Robby Riehle 1/22/13 CMC 400-Bibliography Effects and Corruption

Robby Riehle
CMC 400-Bibliography
Effects and Corruption of the
Pharmaceutical Drug Industry
Cook, Lauren. 2007. "Products Liability: Genuine Issue of Material Fact Over
Whether Understating Risk of Side Effects Renders Pharmaceutical Drug Labels
Misleading and Ineffective - McNeil v. Wyeth1." American Journal of Law and
Medicine 33 (1): 141-145.
Galizzi, Matteo Maria, Simone Ghislandi, and Marisa Miraldo. 2011. "Effects of
Reference Pricing in Pharmaceutical Markets." PharmacoEconomics 29 (1): 17-33.
Sernyak, Michael and Robert Rosenheck. 2007. "Experience of VA Psychiatrists with
Pharmaceutical Detailing of Antipsychotic Medications." Psychiatric Services 58 (10):
Khalil, M. Torabzadeh, G. Woodruff Criss, and Nilanjan Sen. 1998. "FDA Decisions on
New Drug Applications and the Market Value of Pharmaceutical Firms." American
Business Review 16 (2): 42-50.
Lexchin, Joel. 2012. "Those Who have the Gold make the Evidence: How the
Pharmaceutical Industry Biases the Outcomes of Clinical Trials of Medications."
Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2): 247-61.
Pinto, Mary Beth, Jeffrey K. Pinto, and Joseph C. Barber. 1998. "The Impact of
Pharmaceutical Direct Advertising: Opportunities and Obstructions." Health
Marketing Quarterly 15 (4): 89-101.
Oldani, Michael J. 2004. "Thick Prescriptions: Toward an Interpretation of
Pharmaceutical Sales Practices." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 18 (3): 325-56.
Falit, Benjamin. 2005. "The Path to Cheaper and Safer Drugs: Revamping the
Pharmaceutical Industry in Light of GlaxoSmithKline's Settlement." The Journal of
Law, Medicine & Ethics 33 (1): 174-179.
Kuhn, Michael, Monica Campillos, Ivica Letunic, Lars Juhl Jensen, and Peer Bork.
2010. "A Side Effect Resource to Capture Phenotypic Effects of Drugs." Molecular
Systems Biology 6: 343-350.
Mulligan, Lia. 2011. "You can't Say that on Television: Constitutional Analysis of a
Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising Ban." American Journal of Law and
Medicine 37 (2): 444-67.
Slovic, Paul, Ellen Peters, John Grana, Susan Berger, and S. Dieck Gretchen. 2007.
"Risk Perception of Prescription Drugs: Results of a National Survey." Drug
Information Journal 41 (1): 81-100.
Bhattacharyya, Sarmishtha and Alistair Burns. 2007. "Is the Influence of the
Pharmaceutical Industry on Prescribing, Research and Publication in the Field of
Psychogeriatrics Excessive? - no." International Psychogeriatrics 19 (6): 1010-4;
discussion 1014-20.
Fung, Man, Anna Thornton, Kathy Mybeck, Jasmanda Hsiao-Hui, and et al. 2001.
"Evaluation of the Characteristics of Safety Withdrawal of Prescription Drugs from
Worldwide Pharmaceutical Markets--196o to 1999." Drug Information Journal 35
(1): 293-317
Kessel, Mark. 2011. "The Problems with Today's Pharmaceutical Business--an
Outsider's View." Nature Biotechnology 29 (1): 27-33.
Marshall, Brandon D. L., M-J Milloy, Evan Wood, Julio S. G. Montaner, and Thomas
Kerr. 2011. "Reduction in Overdose Mortality After the Opening of North America's
First Medically Supervised Safer Injecting Facility: A Retrospective PopulationBased Study." The Lancet 377 (9775): 1429-37.
Bohnert, Amy S. B., Mark A. Ilgen, Rosalinda V. Ignacio, John F. McCarthy, Marcia
Valenstein, and Frederic C. Blow. 2012. "Risk of Death from Accidental Overdose
Associated with Psychiatric and Substance use Disorders." The American Journal of
Psychiatry 169 (1): 64-70.
Lawrence, John R., George D. W. Swerhone, Leonard I. Wassenaar, and Thomas R.
Neu. 2005. "Effects of Selected Pharmaceuticals on Riverine Biofilm Communities."
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 51 (8): 655-69.
Vandegrift, Donald and Anusua Datta. 2006. "Prescription Drug Expenditures in the
United States: The Effects of Obesity, Demographics, and New Pharmaceutical
Products." Southern Economic Journal 73 (2): 515-515.
Snelders, Stephen, Charles Kaplan, and Toine Pieters. 2006. "On Cannabis, Chloral
Hydrate, and Career Cycles of Psychotropic Drugs in Medicine." Bulletin of the
History of Medicine 80 (1): 95-114.
"Pill Pushers: Pharmaceutical Marketing in an Overmedicated Nation."
2008.Multinational Monitor 29 (1): 39-44.$file/PrescriptionDrugDiversionAndAbuseRoadmap.pdf