Lecture 8 Powerpoint

EVPP 550
Waterscape Ecology and
R. Christian
Fall 2007
Water Chemistry – CO2, alk, pH
• Global carbon
cycle includes:
– Photosynthesis
– Respiration
– Fossil Fuel
– Ocean
– Rock
(over long
Water Chemistry –
CO2, alk, pH
• Earth’s atmosphere
contains relatively small
amounts of CO2 as
compared to O2
• But the amount has
increased greatly over
the past several decades
• As a greenhouse gas,
CO2 is a major factor in
the warming of Earth
surface temperatures
• CO2 is also intimately
involved in the carbonatebicarbonate buffering
system that controls pH
in most freshwaters
Ice core data
Water Chemistry – CO2, alk, pH
• Carbon dioxide dissolves
in water to produce
carbonic acid
• Carbonic acid dissociates
to produce bicarbonate
and hydrogen ion (1st
dissociation of carbonic
• Bicarbonate dissociates
to produce carbonate and
another hydrogen ion (2nd
dissociation of carbonic
• CO2 + H20 ↔ H2CO3
• H2CO3 ↔ HCO3- + H+
• HCO3- ↔ CO3-2 + H+
Water Chemistry – CO2, alk, pH
• pH = -log [H+]
• pH is the negative log
of the hydrogen ion
• pH = 4 means [H+] =
• pH = 7 means [H+] =
• pH = 10 means [H+] =
Water Chemistry – CO2, alk, pH
• The relative amounts of carbonate, bicarbonate, and carbon
dioxide-carbonic acid change with pH in a predictable manner
based on dissociation equations
• At high pH, carbonate dominates
• At intermediate pH, bicarbonate dominates
• At low pH, carbon dioxide-carbonic acid dominates
Water Chemistry – CO2, alk, pH
• Alkalinity is the ability of water to resist
• If the carbonate-bicarbonate system is the
major buffer, then pH change can be
resisted as long as bicarbonate and
carbonate are present since they can
absorb hydrogen ions
• Alkalinity = [HCO3-] + 2 x [CO3-2]
Water Chemistry – CO2, alk, pH
• pH of rain in equilibrium
with atmospheric CO2
is about 5.5
• Pollutants such as
sulfate and NOX
decrease it futher
• The total amount of
alkalinity in a given
water body is based,
not only on the input of
CO2 from the
atmosphere, but even
more so on sources of
carbonate and
bicarbonate from the
Water Chemistry – CO2, alk, pH
• For some purposes we
need to know the total
amount of dissolved
inorganic carbon (DIC)
in a water body
• This determines the
carbon available for
photosynthesis and
also is needed to
calculate the
photosynthetic rate
using the C-14 method
• DIC = [H2CO3] + [HCO3-]
+ [CO3-2]
• Based on equations in
handout, if we know pH,
alkalinity, and
temperature, we can
derive total DIC and
concentration of all forms
of DIC
Water Chemistry – CO2, alk, pH
CO2 + H20 ↔ H2CO3 ↔ HCO3- + H+ ↔ CO3-2 + H+
• Effect of photosynthesis
on pH and carbonate
• Effect of respiration on
pH and carbonate
• Psyn consumes CO2,
equilibrium shifts to left
resulting in consumption
of H+ and increase in pH
• Resp releases CO2,
equilibrium shift to left
resulting in release of H+
and decrease in pH
Water Chemistry – CO2, alk, pH
• Vertical profiles
of pH
Water Chemistry – Dissolved Ions
• Sources
– Atmosphere
– Soil/rocks
• Dissolution
• Weathering
– Sediments
• Measurement
– Total Dissolved Solids
– aka Filterable Residue
– Gravimetric procedure
– Filter substantial
volume of water, then
evaporate filtrate until
constant weight
– Problems: some
residues are volatile
and some retain water
Water Chemistry – Dissolved Ions
• Range: 1 mg/L to
300,000 mg/L
(saturated brine)
• Equivalent to 0.001 –
300 ppt
• Fresh water: < 1 ppt
• Ocean: 35 ppt
• Great Salt Lake: 220
Water Chemistry – Dissolved Ions
• Conductivity
– Measures the ability of
water to conduct an
electrical current
– Proportional to the number
of ions in solution
– Pure water has a very low
conductance (<0.1
umho/cm = uS/cm)
– Conductance is a rough
measure of TDS which can
be calibrated more
accurately for a given
• Conductivity
– Is a function of temperature
so values need to be
standardized to a given
temperature, usually 25oC
– Conductivity increases by a
factor of about 0.025 per
– So to get Specific
Conductance (Conductivity
standardized to 25oC):
– Cond(25oC) = Cond (T) x
Water Chemistry – Dissolved Ions
• Anions
– CO3-2 and HCO3(70-75% by wt)
– SO4-2 and Cl- also
• Cations
Ca+2 (60%)
Mg+2 (15-20%)
Na+ (15-20%)
K+ (5-10%)
• Alkalinity
– [CO3-2] + [HCO3-]
– Acid buffering capacity
• Hardness
– [Ca+2] + [Mg+2]
– Reaction to soap
– More soap required in
hard water because
Ca and Mg tie some of
it up
Water Chemistry - Nitrogen
• Forms
– N2 = dissolved molecular nitrogen
– NH4+, NH3, NH4OH = ammonia nitrogen
– NO2- = nitrite ion
– NO3- = nitrate ion
– Organic nitrogen: includes proteins, amino
acids, urea, etc.
