
Foundation of Chinese Communist Party
a. Formed in 1921 with much help from ______________ _____________________
i. Part of effort of Soviets to . . .
ii. Eventually Soviets and Chinese communists _________ in their beliefs
b. Chinese Civil War (1927-1949)
i. Chinese Nationalists (the __________ ) under…
ii. Versus Chinese Communists under …
iii. KMT supported by ________, Communists by __________
iv. __________ were winning in 1920s, 1930s
c. The Long March (1934-35)
i. Long March was a series of …
ii. During the March =>
iii. Reached safety in…
d. Civil war interrupted by 1937 Japanese invasion =>
i. KMT retreated to mountains =>
ii. Communists fought guerrilla war vs. Japanese =>
e. Nationalists, Communists resume their fight from 1945-1949
i. Communists have smaller army BUT . . .
ii. KMT under Chiang Kai-Shek retreated =>
iii. To this day, Communists consider Taiwan . . .
PRC, 1950-present
a. “The Great Leap Forward” (1958-1961)
i. Forced collectivization of agricultural sector (1949-58)
ii. Forced peasants into __________________
iii. Private ownership…
iv. Done PRIOR to industrialization =>
v. Industrialization at local level (1958-61)
1. “Backyard” furnaces for steel production =>
2. Miserable failure =>
vi. Social changes (1949-61)
1. Religious worship, ____________ were made illegal
2. Replaced with . . .
3. Coercion, violence common
vii. Results of Great Leap Forward
1. ________________ million peasants starved to death
2. Steel production __________
3. _________ discredited for 5-6 years
b. “The Cultural Revolution” (1966-1976)
i. Official goal was to enforce socialism by…
ii. Struggle for power between . . .
iii. ________________________________ purge of Chinese society
iv. “Red Guards” =>
1. Mao told them to overthrow the Party Establishment =>
2. Much violence ensued …
v. Social changes: “Abolishing the Four Olds”
1. Old ________, Old _________, Old ________, and Old ________
2. Red Guards destroyed …
3. Education stopped as . . .
4. Anyone with skills above that of a typical peasant . . .
vi. Consequences
1. Generation of ______________________
2. Establishment of “______ ____ _______________” of Mao
3. ________ million Chinese persecuted, re-educated
4. ________ million killed
c. Introduction of Western economic ideas, 1982-Present
i. Mao died in _______
ii. Power struggle to succeed him =>
iii. Created “Special Economic Zones” =>
1. Essentially allowed…
2. Experimented with …
iv. Results
1. GDP has grown…
2. China’s GDP _________________ to US
3. World’s …
4. BUT GDP per capita of _________________ is…
5. About _________ Chinese lived in cities, in 2011
d. Tiananmen Square – April 15 to June 4, 1989
i. Hundreds of thousands of …
ii. Protests centered on….
iii. Government’s response
1. Attempted to . . .
2. When that wasn’t effective, they . . .
3. Purge within ruling committee =>
4. Troops sent in …
iv. Nationwide crackdown on …
Challenges facing China
a. Demographics =>
b. One Child Policy …
i. About __________ of population subject to …
ii. About _________ of population …
iii. About _________ allowed …
iv. Tibetans, Hong Kong …
v. Consequences
1. From 1979 to 2011, about …
2. Prevention includes =>
3. Too many Chinese males =>
4. Too few young Chinese =>