2013 IEEE Region 5 Robotics Competition F12-24-EEE2 Submitted By: Team Members Nathan Baldwin Michael Dean Michael Peerboom Alex Watson [PM] CpE EE EE EE 0|Page Transmittal Letter [AW] November 1, 2012 Saluki Engineering Company Southern Illinois University College of Engineering – Mailcode 6603 Carbondale, IL 62901-6604 alex.watson@siu.edu Dr. Ning Weng Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 6290-6604 (618) 453 – 7031 Dear Dr. Weng, On September 11, 2012, you allowed our group the opportunity to bid on the design of the 2013 IEEE Robotics Competition robot. It is an honor to be provided the opportunity to bid on this project and we feel that this proposal will completely explain the scope of work, entities to be created, budget, and all documentation needed. The premise of this year’s robotics competition is to design a robot that will simulate entering a recently fire-damaged forest and collect soil samples in order to determine if human intervention is needed to rehabilitate the forest. The robot must navigate a course made of various obstacles and collect “soil samples” in the form of disks placed at points specified before the start of each round in the fastest time. The robot’s design will be based upon accuracy, speed, and efficiency. The goal of our project is to build a robot that will win the robotics competition. To do that we will build a robot that can successfully navigate the course and collect all the soil samples in the fastest possible time. My team looks forward to working with you in the future, and appreciates your allowing us to bid on this project. Sincerely, Alex Watson Project Manager, IEEE Robotics Design Saluki Engineering Company 1|Page Executive Summary [AW] The Saluki Engineering Company (SEC) group #F12-24 proposes to build a robot to compete in and win the 2013 IEEE Region 5 Robotics Competition in Denver, Colorado on April 6, 2013. The client will receive one robot that will be completely autonomous and self-contained. The robot will read from a USB drive, have dimensions of approximately 1’x1’x1’ at the start and end of the round, will be generally safe, weigh 25 pounds or less, and contain an easily accessible start/stop button. The robot will navigate the competition course and store six simulated “soil samples.” Additionally, the client will receive test data and documentation. In order to become a high level competitor, our job is to design a robot that is capable of successfully collecting all the disks in the quickest possible time. The most challenging system is the navigation of the robot as it must be able to determine, in real time, the quickest and most efficient path to each pick-up location. It must also contain sensing solutions for the navigation and obstacle detection. Along with this we will develop a precise and efficient disk collection system. This system will be able to compensate for sensor error and able to quickly mobilize once the robot is in position to collect a disk. While navigation and retrieval are two large systems of the robot there are also many other systems that must be considered. First, the robot must meet weight requirements but more importantly must be capable of moving about the course without trouble. To do this we will implement an agile and lightweight frame design. While our group strives to use the best parts available on the market we have also taken budget constraints into consideration. We have developed a parts list that allows for a winning robot while also being cost effective. The estimated cost of the robot is $532.93. 2|Page Non-Disclosure Statement The information provided in or for this proposal is the confidential, proprietary property of the Saluki Engineering Company of Carbondale, Illinois, USA. Such information may be used solely by the party to whom this proposal has been submitted by Saluki Engineering Company and solely for the purpose of evaluating this proposal. The submittal of this proposal confers no right in, or license to use, or right to disclose to others for any purpose, the subject matter, or such information and data, nor confers the right to reproduce, or offer such information for sale. All drawings, specifications, and other writings supplied with this proposal are to be returned to Saluki Engineering Company promptly upon request. The use of this information, other than for the purpose of evaluating this proposal, is subject to the terms of an agreement under which services are to be performed pursuant to this proposal. 3|Page Table of Contents Transmittal Letter [AW] ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary [AW] .................................................................................................................................. 2 Non-Disclosure Statement ................................................................................................................................. 3 Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Table of Visuals ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Literature Review [MP] ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Frame [AW] ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Motors [AW] ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 DC Continuous Motor [AW] ..................................................................................................................... 8 Stepper Motor [AW] ................................................................................................................................ 10 Motor Controllers [MP] ............................................................................................................................... 10 Sensors [MD] ................................................................................................................................................... 11 Pressure Sensors [MD] ........................................................................................................................... 11 Magnetometers [MD] .............................................................................................................................. 12 Color Sensors [MD] .................................................................................................................................. 13 Ultrasonic Distance Sensors [MD]...................................................................................................... 13 Optical Encoders [MD]............................................................................................................................ 14 Processing [MP] ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Wheels [NB] ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Lifting Devices [NB] ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Basis of Design [NB] .......................................................................................................................................... 17 Project Description [AW] ................................................................................................................................ 17 Subsystem Description [ALL] ........................................................................................................................ 19 Master Processing Subsystem [MD] ...................................................................................................... 19 Slave Processing Subsystem [MP] .......................................................................................................... 21 Pan/Tilt Subsystem [AW] .......................................................................................................................... 24 Lift Subsystem [NB] ...................................................................................................................................... 24 Drive Subsystem [AW] ................................................................................................................................ 25 4|Page Power Subsystem [NB] ............................................................................................................................... 26 Frame Subsystem [AW] .............................................................................................................................. 27 Project Specification [AW].............................................................................................................................. 29 Scope of Work [MD] .......................................................................................................................................... 30 Validity Statement ............................................................................................................................................. 32 Cost Analysis [AW] ............................................................................................................................................ 33 Action Item List [AW] ....................................................................................................................................... 34 Team Timeline [MD] ......................................................................................................................................... 35 References ............................................................................................................................................................ 36 Appendix A: Team Resumes [NB] ................................................................................................................ 41 Appendix B: 2013 Region 5 Robotics Competition Rules [NB] ........................................................ 46 Table of Visuals Figures Figure 1 - Physics Representation of Wheel on Incline Plane ............................................................. 9 Figure 2 - Wheel vs. Obstacle Size ............................................................................................................... 16 Figure 3 - Team 24 Subsystem Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 18 Figure 4 – Master Processing Subsystem Block Diagram .................................................................. 21 Figure 5 – Slave Processing Subsystem ..................................................................................................... 23 Figure 6 - VEX Robotics C-Channel ............................................................................................................ 28 Tables Table 1 - Frame Components Comparison ................................................................................................. 