Histo Sample Q's, covering Chaia's lectures and Crissman's lecture

Histo Sample Q’s, covering Chaia’s lectures and Crissman’s lecture. Answers follow at end.
*** I take no responsibility as to the accuracy of this. Further, this is by no means comprehensive.***
1. Which of the following is a part of the Tunica Fibrosa?
a. Sclera
b. Ciliary Body
c. Choroid Layer
d. Pigment Epithelium of the Retina
e. None of the above are part of the T. Fibrosa
2. Zonules of Zinn:
a. run from the lens to the ciliary body
b. are located in the vitreous chamber
c. are innervated by the trochlear nerve (CN IV)
d. A, B & C
e. A & B
3. Layers of the sclera include:
a. Bowman’s membrane
b. Lamina Fuscia
c. Choroid
d. Choriocapillaris
e. A & D
4. Bruch’s (glassy) membrane is found in the:
a. Choroid
b. Sclera
c. Lens
d. Iris
e. Retina
5. In which layer of the retina would one find cell bodies of bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells?
a. Ganglion cell layer
b. external limiting membrane
c. outer nuclear layer
d. inner nuclear layer
e. outer plexiform layer
6. You’re proceeding through the retina starting at the basement membrane of the bottom layer
of the choroid. The order of retinal layers that you’ll pass through first:
a. retinal pigment epith.  outer plexiform layerExt. Limiting membrane  inner
plexiform  outer nuclear layer
b. retinal pigment epith.  photoreceptor layer Ext. Limiting membrane  outer
nuclear layer  outer plexiform layer
c. retinal pigment epith.  photoreceptor layer Int. Limiting membrane  Internal
limiting membrane  inner nuclear layer
d. retinal pigment epith.  photoreceptor layer Ext. Limiting membrane  Internal
limiting membrane  outer nuclear layer
e. None of the above are in the correct order from choroid through the retina.
7. The ganglion cell layer of the retina is sandwiched between:
a. the photoreceptor layer and the inner plexiform layers
b. the inner plexiform layer and the retinal axon layer
c. the inner nuclear layer and the inner plexiform layer
d. the outer nuclear layer and the outer plexiform layer
e. the external limiting membrane and the outer nuclear layer
8. The Outer nuclear layer of the retina contains:
a. cell bodies of horizontal cells
b. nuclei of bipolar cells
c. nuclei of photoreceptor cells
d. unmyelinated ganglion cell axons
e. nuclei of muller cells
9. What is the function of an amacrine cell?
a. Light -sensitive; it receives light and signals to the optic nerve
b. large glial cell ; it extends through all 10 layers of the retina
c. distribute impulses from bipolar cells laterally to retinal ganglion cells
d. reflect light anteriorly
e. None of the above.
10. The sphincter papillae is located in the
a. superficial non-pigmented layer of the ciliary body
b. anterior limiting layer of the iris
c. muscular layer of the iris
d. outer plexiform layer of the retina
e. Bruch’s membrane
11. What is the function of the ciliary body?
a. contains vitreous humor
b. regulates shape of lens via ciliary muscles
c. controls movement of the pupil
d. source of aqueous humor
e. B & D
12. The Canal of Schlemm
a. is lined with simple squamous epithelium
b. empties aqueous humor
c. empties into aqueous veins to the conjunctiva
d. (if blocked) can lead to increased intraocular pressure
e. All of the above.
