American Revolution Unit Notes

The American Revolution
Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry inspires ______________________________ and the
Colonies to go to war.
What did Patrick Henry say
that inspired Americans to go
to war against Britain?
May 1775 The Second Continental Congress
The Second _____________________________ _______________________
began meeting in ______________________________ after The battle
of Lexington and Concord
They agreed to:
1) Form the Continental _______________________________ and name
__________________ __________________________ its commanding general.
2) Allow the printing of paper money to pay the troops.
3) Ordered Washington to ____________________________ immediately
to take over the siege of the British
The Siege of Boston
After the battle of Lexington and Concord, the American
__________________________________ surrounded Boston and held it
under ______________ for almost a year, starting in April of 1775.
The 10,000 man strong Militia was put under the command of
George Washington and became the Continental Army
Define Militia:
Define Siege:
Fort Ticonderoga
At the same time Americans attacked Britain’s Fort
Ticonderoga on the New York side of Lake Champlain.
 ____________________ ___________________________ and Ethan Allen
(and his band of backwoodsmen known as the Green
Mountain Boys) Led the attack
 Americans captured the fort and its large supply of
 These guns would be used later to drive the British from
The Battle of Bunker Hill June 1775
The British ___________________________ tried to end the American
siege by attacking ___________________ __________ in Charlestown.
It was a British victory, but a costly one!
The Battle of ______________________ _____________ was a victory
for the British but a costly one, they suffered heavy losses:
over 800 wounded and 226 killed.
For the rest of the siege of Boston, there was little action
other than occasional raids, minor ______________________________
and sniper fire. Both sides had to deal with supply issues
especially in the cold Boston winter.
Define Artillery:
What did the American
commander tell his men at
Bunker Hill?
Define skirmish:
The Olive Branch Petition July 1775
 A final effort to “______________ ______________” with Great Britain
was made by Congress with the _____________ __________________
Petition, it asked the king to restore __________________ between
Britain and the colonies.
The king ________________ ______ and announced new punishments!
• British navy would block American ships from leaving their
ports, not just in Boston but all of the Colonies!
• He would send thousands of ___________________________, German
mercenary soldiers (soldiers for hire), to fight in America.
Cannons Arrive in Boston from Fort Ticonderoga
The British Retreat from Boston
 After Henry Knox and the cannons arrive Washington orders
the cannons to the Dorchester Heights, hills south of Boston.
With the cannons on these hills they can fire on any part of
 The British commander William Howe, realizing he could no
longer hold the town, chose to ___________________________ it. He
withdrew the British forces on March 17, 1776
The Battle of Quebec (Invasion of Canada) November 1775
 While General George Washington and the Continental Army
was blockading Boston, Washington ordered Benedict Arnold
and Richard Montgomery to capture __________________________.
 The Americans hoped to get the _______________ _______________
_______________________________ to join their side in the war.
 The Americans suffered through a terrible winter on the way
and were soundly _________________ when they attacked Quebec.
They retreated back to Fort Ticonderoga.
 The Americans would ______________ __________________ __________
Battle of New York August 1776
 After success in Boston, Washington and the Continental
Army marched south to defend _________ __________ _____________
against an expected British attack.
 In July, William Howe and 25,000 British Reinforcements
arrived and faced off against Washington’s much smaller
 At the same time in Philadelphia the Continental Congress
declared ______________________________ from Britain.
The British finally attacked Washington’s Colonial troops on
August 27th on Long Island and Brooklyn. The Americans
managed to _________________________ in the middle of the night
across the East River to Manhattan.
A few weeks later the British attacked Manhattan and
____________________________ New York City!
What does the Olive Branch
Define Mercenary:
Define Evacuate:
Who won the invasion of
Washington withdrew across the Hudson River to New Jersey
and the Continental Army began running for their lives.
Aftermath of Battle of New York
The battle over New York was a _________________________ for the
Washington's army had dwindled to fewer than 5,000 men fit
for duty.
The British had been victorious and captured the largest city
in the 13 colonies. New York would be in __________________
control until the end of the war.
Battle of Trenton
Define Deserting an army:
After New York, Washington and his army was in a pitiful
condition, and growing weaker. Troops were ___________________
it was bitter cold and they lacked food, shoes and blankets.
On Christmas Day, 1776 Washington decided to make a
_________________________ ___________________________ and made his
famous crossing of the Delaware river. He had heard from a
scout that the Hessians, (German mercenaries) were spending
the evening relaxing and enjoying food and wine for the
holiday. The army silently crossed the icy Delaware eight
miles north of ______________________________ and nine hours later
2,400 continental assaulted the British occupied city of
Outcome of the Battle of Trenton
Who won the Battle of New
Washington's army was ____________________________- killing 22
Hessians and taking 918 prisoners. American losses included
one wounded officer, future president ___________ _____________.
