Name: Mrs. Queen Subject: Spanish II Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday I will know how to say how I feel in Spanish. I will understand how to use estar with emotions.. I will understand how to use estar in all 5 forms emotions. I will understand how to use estar in all 5 forms emotions. I can use emotions with the correct verb in Spanish. I can use emotions with the correct verb in Spanish. I can use emotions with the correct verb in Spanish. I can use emotions with the correct verb in Spanish. What emotions do you typically use in English? What verb is used in English with each emotion. Estar in all 5 forms What emotions do you typically use in English? What verb is used in English with each emotion. What emotions do you typically use in English? What verb is used in Spanish with emotions. What emotions do you typically use in English? What verb is used in Spanish with emotions. Estoy Estas Esta Estamos Estan alegre enfermo/a ,de buen humor, preocupado/a, furioso/a, de mal humor, orgulloso/a, triste, aburrido/a, nervioso/a, tranquilo/a, enamorado/a, cansado/a,asustado/a depremido/a Estar in all 5 forms Estoy Estas Esta Estamos Estan Estar in all 5 forms Estoy Estas Esta Estamos Estan Estar in all 5 forms Estoy Estas Esta Estamos Estan alegre enfermo/a ,de buen humor, preocupado/a, furioso/a, de mal humor, orgulloso/a, triste, aburrido/a, nervioso/a, tranquilo/a, enamorado/a, cansado/a,asustado/a depremido/a alegre enfermo/a ,de buen humor, preocupado/a, furioso/a, de mal humor, orgulloso/a, triste, aburrido/a, nervioso/a, tranquilo/a, enamorado/a, cansado/a,asustado/a depremido/ alegre enfermo/a ,de buen humor, preocupado/a, furioso/a, de mal humor, orgulloso/a, triste, aburrido/a, nervioso/a, tranquilo/a, enamorado/a, cansado/a,asustado/a depremido/ Model how to create sentences using strategy #1 (magic circle). Students participate in the translation of sentences. Verbally answer questions in the target language using strategies learned in class. Verbally answer questions in the target language using strategies learned in class. Verbally answer questions in the target language using strategies learned in class. Verbally answer questions in the target language using strategies learned in class. Write notes in the composition. Create sentences expressing how you feel. Create sentences expressing how you feel and why. Work in groups to create sentences. Answer any questions regarding vocabulary & putting sentences together. Guided Practice Create a sentences using emotions in the target language. Checking for Understanding* Verbally present sentence to the class. Create sentences using emotions in the target language. Use phrases & verbs from previous lesson. Verbally present sentence to the class Create and verbally share sentences using emotions in the target language. Use phrases & verbs from previous lesson. Verbally present sentence to the class Create and verbally share sentences using emotions in the target language. Use phrases & verbs from previous lesson. Verbally present sentence to the class Listen to a verbal vocabulary & practice pronunciation. Verbally practice pronunciation Verbally practice pronunciation Students will review and verbalize the emotions discussed in class. Students will review and verbalize the emotions discussed in class. Students will review and verbalize the emotions discussed in class as they add Students ask & respond to questions they create for each other. Students will review and verbalize the emotions discussed in class as they add Performance Objective* Learning Objective*: I can Essential Questions* Vocabulary* Anticipatory Set* Congruent to Objective Active Participation Past Experience Direct Instruction Independent Practice Tuesday Plans for week of: Week 3 Closure* Congruent to Objective I will understand how to use estar in all 5 forms emotions. Test regarding vocabulary & strategy creating sentences. Name: Mrs. Queen Subject: Spanish II Active Participation Past Experience Student Summary Assessment Specific Resources Plans for week of: Week 3 concepts from strategy #1. concepts from strategy #1 Informal walk around and speak the target language. Informal walk around and speak the target language Informal walk around and speak the target language Informal walk around and speak the target language Composition Composition, Play money created for the class. Play money created for the class. Dry erase board markers