Article VI – Student Council Meetings

AIS Elementary School
Student Council Constitution
Article I – Establishment
An organization known as the AIS Elementary School Student Council is hereby established.
Article II - Purpose
The AIS Elementary School Student Council is committed to embracing our school mission to
foster informed and engaged local, regional, and global citizenship.
The purpose of the Council shall be to:
Strive for good citizenship.
Respect all individuals in the school and community.
Involve all students in sharing ideas to make our school the best it can be.
Promote school spirit.
Give all students practice in democracy in action.
Provide service to our school and community.
Article III – Student Council Composition
The student council shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and 2
homeroom representatives (1 regular and 1 alternate) from grades 4 and 5. The council will be
sponsored by a faculty adviser(s) and the elementary principal. All student representatives will
be elected by students in grades 4-5 annually. While all members must be students in grades 4
and 5, the student council will sponsor activities throughout the year which include all
elementary students, grades 1-5.
Article IV - Student Council Membership and Elections
Section I
The officers of the student council will be elected in the fall of the year of service by general
election of the upper elementary student body, grades 4-5.
Section II
Two homeroom representatives and one alternate will be elected in the fall of their year of
service by an election in each homeroom of grades 4 and 5.
Section III
Any 5th grader may run for the office of president or vice-president. Any 4th or 5th grader may
run for secretary, treasurer, or homeroom representative.
Section IV
A student council officer or representative may be removed from office for academic or
disciplinary reasons. In addition, if an officer or representative fails to fulfill the duties of his/her
office he/she may be removed from that position. (See By-Laws)
Article V – Voting and Terms of Service
Section I
The officers of the student council will be voting members.
Section II
The homeroom representatives will be voting members.
Section III
The faculty adviser(s) and elementary principal serve in an advisory capacity. They will be nonvoting members.
Section IV
All student council officers and homeroom representatives will serve terms lasting one academic
Section V
All student council officers and homeroom representatives must maintain a good academic and
disciplinary standing at AIS throughout their term of service. (See By-Laws)
Article VI – Student Council Meetings
Section I
The student council will hold a minimum of one general meeting every month during the school
year, October through May, at a time and place determined in consultation with the faculty
adviser(s) and elementary principal.
Section II
The officers and adviser(s) of the student council will meet prior to each general student council
Section III
Additional general meetings may be called by the officers in consultation with the adviser(s)
whenever necessary.
Section IV
A majority of student council members, one of which must be the president or vice-president,
and the faculty adviser(s), shall constitute a quorum.
Article VII – Powers and Duties
The powers and duties of the elementary student council are:
To act as liaison between the students, teachers and administration.
To promote school loyalty and spirit and to stimulate student interest in school activities.
To assist in advertising and coordinating social calendar events.
To develop policies, set standards, and suggest rules necessary for the benefit of the
To create, supervise, and coordinate committees for any special service or activity.
To promote respect for the school and private property.
To promote and sponsor community service activities.
To develop activities that foster and promote good citizenship.
Article VIII – Administration Veto Power
Because the powers of the student council are delegated by the administration (director and
school principal), they will have the right to veto any measure the student council may pass. The
administration will explain the reason for any veto at the next council meeting.
Article VIIII – Amendments to the Constitution
Section I
Amendments may be made to this constitution when deems necessary to meet the needs and
purposes of the student body. The amendment process will begin with a formal petition of 2/3 of
the elementary population or by request of the administration.
to the Constitution of
the AIS Elementary Student Council
Part I – Elections
A. Students in grade 5, who are not on academic probation or suspended from school at the
time of any election activities, may run for the office of president or vice-president.
B. Students in grade 4, who are not on academic probation or suspended from the school at
the time of any election activities, may run for the office of secretary or treasurer.
C. Students in grades 4 and 5, who are not on academic probation or suspended from the
school at the time of any election activities, may run for the position of homeroom
D. Students wishing to run for president, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer must do the
following in order to be eligible:
1. Obtain 20 signatures on a student nomination petition.
2. Obtain two teacher signatures on a faculty nomination petition from teachers who
have worked with the student and who are willing to assist the candidate with his/her
campaign speech.