The American victory ______________ _____ ______________________.
With the success of the revolution in doubt just a week earlier
when the army had seemed on the verge of collapse. The
dramatic victory inspired soldiers to serve longer and
attracted new recruits to the ranks
Who won the Battle of
Why was the Battle of
Trenton so important to the
Continental Army?
American Revolution Part 2
Battle of Saratoga
In the Summer of 1777, the British planned to divide New
England in half. A large army under the command of John
________________________________ was to march south from Canada
and take the state of ______________________ _____________________.
Defending New York was __________________ _________________ and
______________________ ______________________. The two armies met
and fought two battles near Saratoga. The ______________________
won a huge victory!
______________________ is considered the turning point of the war!
Why is Saratoga important?
What does it mean by calling
Saratoga a turning point?
Burgoyne and his British army of over 6,000 men
____________________________________ to the Americans.
___________________ _________________ fought heroically at the battle
of Saratoga and suffered a terrible leg wound which took
years to recover. He didn’t get along with Horatio Gates and
felt that Gates stole the credit for the battle and became bitter
over this.
The French enter the War
Who was America’s biggest
_______________________ ______________________ and John Adams had ally in the American
been sent to France in 1776 to negotiate alliance with France Revolution?
After the victory at Saratoga the _________________ agreed to help
the Americans and signed the Treaty of _________________________.
France would send men, supplies, and its Navy to fight its old
enemy, the British.
Marquis de Lafayette
The most famous French soldier to fight for the U.S. was the
Marquis de ___________________________________________.
Lafayette joined the Americans before the French even joined
the War. He fought for free, George Washington basically
adopted him, and he was extremely brave and enthusiastic
about fighting for liberty and ________________________________.
He would also return to France in the middle of the war and
get even more help for the cause
Battle of Brandywine
At the same time as Saratoga, British General William _________
left New York and began to chase Washington again.
They fought north of _________________________________________ (the
US Capital at that time) at the battle of Brandywine.
Howe out-maneuvered Washington and the ____________________
__________________ the battle.
Lafayette was wounded in the right leg in his first battle, but
managed to help the Americans escape which impressed
Soon after the Americans lost the battle of ______________________.
After these defeats Washington could not defend
_______________________________________________. Congress evacuated
the city and the British took it in October of 1777.
Who won the Battle of
What city was captured by the
British after Brandywine and
Valley Forge winter of 1777-78
Washington’s army was once again in bad shape. After two
_______________________________ and Philadelphia being captured,
the ________________________ ____of the army was very low.
For the winter Washington and his men camped at
___________________________ __________________________ Pennsylvania.
Underfed and poorly clothed, living in crowded, damp
quarters, the army was ravaged by sickness and disease. Over
2,000 men would not survive the ____________________________.
The British solider they were facing were better _______________
The Americans needed to train and practice. The task of
developing and carrying out an effective training program fell
to the Baron Friedrich von ___________________________, a recently
arrived Prussian ______________________ _________________________.
He drilled the American soldiers constantly and by the time
they left Valley Forge, were a much stronger, and more
________________________________ ________________________________.
The Revolution at Sea
Define Moral:
The British had the largest and most powerful _________________
in the world, so it was difficult for the Americans to compete
with them in the war to control the ______________ ______________.
The mostly used ______________________________ (basically Pirates)
to attack British supply ships. The difference in a privateer
and a pirate was that the privateers fought for America while
pirates fight for themselves.
Once the ______________________________ joined the war their Navy
helped out tremendously and would be very important in
bringing the war to an end.
Which countries Navy helped
the Americans win their
Independence from Britain?
“I have not yet begun to fight!!!”
 The most famous naval battle of the war involved the
American _______________ ______________ ___________________ whose
ship the BonHomme Richard defeated the British ship the
 The two ships became locked together and the British yelled
for Jones and his crew to surrender. He replied, “____ __________
___________ ______________ __________ _____ _________________” and
he and his men took the British ship!
The War in the West
George Rogers Clark was a Kentucky (Then part of Virginia)
_____________________________________ who led successful attacks on
the British in the west.
Called the “Washington of the West” Clark help America claim
the last in the west all the way to the __________________________
_________________________________ and forced the British to send
men and supplies to fight in.
Define Frontiersman:
American Revolution Part 3
Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine (the writer of Common Sense) wrote sixteen
pamphlets titled The American Crisis which summoned up the
American Revolution in the winter of 1778 as the Continental
Army froze at Valley Forge
“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier
and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the
service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves
the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not
easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the
harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”
What does it mean to be a
summer soldier?