13. The ciliary muscles are innervated by:
a. Optic nerve
b. CN IV
c. parasympathetic fibers off short ciliary nerve
d. CN VI
14. Bowman’s membrane is found in:
a. retina
b. lens
c. choroid
d. sclera
e. cornea
15. Colloid primarily contains:
a. thyroperoxidase
b. MIT
c. T3
d. thyroglobulin
e. TSH
16. Parafollicular cells contain:
a. parathyroid hormone
b. T4
c. calcitonin
d. TSH
e. T3
17. The function of parathyroid hormone (PTH) is:
a. To increase plasma calcium levels
b. to decrease bone resorption
c. to activate the adrenal medulla to secrete mineralcorticoids
d. to decrease plasma calcium levels
e. none of the above
18. Inferior parathyroid glands derive from:
a. 1st pharyngeal pouch
b. 1st pharyngeal arch
c. 3rd pharyngeal arch
d. 3rd pharyngeal pouch
e. 4th pharyngeal arch
19. Chief cells of the parathyroid gland:
a. Are less numerous than the oxyphil cells
b. secrete calcitonin
c. store PTH
d. secrete PTH
e. C & D
20. Somatostatin is secreted by
a. anterior pituitary gland
b. F-cells of the pancreas
c. superior parathyroid gland
d. adrenal medulla
e. Delta cells of the pancreas
21. The function of somatostatin is
a. cause Growth Hormone release
b. cause glucagon release
c. cause TSH release
d. B & C
e. A & B
22. The function of Pancreatic Polypeptide is:
a. to stimulate the release of gastric secretions in the gut
b. to stimulate the release of glucagon in the pancreas
c. to stimulate the release of calcitonin
d. to stimulate bile secretion in the gallbladder
e. A & B
23. The zona glomerulosa secretes
a. Cortisol
b. Glucagon
d. Aldosterone
e. epinephrine
24. The function of mineralcorticoids is
a. To increase calcium resorption at the kidney
b. To activate osteoclasts
c. To increase sodium resorption at the kidney
d. A & B
e. None of the above
25. Cortisol functions to
a. down-regulate immune response
b. modulate carbohydrate metabolism
c. resorb sodium at the kidney
d. A & B
e. B & C
26. The Zona Reticularis is a part of the
a. Cornea
b. Sclera
c. Adrenal medulla
d. Para thyroid gland
e. None of the above.
27. Addison’s disease is also known as
a. hyperadrenalism
b. hypoadrenalism
c. hypothyroidism
d. hyperthyroidism
e. None of the above.
28. The adrenal medulla is composed of
a. oxyphil cells
b. follicular cells
c. chromaffin cells
d. thick fibrous cords
e. F-cells
29. Catecholamines:
a. are secreted by the zona reticularis
b. increase blood pressure and cardiac output
c. decrease blood glucose levels
d. increase calcium resorption at the kidney
e. None of the above.
30. Which of the following is NOT true of the pineal gland?
a. it secretes melatonin
b. it contains brain sand (calcium carbonate/phosphate aggregates)
c. it contains glial cells
d. it is encapsulated by connective tissue
e. All of the above are true.
31. The pituitary gland derives from:
a. Endoderm
b. oral ectoderm
c. neuroectoderm
d. Mesoderm
e. B & C
32. The adrenohypophysis:
a. contains the pars nervosa
b. secretes oxytocin
c. is stimulated by ACTH
d. contains the pars intermedia
e. B & D
33. Chromophobes in the pars distalis secrete:
a. TSH
b. FSH
c. LH
e. None of the above.
34. Somatotrophs are
a. LH-secreting cells
b. chromophobes
c. chromophils
d. part of the pars nervosa
e. ACTH – secreting cells
35. Overproduction of Growth Hormone in adulthood can lead to:
a. pituitary dwarfism
b. anterior cleft palate
c. acromegally
d. pituitary giantism
e. increased blood glucose levels
36. Basophils (or B-cells) in the pituitary gland include:
a. Thyrotrophs
b. Somatotrophs
c. Oxyphills
d. B &C
e. A & B
37. Oxytocin is secreted by:
a. mammotrophs
b. gonadotrophs
c. thyrotrophs
d. oxyphils
e. none of the above.
38. The pars tubularis
a. secretes vasopressin (ADH)
b. is a collar of cells that wraps around the infundibular stalk.
c. is part of the neurohypophysis
d. derives from the endoderm of the 1st pharyngeal arch
e. None of the above.
39. The carrier protein for the neurohypophysis is:
a. neurophysin
b. neurosecretin
c. neurotrophic protein
d. B & C
e. None of the above.