7 Table 2 - RC Motors Comparison ................................................................................................................... 8 Table 3 - DC Motor Gear Efficiency’s ............................................................................................................ 9 Table 4 – Stepper Motors Comparison ..................................................................................................... 10 Table 5 – Motor Controllers Comparison ................................................................................................ 10 Table 6 - Pressure Sensors Comparison .................................................................................................. 12 Table 7 - Magnetometers Comparison ...................................................................................................... 12 Table 8 - Color Sensors Comparison ......................................................................................................... 13 Table 9 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensors Comparison ............................................................................. 14 Table 10 - Optical Encoders Comparison ................................................................................................ 14 5|Page Table 11 - Processor Comparison ............................................................................................................... 15 Table 12 - Wheel Comparisons .................................................................................................................... 16 Table 13 - Comparison of Lifting Devices ................................................................................................ 17 Literature Review [MP] Determining the level of human intervention needed to assist in revegitating a forest after a forest fire is a difficult task. Forest fires are a natural occurrence and many times no human intervention is required but other times the fire is so severe that, in order to recover, the forest will need human assistance. The objective of the 2013 IEEE Region 5 robotics competition is to simulate a forest that has been subject to a fire. The task of the competing robots is to collect “soil samples,” consisting of plastic disks, from the course. Soil samples are to be collected because they are one of the best ways to determine whether or not human intervention is needed. The following will detail how we might approach the task of building this robot. Frame [AW] According to the 2013 IEEE Region 5 Annual Meeting Robotics Rules Rev1, the limitations on the robot’s frame design are as follows: 3. The maximum dimensions of the robot are 1’x1’x1’ high. The robot in its entirety should fit within this bounding box at the start and end of the competition. However the robot may exceed these dimensions during the round as long as the robot returns to these dimensions upon completion. The round will not be considered complete until the robot returns to the original 1’x1’x1’ dimensions [1]. 4. Entries must be generally safe in the opinion of the judges. The possibility of the robot causing harm to persons or property will be the deciding factor. This precludes the storage of flammable gases of liquids. Batteries should be enclosed in a way that will not present any danger to the operator or playing field [1]. 5. Robots may not exceed a generous weight limit of 50 pounds [1]. When it comes to building the frame for the robot there are many different material choices. A comparison of available materials on the market can be found in Table 1. 6|Page Table 1 - Frame Components Comparison [2] Component Cost Wood Molded Plastic Metal Composite Low High Moderate Low Workability Easy Moderately Easy Easy Weight Light Light Moderate Light Level of Rigidness Low Moderate High Low The frame should be minimalistic allowing for weight reduction and space maximization. To allow for these characteristics the material used for the frame must be extremely rigid and lightweight as possible all while staying on budget. A comparison of many common materials used in robot frame construction was made comparing cost, workability, weight, and level of rigidness. Last year’s team built their IEEE robot from sheet aluminum due to its high strength and moderate to light weight. This allowed them to design a strong frame while keeping the robot agile. While their frame was minimalistic they faulted in using material with thicknesses larger than what was required in areas that were not supporting weight or key mounting positions [3]. Motors [AW] Many factors must be considered when choosing a motor such as weight, size, gearing ratio, torque, rpm, voltage, power consumption, and terrain the robot will encounter. There are three common motor types used in robotics. These are DC motors, stepper motors, and servos. Those that will be used on the robot will be the continuous DC and stepper. A comparison of commonly used motors in robotics can be found in Table 2 7|Page Table 2 - RC Motors Comparison [4] Motor Type Continuous DC Stepper Servo Pros Wide selection available, both new and used. Easy to control via computer with relays or electronic switches. With gearbox, larger DC motors can power a 200 pound robot. Does not require gear reduction to power at low speeds. Low cost when purchased on the surplus market. Dynamic braking effect achieved by leaving coils of stepper motor energized (motor will not turn, but will lock in place). Least expensive non-surplus source for gear motors. Can be used for precise angular control, or for continuous rotation (the latter requires modification). Available in several standard sizes, with standard mounting holes. Cons Requires gear reduction to provide torques needed for most robotic applications. Poor standards in sizing and mounting arrangements. Poor performance under varying loads. Not great for robot locomotion over uneven surfaces. Consumes high current. Needs special driving circuit to provide stepping rotation. Requires modification for continuous rotation. Requires special driving circuit. Though more powerful servos are available, practical weight limit for powering a robot is about 10 pounds. DC Continuous Motor [AW] Due to their ease of use, high torque, speed, and continuous drive this type of motor is optimal for a drive system’s motor [5]. The most common of these motors is the geared DC motor, and it can come in many shapes and sizes. First calculations must be made in order to determine torque needed by a DC motor. It must be understood that calculations are made in relation to the robot moving up an incline plane to give the best results. Calculating to this factor ensures your robot will encounter no problems. Figure 1 [6] shows the wheel to ground relation of an incline plane. 8|Page Figure 1 - Physics Representation of Wheel on Incline Plane From this it can be concluded the equation for torque (T) needed [6]. 100 𝑇= ( 𝑒 )∗ (𝑎+𝑔∗sin(𝜃))∗𝑀∗𝑅 (1) 𝑁 Taking into account efficiency (e) in the motor, acceleration (a), gravity (g), mass (M), the displacement vector (R), and the number of wheels (N). Now the total power (P) per motor can be calculated using the following relation [5]: 𝑃=𝑇∗ 𝜔 (2) T is known from the above equation and the angular velocity (w) is determined by the needs of the robot. Now the calculations for current (I) and capacity (c) of battery pack can be made [5]. 𝐼= 𝑇∗𝜔 (3) 𝑉 (4) 𝑐 =𝐼∗𝑇 It is also important to consider the type of gears used in the DC motor. The gear type can determine efficiency and also cost of the motors. This can be seen in Table 3. When reviewing past team recommendations DC motors for drive systems seemed to be an optimal choice [4]. Table 3 - DC Motor Gear Efficiency’s [7] Type of Gear Spur Planetary Efficiency Simplicity Gear Ratio Cost 90% ~80% Simple Complex Moderate High Low High As Table 3 shows spur gears are the most efficient gear available. Spur gears are also one of the simplest designs and most cost effective because of their commonality. If a large 9|Page selection of gear ratio is needed a planetary geared DC motor is the path that should be taken. Stepper Motor [AW] An ultrasonic sensor is going to be used for mapping and object detection and with this comes a need for a stepper motor. This motor will provide the panning and tilting action for the sensor to create a greater depth map and detect sizes of objects. A comparison of various stepper motors available on the market can be seen in Table 4. Table 4 – Stepper Motors Comparison [8] Characteristic Permanent Magnet Cost Design Resolution Torque vs. Speed Cheapest Moderately Complex 30° - 3°/step Noise Stepping Quiet Full, Half and Microstepping Variable Hybrid Reluctance Moderate Most Expensive Simple Complex 1.8° / step and smaller Less pronounced torque drop at higher speeds Noisy Quiet Typically Full-Step Full, Half and only Microstepping Table 4shows a comparison of three different stepper motors currently available. A motor with microstepping is required for our project along with taking resolution and cost into effect. Motor Controllers [MP] The robot will need controllers for both the DC motors and controllers for the stepper motors. Each type of controller has characteristics that need to be considered [9]. Comparisons can be seen in Table 5. Table 5 – Motor Controllers Comparison [10]-[12] Price VNH5180ATR-E MC33887APVWR2 BTN7960B $ 3.83 $ 6.22 $ 6.66 Size Small Small Small Nominal Voltage 5.5 V ~ 18 V 5 V ~ 28 V 8 V ~ 18 V Continuous Current Supply 8A 5A 44A Single/Multiple Motors Single Single Single 10 | P a g e DC motor controller characteristics under consideration include: Price Size Nominal voltage Continuous current supply Single/multiple motors per controller Communication protocol The considerations for the stepper motor controller include: Price Size Step size Communication protocol Unipolar/bipolar Nominal voltage Current per coil Sensors [MD] Sensors are an integral part the robot as the competition states that it must navigate the course and retrieve the disks autonomously. Some sensors needed for the project include: pressure sensors magnetometer color sensors ultrasonic distance sensor optical encoders Pressure Sensors [MD] Pressure sensors can be used to compensate for the speed of sound in different atmospheric conditions, to improve accuracy of the sensor. The choices found in Table 6 warrant consideration. 