Chapter 27 Review Game Questions/Answers

Chapter 27 Review Game Questions/Answers
Frequency is related to wavelength by the mathematical
relationship ________.
с = λf, where с is the speed of light (3.0 × 108 m/s), λ
is the wavelength, and f is the frequency
Technologies originally developed for use in space programs
and now used by people around the world are called
Spin-off technologies
Lists the types of radiation in order of increasing wavelength
gamma, UV, x-ray, infrared, visible, microwave,
Draw a third quarter moon.
Order of lunar phases
New moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing
gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter,
waning crescent, back to new moon
Alignment of the Sun and the Moon produces ______ tides
__________ is the number of waves or oscillations that pass
a given point per second.
The time it takes for a complete cycle of lunar phases (new
moon to new moon) is _________
29.5 days
What is the mineral composition of most moon rocks?
In the electromagnetic spectrum, all types of radiation are
arranged according to what?
wavelength and frequency
The seasons are caused by Earth’s orbit around the Sun in
combination with _____
the tilt of Earth’s axis
A solar eclipse must occur during the _____ phase of the
Moon, while a lunar eclipse must occur during the _______
New moon, full moon
The first multi-country space habitat for long-term human
occupation was called the ________.
International Space Station
What are the two main kinds of telescopes
reflecting and refracting
The albedo of the Moon is ____ and the albedo of Earth is
7%, 31%
________ have the most energy of the radiation displayed on
the electromagnetic spectrum.
Gamma rays
On July 20, 1969, the _______ mission landed Neil
Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin on the Moon.
Apollo 11
What is the tilt of Earth’s axis?
What are meandering, valley like structures that might be
collapsed lava tubes?
The Tropic of ___________ is located at 23.5° N and the
Tropic of _____________ is located at 23.5° S
Cancer, Capricorn
A layer of loose, ground up rock on the Moon’s surface is
known as _______.
The Sun’s maximum height, called its __________ varies
throughout the year depending on the viewer’s location.