colonial regions -

Was colonized
primarily for
After initial failures as a
corporate colony, the king
revoked the charter and made it a
royal colony.
New England Colonies
primarily for
• Puritans – Wanted to follow the
beliefs of John Calvin and break
away from the established English
• Also called separatists.
• They were fleeing religious
• Tried to sail to Virginia but
missed badly and ended up in
The colony began much like
Jamestown began.
Colonists spent time looking
for gold.
Colonists not used to the
“hard life”.
Many died of disease and
• Colonists saved by Squanto
• First Thanksgiving
Rhode Island
Separatists separate from the
Rhode Island
Roger Williams
wanted to pay
Native Americans
for their land and
have separation of
church and state.
He and others
were banned from
Three Colonial Regions
1) New Hampshire, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, and Rhode Island
Geographic Characteristics
• Rocky soil and
short growing
Economic Characteristics
1) The New England colonies
developed an economy based on
ship-building, fishing, lumbering,
small scale farming, and eventually,
industrial manufacturing (factories)
Political Characteristics
They created one of the first forms of
government in the colonies called
the “Mayflower Compact”
The Mayflower Compact
Agreement made by the men of the
first Plymouth colony, where the
majority ruled.
The Mayflower Compact
Created a government based on town
meetings, where the majority vote
An example of Direct Democracy.
Social Characteristics
1) New England’s colonial society and
government was based on religious
standing (the religious leaders were
also the political leaders)
Social Characteristics
New England communities were closed
religious communities.
Everyone went to the same church.
Social Characteristics
2) The Puritans grew increasingly
intolerant of dissenters who
challenged their belief in the
connection between religion and
Social Characteristics
“Protestant Work Ethic” –
Puritans religious beliefs were
closely tied to values of hard work
and thrift.
B) The Middle Colonies
1) New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Maryland, and Delaware
Geographic Characteristics
• Average soil quality and
average growing seasons.
Economic Characteristics
1) The Middle colonies developed
economies based on ship building,
small-scale farming, and trading
Economic Characteristics
Ports in this region such as New York,
Philadelphia, and Baltimore began
to grow as seaports and
commercial centers
Political Characteristics
New Netherland established by the
Dutch in 1650 along the Hudson River.
Established the town of New
Amsterdam, but did not defend it well.
Political Characteristics
• The British took the colony by
force in 1663 and renamed it New
Social Characteristics
The Middle Colonies were home to many
diverse cultural and religious groups
such as Swedes, Germans and Dutch.
Social Characteristics
Believed in ideas of religious
Quakers in Pennsylvania
Catholics in Maryland
Social Characteristics
2) These colonies were chiefly settled
by English, Dutch, and German
speaking immigrants seeking
religious freedom and economic
3) In the Middle Colonies there was a
strong belief in religious freedom
and religious tolerance
Social Characteristics
4) The Middle colonies had a more
flexible society and they began to
develop a middle class of skilled
artisans, entrepreneurs (business
owners), and small farmers
1) Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Georgia
Geographic Characteristics
• Warm weather,
good soil and
long growing
Economic Characteristics
1) Virginia and the other Southern
colonies developed economies in
the Eastern coastal lowlands based
on large plantations
Economic Characteristics
2) These plantations typically grew
“cash crops” such as tobacco,
indigo, and rice for export to Britain
Economic Characteristics
3) Further inland, however, in the
mountains and valleys of the
Appalachian mountain foothills
(Shenandoah Valley) the economy
was based on small scale subsistence
farming and hunting and trading
Political Characteristics
• Virginia House of Burgesses –
Later called the General Assembly.
• First elected assembly in the New
• Representative Democracy
Social Characteristics
• “Cavaliers” were rich nobility
from England who were given
land grants by the king.
Social Characteristics
2) Virginia and Southern colonies had
a social structure and government
based on family status and the
ownership of land
Social Characteristics
3) Large landowners in the Eastern
lowlands dominated colonial
government and society and they
maintained an allegiance to the
Church of England
Social Characteristics
3) Virginia and the Southern colonies
had the closest social ties to
Social Characteristics
Slaveholding elite along the coast vs.
subsistence farming lower class in
the interior
– Leads to problems in the Civil War
Colonial Culture
Cash Crops
Any crop that is produced in large
quantities for trade.
Cash Crops
• Usually produced with slave labor
• Plantations usually focus on one
type of crop.
Economic theory used by
Europeans where they did the
– Acquire gold
– Establish colonies
If you can’t get gold straight out
of the land…
– Collect raw materials
– Trade
– develop industry
Maintain a
“favorable balance
of trade”
– Sell more than you
Columbian Exchange
Exchange of crops, animals,
technology and diseases between the
old and new worlds.
Triangle Trade
The route
through which
slaves were
brought to the
New World.
Molasses, to rum, to slaves
• Molasses turned into rum in New
England and shipped to Africa.
Molasses, to rum, to slaves
• Rum used in Africa to purchase
slaves from warring tribes.
Molasses, to rum, to slaves
• Slaves sent to the Caribbean to
work on sugar plantations.
The “Middle Passage”
The horrible and inhumane route where slaves
were brought to the New World.
The “Middle Passage”
Families broken up
Physical beatings
Poor rations
Living in your own filth
Cramped living conditions
Exists primarily on Southern
cash crop plantations.
• Most slaves used as agricultural
Some slaves in Northern states
Doesn’t make economic sense to farm
with slaves.
Conditions for the average slave.
• Not allowed to read or
• Work from sun up to
sun down
• Poor quality food and
medical care
• Marriages had to be
approved by slave
• Families broken up
• Regular beatings
“The Great Awakening”
Religious revival in
Europe and America
Many rousing
sermons about
people’s religious
“The Great Awakening”
Religions such as Baptists and
Methodists gain many followers.
Challenged people’s ideas about the
established religious and government
The Great Awakening
This laid one of the social foundations of
the American Revolution
General feelings throughout the
Private ownership of property
Free enterprise
Voting for qualified people
“Protestant work ethic”