Cody Gonzalez DNA evidence is a crucial part of any crime scene

Cody Gonzalez
DNA evidence is a crucial part of any crime scene case. IT can help police and
investigators find the right suspect and put them away as well as narrowing the suspect pool
down to a few suspects. Recently a seventy year old woman was raped inside a church and five
days later Tampa police found arrested and charged the suspected with sexual battery. (Girona)
The arrest and is just one example of how DNA evidence cn help put the right man behind bars.
Crime scene investigators took swab samples from the victim and submitted them to a state
database. The suspect had been arrested in 2003 on a lewd behavior charge at the time police,
according to policy, took swabs of DNA evidence from him and this nine year old DNA
evidence supplied a quick result and arrest for the rape in 2012. (Girona) Crime Scene
investigators will take DNA evidence from suspects or witnesses from swabs in the mouth
usually, other forms are blood, semen, saliva, sweat, hair and skin cells. (Girona)
This week we learned how to deal with suspects. Photography, fingerprinting, and DNA
evidence is all part of it. DNA evidence should be and can be taken from mouth swabs, and this
is usually the most typically form of DNA evidence. (Gardner) Also finger nail scrapings are a
good source of DNA evidence as well as skin cell samplings. As in this case, a sexual assault
victim must be taken special care of, there injuries both physical and mental are harsh and the
victims may be in a delicate state. First the victim should be transferred to a hospital or other
healthcare facility where a forensic nurse can examine the victim. (Gardner) Evidence is
collected and photos need to be taken to make sure all the information is collected. As in this
case DNA was found from the assailant an then traced back to him using his previously obtained
DNA. (Gardner) DNA evidence is essential in cases like this as well as many others. It proves an
invaluable commodity and police can now get there man or women much faster.
Cody Gonzalez
Works Citied
Gardner, J. (2012, November 13). Suspect and Live Victim, Crime Scene Investigation.
Ordway Florida Southern College.
Girona, Jose Patino. "DNA Evidence Continues to Crack Cases." N.p., 29 Oct. 2012.
Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <>.
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