AP World Practice Multiple

AP World Practice Multiple-Choice, Ch. 28
Date _____________________
_____ The Mughal ruler who constructed the Taj Mahal was
A. Shah Jahan.
B. Akbar.
C. Osman Bey.
D. Aurangzeb.
_____The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires were all
A. Christian.
B. Zoroastrian.
C. Buddhist.
D. Islamic.
_____The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires all originally came from
A. renegade Byzantine generals.
B. offshoots of the older Mongol empires.
C. nomadic, Turkish-speaking tribes.
D. direct descendants of the powerful Indian conqueror Chandragupga Maurya.
______ The word ghazi refers to
A. the tax that non-Muslims paid in Islamic countries.
B. Islamic merchants with protected social status in Ottoman society.
C. Muslim religious warriors.
D. Akbar’s universal religion.
The Ottoman institution that provided Balkan slaves for the formation of the Janissaries was the
A. jizya.
B. devshirme.
C. dhimmi.
D. sharia.
_____ The Islamic leader who converted to Twelver Shiism was
A. Akbar.
B. Selim the Grim.
C. Shah Abbas.
D. Shah Ismail.
_____ At the battle of Chaldiran in 1514,
A. the Byzantines temporarily captured Constantinople.
B. Mehmed II captured the southern Italian port of Otranto.
C. the Ottomans defeated the Safavids.
D. the Ottomans suffered a devastating defeat to the Spanish navy.
_____ The leader of the Safavid empire at its peak was
A. Shah Ismail.
B. Akbar.
C. Ibraham the Crazy.
D. Shah Abbas.
_____Which of the following rulers displayed the greatest amount of religious toleration?
A. Aurangzeb
B. Akbar
C. Shah Ismail
D. Suleyman the Magnificent
10. _____ The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb
A. carried on the policy of religious toleration created by Akbar.
B. built the magnificent Taj Mahal to honor his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
C. converted to Hinduism.
D. reversed the religious toleration of Akbar and began to tax the Hindus.
11. _____ The steppe tradition that caused the greatest problem for the Islamic empires
A. was the devotion to Twelver Shiism.
B. was the symbolic blood sacrifice.
C. was the bloody competition among heirs to the throne.
D. was the practice of dividing up the land equally among all the sons of the nobles.
12. _____Which of the following factors was not one of the reasons for the decline of the Islamic empires?
A. a series of weak and incompetent rulers
B. a collapse in the centuries-old civil service examination system
C. changing trade routes that bypassed the empires and hurt them financially
D. increasing religious conservatism and intolerance among the Islamic leaders
13. _____ Sikhism was a syncretic combination of
A. Hinduism and Buddhism.
B. Hinduism and Islam.
C. Islam and Buddhism.
D. Buddhism and Christianity.
14. _____ Shah Ismail received the greatest support for his conversion to Twelver Shiism from
A. the qizilbash.
B. the Sunni.
C. the Ottomans.
D. the Mughals.