Span1: Unit 8 Day 2- familia, demostrativos, quince, weird yo- Jeannette Fuhriman- 2/18/15 Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of what quinceañeras are by answering questions during a powerpoint presentation about them, correctly conjugate 14 weird “yo” form verbs without copying the answers, and narrate what happens at quinceañeras using weird “yo” forms. Cognitive goal: Students will narrate happenings at a quinceañera using irregular “yo” forms. Social/affective goal: Students will work as a team to conjugate 14 irregular verbs in the “yo” form. Linguistic: Students will narrate to a friend what happens at a quinceañera by imagining that they are celebrating their quinceañera and using irregular “yo” conjugations. V Assessment Objectives: Students will compete for pesos to correctly write 14 irregular “yo” forms of verbs as a group. They will also be tested for comprehension by filling out a worksheet as they watch a video about a family and listen to a powerpoint about quinceañeras. Materials needed: Calentamiento on overhead (below), video& quinceañera worksheet (below), “¡En español!” textbook video for Spanish 1 about the family, “Sweet 15” video scene at the quinceañera (beginning at 52 min), quinceañera Powierpoint (, verb chart notes/homework (below), Weird “yo” game cards for each team of 4-5 (below), song and lyrics to “La camisa negra” by Juanes (below), Quinceañera & weird “yo” activity overhead (below) 1) Calentamiento y sellos (20 min) - Warm-up is an overhead with a writing then speaking only portion (below). Put warm-up on the overhead and have students answer on a separate piece of paper. While students work on warm-up, give “bien hecho” stamps in their calendars- top stamp for attendance, bottom stamp for completing the homework. If they were here last class and didn’t complete the homework they get a slash instead. If they were not in class or have completed more than half, they don’t get a slash but they also don’t get a stamp until they complete the homework. 2) Bienvenida (5 min) - Check the bienvenida sign up on the board to see who has the bienvenida. They welcome the class, tell what day it is and the weather, the word of the day (they write it on the board), and 3 sentences about an object that they bring in about why it is special. Give pesos for students who volunteer to translate their sentences and do it correctly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3) Family Video & worksheet (10 min) - Watch the video once, then at the end of the first time pass out the worksheet, make sure they understand the questions by asking them what a few key words mean - As they watch it a second time, they will answer the questions on the top part of the worksheet. - Quickly review answers as a class for pesos 4) Quinceañera PowerPoint & worksheet (5 min) - On the same worksheet as the video, students will answer the questions about quinceañeras as you give a the PowerPoint presentation (on GoogleDrive- link above). - Quickly review answers as a class for pesos before handing them in. Ask if anyone has ever been to a quinceañera before. 5) Quinceañera Video (5 min) - Make sure the video is cued to the scene at the quinceañera in the video “Sweet 15” and watch about 2 minutes so that students can get a better image of what a quinceañera looks like. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6) Introduce New “Weird Yo” Verbs (5 min) - Pass out the Weird Yo conjugation chart homework, but make sure that the students know that if you catch them doing the homework during class, you will rip it up. Using the filled in chart, quickly read through the yo conjugations as a class (you say the infinitive, ask what it means, then ask what the yo conjugation is). Saber vs- Conocer- point out the difference (saber=to know facts, conocer= to know people) 7) “Weird Yo” Practice Game (15 min) - Arrange tables into groups of 5 (or 4 if needed). Students have 1 minute to study all the verbs and to memorize the yo conjugations. Then I randomly assign them numbers (1-5 at each table- if the teams are smaller then one person gets two numbers) and they have 25 seconds to write the conjugations of their verbs on a piece of paper as a team, filling out the first box only. The 1s conjugate verb #1 in the first box, etc. They can help teamates if needed, but whoever is assigned to the verb has to be the one writing. Then they repeat the same process for the next two boxes as well. Once 25 seconds is up they cannot return to any boxes. Check answers orally after they have everything filled out. Teams that have 100% correct with correct spelling get pesos. Then repeat the activity but this time they only get 30 seconds to study and 20 seconds to fill in each box. