Appeal Request Form

UC San Diego Office of Student Conduct
Appeal Request Form
NAME _________________________________ PID ________________________________
PHONE ________________________________
EMAIL _____________________________
COLLEGE ______________________________
Your appeal of a Student Conduct Review decision and/or imposed sanctions must be based upon one or
more of the following grounds (Please circle all that apply)
1. The decision is not supported by the findings;
2. There was unfairness in the proceedings that prejudiced the result (e.g. the denial of due
3. There is newly discovered evidence not known at the time of the Review that would have affected
the result; or
4. The sanction(s) imposed was grossly disproportionate to the violation committed.
You must also submit a statement supporting your appeal request. Please be specific as to the grounds
you are basing the appeal upon while also providing specific information supporting your request to
modify or dismiss the decision and/or sanction(s).
You may also include supporting documentation (e.g. signed witness statements, photographs, etc.) and
any other relevant information. See attached Appeal Guidelines below for more information.
Please submit this form, your supporting statement and other materials to the Office of Student Conduct
via email ( or via hard copy (Student Services Center, Suite 510).
I attest that all of the information on this request form and supporting documentation is truthful and
DATE RECEIVED _______________________
RECEIVED BY _________________________
REVIEWER(s) __________________________
REVIEW DATE ________________________
DECISION (circle applicable decision)
1. Original decision confirmed, sanction(s) imposed
2. Original decision confirmed, sanction(s) modified
3. Case referred to new Student Conduct Officer or Conduct Board for re-review
4. Original decision and/or sanction dismissed
Updated: April 18, 2013
DATE DECISION SENT TO STUDENT _________________________
UC San Diego Office of Student Conduct
Appeal Guidelines
A Student or Student Organization found to have violated the Student Conduct Code in a Student
Conduct Review has the right to appeal the finding of responsibility and/or imposed sanction(s).
Your appeal must be submitted in writing to the Office of Student Conduct within ten business days from
the date of notice of the decision letter. If you do not appeal within the ten day period, the decision will
become final and conclusive.
You may ask the Office of Student Conduct to provide you reasonable access to the record (e.g. written
decision and/or audio recording, supporting documents) of the Administrative Resolution meeting or
Student Conduct Review before submitting an appeal. Please contact the Office of Student Conduct if
you wish to review the record of your case.
Typically, your sanctions go into effect immediately. However, the imposition of sanctions may be
deferred during the appeals process. Please refer to your decision letter to determine whether this applies
in your individual case.
Your appeal must specify the grounds for the appeal and include all the reasons, evidence and
arguments in support of the appeal. Your appeal must be based upon one or more of the following
 The decision is not supported by the findings. For example, the report and others involved say
that you were not in the room when the incident occurred, but the Conduct Board holds you
responsible for being present.
 There was unfairness in the proceedings that prejudiced the result (e.g. the denial of due
process). An example of this is that the Student Conduct Officer refused to allow you to review
the incident report prior to your meeting.
 There is newly discovered evidence not known at the time of the Review that would have affected
the result. An example of this is where a continued investigation of the matter brings forth
additional information about the case, such as the identity of a previously “unknown” party.
 The sanction(s) imposed was grossly disproportionate to the violation committed. For example,
you take responsibility for violating the Housing and Residential Life Policy related to Noise and
Quiet Hours and even though it is your first violation, you are suspended for a year.
You must also submit a written statement and other documents (e.g. signed witness statements,
photographs, etc.) supporting your appeal request. Please be specific as to the grounds you are basing
the appeal. In writing your statement, focus on the specific information that supports the grounds you are
basing the appeal upon. Write your statement in a logical and concise manner and focus on the facts.
Including personal information and what you learned from the situation may be helpful for context, but do
not rely upon them over the specific reasons the reviewer should modify or dismiss the decision and/or
Once you submit your appeal, the Office of Student Conduct will review the appeal request and develop a
review file, which includes, but is not limited to, the following information:
 Your Appeal Request, written statement, and supporting information.
 The incident report(s), meeting and decision letters, and other supporting documents.
 Student Incident Summary (summary of your student conduct record).
 Responses from the complainant and/or University Officials (if applicable).
 Other documents.
Updated: April 18, 2013
Once the file compiled and reviewed, it will be forwarded by the Office of Student Conduct to the
appropriate reviewer. Appeals will be reviewed in the following manner:
 Appeals submitted by an undergraduate Student will be reviewed by the Council of Provosts.
 Appeals submitted by a graduate Student will be reviewed by the Dean of Graduate Studies.
 Appeals submitted by a medical or pharmacy Student will be reviewed by the respective Dean of
his/her school.
 Appeals submitted by an Extension Student will be reviewed by the Dean of UC San Diego
 Appeals submitted by a Student Organization will be reviewed by the Vice Chancellor – Student
The group or person reviewing the appeal will make one of the following actions:
A. The original decision is confirmed and the sanction(s) is imposed.
B. The original decision is confirmed and the sanction(s) is modified.
C. The action is referred to a new Student Conduct Officer, Conduct Board, or Review Officer for rereview.
D. The decision or sanction(s) is dismissed. A decision or sanction may be dismissed only if it is not
supported by the Preponderance of the Evidence.
You will be notified in writing via email of the result of the appeal within 10 business days of the date
when you submitted the appeal to the Office of Student Conduct. A brief statement explaining the basis of
the decision by the group or individual reviewing the appeal will be included with this notice.
A. Undergraduate Students will be notified in writing of the result of the appeal by the Student’s
College Provost.
B. Graduate Students will be notified in writing of the result of the appeal by the Dean of Graduate
C. Medical and pharmacy Students will be notified in writing of the result of the appeal by the
respective Dean of his/her professional school.
D. Extension Students will be notified in writing of the result of the appeal by the Dean of UC San
Diego Extension.
E. Student Organizations will be notified in writing of the result of the appeal by the Vice Chancellor
– Student Affairs.
If you have any questions regarding the appeals process, feel free to contact the Office of Student
Conduct. You may also consult with the A.S. Office of Student Advocacy, Student Legal Services, and the
Office of the Ombuds in addition to your College Dean of Student Affairs Office and/or Residential Life
Updated: April 18, 2013