Quic kTime™ and a dec ompres sor are needed to see this pic ture. Helpful sites: 1) an overview of the quinceañera tradition including import and objects and reasons why they are part of the traditions… http://www.quinceaneraboutique.com/quinceaneratradition.htm QuickTime™ and a d eco mpres sor are nee ded to s ee this picture. 2) The url explains it all: Disneyland.com/quince 3) A Non-latino's Guide To The Quinceanera: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=192912&ca=Culture 4) simple, no frills explanation: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-aquinceanera.htm 5) thorough news report: http://www.nyfolklore.org/pubs/voic28-34/onair.html 6) historical perspective, academically heavy: http://latino.sscnet.ucla.edu/research/folklore/quinceaneras/aqlitrep.htm 7) from a Latina perspective: http://adelantesterling.tripod.com/quincena_meaning.htm 8) For you Wikipedia fans: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quinceañera 9) A top 10 list: http://www.eventective.com/article/Top-Ten-Tips-forPlanning-a-Quinceanera-Celebration.html 10) Lots of information: http://www.life123.com/holidays/partythemes/quinceanara-traditions-parties/quinceanera-traditions-andparties.shtml Briefly describe (in English) the significance of each of the following in the quinceañera celebration: 1) The doll Sometimes it is given away. Explain why and to whom. 2) The shoes 3) A piece of jewelry (be specific) 4) chambelanes 5) damas 6) dress (traditional colors) 7) madrinas/padrinos 8) dance 9) a religious symbol (be specific) 10. recuerdos (give examples)