Chapter 4: “The Interview” 1. Describe Hester after her day on the

Chapter 4: “The Interview”
1. Describe Hester after her day on the scaffold and once back in her prison cell.
2. What does the jailer determine Hester needs? Whom does he call?
3. Why was Roger Chillingworth staying in the prison?
4. What was Hester’s reaction to Chillingworth’s entering her cell?
5. What does Chillingworth do first? What is Hester’s reaction to this?
6. For what reasons does Chillingworth claim to be more knowledgeable than an
educated doctor?
7. Explain the following quote: “…a gaze that made her heart shrink and shudder,
because so familiar, and yet so strange and cold…”
8. What does Chillingworth mean by “Lethe” and “Nepenthe” when he is attempting to
fix a prescription for Hester?
9. What does Hester admit to have hoped would happen to her?
10. For what reason would Chillingworth rather see Hester live than die?
11. Explain the following quote: “…he was next to treat with her as the man whom she
had most deeply and irreparably injured.”
12. Why does Chillingworth not feel he should seek vengeance against Hester’s
wrongdoing of him?
13. Explain the original relationship/marriage between Hester and Chillingworth.
14. Explain the following quote: “…few things hidden from the man, who devotes
himself earnestly and unreservedly to the solution of a mystery…I come to the inquest
with other senses than they possess. I shall seek this man, as I have sought truth in
books…he must needs be mine!”
15. Explain the following quote: “He bears no letter of infamy wrought into his
garment, as thou dost; but I shall read it on his heart.”
16. What does Chillingworth ensure Hester he will no do? Why?
17. What one request does Chillingworth make of Hester?
18. Explain the following quote: “…I find here a woman, a man, a child, amongst whom
and myself there exist the closest of ligaments. No matter whether of love or hate; no
matter whether of right or wrong! Thou and thine, Hester Prynne, belong to me. My
home is where thou art, and where he is.”
19. For what reason does Chillingworth not just come out and say who he is and punish
Hester through the government?
20. What will Chillingworth do if Hester betrays his confidence?
21. To whom does Hester compare Chillingworth? Why?
22. Explain the following quote: “‘Not thy soul,’ he answered, with another smile. ‘No,
not thine!’”