How to Use Hawkes Learning Systems Math Courseware

How to use
Hawkes Learning Systems
 Get your Access code
 Enroll in a gradebook
 Complete your homework
 View your Progress Report
 Take a WebTest
Get your Access Code
 Purchase the HLS software and
textbook from the bookstore
 Locate the yellow sticker on your
CD envelope
 Go to or
click the “I need an access code…” link
from the software.
Click on get your access code
Fill out the form (including the license number from the yellow
sticker on your CD sleeve) and click Submit. Your Access Code
will appear on the screen and will also be emailed to you.
Save your Access Code!
(You will need your Access Code each time you enter the software.)
• Save the code on your computer in order to browse and find
easily for each use.
• Be sure to also save your code on a portable saving device
such as a memory stick or floppy disk for use both at home
and on campus
Tip: Keep original email with Access Code to reference.
Enroll in a Gradebook
 After you install the software from the CDs, double click
on the purple diamond icon on the desktop to open the
 The first time you enter your code, you will be prompted
to save it. (Save to your computer and/or portable storage device for
use on other computers)
On your computer at home, if you
didn’t enter the Course ID when you
installed the software, you’ll be asked
to enter it now. Your Course ID is…
If connected to the internet, fill in the box with…
If you do not have an internet connection, choose
“No, I will not be accessing an online gradebook from this computer”
* This is automatically done for you in the labs at school *
If you are working on a computer with an internet connection,
you will be asked to enroll in your instructor’s gradebook by
choosing their name and section and then selecting Enroll.
You will be taken to the Table of Contents
Select the assigned chapter and lesson from
the menu.
Each lesson has Instruct, Practice, and Certify
Click on the Instruct button for access to narration
and videos, example problems, and definitions.
Click on the Practice button for unlimited practice
problems. You can choose the level of difficulty and get
help from the Interactive Tutor.
In the Practice section, click on the Tutor button at the
bottom of the page for Step-by-Step help and a worked
out solution for each problem.
You can enter answers containing symbols, such as exponents and
fractions, by using the Keypad located at the top left and right hand
side of the screen.
Click on the Certify button to complete your
homework assignment. Each assignment is
Mastery means:
You are allowed to miss a certain number of questions and still pass.
You must get about 80% of the problems correct.
If you miss more than the allowed number of questions, you must
start over and try again until you “master” the material.
You will NOT be penalized for having to start over.
You should go back to Instruct and Practice to go over the material
again. The software will automatically send you back to practice to
go over the problem types you were missing.
When you do complete the assignment, your grade is 100%. (Make
sure it’s on time - there may be late penalties.) If you do not
complete your homework, your grade is a zero.
When you complete your assignment, a certificate will appear on
the screen. Click the Save button and choose the location where
you would like it saved.
* You can also Print this code for your records.
 If you are in the lab at school, your certification
code will be sent automatically to your
instructor’s gradebook.
 If you are at home and have an internet
connection, your certification code will be sent
automatically to your instructor’s gradebook.
If you do not have an internet connection
at home, you will need to go to the
Progress Report website to register your
certification code.
Your Progress Report website is
Go to
and enter your Access Code to view your Progress Report.
Your Progress Report tells you the due dates for your Hawkes
Learning Systems’ assignments, as well as shows you when you
have registered these assignments successfully in your
instructor’s gradebook.
Check the “Status” column to see
if your certification is registered in
your instructor’s gradebook.
- Assignment completed on time (100%)
- Assignment completed late
- Assignment not complete (0%)
- Assignment still due
If there is not a date in the Status column, you will need to
register your certification code. Click on the Submit
Certificate(s) tab at the top of the page.
If you have saved your certificate, choose “Browse” and double click on the
file to submit (It will have the lesson name followed by .SAV)
If you have printed your certificate, click on “Type or Paste” and then choose
the appropriate lesson from the drop-down menu and enter the code
If you do not have an internet connection, you must
register the certificate ON or BEFORE the due date to
receive full credit.
If you have an internet connection at home or are
working in the lab, ALWAYS check to make sure your
certificate was sent to the grade book.
You also have the ability to create your own practice tests using the
software. Simply click on the WebTest button on your Table of
Contents screen.
To create your own test, first click the Take Test button and then
select Practice Test from the menu that appears.
To take a test assigned by your instructor, choose Assigned Test
from the menu.
Please direct any questions to
Hawkes Technical Support