French 3 end of year final exam study guide 2014

French 3 end of year final exam study guide 2014
1.2 être, avoir, aller, faire p. 20,21
 Know what they mean and how to conjugate them
1.3 interrogative words p. 24, 25
 Know the words in the box on page 24
 Know the difference between quel and lequel (and their different forms)
2.1 reflexive and reciprocal verbs p. 52, 53
 Know what the verbs mean and when to use them reflexively or not (think – do they have a
direct object?)
2.3 adverbs p. 60, 61
 Know how to form them – hint – you may want to brush up on adjectives too
3.1 irregular past participles p.88,89
 Know what they are and for which verbs
3.2 passé composé with être p. 92,93
 Know which verbs take être in compound tenses (such as the passé composé)
 Past participles of irregular verbs
 agreement with these verbs
3.3 passé compose vs imparfait p. 96, 97
 Know the difference between them and when to use which one
4.1 plus-que-parfait p. 124, 125
 Know how to recognize it and when it’s used (for actions that take place before other actions in
the past)
4.2 Negations p. 129
 Know the negative expressions in the box on p. 129
4.3 irregular –IR verbs p. 132 – 133
 Know what they are and how to conjugate them
5.1 partitive articles and expressions of quantity p. 160,161
 Know what they are, what they mean, and the rules for when to use them
5.2/5.3 Pronouns p. 164 – 169
 Know which pronouns replace what in a sentence (you may also want to review p. 388 for
object pronouns)
6.1 the subjunctive p. 198,199
 Know how to conjugate it
6.2 demonstrative pronouns p. 202,203
 Know which one replaces what in a sentence
6.3 irregular –RE verbs p. 206,207
 Know what they are, what they mean, and how to conjugate them
7.1 comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs p. 236, 237
 Know how form them and especially the ones in the boxes.
7.2 the future simple
 Know how to conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the future simple