1 Supplementary information Case sequence Model Parameters CCN f Model results h (%) Location I. Simulations initiated N T0 H w t rain Pn (cm-3) (K) (km) (m/s) (hr) (kg/m2) 10 km 1 50 50 1 --- 3.5 2 0 10 km 1 50 50 5 20 14 2 0.03 10 km 1 90 1 3 16 10 3 26 10 km 1 95 1 0.5 11 4.5 3.5 12 10 km 1 101 1 0 12 4 3 12 10 km 0 95 1 0.5 24 11 5 1 10 km 0 150 50 0 32 30 7 200 30 km 1 101 1 0 30 1 12 0.05 Everywhere 1 50 50 5 20 20 2 80 Everywhere 1 50 10 0.5 --- 3 --- 0 Everywhere 1 80 10 0.5 18 14 3.5 90 Everywhere 1 95 10 0.5 22 20 2.5 110 Everywhere 1 95 1 0 20 12 2 70 2 storms d=20 km Everywhere 1 90 10 0.5 25 17 3.5 90 3 storms d=10 km Everywhere 1 90 10 0.5 25 17 3.5 100 with a thermal disturbance and CCNs at the disturbance location. II. Test of the role of coagulation III. CCN fall from the tropopause IV. CCN available at all vertical levels V. Convection initiated by vertical updrafts (w = 1 m/s) VI. Multiple storms Supplement to Table 1: Additional simulations and results of Titan’s convective clouds. 2 Supplementary figure 1: Methane molar mixing and saturation ratio profiles used in the simulations. The maximum molar abundance of methane is fixed at 0.05 at the surface and determines the vertical methane mixing profile for each saturation value. Here we show the methane molar mixing ratio and saturation ratio profiles for the 50% (purple), 80% (blue), 100% (orange), 125% (red) and 150% (green). An estimation of the Cassini-Huygens measurements of methane relative humidity (Niemann et al. 2005) is shown as a grey line for comparison. 3 Supplementary figure 2: Merger of two nearby convective cells simultaneously triggered. The time evolution of two convective cells initially separated by 20 km is shown using the amount of cloud material as a visual tracer of the dynamics (see last cases in the supplementary table for details of the simulation). (a) onset, (b) development to the mature phase (c) characterized by strong precipitation and gust fronts at the surface. Later on both storms approach until they merge (d) leaving a unique storm (e). The panel (f) shows the accumulated rain at the final stage of the storm. Although the average precipitation is 90 kg/m2, there are regions where precipitation can be a few times higher (300 kg/m2).