11 | P a g e Table 6 - Pressure Sensors Comparison [13]-[16] Sensor Manufacturer Interface Accuracy Voltage Range Package MPL3115A2 Freescale SPI I²C 1% 1.95-3.9 LGA MPL115A Freescale I²C 1% 2.4-5.5 LGA MPL015A Freescale I²C ±1 kPa 2.375-5.5 LGA KP254 Infineon SPI ±1.5 kPa 3.3-5 PG-DSOF Magnetometers [MD] A magnetometer will be needed to provide a compass heading for the robot. This will be essential for accurate navigation around the playing field. The magnetometer will be placed on the extremity of the robot where it will be well isolated from the magnet field of the collection magnet. Additionally, the magnetometer will not be in use while the collection magnet is energized. The isolation will serve to adequately shield the magnetometer from the residual magnetic field present in the electro magnet. A comparison of magnetometers can be found in Table 7. Table 7 - Magnetometers Comparison [17] – [20] Sensor Manufacturer # Accelerometers Interface Package Accuracy Axis FXOS8700CQ Freescale 6 YES I²C SPI QFN 5° MAG3110 Freescale 3 NO I²C DFN 5° HMC5983 Honeywell 3 NO I²C SPI LCC 2° HMC6352 Honeywell 2 NO I²C LCC NA 12 | P a g e Color Sensors [MD] Color sensors will be used to detect the type of obstacle being passed over, as well as its orientation and position. This will be used to enhance understanding of position on the field while sensing the “downed trees”, and will be critically important for positioning the robot to pick up the plastic pucks which represent the soil samples. These obstacles will be black in contrast the white arena floor [1]. The color sensor will also need to detect the white floor along with red intersection dots on our board. A small grid of color sensors will need to provide the orientation and position information. The following options found in Table 8 are under consideration. Table 8 - Color Sensors Comparison [21]-[23] Sensor Manufacturer RGB Sensitivity Interface Sample Proximity (LUX) Rate Sensor Hz (Max) MAX44005 Maxim YES 0.001 I²C 640 YES TCS3471 TAOS YES NA I²C 416.7 NO CLS1522C/L213(R/G/B) Everlight NO NA NA NA NO Ultrasonic Distance Sensors [MD] An ultrasonic distance sensor will be mounted on a pan/tilt head. This will then be used to scan the vicinity of the robot to determine position within the playing field. Scanning rate is essential for quick scans; however, the scanning rate is limited by the speed of sound. A narrow beam will help to increase the resolution of the scan. In Table 9 is a comparison of ultrasonic sensors. 13 | P a g e Table 9 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensors Comparison [24]-[26] Sensor Manufactur er Range (cm) Frequenc y Beam Size Interface Requirements 28015 Parallax 2-300 40 kHz Narrow Beam Manual Timing MB1210 MAXBOTIX 20-765 42 kHz Wide Beam Serial or Analog MB1240 MAXBOTIX 20-765 42 kHz Narrow Beam Serial or Analog Optical Encoders [MD] Optical encoders will be used to detect orientation of the pan/tilt ultrasonic sensor head, to monitor wheel speed (using a slotted rotor on each wheel), and to detect successful collection of pucks. The following options in Table 10 are under consideration. Table 10 - Optical Encoders Comparison [27]-[29] Sensor Manufacturer Slot Width Output GP1S396HCP0F Sharp 1.2 mm Logic QVE00033 Fairchild Semi 2 mm Transistor QVA11134 Fairchild Semi 3 mm Transistor Processing [MP] The processing options evaluated include the STM32F4DISCOVERY (STM) from STMicroelectronics [30], MSP430 line of microcontrollers from TI [31], EK-LM4F120XL from TI [32], and the Arduino Mega [33]. Table 11 shows the comparisons of these units. 14 | P a g e Table 11 - Processor Comparison [30]-[33] Characteristic STM32F4DISCOVERY Speed 168 MHz (ARM Cortex M4-F) $14.90 X X Cost Availability FPU, Floating Point Unit I/O Headers RAM 100 192 KB MSP430 Line Up to 25 Mhz < $5.00 X EK-LM4F120XL 80 MHz (ARM Cortex-M4F) $4.99 Arduino Mega 16 MHz $58.95 X X N/A Varies 40 32 KB 74 8 KB The primary requirements for the main processor of the robot include: Fast enough to process the mapping data FPU Enough RAM to process the mapping data Ease of programming The MSP430 line of microcontrollers does not meet all of these requirements and so will not be used in the primary processing subsystem. However, the team has previous experience using this line of microcontrollers and this previous experience will likely make it beneficial to use an MSP430 for some part of the processing subsystem. It is noted that the previous year’s IEEE robotics team used the Arduino Mega board for their processing unit. Wheels [NB] When trying to decide upon a method of movement for the robot there were a couple of different options. First were tracks which would provide great traction but would make sensing wheel slip harder to track and tracks are more difficult to work with. The second option was wheels which are cheaper and smaller but don’t always provide traction comparable to tracks. In Table 12 a comparison of various wheels on the market can be found. 15 | P a g e Table 12 - Wheel Comparisons [34]-[37] Characteristic VEX 4” VEX 5” Dagu All-Terrain Platicon 6” Actual diameter 4” 5” 4.72” 5.86” Max width 1” 1” 2.36” 1.54” Tread type General purpose High traction High traction High traction Cost(set) $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 $123.00 The 2” obstacles will make using a wheel smaller than 4” diameter ineffective. The 12” max length requirement restricts wheels to less than 6” diameter. Larger wheels provide more clearance but may need more powerful motors [38]. The wheel needs to be lightweight and narrow but be able to climb the obstacles on the course. Figure 2 shows a comparison of wheel to obstacle size depicting the challenge of using a wheel to climb over an obstacle. Figure 2 - Wheel vs. Obstacle Size Lifting Devices [NB] A lift device is required for the retrieval of the “soil samples” in the form of a disk. The robot must be able to vertically retrieve and store six disks placed throughout the course. Table 13 provides a comparison of technologies considered for use in this area. The VEX linear slide is meant to be used with their rack and pinion motion kit [39]. This is a simple and effective way to create vertical motion for the retrieval mechanism. The Firgelli L12 is a miniature linear actuator. It has the smallest dimensions and does not need an external drive mechanism [40]. The Spiralift I-lock 75 uses two stainless steel bands to create an extendable column. The I-lock 75 is the smallest version of the technology Spiralift offers. It has a very large lift height relative to its size and can handle heavy loads [41]. 16 | P a g e Table 13 - Comparison of Lifting Devices [39]-[41] Characteristcs VEX Linear Slide Firgelli L12 I-lock 75 Lift ~11” 3.97” 63” Min Height 12” 6.30” 3.94” Max Height ~23” 10.24” 67” Width - 0.57” 5.91” Length - 0.67” 5.91” Basis of Design [NB] The IEEE Competition Rules and Request for Proposal will determine the design basis. Any future updates of the IEEE Competition Rules will take precedence over the current version. Request for Proposal(RFP) 09/11/12 2013 IEEE Robotics Competition Rules revision 7 [1] 10/16/12 Project Description [AW] The objective of this project is to build a robot capable of autonomous navigation and disk retrieval. The robot will make use of 20 sensors that include ultrasonic, current, optical, magnetometer, and color sensors. It will also include 8 motors that drive the wheels, lift, and pan/tilt functions of the robot. To do this our team has chosen to use two processing units to control various parts of the robot. A STM 32 will be used as the primary processor and will be used to control the ultrasonic sensors and pan/tilt base along with drive wheels and lift system. It will also read information from the USB reader. The STM 32 will also be communicating with the MSP 430 processor. The MSP 430 will be used as a secondary processor and will handle communication with most of the sensors. This communication includes controlling the color sensors, magnetometer, and optical encoders. Located in Figure 3 is a block diagram of our project showing the master processing, slave processing, pan/tilt, lift, drive, power, and frame subsystems. It also shows relationships between signal, power, and mechanical linkages. 17 | P a g e Figure 3 - Team 24 Subsystem Block Diagram 18 | P a g e Subsystem Description [ALL] Master Processing Subsystem [MD] The Master Processing Subsystem will communicate with the Slave Processing Subsystem, the motors, the sensors in the master sensors subdivision of the sensors subsystem and the USB mass storage device reader. This subsystem will coordinate the activities of the robot, generate navigation maps, locate the robot within the playing field, determine optimal paths for the robot in real time, and direct retrieval of the soil samples. Elements of this subsystem include: USB Reader (FTDI VDIP1) [42] PMW Constant-Current Control Stepping Motor Driver (ON Semiconductor LV8713T) [43] 5.0 A H-Bridge with Load Current Feedback (Freescale Semiconductor MC33886APVWR2) [44] STM32 Microcontroller (ST Microelectronics STM32F407VGT6) [45] Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (Parallax 28015-PING) [46] The FTDI VDIP1 USB Reader is a module which implements support for the FAT file system onto a board with its own MCU. This board provides a USB Host interface capable of communicating with devices which comply with the USB Mass Storage Device specification. The VDIP1 provides an SPI interface for communication between itself and the host processor. This VDIP1 will enable support for the FAT file system while requiring far less programming effort than other methods. The ON Semiconductor LV8713T PWM Constant-Current Control Stepping Motor Driver will be used to control the stepper motors used for the pan/tilt mechanism for the ultrasonic range sensor. This chip provides the necessary logic for strobing the windings of the stepper motors in the proper sequence, provides microstepping capability (down to 1/32nd of a step), provides short circuit detection, and features thermal overload shutdown as well as under voltage lockout. The drive transistors for the two H-Bridges which control the motor windings are integrated into the LV8713T, keeping the external part count low. The design of the LV8713T allows for current sensing to be implemented low side, and provides for sense on each H-Bridge. The Freescale Semiconductor MC33887APVWR2 5.0A H-Bridge with Load Current Feedback will be used to control the four brushed DC motors attached to the wheels, as well as the two brushed DC motors used in the lift mechanism subsystem. This motor controller features integrated transistors with low RDS, TTL/CMOS compatible inputs, active current limiting, fault status reporting, a simple interface, and operates in the proper 19 | P a g e voltage range for our design. The MC33887APVWR2 provides an efficient motor control solution in a small footprint, easing placement inside the cramped confines of the robot. Current sense of each motor will be used to detect stalls, determine load conditions (such as when climbing over obstacles), and ensure proper operation of the robot. To sense the current drawn by each motor, a current sense resistor will be used on the low side of its motor controller. The voltage across this resistor will be amplified by a TI OPA2188 low noise, rail-to-rail output, chopper stabilized operational amplifier. The resulting voltage will then be fed to the input of an ADC pin on the ST Microelectronics STM32F407VGT6 microcontroller. The digital value produced by the ADC will then be used to calculate the current draw of the motor. A Parallax 28015-PING Ultrasonic Distance Sensor will be used to provide ranging information regarding the area around the robot. Additionally, the 28015-PING will pan and tilt with use of the Pan/Tilt Subsystem to enable aiming the ultrasonic beam. This will allow the 28015-PING to be used to generate a map of the terrain around the robot. This terrain map will then be used to determine the position of the robot, and for navigation of the terrain. A block diagram of the slave processing subsystem can be found in Figure 4. 