3. Write an essay on an assigned topic which is no longer than 250 words to be reviewed
and scored by a panel of teachers. Essay must receive an average score of 6 on a scale
of 10.
E. Students will be allowed four days of campaigning. Students running for office will give
a speech to the upper elementary student body, grades 4-5, on the final day of
F. All campaign materials and speeches must receive the prior approval of the faculty
G. Voting will be conducted on the school day immediately following the campaign
H. A majority of the votes cast shall be required to win the election.
I. In the event that a majority is not achieved at the first ballot, there shall be a run-off
election for the position involved between the two candidates having received the most
J. In the event there is only one candidate, that candidate will hold the position.
Part II – Vacancies
A. In the event that a vacancy occurs in the position of president, the vice-president will take
over and the council will elect a new vice-president from the current homeroom
representatives according to Article IV, section III of the Constitution.
B. In the event that any other officer position becomes vacant, the council will elect a new
officer from among the current homeroom representatives according to Article IV,
section III of the Constitution.
C. In the event that a homeroom representative position becomes vacant, the alternate will
fill the position. If the alternate is already serving because of a previous vacancy, the
homeroom will elect a new representative.
Part III – Committees
A. The student council, for the efficient functioning of all council affairs, will form special
committees as are necessary to carry out the duties outlines in Article V of the
B. A student council officer will chair all committees.
C. Student council members must participate in at least two committees during their term of
Part IV – Attendance
A. No member may miss three general or committee meetings of the student council without
an excused absence.
B. The tardiness policy for student council meetings shall be as follows:
1. Any arrival at least ten minutes after the start of the meeting will considered
2. Three tardies will constitute an absence.
C. Committee reports given to the vice-president will include the list of committee member
absent and tardy.
D. For the purposes of the student council, an excused absence will be defined as an absence
from school that does not exceed the ninth absence.
E. If a member violates the attendance policy, he/she will be removed from office and the
vacancy will be filled as outlines in Part II of the By-Laws.
Part V – Duties of Officers and Representatives
A. President
The president will preside at all meetings of the student council and shall represent the
student body in all school organizations requiring student body or student council
participation, and in all meetings with the school administration. If the president is
unavailable, then the vice-president, secretary, treasurer or faculty adviser(s) will perform
this duty, in that order. The president is responsible for preparing an agenda for all
general student council meetings.
B. Vice-President
The vice-president will serve in the absence of the president and will assume such duties
as the president may assign. He/she will assist with the preparation of the agenda and is
also responsible for overseeing the committee work. He/she will attend all student
council sponsored activities.
C. Secretary
The secretary will record and prepare the minutes of all general student council meetings
and carry out necessary correspondence on behalf of the council. He/she will attend all
student council sponsored activities.
D. Treasurer
The treasurer will maintain financial records of the student council and report regularly to
the council all facts pertaining to financial activities. Student council funds may be
procured by the treasurer only after a vote is taken by the council for a specific amount
and purpose. The faculty adviser(s) must also sign the request for funds. Receipts will be
given to the treasurer, for the record. He/she will attend all student council sponsored
E. Representatives
The student council representatives’ duties will include reporting on all council
happenings after each general meeting and acting as a liaison between the class and the
Part VI – Members in Good Standing
A. Any repeated or significant instances of disciplinary action taken in dealing with any
member of the Student Council will be taken seriously. Any member will be removed
from their position if they are suspended from school (in or out of school) or are placed
on behavior probation.
Part VII – Rules of Order
A. Robert’s Rules of Order will serve as the basic guide for conduct of the meetings of the
student council.
B. The order of business at general student council meetings will be as follows:
Call to order
Roll Order
Minutes of the previous meeting
Officers’ reports as appropriate
Committee reports as appropriate
Unfinished business
New business
Part VIII – Amendments
A. Amendments may be made to the By-Laws when deemed necessary to meet the needs
and purposes of the student body. The amendment process will begin with a formal
petition of 2/3 of the elementary school population.