9. Evolution Theories *


9.Evolution Theories

 Essential Question: How does the evidence of geology, fossils, and comparative anatomy support the theory of evolution?

 Learning Target: I can describe who Charles Darwin was and his inference about life on earth.

 Learning Task: I will watch short film clips to learn about Charles Darwin and the inferences he made about life on Earth.

 I can read about two different theories about how evolution occurred..

Welcome! Warm Up Friday 4/11/14

Week of 4/7 – 4/11

What is


What does it mean to believe something?

4 Quarter

Table of Contents 1


Ice Cores

Ice Core Webquest

Fossil Notes

Getting into the Fossil Record

Fossil Vocab

Fossils over Time (Molds vs Casts)

Law of Superposition Vocab

Who’s on First? (Wkst)

Assignment #









Geologic Time VOCAB 10

Video Evolution Questions

Segment 1& 3


Evolution Vocab 12

Belief vs. Understanding

 Our beliefs are important to us. They are valid and serve valuable purposes in our life

 Science isn’t about telling you what to believe – or about telling you that what you believe is wrong. Rather, Science is about UNDERSTANDING the world around us. You don’t have to believe it, but you should understand it.

Video: Evolution – Evolving Ideas

 Today we will watch two video clips from the PBS Series Evolution –

Evolving Ideas

 You will copy the questions for each section into your lab notebook before watching, and then answer the questions while you watch.

Video: Evolution Questions 11

Segment 1: Isn't Evolution Just a Theory?


What is a theory?

2. What does Darwin's theory of natural selection aim to explain?

3. What is an inference?

4. What was Darwin's inference?

Segment 1:

Isn't Evolution Just a Theory?

Full screen/youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85diEXb


Original PBS location: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/


Segment 3:

How do we know evolution happens?

1. Where is the history of life held?

2. How are whales similar to us? How are they different?

3. Whales have flippers, but what are the bones similar to on the inside?

4. What reason do scientists give for a fourlegged animal moving closer to water and giving rise to modern whales?

Segment 3:

How do we know evolution happens?

Full screen/youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewtw_n


Original PBS location: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/


Most Species that have lived on Earth are now Extinct!

 Extinction of species is common.

 Extinction of species occurs when the environment changes and the individual organisms of that species do not have the traits necessary to survive and reproduce in the changed



The Dodo Bird

 The Dodo was a large, flightless bird

 It was a relative of pigeons and doves

 The last dodo died sometime in the late

17th century http://science.discovery.com/creatures/10-extinct-species.htm


The Dinosaurs

 Stegosaurus lived way before Triceratops showed up

 Tyrannosaurus wasn't feasting on Apatosaurus

(he had been extinct for millions of years by that time)

 They were all gone by the time human beings came around http://science.discovery.com/creatures/10-extinct-species.htm


Passenger Pigeon

 These pigeons once blackened the sky as it roamed in flocks numbering in the billions

 Westward-bound settlers chopped down the birds' habitat at an alarming pace.

 In less than 100 years, this species was in a lot of trouble.

 The last passenger pigeon died in a Cincinnati zoo in

1914. http://science.discovery.com/creatures/10-extinct-species.htm


Saber-Toothed Tiger

 Has been extinct for over

10,000 years

 The cat itself was about the size of a modern-day lion (if not a bit shorter), but far more robust

 This fierce predator once roamed freely in the grasslands and forests of

North and South America

 We should probably be happy we're not living in the

Ice Age!


In your Lab Notebook:

Evolution Vocab 12

Darwin –a naturalist who proposed and provided scientific evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors

• Theory – a explanation that ties together many hypothesis and observations

Natural Selection – survival of the fittest organisms that are the best adapted to their environment and will live long enough to reproduce and pass on those adaptations

 Create Frayer Models for the words

Geologic Time Webquest

 http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/ed ucation/explorations/tours/stories/ middle/intro.html


Google Drive: 9. Inheritance of Acquired

Characteristics Vs. Natural Selection ~

Reading & Questions

Exit Ticket

 What theory of evolution was proposed by Charles Darwin?
