Diane L. Forest Service, PSW Research Station, Albany, CA 2College of Southern Nevada, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Henderson, NV 1 Delany BACKGROUND HYPOTHESIS The Great Basin, USA, contains hundreds of mountain ranges, 319 in Nevada alone (Charlet, in review; Fig. 1). Many reach alpine elevations, and are separated from each other by low-elevation basins currently inhospitable to conifer growth. Montane and subalpine conifer species occur across many ranges. These have affinities to the Sierra Nevada or Rocky Mountains (Charlet 2007), from which conifers migrated during cool periods of the Pleistocene. Under Holocene climates, the Great Basin geography became a terrestrial island-archipelago, wherein conifer populations are isolated among ranges, and inter-range migration is highly restricted. During warm intervals of the Holocene, conifers would be expected to have migrated upslope toward and off mountain summits, and extirpation would be assumed to result during continued warming. Lack of inter-mountain corridors would prevent re-colonization even when climates ameliorated, and gradual loss of upland conifers by the late Holocene would result. The widespread distribution of extant conifers across many Great Basin ranges, however, suggests a different history. Independent patterns, repeating across multiple species’ distributions, suggest that low-elevation environments served as climatic refugia for upland conifers during warm periods of the Holocene, from which re-colonization within ranges was possible following return to cool climates. We hypothesize that narrow, north-aspect ravines, which during cool climates support persistent or seasonal streams and riparian communities, become available as conifer habitat when warming climates desiccate creeks and deplete riparian vegetation. We further speculate that cold-air drainage, reduced solar insolation, lower wind exposure, and greater soil moisture in these topographic positions enable populations of montane and subalpine conifers to persist even during warm climate intervals when high elevations are unfavorable for conifer persistence. On return to cool climates, low elevation refugia become sources for recolonizing higher slopes, and/or continue to persist as relictual populations. We present three lines of evidence supporting this hypothesis, and speculate that low-elevation, riparian environments might also act as climate refugia for Great Basin conifers in the future. 1. Disjunct Distributions of Montane and Subalpine Conifers within Nevada Mountain Ranges Patterns of within-species distributions across 23 conifers and 229 mountain ranges implicate low-elevations—and especially riparian contexts—as cool, refugial sites (Table 1). 677 modern records document conifers occupying low elevation sites relative to their altitudinal distribution within mountain ranges (Fig. 2); 23% of these are species that have occurrences only in low elevation contexts within a range. In the 463 cases where the low elevation of a species in a range is known, 36% are in a riparian context. These patterns provide evidence that conifers currently find low ravines to be suitable habitat; the presence of low-only sites further suggests that these locations might be relictual (and hence refugial) from widespread distributions at higher elevations in former warmer times. Table 1. Conifers of Nevada with low and high elevation records, elevation ranges, and environmental contexts based on low-elevation records within a range. Fig. 1. Mountain ranges of the Great Basin physiographic region (brown); dots show conifer records used to assess low-elevation occurrences within Nevada. A. B. Fig. 2. Limber pine elevation ranges in the Great Basin. A. Montane distribution (Toiyabe Mtns). B. Low-elevation, riparian context (2097 m; Wassuk Range). 2. Temperature Patterns; Low vs. Montane Populations of Limber Pine (Pinus flexilis), Great Basin In a focused study on limber pine (a subalpine species), temperatures measured by thermochrons (iButtons) document warmer temperatures at low elevation riparian sites relative to uplands. However, temperatures at low elevations are colder than expected: Differences among elevation zones in summer temperatures, especially minimum temperatures, are much less than expected based on elevation difference (Table 2). Lapse rates between low-elevation and upland populations corroborate this, being much smaller than regional standard values (-6.5° C/km), and in some cases positive (Table 2). The pattern of summer hourly temperatures shows that low-elevation sites can be as cool as uplands in the mornings, and that relatively hot temperatures at low elevations are limited to short intervals in afternoons (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. Representative mean summer hourly temperatures at low-elevation and upland, riparian limber pine locations (based on thermochrons). Owens Gorge, 2045 m; Cell Phone, 2985 m; Schulman Grove, 3100 m. 3. Late-Holocene Distribution Implies Recovery from Refugia: Limber Pine, Wassuk Range, NV Abundant relict wood, scattered across slopes of the high Wassuk Range, contrasts with the present sparse distribution of live trees, limited primarily to NE slopes and ravines (Fig 4). Tree-ring analysis indicates that these trees grew throughout intervals of the late-Holocene (neoglacial), at altitudinal ranges similar to present (Fig. 5). No samples were found that dated from the warm mid-Holocene, i.e., prior to 3600 years ago, despite that sample depth was high starting in the earliest intervals. Lack of relict wood in the abundant alpine zone implies that limber pine did not migrate upslope in the warm periods, rather that stands were extirpated across the primary upland range. Although old wood dating prior to 3600 yrs has yet to be found in low riparian areas (where wood preserves poorly), limber pine in those contexts could have been mid-Holocene refugia, and served as source s for rapid re-colonization when climates ameliorated at the start of the neoglacial. Table 2. Temperature and lapse-rate differences for low-elevation riparian sites versus high-elevation montane sites, limber pine. A. PRISM-based values (1970-2000 norms, Daly et al. 1994). B. Thermochron-based values. A. B. Fig. 4. Limber pine on Mt Grant, Wassuk Range. A. Modern sparse distribution on NE slopes. B. Historic distribution (relict wood) on diverse aspects. REFERENCES Charlet, D. A. In review. Atlas of Nevada conifers: A phytogeographic reference. 2nd Edition. Charlet, D. A. 2007. Distribution patterns of Great Basin conifers: Implications of extinction and immigration. Aliso 24:31-61. Fig. 5. Limber pine tree-ring series, showing historic distribution across diverse aspects of Mt Grant, Wassuk Range. Daly, C., R.P. Neilson, & D.L. Phillips. 1994. A statisticaltopographic model for mapping climatological precipitation over mountainous terrain. Journal of Applied Meteorology 33:140-158. .