40. The external surface of the external auditory meatus is lined by
a. simple squamous epithelium
b. simple cuboidal epithelium
c. stratified squamous epithelium
d. simple columnar epithelium
e. none of the above
41. The tympanic cavity is lined by
a. simple squamous epithelium
b. simple cuboidal epithelium
c. stratified squamous epithelium
d. simple columnar epithelium
e. none of the above
42. Which of the following is NOT part of the bony labyrinth?
a. Posterior semicircular canal
b. Vestibule
c. modiolus
d. Cochlear Duct
e. Spinal lamina
43. The scala vestibule is
a. filled by perilymph
b. part of the cochlear duct
c. made partly by Reissner’s membrane
d. A & B
e. A, B & C
44. Which of the following is part of the organ of Corti?
a. Tectorial membrane
b. Tunnel of Corti
c. Sensory hair cells
d. A & B
e. A, B & C
45. Hair cells of the organ of corti are innervated by
c. CN VI
d. CN IX
e. A & B
46. The tectorial membrane runs from
a. the spiral laminae to the superior surface of the organ of Corti
b. the anterior semicircular canal to the cochlear apex
c. the organ of Corti to the Mediolus
d. the spiral prominence to the pillar cells of the organ of corti
e. None of the above
47. The utricle:
a. is filled with endolymph
b. is oriented in the horizontal plane
c. contains sensory epithelium
d. functions to detect head position
e. All of the above
48. The ampulla of the superior semicircular duct will junction with:
a. the saccule
b. the cochlea
c. the utricle
d. the lateral semicircular duct
e. the inferior semicircular duct
49. Blood supply of the inner ear is from:
a. The labarynthine artery
b. the ophthalmic artery
c. the facial artery
d. the internal carotid artery
e. none of the above.
50. The vermillion border of the lips
a. Is the “red region”
b. has numerous sweat glands
c. has numerous capillaries
d. A & B
e. A & C
51. Foliate papillae:
a. have no taste buds in the adult (lost after Age 2-3)
b. are mushroom shaped
c. are located in a “V”shape on the tongue, just in front of the sulcus terminalis
d. Cover the entire tongue
e. A & B
52. Taste receptors on the anterior 2/3 of the tongue are innervated in part by:
a. chorda tympani (off CN VII)
c. CN IX
d. Maxillary n.
53. The function of the periodontal ligament is:
a. to hold a tooth in its socket
b. to control amount of blood in palate by descending palatine artery
c. interconnect crowns of teeth
d. A & B
e. None of the above
54. Cementum:
a. Covers the crown of the tooth
b. is not mineralized
c. Is mostly type I collagen fibers
d. Is acellular
e. None of the above.
55. Dentin:
a. contains hydroxyapatite crystals
b. is produced by odontoblasts
c. comprises the bulk of the tooth
d. A & B only
e. A, B & C
56. The dental papilla gives rise to
a. dental pulp
b. ectomesenchyme
c. ameloblast
d. A & C
e. None of the above
57. The sublingual gland:
a. is a mixed salivary gland
b. contains serous demilunes
c. is located inferior to the tongue
d. secretes through multiple ducts
e. All of the above.
58. The submandibular gland:
a. produces a majority of the saliva in the mouth
b. is a purely serous secretory gland
c. is one of the minor salivary glands
d. A & B
e. All of the above.
-------ANSWERS FOLLOW-------
Parenthetical indications (##) reference page # of notes.
A (170, 173)
A (174)
B (177)
A (181)
D (200)
B (193-194; 199-200)
B (200-201)
C (199)
C (192)
C (183)
E (185, 187)
E (186)
C (187, Also 164)
E (177-179)
D (95)
C (101)
A (105)
D (103)
D (104-105)
E (108)
E (108)
A (110)
D (115)
C (115)
D (116)
C (117)
B (118)
C (119)
B (121)
E (42-43)
E (22)
D (26)
E (27)
C (28)
C (29)
A (30)
E (39)
B (33)
A (38)
C (207) – Lined by thin skin, which would be stratified squamous epithelium; technically “none
of the above” is true as the absolute correct answer is “thin skin”
41. A (208)
42. D (210-212)
43. E (213)
E (215-218)
B (216-217)
A (218)
E (220, 223)
C (220)
A (226)
E (330)
A (333)
A (334, also 294) – General Sensory is by Lingual n. off V-3
A (340)
C (342)
E (341-342)
A (344)
E (339)
A (338)