Russia+Land - itsalwaystougherinrussia2010

Russia’s Land
The Type of Land in Russia
• Most of Russia is a subarctic and tundra climate
which makes the land bad for farming.
• The Ring of Fire in the Kamchatka Peninsula causes
trouble for the people in parts of Russia because the
volcanoes are still active in the Kamchatka Peninsula.
• The ice along the coast can cause shipping to be
• Also some ports close from the ice along the coast
Landforms in Russia
• There are land forms of all sort like peninsulas,
bays, mountains, lakes, plateaus, and etc.
• There a lot of volcanoes in Russia but a main
spot is on a peninsula called The Ring of Fire
• There are a lot of bodies of water but one
main one is the Caspian Sea
Mountain Ranges
• In Russia, there are many mountain ranges. Most
of the mountains in Russia are located in the
eastern part of Russia. There is the Caucasus Mts.
which separates southwestern Russia from
Southwest Asia. The Caucasus Mts. Includes Mt.
Elbrus which is 18,510 feet high and it is
considered the tallest peak in the European
continent. There are also many other mountain
ranges in Europe such as the Ural Mountains, the
Sayan Mountains, the Cherskiy Mountains (etc).
• There are two large peninsulas in Russia.
• The Kamchatka Peninsula is the biggest peninsula in
• The Kamchatka Peninsula has many active volcanoes
that are call the Ring of Fire.
• The volcanoes in the Kamchatka Peninsula sometimes
cause earthquakes.
• The Kola Peninsula in Russia is very rich in various
minerals such as : iron ore, titanium, and alumina.
• Ice that covers the entire Kola Peninsula makes it extra
hard to mine
Russian Lakes
• There are many lakes including Baikal Lake,
Ladoga Lake, and the Pskovskoye Lake.
• A lot of the lakes in Russia are polluted and
are dirty
• One good thing the lakes provide is fishing
• There are 2 main plains in Russia. One of them is the
Northern European Plain and the other one is the Western
Siberian Plain.
• Many of the industries in Russia is located here in the
Northern European Plain.
• The important cities of Russia is located in the Northern
European Plain.
• Most of Russia’s population is live in the Northern
European Plain.
• The West Siberian Plain is the world’s largest area of flat
• Most people live in the southern part of the West Siberian
Plain because it’s the warmest part of the plain.
Rivers in Russia
Some main rivers are the Don river, the Volga river,
and the Pechora river.
• The rivers in Russia freeze which is not good for
• Also during the winter the Caspian sea freezes which
can be a problem
• One more important thing is that since there is a lot
of Global Warming the arctic effects a lot of
northern Russia.
Inland Water Areas
• The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in
the world.
• Instead of having freshwater in the Caspian Sea, it has
saltwater instead.
• Lake Baikal, which is located high in the Central
Siberian Plateau is the world’s deepest freshwater lake.
• Lake Baikal actually holds 20 percent of the world’s
water supply.
• Lake Baikal attracts many tourists with its shimmering
blue waters.
• The frozen lakes in Russia also makes transporting
goods to other parts of Russia hard.