20 | P a g e Figure 4 – Master Processing Subsystem Block Diagram Documents to be made during the design process include: Program flow charts Information packet specification (for communication between master and slave) Circuit schematics PCB designs Tests to be done on this subsystem include: Debugging Debugging once all subsystems have been integrated with one another Slave Processing Subsystem [MP] The slave processing subsystem is the secondary processing center of the robot. This subsystem will interface with the sensors in the slave sensors subdivision of the sensors subsystem, process information from those sensors, and communicate with the master processor. Elements of this subsystem include: 21 | P a g e MSP430 (TI MSP430F5438A) [47] Magnetometer (Freescale MAG3110) [48] Color Light-to-Digital Converter with Proximity Sensing (TAOS TCS3771) [49] Optical encoders (Fairchild Semiconductor QVE00039) [50] White LEDs (OSRAM CRI-85) [51] IR LEDs (OSRAM SFH484) [52] The MSP430 that will be used is the TI MSP430F5438A. This microcontroller is a good choice for this subsystem because members of our team already have experience using the MSP430F5438A product line and associated development tools. Additionally, this microcontroller has a large number of available SPI/UART/ I2C interfaces, which allows us to easily utilize a large number of sensors. The MSP430F5438A will communicate with both the other elements in its subsystem (sensors) and the master processor. Communication between the processors will be achieved through SPI, I2C, RS232, or another UART protocol. A UART protocol is a likely candidate since noise may be a problem and UART protocols are noise-tolerant. The MSP430 will interface with the sensors through both I2C and SPI, depending on which protocol the sensor supports. Due to the lack of availability of our preferred magnetometer (the Freescale FXOS8700CQR1), the Freescale MAG3110 Magnetometer will be used. The MAG3110 will be one of two major components of the navigation/mapping process, alongside the ultrasonic sensor. The MAG3110 will allow us to know which direction the robot is facing (like a compass) and will make navigation significantly more accurate. The MAG3110 will also require the use of an accelerometer to compensate for sensor tilt if we wish to have accurate readings 100% of the time. The MSP430F5438A will communicate with the MAG3110 using I2C. The TAOS TCS3771 Color Light-to-Digital Converter with Proximity Sensing will be used to detect color and proximity of the surface underneath the robot. This will increase the accuracy of positioning the robot within the playing field, and will enable the precise positioning needed for aligning our sample collection system over the pucks. To provide the TCS3771s with a consistent light source we will make use of the OSRAM CRI-85 LEDs. The CRI-85s will ensure a uniform color response, allowing reasonable accuracy in discriminating between the red dot intersection points, the dowels, the pucks, and the normal white playing field surface. The CRI-85s will be powered by a dedicated linear voltage regulator which features a disable pin. This will allow the CRI-85s to easily be switched on and off, as well as brightness controlled via PWM, using one pin and no extra drive circuitry. The OSRAM SFH484 IR emitters will be used in conjunction with the 22 | P a g e color sensors to provide the proximity sensing. The color sensors will control these SFH484s to emit the pulses they need to perform their proximity sense function. The Fairchild Semiconductor QVE00039 optical encoders will be used to determine the travel distance of the wheels on the robot. The QVE00039s will not be connected directly to the MSP430F5438A but rather will be connected to a controlling circuit that will connect to the MSP430F5438A. A block diagram of the slave processing subsystem can be found in Figure 5. Figure 5 – Slave Processing Subsystem Documents to be made during the design process include: Program flow charts Information packet architecture (for communication between processing subsystems) Circuit schematics PCB designs Tests to be done on this subsystem include: Debugging Debugging once all subsystems have been integrated with one another 23 | P a g e Pan/Tilt Subsystem [AW] The pan/tilt subsystem is an important part of the robot that will control the movement of the Parallax 28015-PING Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, part of the Master Processing Subsystem. This system will control the vertical and horizontal movement of this system. Elements of this subsystem include: 12 V 1.8 Step Angle Bipolar Stepper Motor (Shinano Kenshi STP-42D201-37) [53] PWM Constant-Current Control Stepping Motor Driver (ON Semiconductor LV8713T) [43] The system uses two Shinano Kenshi STP-42D201-37 12V 1.8 Step Angle Bipolar Stepper Motor to move the 29015-PING both horizontally and vertically. This allows us to utilize the 29015-PING sensor for mapping in an efficient manner. The STP-42D201-37s will be controlled by the ON Semiconductor LV8713T PWM ConstantCurrent Control Stepping Motor Driver. The LV8713Ts will be controlled by the Master Processing Subsystem. Lift Subsystem [NB] The lift subsystem is an integral part of the robot design. Without a functioning lift device, the robot will be unable to compete. This device needs to be able to lift the pucks vertically from the ground and then place them in a container onboard the robot. Elements of this subsystem include: Drive motors (VEX 276-2177) [54] Gear kit (VEX 276-2169) [55] Rack gear (VEX 276-1957) [56] Electromagnet (McMaster-Carr 5698K112) [57] Linear slide (VEX 276-1096) [39] 5.0 A H-Bridge with Load Current Feedback (Freescale Semiconductor MC33886APVWR2) [44] Sheet Aluminum (stock) The lift needs to be strong enough to pull the puck from the putty that attaches it to the board. A test must be performed in order to determine the requisite lifting power of the lift. The lift will use two of the VEX 276-2177 drive motors: one for vertical movement and one for horizontal movement. A McMaster-Carr 5698K112 electromagnet will be used to hold the puck during lifting. This will allow the lift device’s size to be minimized while providing more than enough force to lift the puck. 24 | P a g e The vertical lift system will move a carriage along two guide rails using a 1/4” diameter threaded rod for movement. A 276-2177 placed at the top of the threaded rod will turn it. The carriage will be made of aluminum and will have a fixed nut that the threaded rod will go through. The horizontal movement system will use the VEX 276-1096 linear slide rails with one slide rail on the top of the vertical mechanism and the other at the bottom. The top slide rail will use the VEX 276-2169 gear kit and the VEX 276-1957 rack gear to create a linear gear system moved by the 276-2177 drive motor. The 5698K112 will be attached to the bottom of the carriage. It will be controlled by the master processing subsystem in order to have precise timing for pickup and release. In order to create optimal part placement, the lift device will be placed at the rear of the robot. The frame subsystem will be designed around the lift so that space is used most efficiently. Documents to be made during the design process include: CAD drawings Lift Subsystem Strength Requirement Test The lift subsystem strength requirement test will be completed by testing the force needed to remove a disk from the floor. The disk will be the correct weight and size. It will be attached to the floor with the putty specified in the completion rules. A force gauge will be used to measure the amount of force necessary to lift the disk from the floor. Drive Subsystem [AW] The robot must be able to navigate a course filled with obstacles that must either be avoided or traversed. In order to do this a drive subsystem must be designed capable of successfully allowing the robot to navigate the course. Elements of this subsystem include: Drive motors (VEX 276-2177) [54] 5 inch wheel (VEX 276-1498) [35] 5.0 A H-Bridge with Load Current Feedback (Freescale Semiconductor MC33886APVWR2) [44] Our team had a few different obstacles to overcome in the drive system. First, our robot must be capable of climbing over the 2 inch dowel rods placed throughout the course. Large tires are required to create a surface large enough to climb over and also to provide sufficient ground clearance for the drive components of the robot. To do this we will be using the large VEX 276-1498 5 inch wheel that feature a high-traction style tread. This will 25 | P a g e put the center of the tire at 2.5 inches, which is 0.5 inches over the highest point of the dowel. This will ensure that our robot will be able to traverse any obstacle that is put in its way throughout the course without hesitation. The second obstacle is creating a drive subsystem that will be capable of both moving the robot at a sufficient speed and traversing the course obstacles. In order to do this the calculations in our literature review were taken into consideration to choose the appropriate DC motor. It was determined that we need a motor that has a torque rating of 0.09072 N-m. The motor we have chosen is the VEX 276-2177 drive motor which provides 1.67 N-m and a free speed of 100 rpm. These motors will be controlled by the masterprocessing subsystem. Documents to be made during the design process include: Obstacle Traversing Test The obstacle traversing test will test the robots ability to traverse over the 2 inch dowel rods placed on the course. This test will be completed by directing the robot over the dowel rods at different angles and measuring its success. Power Subsystem [NB] A good power source is needed to allow peak performance of the other subsystems. The power source needs to be able to supply enough power for the robot to complete its tasks. Size and weight are also important considerations when choosing a battery. Elements of this subsystem include: Lithium Polymer Battery (GForce RFI-LP-1443) [58] Various Voltage Regulators (Stock) The minimum voltage needed for the battery is determined by the subsystem needing the highest voltage. The Pan and Tilt Subsystem has the highest requirement at 12 volts and the GForce RFI-LP-1443 Lithium Polymer Battery provides 14.8 volts [n1]. The RFI-LP1443 Lithium Polymer Battery has a capacity of 6000 milliamp hours which will allow the robot to easily complete its tasks before the battery is depleted. A test of average total system power use would allow us to see the minimum milliamp hours needed for the robot. The voltage regulators will provide several voltage levels to different devices. 