Minerals Teacher Candidate: Margaret Carlson Date: November 9, 2014 Grade and Topic: 7th Grade Science Length of Lesson: 2 days Mentor Teacher: Peggy Murdock and Marla Phillips School: The University of Memphis Unit Objective: This lesson plan is part of a unit plan on the Earth Lesson Objective: Using digital presentation software, students will display the properties of a specific mineral with at least 7 slides. Student Participation: The goal of this lesson is for students to correctly identify various properties of a mineral of their choosing. This includes distinguishing the color, luster, streak, cleavage and fracture, hardness and density of a specific mineral. The must present their findings to the class using digital presentation program. Standards Addressed: State Standards: Standard 7: The Earth 0707.7.1: Describe the physical properties of minerals. ISTE Standards: Communication and Collaboration: B. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. Materials: Computer with digital presentation program Textbook Internet access for: www.geology.com/minerals and http://www.kidsloverocks.com/html/physical_properties_of_mineral.html Think Sheet Pencil Technology Integration The digital presentation program will allow students to organize and present their findings of a specific mineral. Students will also use www.geology.com/minerals and http://www.kidsloverocks.com/html/physical_properties_of_mineral.html to learn about the different properties of minerals. Background and Rationale: - Student will have a clear understanding of the different properties of minerals. - Key terms such as color, luster streak, cleavage and fracture, hardness and density will be presented. - Students must have a basic knowledge of rocks versus minerals to complete this lesson. Minerals - I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson. Procedures and Timeline: Introduction: Imagine you are walking to school one day and drop your books, you look down to pick them up and notice something beautiful on the ground. You are sure this is a mineral, but are not sure of which one. You must evaluate the mineral using the various properties of minerals to determine what it is. Use the digital presentation program to present to your class what type of mineral you found. Procedures: Prior to the computer: (20 minutes) Read excerpt from text on minerals versus rocks and the various properties of minerals. Pass out Think Sheet and allow students to review the sheet. At the computer Day 1: (30 minutes) Teacher: 1. Assign each student to a computer 2. Remind students of appropriate websites to use 3. Review aspects of the digital presentation program 4. Be available for assistance Students: 1. Open internet and presentation program 2. Go to Kids Love Rocks website 3. Review general properties of minerals 4. Fill out questions on Think Sheet 5. Go to Geology website 6. Choose a specific mineral to present 7. Complete chart on Think Sheet 8. Open presentation program and begin creating a template if you have spare time 9. Save work Day 2: At the Computer (40 minutes) Teacher: 1. Tell students to return to assigned computer 2. Be available for assistance Students: 1. Finish Think Sheet Chart 2. Open presentation program and create template 3. Use 7 slides to describe specific information about the mineral 4. Add graphic of mineral 5. Save work After the computer: (10 minutes) Minerals Teacher: 1. Ask students to return to their seats 2. Ask one student to present their project on the projector 3. Continue presentations the following day 4. Evaluate and grade presentations Students: 1. Return to seats 2. Listen to and present projects Closure: Allow each student to present the project to the class and evaluate effectiveness of presentation. Teacher will grade presentations and correct as needed. Assessment Evidence: Category Properties Presentation Accuracy Exceeds Expectations All 6 properties of the element are presented Presentation is creative, has clear format, and has at least 7 slides. 100% accuracy on all properties for the specific mineral Proficient Unsatisfactory 4-5 properties are presented <3 properties are presented Presentation has 7 slides, but information is not presented in a clear manner 75% accuracy on properties Presentation has <7 slides and format is difficult to understand and follow. <50% accuracy on properties Modifications: I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson. Minerals Think Sheet Using your textbook and the Kids Love Rocks website, define the following: - Luster – the way a mineral looks when light is on it – two types metallic or nonmetallic - Streak – color of a mineral in powder form, you must scrape it against a porcelain plate to see the streak - Cleavage and Fracture – describes how a mineral can break into different pieces (cubic, octahedral) - Hardness – Ability to handle a scratch – measure using Mohs scale of 0-10 (0 is soft and 10 is hard) What is the difference between rocks and minerals? Rocks are made up of 2 or more minerals. Minerals are made of one single substance. Choose a mineral for your project, and use the chart below to help you with your presentation: Mineral Color Luster Streak Cleavage and Fracture Hardness Special Properties Diamond Can vary from black to colorless Adamantine White Octahedral Mohs Scale - 10 Commonly black, hardest mineral, sold based on carat (weight)