SNEG - the Everywhere Project


A European Methodological Model of HIV

Prevention in Men who have Sex with Men (MSM):

Everywhere Progress and Update from SNEG France

Brighton September 09


SNEG Prevention Director


SNEG Everywhere project manager

The Everywhere Project is co-funded by the European Commission

(Executive Agency for Health and Consumers)

Which team to lead the WP n°7 on prevention protocols and implement Everywhere ?

Antonio Alexandre, director of the HIV/STI prevention department of SNEG, involved in Everywhere since the beginning of the project

David Friboulet, HIV/STI consultant for SNEG as former French HIV NGO’s director and psychoanalyst, involved in Everywhere for the beginning of the year and recently appointed for WP leading and to produce any delivery requested by Everywhere and to implement Everywhere pilot action in link with the French social mediators team

Matthieu Follea, social mediator in SNEG for Eastern France, dispatched on secondment on part time basis to implement Everywhere in Paris

Roberto Labuthie, social mediator in SNEG for Paris , dispatched on secondment on part time basis to implement Everywhere in Paris

All the team of the 12 social mediators of the SNEG (included Matthieu and

Roberto) for professional advice because of their knowledge of the field

SNEG overview of prevention activities

In 2008

MSM sex venues have financed in France 4.4 millions of condoms and 2.5

millions of lube through a SNEG global purchase to manufacturers

700 000 prevention documents have been delivered

328 staff training sessions have been made by SNEG social mediators in 203

businesses and 405 staff members (mainly in sex venues) have been trained

In 2009

• the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVs) has conducted in collaboration with SNEG social mediators an HIV prevalence study (named


) among MSM who attend gay establishments in Paris. 56 outreach actions have been led, 917 MSM have been included

and the acceptance rate is matching 58%

SNEG’s concerns for Everywhere ?

To build a realistic and sustainable prevention scheme applicable concretely in each country

To consolidate the prevention scheme on a long term issue in order to make HIV/STI prevention the norm in gay businesses in Europe :

- By insuring a follow up of Everywhere by developing a second project on methodology of SR-HIV seal assessment and evaluation

- By insuring a permanent way to funding free or discounted condoms and lube especially for sex venues

- By exporting our knowledge and the gay prevention scheme to straight venues in order to confirm our legitimacy as responsible citizens