Water Chemistry - Nitrogen
• Forms
– Equilibrium
forms is a
function of
and pH
Water Chemistry - Nitrogen
• Transformations
– Nitrogen fixation
• N2 → reduced organic N (like amino acid)
• Three groups of organisms can do this
– Aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria use
organic matter as energy substrate/important in
– Cyanobacteria use light as energy source/important in
open water/done in heterocysts/may occur in large
blooms in midsummer in enriched lakes
– Purple photosynthetic bacteria use light as energy
source, but need anoxic conditions
Water Chemistry - Nitrogen
• Transformations
– Nitrogen fixation
– Rate of N fixation
in water column is
increased during N
– Rate of N limitation
is related to light
intensity implying
that light energy is
driving the process
Water Chemistry - Nitrogen
• Transformations
– Assimilation of combined nitrogen
• NH4+ → reduced organic nitrogen (like amino
• NO3- → reduced organic nitrogen (like amino
• NH4+ is energetically more favorable as it is
already reduced
Water Chemistry - Nitrogen
• Transformations
– Proteolysis or ammonification
• Organic Nitrogen → NH4+
• Proteolytic bacteria use energy released from this
transformation for metabolism
– Nitrification
• NH4+ → NO2– Nitrosomonas uses energy released for metabolism
• NO2- → NO3– Nitrobacter uses energy released for metabolism
– Reaction occurs quickly so NO2- generally very low
Water Chemistry - Nitrogen
• Transformations
– Denitrification
• NO3- → N2
• Anaerobic/aerobic interface habitats such as
mud-water interface
• Active in sediments and wetlands, may greatly
deplete NO3 in groundwater
Water Chemistry - Nitrogen
Chemistry Nitrogen
Water Chemistry - Nitrogen
Water Chemistry - Nitrogen
Chemistry Nitrogen
Chemistry Nitrogen
Water Chemistry - Phosphorus
• Importance to organisms
– Nucleic acids
– Adenosine Triphosphate
(high energy PO4 bonds)
– Bones and other solid
• Sources
– Erosion of igneous rocks
– Dissolution of phosphatecontaining sedimentary
– Guano beds, bone
– Human and animal waste,
Water Chemistry - Phosphorus
• Forms of phosphorus
– In biological systems and in
water, almost all P is in the
PO4 form
– Can be individual PO4-3
ions or PO4 group can be
combined with organic
molecules, either dissolved
or particulate
• Analytic Forms
– Phosphate ion aka
orthophosphate aka soluble
reactive phosphorus
• Measured on filtered
– Total soluble phosphorus
• Measured on filtered
sample after digestion
– Total phosphorus
• Measured on whole water
samples after digestion
Water Chemistry - Phosphorus
• Ortho-P
– Only directly utilizable
form of inorganic P
– May be formed from
organic P by
enzymatic action
– Reacts with other
chemicals and
adsorps to particles
and elements like Fe
• Organic P = Total P –
Ortho P
– Often most P in lakes
is tied up in organisms
or detritus
– Can cycle between
ortho-P and organic P
Water Chemistry - Phosphorus
• P cycle in lakes
Water Chemistry - Phosphorus
• P cycle in lakes
Water Chemistry - Phosphorus
• P profiles in various
Water Chemistry - Iron
• Iron is a necessary requirement for all
living organisms (enzyme systems)
• Iron has two states
– Fe+3 = ferric ion
• Forms insoluble compounds
• Found under oxic conditions
– Fe+2 = ferrous ion
• Is generally soluble
• Found under anoxic conditions
Water Chemistry - Iron
• Even though
generally insoluble in
oxic epilimnion, Fe
can be held there by
chelators (compounds
that weakly bind it to
prevent precipitation,
but may give it up to
Water Chemistry - Iron
• Generally, however, in
oxic conditions Fe is
found in a precipitated
oxide form such as
• These iron precipitates
help to bind PO4 in the
sediments and keep it
from migrating into the
water column
Water Chemistry - Iron
• However, when
anoxic conditions set
in, the Fe(OH)3
dissolves and PO4-3
can be rapidly
released fueling algal
Water Chemistry - Iron
• However, when
anoxic conditions set
in, the Fe(OH)3
dissolves and PO4-3
can be rapidly
released fueling algal
Water Chemistry
- Iron
• However, when
anoxic conditions set
in, the Fe(OH)3
dissolves and PO4-3
can be rapidly
released fueling algal
Water Chemistry - Silicon
• Required for diatioms
• Removed from the water column during
diatom growth and sinking
• May come to limit diatom growth during
the growing season