Honors Biology CH 11 Genetics Review

Honors Biology CH 11 Genetics & Meiosis
Mendel used pea plants to study the ____________ of _______________.
Offspring that result from crosses between true breeding parents with different traits are called _____.
Gregor Mendel removed the male parts from the flowers of some plants in order to____________________.
The chemical factors that determine traits are called _____________.
Gregor Mendel concluded that traits are ________________through the passing of ______________ from
parents to offspring.
6. When Gregor Mendel crossed a tall plant with a short plant, the F1 plants inherited a(n) allele for _______
from the tall parent and a(n) allele for _____________ from the short parent.
7. What does the principle of dominance state?
8. Why were the offspring all tall when Mendel crossed true breeding tall with true breeding short plants?
9. In the P generation, a tall plant was crossed with a short plant. Why did short plants reappear in the F2
10. Define probability and use flipping a coin to explain the principle of probability and then be able to explain
probability in genetics.
11. Be sure you fully understand EVERY aspect of Mendel’s P generation, F1 and F2 generations. Many test
questions are directly related to your understanding of Mendelian genetics & your ability to apply what you
12. Organisms that have two identical alleles for a particular trait are said to be ___________ or __________.
13. Be able to answer questions from a punnett square. What all does a punnett square show you/tell you?
14. If you made a punnett square showing Gregor Mendel’s cross between true breeding tall plants & true
breeding short plants, how would the offspring compare to the parents—genotypically and phenotypically?
15. State/describe the Principle of Independent Assortment.
16. Be able to answer questions from a 2 factor cross (16 square) Punnett Square.
17. Be able to determine how many allele combinations can be found in given gametes from a 2 factor cross.
18. Be able to COMPLETE a two factor cross from given parent information…and then be able to answer
questions from the completed information.
19. Define incomplete dominance. Give an example and show the allele combination.
20. Define codominance. Give an example and show the allele combination.
21. Define polygenic traits; give examples.
22. Define multiple alleles; give examples.
23. Gregor Mendel’s principles of genetics apply to ____ ___________________.
24. Why did Thomas Hunt Morgan use fruit flies in his studies?
25. The # of chromosomes in a gamete is represented by the symbol ___________________.
26. Define diploid #; Define haploid #;
27. Gametes are produced by the process of ________________.
28. What is crossing-over?
29. Compare meiosis to mitosis.
30. Linked genes are on the same ____________________.
31. Be able to apply a 2 factor cross for short answer/science skills.
32. What happens to the number of chromosomes per cell during meiosis?
34 test questions…most are multiple choice but are very application oriented…be sure you can apply!!