3.3 volts will be used for the Master Processing Subsystem and the Slave Processing Subsystem. The Drive Subsystem will use 7.2 volts. 12 volts will be needed by the Pan and Tilt Subsystem. Both 7.2 and 12 volt supplies will be used for the Lift Subsystem. Documents to be made during the design progress include: 26 | P a g e Battery Charge Time Test The battery charger time test will be completed using charger has a built-in charge timer. This will show the actual charge time for each charge cycle. Voltage Levels Test The voltage levels test will be completed using a multi-meter will be used to verify that the voltage regulators are outputting the correct voltages. Frame Subsystem [AW] The frame is an important subsystem that is used to create the body of the robot. This system will provide structural support and mounting locations for all components of the robot. It is important that the frame be lightweight but very strong. Elements of this subsystem include: Aluminum C-Channel (VEX 276-2288) [59] The frame will be constructed of VEX 276-2288 aluminum c-channel. The material is made of zinc-plated cold-rolled aluminum that is 0.046” thick shown in Figure 6. The 276-2288 aluminum c-channel will provide structural strength to prevent twisting or bending of the frame. It also is made for robotics construction and has holes in 0.5” increments allowing for mounting points all along the channel. The frame design will feature a two-level box design that allows for multilevel mounting points for the various subsystems of the robot. Additionally, the design of the frame will allow ample room and mounting locations for the retrieval subsystem which will require multiple moving parts and necessitate multiple attachment points. Documents to be made during the design progress include: CAD drawing 27 | P a g e Figure 6 - VEX Robotics C-Channel [59] 28 | P a g e Project Specification [AW] Rule Requirements Must be autonomous and self-contained Must be able to read USB devices Must be 1’x1’x1’ high. Should never leave this area. Must not exceed 50 pounds. Project Specifications Weight: Height: Width: Length: Ground Clearance: Tire Size: Ultrasonic Sensor Range: Battery Life: Disk Storage Size: 20 lbs 12 in 12 in 12 in 2.25 in 5 in 4.5 ft 1.5 Hr run time 6 disks 29 | P a g e Scope of Work [MD] Description of Deliverables A robot capable of autonomously navigating a simulated fire demolished forest to collect soil samples at predetermined locations will be constructed. This robot will be able to scale obstacles two inches high, navigate around taller obstacles, and collect and return pucks. A quantity of six pucks, each three inches in diameter, will be collected and returned to the starting position. This robot will fit within a cube which measures one foot on each side prior to the start of the competition, and will again fit within this same sized cube by the end of the competition. Several subsystems will need to be created to meet the needs of this project. These subsystems will interoperate to meet the goals of the project. These subsystems will be created and tested independently, then integrated into a complete solution. The robot will feature a collection mechanism which will be used to retrieve soil samples. The soil samples will be located using the onboard navigation system. When the robot has located a soil sample, it will use its sensor platform to hone the precise position of the sample pucks while positioning the robot for collection. The collection subsystem will then engage the collection mechanism and store the puck. The navigation system will then repeat this process until all soil samples have been collected. The robot will then navigate back to its starting position. The onboard navigation system will consist of a magnetometer, an ultrasonic range finder, a set of color/IR proximity sensors, and wheel speed sensors. The information collected from these sensors will be used to locate and navigate the robot. The locomotion will be provided by four large, high traction wheels individually directly driven by brushed DC gearhead motors. This direct drive system will be utilized to enable precision traction control of the robot as it passes over obstacles, which will significantly reduce the amount of error which creeps into the location tracking on the navigation system. The ultrasonic range finder will be used in conjunction with a pan/tilt head mechanism to form a primitive sonar system. This system will generate a height map which will give a picture of the area around the robot. Stepper motors will be used to provide precision vectoring of the ultrasonic sensor head. Optical interrupter switches will be used for auto calibration of the head position. The fixed head height above the ground will be utilized along with the known angle provided by the stepper motors to determine the distance to any detected obstacle. The height at which the obstacle is detected will also be calculated, and stored in the height map at the proper position. This information will be continuously updated while the robot is in motion, to provide a real time map for the navigation system. The master processor will perform the calculations and store the data in its internal RAM. The magnetometer will function as a compass, providing the robot with its heading information. This information will be used with the ultrasonic range finder for determining the angle of the sensor head relative to the Earth. This angle of the head will be essential for properly updating the real time map. The navigation system will make use of the compass information to track its movement, ensure it is staying on path, and to determine 30 | P a g e its heading at all times. The color/IR proximity sensors will be used in conjunction with IR emitters to provide proximity detection. This proximity detection will be used to measure the height of obstacles underneath the robot, as well as to determine its distance from objects the robot passes close to. The color information from these sensors will be used in conjunction with the proximity information to determine the type of object being sensed. The proximity information combined with the detected color will provide for enhanced accuracy in object determination. Physical Tests to be performed: Lift Subsystem Strength Requirement Test The lift subsystem strength requirement test will be completed by testing the force needed to remove a disk from the floor. The disk will be the correct weight and size. It will be attached to the floor with the putty specified in the completion rules. A force gauge will be used to measure the amount of force necessary to lift the disk from the floor. Obstacle Traversing Test The obstacle traversing test will test the robots ability to traverse over the 2 inch dowel rods placed on the course. This test will be completed by directing the robot over the dowel rods at different angles and measuring its success. Battery Charge Time Test The battery charger time test will be completed using charger has a built-in charge timer. This will show the actual charge time for each charge cycle. Voltage Levels Test The voltage levels test will be completed using a multi-meter will be used to verify that the voltage regulators are outputting the correct voltages. Software Tests to be performed: Master Processing Subsystem Debugging Debugging once all subsystems have been integrated with one another Slave Processing Subsystem Debugging Debugging once all subsystems have been integrated with one another 31 | P a g e Deliverables: Physical Robot CAD Drawings o Frame Subsystem o Lift Subsystem Program flow charts o Master Processing Subsystem o Slave Processing Subsystem Information Packet Specification Circuit schematics PCB Designs Validity Statement This proposal is valid for a period of 30 days from the date of the proposal. After this time, Saluki Engineering Company reserves the right to review it and determine if any modification is needed. 