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8) Sing “La camisa negra” (5 min) - First put the lyrics on the overhead and have them help underline any concepts that we have talked about in the unit (weird yo, demonstratives- TENGO, DIGO, SÉ, ESE), THEN sing. Have everyone stand up and sing and have a volunteer point to the words as they sing with a yardstick. 9) Quinceañera + “Weird Yo” Activity (15 min) - Put up overhead of activity. Students will pretend that they are at their own quinceañera and narrate to a friend what tey are doing, using as many “weird yo” verb conjugations as they can. See overhead below. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10) Rubber Band: Tree Drawing Competition (5-10 min) - Have students line up in 3 teams in front of a section of the whiteboard. Draw 1 verb tree in each team’s section. You will say a weird yo verb, then the person at the front of each line begins with the marker. They run up to the board and fill in any conjugated form of the verb that they want to, then pass the marker on to the next person on their team. They are not allowed to talk to their teammates at the board, but they can look at the other trees to see what others are doing if they’re stuck. Keep going until one team has a perfect tree. That team gets a point, then start over again with a new verb. 11) Tarea: Worksheet below- weird yo forms chart & sentences Adaptations: If students need to watch the video again to get all the answers filled out, they can come in during lunch or after school and I will show it again. The weird yo practice game is a team effort, so students who struggle in this class should still feel comfortable participating because their teammates can help them (as long as they are writing when it’s their turn). For the Quinceañera + Weird Yo Activity I have included cue questions, which will help students who don’t know what to say about the quinceañera or who have a hard time coming up with spontaneous conversation. Students who struggle more with putting sentences into paragraph form can refer back to the questions on the overhead more. The homework has the answers on the back for the conjugations since they aren’t regular conjugations. SP1 C8 Día 2 Calentamiento Traduzca: (escribe) 1. I say ___________ 2. I do ____________ 3. I leave __________ 4. I put/place _______ 5. I come _____________ 6. I am worth __________ 7. I have _____________ 8. The mother-in-law of my dad is interesting. __________ 9. My brother-in-law Carlos is smart. _________________ 10. My niece María is active/sporty. __________________ 11. My cousin Alejandro is lazy. _____________________ 12. My step-father is nice. __________________________ Pregunta a tu pareja: (habla) 1. ¿Qué dices a tu sobrina? 2. ¿Qué haces por las mañanas? 3. ¿Cuándo sales de la casa para ir a la escuela? 4. ¿Dónde pones tu mochila (backpack) después de la escuela? 5. ¿Cuándo vienes a la clase de español? 6. ¿Vales mucho a tu madre? 7. ¿Qué haces con tus abuelos? 8. ¿Cómo es tu familia? (describe a tu familia) Sp 1 Cuento 8 Día 2 QUINCEAÑERA & VIDEO Nombre: _________________________ Fecha: ______________ Período: _________ El video: 1. ¿Qué fiesta es hoy? _________________________________ 2. ¿De qué color es el vestido de Verónica? ________________ 3. ¿Qué tiene la abuela? _______________________________ 4. ¿Cómo se llama la madre de Verónica?__________________ 5. ¿Cómo se llama el primo de Verónica? ___________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ La quinceañera: 1. ¿Cuándo se celebran la quinceañera? 2. ¿Qué es una quinceañera? 3. 3 cosas que se hacen para celebrar la quinceañera: a. _______________________________________ b. _______________________________________ c. _______________________________________ SP1 Cuento 8 Día 2 Irregular YO forms (See other side if you are stuck, but only if you are stuck!) conducir = conocer = dar = (this one stem-changes e > i in the boot) decir = escoger = hacer = poner = saber = salir = (this one stem-changes e > ie in the shoe) tener = traer = valer = (this one stem-changes e > ie in the shoe) venir = ver = caber = 1. I come to class. _____________________ 2. I know everything. __________________ 3. I see my nephew. ___________________ 4. I give to the poor ___________________ 5. I drive my car. __________________________ 6. I know everyone. ________________________ 7. I choose that dog. _______________________ 8. I put on those shoes. _____________________ conducir = conduzco conduces conduce to drive conducimos conducís conducen conocer = conozco conoces conoce to know people conocemos conocéis conocen dar = doy das da to give damos dais dan decir = digo dices dice to say or to tell decimos decís dicen escoger = escojo escoges escoge to choose escogemos escogéis escogen hacer = hago haces hace to make or to do hacemos hacéis hacen poner = pongo pones pone to put ponemos ponéis ponen saber = sé sabes sabe to know facts sabemos sabéis saben salir = salgo sales sale to leave salimos salís salen tener = tengo tienes tiene to have (possess) tenemos tenéis tienen traer = traigo traes trae to bring traemos traéis traen valer = valgo vales vale to be worth valemos valéis valen venir = vengo vienes viene to come venimos venís vienen ver = veo ves ve to see vemos veis ven caber = quepo cabes cabe to fit cabemos cabéis caben SP 1 Cuento 8 Día 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I come: _________________ I choose: ________________ I am worth: ______________ I have: __________________ I give: ___________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I fit: ____________________ I know (facts): ____________ I leave: _________________ I say/tell: ________________ I know (people): ___________ Nombres: ____________________________ 1. I make/do: _______________ 2. I put/place: _______________ 3. I drive: __________________ 4. I bring: __________________ 5. I see: ___________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nombres: ____________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I come: _________________ I choose: ________________ I am worth: ______________ I have: __________________ I give: ___________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I fit: ____________________ I know (facts): ____________ I leave: _________________ I say/tell: ________________ I know (people): ___________ 1. I make/do: _______________ 2. I put/place: _______________ 3. I drive: __________________ 4. I bring: __________________ 5. I see: ___________________ La camisa negra- por Juanes Tengo la camisa negra hoy mi amor esta de luto Hoy tengo en el alma una pena y es por culpa de tu embrujo Hoy sé que tú ya no me quieres y eso es lo que más me hiere que tengo la camisa negra y una pena que me duele Mal parece que solo me quedé y fue pura todita tu mentira que maldita mala suerte la mía que aquel día te encontré Por beber del veneno malevo de tu amor yo quedé moribundo y lleno de dolor respiré de ese humo amargo de tu adiós y desde que tú te fuiste yo solo tengo: Tengo la camisa negra porque negra tengo el alma yo por ti perdí la calma y casi pierdo hasta mi cama Cama cama come on baby te digo con disimulo Tengo la camisa negra y debajo tengo el difunto Tengo la camisa negra ya tu amor no me interesa lo que ayer me supo a gloria hoy me sabe a pura miércoles por la tarde y t ú que no llegas ni siquiera muestras señas y yo con la camisa negra y tus maletas en la puerta Mal parece que solo me quedé y fue pura todita tu mentira que maldita mala suerte la mía que aquel día te encontré Por beber del veneno malevo de tu amor yo quedé moribundo y lleno de dolor respiré de ese humo amargo de tu adiós y desde que tú te fuiste yo solo tengo: Tengo la camisa negra porque negra tengo el alma yo por ti perdí la calma y casi pierdo hasta mi cama Cama cama come on baby te digo con disimulo Tengo la camisa negra y debajo tengo el difunto Tengo la camisa negra porque negra tengo el alma yo por ti perdí la calma y casi pierdo hasta mi cama Cama cama come on baby te digo con disimulo Tengo la camisa negra y debajo tengo el difunto Span1: Unit 8 Day 2- familia, demostrativos, quince, weird yo- Jeannette Fuhriman- 2/18/15 Eres una chica mexicana. Hoy es tu quinceañera. Narra (narrate) a un amigo lo que haces. Usa 6 o más verbos de “weird yo”. (Pretend that you are a Mexican girl at your quinceañera. Have a conversation with a friend narrating what you are doing. Use as many weird yo verbs as you can. Helpful questions to get you started…) 1.¿Dónde pones tu bolsa y tus zapatos? 2.¿A quién le das la muñeca? 3.¿Conoces a todas las personas en la fiesta? 4.¿Cuál pastel escoges? 5.¿Qué dices a los invitados (guests)? 6.¿Qué tienes en tu bolsa? 7.¿Qué traes a la fiesta? 8.¿Qué ves en la fiesta? 9.¿Qué haces durante la fiesta?