Biology 120 Test 3 Review Photosynthesis What type of organisms

Biology 120 Test 3 Review
What type of organisms use photosynthesis?
Know the sequence of photosynthesis (ie. What happens first…..second….)
Light reactions: What is produced? What is released? What is broken down/used? Where do the
products go? Where does the light reaction occur?
Calvin Cycle: What is produced? What is released? What is broken down/used? Where does it occur?
CAM plants: how are they special? What do they do to avoid water loss? How is this different than what
C4 and C3 plants do?
What is the formula for photosynthesis?
Know the parts of the plant where photosynthesis occurs ex: thylakoid, chloroplast, stroma, etc.
Pigment- What is the key pigment involved in photosynthesis?
What type of organisms go through cellular respiration?
What is the formula for cellular respiration?
Know the sequence of respiration (ie. What happens first…..second….third…..). Know where each step
Difference between anaerobic and aerobic respiration. What organisms use which types of anaerobic
respiration? What is produced?
Glycolysis- what does it break apart? What does it use? What does it form? Where does it happen?
Krebs cycle- what enters the cycle and what is produced in this cycle?
Know the electron transport chain for both respiration and photosynthesis. Understand it conceptually
and be able to label or tell me what the parts are and where things are moving.