32 | P a g e Cost Analysis [AW] Item Description MASTER PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 1ST STM32F Discovery Processor 2Parallax Ultrasonic Sensor 3Osram 5mm LED IR Quantity Price Each Total Price Osram LED White FTDI USB Reader 4TI Op-Amp 1 1 10 10 1 3 $14.90 $29.99 $04.40 $04.50 $24.50 ON HAND $78.29 7 8 9 10 SLAVE PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM 5TI MSP430 Processor 7AMS-TAOS Color Sensor 8Freescale Magnetometer 9Fairchild Optical Interrupt $14.90 $29.99 $00.44 $00.45 $24.50 $03.15 SUBTOTAL 1 10 1 4 ON HAND $27.80 ON HAND ON HAND $27.80 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 LIFT SUBSYSTEM DC Powered Electromagnet VEX Slide Rails VEX Slide Rail Gears VEX Gears Sheet Aluminum Threaded Rod Misc. Hardware VEX Robotics 393 DC Motor Freescale H-Bridge Motor Controller $04.95 $02.78 $29.95 $03.15 SUBTOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 $36.84 $14.95 $19.99 $12.99 $25.00 $06.00 $40.00 $19.99 $06.22 SUBTOTAL $36.84 $14.95 $19.99 $12.99 ON HAND ON HAND ON HAND $39.98 $12.44 $137.19 20 21 22 23 24 DRIVE SUBSYSTEM VEX Robotics 393 DC Motor VEX Robotics 5” Wheels VEX Drive Shaft VEX Shaft Collar Freescale H-Bridge Motor Controller 4 4 1 1 4 $19.99 $19.99 $05.49 $10.49 $06.22 SUBTOTAL $79.96 ON HAND $05.49 $10.49 $24.44 $120.38 25 26 POWER SUBSYSTEM GForce 14.8V 6000 mAH Miscellaneous Voltage Regulators 2 1 $44.06 $15.00 SUBTOTAL $88.12 ON HAND $88.12 27 28 PAN/TILT SUBSYSTEM Shinano Stepper Motor ON Semi Stepper Controller 2 2 $14.95 $05.41 $29.90 $10.82 33 | P a g e SUBTOTAL $40.72 29 FRAME SUBSYSTEM VEX C-Channel 1 $39.99 SUBTOTAL $39.99 $39.99 30 31 32 COURSE MATERIAL 3Delrin Disk UHU-TAC Puddy 2 inch Dowel Rod 6 1 9 $03.83 $05.87 $07.95 ON HAND ON HAND ON HAND TOTAL $532.93 Action Item List [AW] IEEE Robot Team 24 Action Item List Team Members: Nathan Baldwin, CpE Michael Dean, EE Michael Peerboom, EE Alex Watson, EE Activity Finish Master Processing and Pan/Tilt Subsystems Parts Order Finish Slave Processing Subsystem Parts Order Finish Drive and Frame Subsystems Parts Order Finish Lift and Power Subsystems Parts Order Finish Master Processing and Pan/Tilt Subsystems Build Finish Slave Processing Subsystem Build Finish Drive and Frame Subsystems Build Finish Lift and Power Subsystems Build Assigned MD Date Assigned 1/14/2013 Date Due 1/25/2013 Status Pending MP 1/14/2013 1/25/2013 Pending AW 1/14/2013 1/25/2013 Pending NB 1/14/2013 1/25/2013 Pending MD 1/14/2013 1/25/2013 Pending MP 1/14/2013 1/25/2013 Pending AW 1/14/2013 1/25/2013 Pending NB 1/14/2013 1/25/2013 Pending 34 | P a g e Team Timeline [MD] Schedule for SEC Projct #: FE12-24-IEEE2 Activity 18-Jan 25-Jan 1-Feb 8-Feb 15-Feb 22-Feb 1-Mar 8-Mar 15-Mar 22-Mar 29-Mar 5-Apr 6-Apr 12-Apr 19-Apr Finish Part Orders Finish Building Susbsytems Perfect Subsystems 1st Subsystem Test Utility Programming Device Driver Programing Navigation Software Programming Design Review Debuging Assemble device Progress Report Perfect Device 1st System Test Competition Document design Competition Document design Legend: As bid: Activity: Milestone: 35 | P a g e 26-Apr References IEEE, “Student Robotics Competition Problem Statement and Competition Rules,” [online] accessed: 10/30/2012, available: http://sites.ieee.org/r5annualmtg/documents/2012/09/2013robotics-competition-rules.pdf [1] Robotoid, “Selecting a Construction material for your next ‘bot,” [online] accessed: 9/27/2012, available: http://www.robotoid.com/howto/materials-for-robot-building-anintroduction.html [2] FL11-72-IEEEROBOT, “Design Report,” [online] accessed 11/1/2012, available: ftp://f12www.engr.siu.edu/ugrad/me495a/f12-eee2/documents/ F11_72_designreport.docx [3] Robotoid, “How to choose a motor for your robot,” [online] accessed: 10/1/2012, available: http://www.robotoid.com/howto/choosing-a-motor-type.html [4] Utkarsh, AI Shack, “The three motors you’ll ever use in robotics,” [online] available: http://www.aishack.in/2010/07/the-three-motors-youll-ever-use-in-robotics/ [5] RobotShop, “Drive Motor Sizing Tutorial,” [online] accessed: 10/1/2012, available: http://www.robotshop.com/drive-motor-tutorial.html [6] Society of Robots, “Robot Gears Tutorial,” [online] accessed: 9/30/2012 available: http://www.societyofrobots.com/mechanics_gears.shtml [7] DigiKey, “Stepper Motor Fundamentals – Types of Stepper Motors,” [online] accessed: 10/2/2012, available: http://dkc1.digikey.com/us/en/tod/Microchip/TypesofStepperMotors_NoAudio/TypesofStepper Motors_NoAudio.html [8] RobotShop, “How to Make a Robot – Lesson 5: Choosing a Motor Controller,” [online] accessed: 9/30/2012, available: http://www.robotshop.com/gorobotics/how-to-make-arobot/how-to-make-a-robot-lesson-5-motor-controller [9] DigiKey, “VNH5180ATR-E,” [online] accessed: 12/2/2012, 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http://www.infineon.com/dgdl/KP254_DS_Rev_1.0.pdf?folderId=db3a30431d8a6b3c011dd8fc5a9 54267&fileId=db3a3043382e8373013847b288377869 [16] Freescale Semiconductor, “FXOS8700CQ Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://cache.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/data_sheet/FXOS8700CQ.pdf [17] Freescale Semiconductor, “MAG3110 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://cache.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/data_sheet/MAG3110.pdf [18] Honeywell, “HMC5983 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www51.honeywell.com/aero/common/documents/myaerospacecatalogdocuments/Defense_Brochures-documents/HMC5983_3_Axis_Compass_IC.pdf [19] Honeywell, “HMC6532 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www51.honeywell.com/aero/common/documents/myaerospacecatalogdocuments/Missiles-Munitions/HMC6352.pdf [20] Maxim Integrated, “MAX44005 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX44005.pdf [21] AMS, “TCS3471 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www.ams.com/eng/content/download/250256/975981/file/TCS3471.pdf [22] Everlight, “CLS15-22C/L213G/TR8 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www.everlight.com/datasheets/CLS15_22C_L213R_G_B_TR_datasheet.pdf [23] Jameco, “PING))) 28015 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www.jameco.com/Jameco/Products/ProdDS/282861.pdf [24] Jameco, “MB1210 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www.jameco.com/Jameco/Products/ProdDS/2157343.pdf [25] Jamecom, “MB1240 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www.jameco.com/Jameco/Products/ProdDS/2157351.pdf [26] Digikey, “GP1S396HCPSF Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/Sharp%20PDFs/GP1S396HCPSF,GP1S396HCP0F_ Web.pdf [27] Fairchild Semiconductor, “QVE00033 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www.fairchildsemi.com/ds/QV/QVE00033.pdf [28] 37 | P a g e Fairchild Semiconductor, “QVA Series Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www.fairchildsemi.com/ds/QV/QVA11134.pdf [29] STMicroelectronics, “STM32F4DISCOVERY,” [online] accessed: 10/1/2012 available: http://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/252419.jsp [30] TI, “MSP430 Microcontroller,” [online] accessed: 10/1/2012, available: http://www.ti.com/msp430 [31] TI, “EK-LM4F120XL - EK-LM4F120XL Stellaris LM4F120 LaunchPad Evaluation Board,” [online] accessed: 10/1/2012, available: https://estore.ti.com/Stellaris-LaunchPad.aspx [32] Arduino, “Arduino Mega,” [online] accessed: 10/1/2012, available http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/arduinoBoardMega [33] VEX Robotics, “VEX 4” Wheel,” [online] accessed: 10/2/2012, available: http://www.VEXrobotics.com/products/accessories/motion/276-1497.html [34] VEX Robotics, “VEX 5” Wheel,” [online] accessed: 10/2/2012, available: http://www.VEXrobotics.com/products/accessories/motion/276-1498.html [35] RobotShop, “Dagu All Terrain Wheels Four-Pack,” [online] accessed: 10/2/2012 available: http://www.robotshop.com/world/dagu-all-terrain-wheels-four-pack-4.html [36] Robotshop, “6” Plaction Wheel,” [online] accessed: 10/2/2012, available: http://www.robotshop.com/world/andymark-6in-plaction-wheel-tread.html [37] RobotShop, “How Does Wheel Size Affect My Robot,” [online] accessed: 10/2/2012, available: http://www.robotshop.com/gorobotics/articles/mechanics/how-does-wheel-sizeaffect-my-robot [38] VEX Robotics, “Linear Slide,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www.VEXrobotics.com/products/accessories/structure/276-1096.html [39] VEX Robotics, “L12 12V Miniature Linear Actuator,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://www.robotshop.com/firgelli-technologies-L12-100-100-12-I.html [40] Paco Spiralift, “I-Lock 75,” [online] accessed: 10/3/2012, available: http://pacospiralift.com/i-lock-en.html [41] Future Technology Devices International Ltd., “Vinculum VNC1L Module Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.ftdichip.com/Support/Documents/DataSheets/Modules/DS_VDIP1.pdf [42] ON Semiconductors, “PWM Constant-Current Control Stepping Motor Driver Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.onsemi.com/pub_link/Collateral/LV8713TD.PDF [43] 38 | P a g e Freescale Semiconductor, “5.0 A H-Bridge Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://cache.freescale.com/files/analog/doc/data_sheet/MC33886.pdf [44] ST Microelectronics, “STM32F405XX, STM32F407XX Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/DATASHE ET/DM00037051.pdf [45] Parallax, “PING))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (#28015) Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.parallax.com/dl/docs/prod/acc/28015-PING-v1.3.pdf [46] TI, “MSP430F5438A,” [online] accessed: 11/4/2012, available: http://www.ti.com/product/msp430f5438a [47] Freescale, “MAG3110: Xtrinsic High Accuracy, 3-D Magnetometer,” [online] accessed: 11/4/2012, available: http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=MAG3110# [48] Digikey, “TCS37717FN,” [online] accessed: 11/4/2012, available: http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/TCS37717FN/TCS37717FNCT-ND/3095280 [49] Fairchild, “QVE00039,” [online] accessed: 11/4/2012, available: http://www.fairchildsemi.com/pf/QV/QVE00039.html [50] OSRAM, “LCW JDSH.EC Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.osramos.com/osram_os/EN/Press/Press_Releases/Solid_State_Lighting/2011/_docs/LCW_JDSH.EC.pdf [51] OSRAM, “SFH484 SFH 485 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CD0QFjAA&url=htt p%3A%2F%2Fcatalog.osramos.com%2Fcatalogue%2Fcatalogue.do%3Fact%3DdownloadFile%26favOid%3D020000030000cc 9b000100b6&ei=moWYUMWvAa6A2QXpnYCAAw&usg=AFQjCNHrjsUBzJsXy0uBQ29tfIvQLIjnvQ&c ad=rja [52] Jameco, “STP-42D201-37 Datasheet,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: https://www.jameco.com/Jameco/Products/ProdDS/2158531.pdf [53] VEX Robotics, “2-Wire Motor 393,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.VEXrobotics.com/276-2177.html [54] VEX Robotics, “Gear Kit,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.VEXrobotics.com/276-2169.html [55] VEX Robotics, “Rack Gear,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.VEXrobotics.com/276-1957.html [56] 39 | P a g e McMaster-Carr, “Surface-Contact DC-Powered Electromagnets,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.mcmaster.com/#catalog/118/3467/=k1fqoh [57] Value Hobby, “GForce 25C 6000mAh 4S Car LiPO Pack (Hard Case),” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.valuehobby.com/power-systems/lipo-batteries/car-lipo-hardcase/gforce-25c-6000mah-4s-car-lipo.html [58] [59] VEX Robotics, “Aluminum Kits,” [online] accessed: 10/31/2012, available: http://www.VEXrobotics.com/aluminum-kits.html 40 | P a g e Appendix A: Team Resumes [NB] miketdean@gmail.com Michael T. Dean EDUCATION: Current Education 2011 – present Enrolled in Electrical Engineering at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale with a 3.4 GPA Expected Graduation: December 2013 Education 2009 – 2011 Enrolled at Lakeland College in Mattoon, IL Tutored math, chemistry, physics and C programming WORK EXPERIENCE: EMAC, Inc. - Engineer, Carbondale, IL July, 2012 – present Developed, maintain and support OpenEmbedded Qt Linux SDK Project Lead - customer wiki Build and support OpenEmbedded Linux distributions for Arm, Vortex86, and Atom based systems Perform hardware debugging, modification, and behavioral characterization for prototype boards Develop and maintain device drivers and board support files for EMAC OpenEmbedded Linux Member of Documentation Systems Committee, which determines documentation strategy moving forward Freelance Consultant Chicago, IL 2002 – 2009 Networking: Setup and supported several small business networks with Windows and Linux servers. Performed occasional maintenance work on Sun and SCO Unix servers. Software Development: Developed numerous small applications for small businesses, mostly for automation of business processes and data mining with report generation. Wrote numerous scripts for process automation Applied Integration – Director of Engineering, Tucson, AZ January 2000 – 2001 Managed and mentored electrical and software engineers Developed streaming audio and streaming video software Developed firmware for a Dual Pan/Tilt/Zoom Controller with a PELCO interface Performed Network Administration tasks for Windows and Linux servers Cal-kin Technologies – Network Administrator, Chicago, IL January 1999 – December 1999 Deployed and maintained Windows networks; maintained legacy DOS software The Northern Trust Corporation – Software Developer, Chicago, IL January 1998 – January 1999 Developed Wirefund Transfer system in C++ and data mining and report generation applications in VBA TECHNICAL SKILLS: Languages: C++, C, Visual Basic, x86 Assembly and Motorola 68HC11 series Assembly, HTML, Python, Bash Operating Systems: Windows, OpenEmbedded, Linux, SCO Unix, Sun Solaris, MS DOS Tools: Visual SourceSafe, Intel VTune, Microsoft Visual C++, Intel C++ Compiler, Visual Basic, NuMega, DevPartner (BoundsChecker, TrueCoverage, TrueTime), GCC, G++, GDB Technologies: MFC, ActiVEX, ATL, DirectX, COM, STL, Win32 API, WinSock API, DLLs, 41 | P a g e Windows GDI Software: Apache, Squid, sshd, Samba, IP Tables Firewalls, MS Exchange, MS IIS, Bind9, VMWare Microcontrollers: 68HC11x, MSP430x, Arm, Vortex86, VortexMX, VortexMX+, Atom ACTIVITIES: SIUC Robotics Club – Treasurer (2011-2012), President (2012-2013) SIUC IEEE Student Branch – Project Chair (2011-2012) SIUC IEEE Led Cuboid Project – Project Lead (2011-2012) Honors & Awards: 2012 IEEE Region 5 Conference Circuits Competition – 3rd place SIUC College of Engineering Dean’s List, Fall 2011 42 | P a g e Nathan Baldwin 3955 Raleigh Road, Eldorado, IL 62930 (618) 364-2815 nab@bmdtv.com EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 GPA: 3.68/4.0 Expected Graduation: May 2013 Relevant Coursework VHDL and Verilog C++ Software Engineering Digital Circuit Design Computer Organization and Design VLSI Design Design of Embedded Systems SKILLS: C++ Xilinx Web Design Word Excel PowerPoint ACTIVITIES: Senior Design Project – Autonomous sample collecting robot for IEEE Region 5 Competition Tau Beta Pi EXPERIENCE: Information Technology Director, OPR Therapy, Marion, IL In charge of computer maintenance, networking and internet access, printing support, and remote access server systems. Freelance Web Designer Designed web sites for several local businesses and organizations including: Saline County Tourism Board, Harrisburg, IL Neely Services, Inc, Carterville, IL Hart's Music Center, Harrisburg, IL February 2012 - Present 2007 - Present 43 | P a g e 5816 Weymouth Dr, Rockford, IL 61114 michaelpeerboom@gmail.com (815)450-9878 Michael Peerboom EDUCATION: B.S. Electrical Engineering Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 3.375/4.0 GPA Expected Graduation: May 2013 Associate in Science Rock Valley College, Rockford, IL 3.013/4.0 GPA Graduated: May 2011 Relevant coursework Computer Organization and Design Synthesis with Hardware Description Languages SKILLS: C LabWindows/CVI MATLAB Xilinx Microcontrollers Excel Word PowerPoint ACTIVITIES: Vice-chairman of the SIUC Robotics Club o Assembling a quadrotor that uses a long-range transceiver with video capabilities in preparation to design and construct a quadrotor of our own. Senior Design project o Autonomous course-navigating robot for IEEE Region 5 competition SIUC IEEE Engineering Student Council representative WORK EXPERIENCE: Engineering Intern, Esterline May 2012 – August 2012 Worked on product-demo project including both CVI and microcontroller programming. 44 | P a g e 575 College Road, Eldorado, IL 62930 618.841.9444 ● alexleewatson@gmail.com LinkedIn.com/watsonalex Alex Watson EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 GPA: 3.35/4.00 Relevant Coursework Digital & Analog Design Microelectronics Electromechanical and Power Systems May 2013 Analog Signal Analysis Systems & Controls VHDL & Verilog Design EXPERIENCE Electrical Engineering Intern, Continental Tire, Mt. Vernon, IL June 2012-August 2012 Completed machine circuitry upgrade drawings using AutoCAD LT 2011. Rewired Schmersal safety controllers to improve circuit stability and machine safety. Installation of replacement Beckhoff and Allen Bradley IPCs. IPC upgrades and reconfigurations including Lightbus modules, InterBus modules, hard drives, and RAM. IPC software upgrades, server and client side virus protection upgrades. InterBus installation, configuration, and created training documentation. Worked with technicians to diagnose and solve machine component failures with assistance of InterBus software. SKILLS Critical thinking, problem solving, and conflict resolution. Excellent leadership, interpersonal communication, and project management skills. Solid Works, AutoCAD, Multisim, MATLAB, Xilinx, Microsoft Office Suite and some C++. Advanced knowledge of web design, web maintenance, and graphic design. TECHNICAL PROJECTS SAE BAJA Fall 2011 – Spring 2012 Designed and implemented electrical system including dash panel, gear indicator, and braking system. Fabricated car chassis and cockpit components. Switch Panel Designer Summer 2010 – Fall 2011 Engineered sleek custom switch panels for use in off-road vehicles. Panels were designed in Solid Works and reverse engraved for back-lighting capabilities. INVOLVEMENT Scholarship Awardee, SIU Leadership Development Program President, SIUC Engineering Student Council Project Manager, Senior Design 2013 IEEE Robot Competition Project Fall 2011 - Present March 2012 – Present August 2012-Present 45 | P a g e Appendix B: 2013 Region 5 Robotics Competition Rules [NB] 2013 IEEE Region 5 Annual Meeting and Student Competitions April 6 – 7 Denver, Colorado Student Robotics Competition Problem Statement and Competition Rules Venue The IEEE 2013 Region 5 Robotics Competition will be held Saturday, April 6, 2013 in the Grand Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center in Denver, CO. The competition will be open to contestants, spectators, and visitors throughout the event. Student teams will be provided with tables, outlets, and practice space the evening before and day of the competition. Students must arrive to the competition prior to the 0800 start time on April 6 and enter their robots; however, participation in the competition will require pre-registration before the deadline. More details on this will be provided on the web site: http://r5robotics.oc.ieee.org 1 Revisions As in the past, rules are subject to change based upon input received from teams. Changes will be notated here. There will also be a question and answer website that will be updated as questions are received. August 18, 2012 – Preliminary release of document to public. At this time, the details for the question and answer website are still not finalized. As soon as we have a working site, this will be published. Furthermore, the details of the file contents with locations of the samples has not been determined. This will also be published as soon as it is finalized. September 2, 2012 Entry requirements section edited to reflect quarantine requirements. 46 | P a g e September 7, 2012 Information added regarding obtaining access to the R5 Robotics website. The procedure for website registration for questions and answers are detailed in section 2. September 14, 2012 File specifics added in section 5. October 14, 2012 – Second paragraph modified in section 5 to include a 1/16" sheet of tin added to the top of the soil samples and to clarify allowable probe movements. – The third bulleted item under 4 was changed to clarify the robot size requirements. It was not originally intended to confine the robot size restrictions during the entire round; therefore, the specific rule has been modified to allow the robot to expand during the round. – The details on the paint of the playing surface in section 6 have been changed. The ‘obstacles’ will now be painted gray and not black. The particular paint specifications will be provided soon. October 15, 2012 Second paragraph modified in section 5 to correct typo from 1/6" to 1/16". October 16, 2012 – Details on gray paint added in section 6. – A change was made in the construction of the standing trees. 400 400 1200 high cut pieces of fir will be used as described in section 6. – A modification to section 5 describing the sheet of tin to be added to the Delrin samples. 2 Contestant Eligibility The competition is open to all undergraduate students attending IEEE Region 5 educational institutions. Teams may not include any non-undergraduate students. Contestants are required to register appropriately for the regional conference and student activities. In order for your team to participate in the ongoing internet based Question and Answers, your team must be pre-registered. To register for the questions and answers, please submit the name of your school, your team name, one team member responsible for monitoring questions and answers to (robotics AT r5conferences DOT org) requesting registration for the R5 Robotics website. You will receive an email containing a unique invitation key which will allow you to access the website. The requesting team member 47 | P a g e must be an IEEE member and have an IEEE web account to register. You can recover or open a web account at the following link: http://www.ieee.org/about/help/my_account/web_account.html Please limit access requests to one request per team. 3 Contest Description This year’s contest will preserve the tradition of compact mobile and autonomous robots operating on a predefined playing field. The challenge will be to collect simulated ’soil’ samples placed on the field, the competition will be won by the robot that collects the most samples in the allotted timeframe. The competition will begin at promptly 0800. 4 Entry Requirements The robots will be screened by a judge before each round of competition. Entries not meeting the requirements will be disqualified for the round. At the beginning of each round of competition, all qualified robots will be placed in a ’quarantine’ area and will remain there until the robot is scheduled to compete. Prior to the scheduled time (during the round of the previously scheduled teams), a team member will come to the quarantine area to collect their robot. The team member will not be allowed to leave the competition area with the robot until after the robot has competed in the round. Any violation of these rules will result in disqualification. 1. Entries must be fully autonomous and self-contained. Human or remote computer intervention is prohibited during play. 2. The robot must be able to read soil locations from a usb flash memory drive at the start of the round. 3. The maximum dimensions of the robot are 1’ wide x1’ deep x1’ high. The robot in its entirety should fit within this bounding box at the start and at the end of the competition. However, the robot may exceed these dimensions during the round as long as the robot returns to these dimensions upon completion. The round will not be considered complete until the robot returns to the original 1’x1’x1’ dimensions. 4. Entries must be generally safe in the opinion of the judges. The possibility of the robot causing harm to persons or property will be the deciding factor. This precludes the storage of flammable gases or liquids. Batteries should be enclosed in a way that will not present 48 | P a g e any danger to the operator or playing field. 5. Robots may not exceed a generous weight limit of 50 pounds. 6. An easily accessible “start/stop” button must be provided for the judges to initiate competition. This button must be distinct and separate from any other buttons. 5 Objective One of the biggest problems with revegetation after forest fires is the determination of the level of human intervention required. After some fires, it is possible to let nature take its course to restore the forest to optimal health. Other fires can be so devastating to the forest ecosystem that intensive human intervention is necessary to assist nature. One of the best ways of making the determination is through soil samples. This year’s objective is to build a robot capable of entering the playing surface and collecting ‘soil samples’ at points specified prior to the start of the round. The locations will be provided to the robot in a file contained on the team’s choice of either a Universal Serial Bus (USB) flash drive or an Secure Digital (SD) memory card. The flash drive will be provided upon entry into the robot ‘quarantine’ area. The robot must be able to read the file and subsequently act on the information. The memory device will contain a single file, named ‘Locations.csv’, containing six quadrant locations in a comma separated variable format. The quadrant locations will be specified, as shown in figure 1, from sector 1 to sector 16. A sample file will be placed on the IEEE Region 5 robotics community page. The file will provide the locations of 6 the desired samples; the sample locations will list the number of each sector containing a sample. The locations will remain constant throughout the round; each team will receive identical sample locations. The locations will change for the second round and the final round. The sample will be located in the middle of the sector specified. The successful robot will move to each location and collect a sample returning to sector 1 upon completion. There will be no specified order for sample collection. Due to the inherent problem of bringing a large quantity of soil into the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency, the soil samples will be simulated. Each ‘sample’ will consist of a disc, constructed of Delrin and with a 1.5" diameter circle of 1/16" thick tin epoxied on the top of the disc, located on the floor in the specific location provided. The disc will be secured to the floor, in the center of the designated sector, using one square of Saunders UHU TAC R Adhesive Putty (OfficeMax Item # 20109188). The adhesive square will be replaced after each round for all collected or moved samples. Each sample disc will be approximately 3” in diameter and 0.506125” in height. In keeping with the nature of the challenge, the robot will be required to collect the sample using a probe which moves vertically down from the robot. The probe may move outward horizontally and then down vertically, but the actual collection must occur vertically. There is no specified location for this probe; it can be located on the front, back, or sides of the robot. The robot can use whatever method deemed appropriate to 49 | P a g e pick up the discs. The robot may either store the discs on the robot, or the robot may deliver each disk to sector 1 and then return to the field to collect the remainder. The playing field, with obstacles from a top-down viewpoint, can be seen in figure 1 below. 6 Playing Surface The playing surface base is an 8’x 8’ surface constructed out of MDF or equivalent (two 4’x8’ sheets). The face of the surface will be painted with – White Rust-Oleum R 1990. The playing surface will contain a random placement of ‘obstacles’ such as might be found in a typical forest; these obstacles will be painted with – Satin Granite Rust-Oleum R 249078. The obstacles are: 1. downed trees - simulated by a simple wooden dowels of 2” in diameter placed as shown across the playing field. The dowels will be nailed to the floor. As you can see from figure 1, the starting location is the such that the robot cannot go around these obstacles. In short, the robot must be able to go over the downed trees. 2. standing trees - simulated by 400 400 1200 high cut pieces of fir bolted to the playing floor. The robot must navigate around these obstacles. Point deductions will occur if these obstacles are in any way damaged by the robot. Damage will be determined by denting or significant scratching of the obstacles. 3. rocks or boulders - simulated by gallon sized paint cans nailed to the playing floor. 50 | P a g e Figure 1: 2013 IEEE R5 Student Competition Playing Field Diagram - obstacles will be placed on the field in the positions shown The field is broken up in to 16 2’x2’ sectors as shown in Figure 1. The sectors will not be painted onto the surface; there will be a small, 1" in diameter, red dot to indicate the intersection points of the lines making up the sectors as shown in figure 1; the paint type is to be determined. The robot will enter the field in the upper left of sector 1 and proceed thenceforth to collect samples. At the completion of the collection sequence, the robot is to return to sector 1 with the 6 samples. 51 | P a g e 7 Scoring Scoring will be based on both success of the mission and the time required to successfully complete the mission. Each sample successfully collected will score 100 points; the points will be scored with successful collection. If a robot does not successfully complete the entire mission, the score for each collected sample will remain. If the robot is able to successfully collect all samples and return to sector 1 in less than 1 minute, the team will receive 480 bonus points. The 480 bonus points will be reduced by 20 for every additional 10 seconds required to complete the mission. Thus, if a robot collects all 6 samples and returns to sector 1 in 4 minutes, the score attained will be 720 with no further deductions. If a robot collects only 4 samples, the score will be 400. If the robot collects all 6 samples but fails to return to sector 1, the score is 600. If an obstacle on the board is moved or damaged by a robot, the point deduction will be 100 for every violation. If, at point during the round, any part of the robot leaves the 8’ x 8’ floor area, the round is complete and the score is zeroed. In order for the mission to be judged a success and receive time bonus points, the robot must end completely within sector 1. 8 Round Description Each team will get 2 rounds of play. The scores from both rounds will be added together to make up the final score. The top three teams will play one final round to determine the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. The rounds will proceed as follows: 1. The judge requests the team from the “on deck” area. 2. Students have 1 minute to place their robot in the starting area and step back behind the predetermined team observation area. The robot must fit entirely in the starting point of the field. 3. The judge will press the “start” button and begin timekeeping. 4. The robot will have 5 minutes of play to collect as many samples as possible and return to the start. 5. After 5 minutes of play, the robot will be stopped or may stop on its own. The number of samples and points scored will be recorded by the judge. If a robot leaves the playing field or for some reason no longer meets its size or safety requirement the round will be ended. The team captain may also give the judge a command to end the round for any reason at any time. 52 | P a g e 9 Prize A cash prize will be given to the winning team. Amount to be announced at a later time. 10 Technical Award A reward will be given to the team with the best technical report of their robot. The format must be IEEE standard conference format; a template is available at the following link: IEEE templates. Paper will be judged based upon the following criteria: 1. Quality of the writing (e.g., clarity, organization, figure size, style, etc.) (15%) 2. Innovation and originality in the solution methodology and approach to robot design (25%) 3. Sufficient depth and breadth of the research (15%) 4. Ability of a reader in the field to replicate the robot and understand its theory of operation (25%) 5. Validation of results reported in paper (20%) The award amount to be announced at a later time. 11 Contact Info For questions regarding the rules and all other matters related to the robotics competition, please follow the instructions in section 2 to register for the R5 Robotics website. 53 | P a g e