ObGyn Case Files

ObGyn Case Files
Case 1: Genuine Stress Incontinence: incontinence through the urethra
due to sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure, in the absence of
bladder muscle spasm
o Differential Diagnosis:
 Genuine stress incontinence:
 No delay in incontinence with valsalva
 Urge Urinary Incontinence: requires urge or delay from a
cough; due to uncontrollable detrusor muscle contraction
 Delay incontinence with valsalva
 Overflow incontinence: associated with diabetes or neuropathy
 Large post-void residual
o Physiology:
 Normal: The pressure of the urethra and support from the
pelvic diaphragm is greater than the bladder pressure
providing continence.
 Normal: valsava “cough” intra-abdominal pressure is exerted
on the bladder and the proximal urethra providing continence
 Adnormal: proximal urethra is outs the pelvic diaphragm.
Valsalva increases intra-abdominal pressure on the bladder,
but the proximal urethra causing incontinence
o Clinical Presentation:
 Multiparous woman
 Incontinence related to stress activities
 No urge component and no delay from valsalva to drip
o Workup:
 H and P, UA, and Post-void residual
 GSI: 1) timed void and keigel exercises 2)urethropexy
 UUI: anticholinergic to prevent detrusor muscle contraction
 OI: catheter
o Treatment:
 Urethropexy: movement of the proximal urethra back into the
pelvic diaphragm
 Midurethral slings: mesh that is attached to act as a hammoack
for the proximal urethra
 Transvaginal or transobturator
Case 2: Health Maintenance
o Health maintenance approach
 Cancer screening, immunizations, addressing common
o Primary Prevention: modifying risk factors
o Secondary Prevention: catches disease in the asymptomatic stage
o Table 2-1, page 34
o Clinical Pearls:
ObGyn Case Files 1
Most common COD in women <20 yo is MVA
Most common COD in women ≥ 49 CVD
Major conditions in the ≥ 65 age group
 Osteoporosis, CVD, breast cancer and depression
Case 3: Uterine Inversion
o Differential Diagnosis:
 Uterine inversion: ragged red mass
 Vaginal or cervical prolapse: smooth appearance
o Clinical Presentation:
 Third stage of labor:
 Placenta cord has lengthened,
 A small amount of blood from the vagina
 Placenta with a ragged reddish mass around it
 Due to traction of the umbilical cord without separation
o Treatment:
 Anesthesiologist:
 Possible emergency surgery
 Halothane: relaxes uterus
 Cupped glove technique to reposition the uterus
 Start two IV lines
 Relax uterus
 Halothane, terbutaline, magnesium sulfate
 After repositioning of the uterus give oxytocin
o Clinical Pearls:
 Four signs of placenta separation
 Gush of blood
 Umbilical cord lengthening
 Globular and firm shape of the uterus
 Uterus rises to the anterior abdominal wall
 Almost certain to have maternal hemorrhage
 The fundus is the most likely site for placenta implantation
leading to uterine inversion
 Abnormally retained uterus: labor stage 3 lasting greater than
30 minutes -> next step: manual extraction
 Placenta accreta: increase risk for intrauterine inversion
Case 4: Perimenopause (Climacteric)
o Clinical Presentation:
 Irregular menses (anovulatory cycles)
 Feelings of inadequacy (vasomotor symptom)
 Hot Flushes (hypoestrogenism)
 Pathologic fractures (hypoestrogenism osteoporosis) ->
thoracic spine is the most common area
 Vaginal atrophy (decrease epithelial thickness)
o Workup:
ObGyn Case Files 2
FSH and LH levels: abnormally elevated because of no feedback
 DEXA scan: BMD
 Hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, HTN, and breast cancer
o Treatment:
 Estrogen therapy:
 Advantages: decreases fracture incidence and lower
incidence of colon and ovarian cancer; decreases
incidence of hot flashses; with progestin lowers
incidence of endometrial cancer
 Disadvantages: continuous therapy ->increases
likelihood of CVS and breast cancer
 Short term, low dose
 NOTE: FSH feedback is regulated by inhibin not
estrogen… so FSH would still be elevated with estrogen
 Clonidine: antihypertensive that may be used to decrease hot
 Raloxifene:
 Selective estrogen receptor modulator
 Prevents bone loss, but does NOT treat hot flashes
 Weight bearing exercises, Ca2+, Vit. D supplements -> maintain
bone density
o Clinical Pearls:
 Prolactinoma: hypothalamic dysfunction
 Turner’s syndrome: ovarian failure
 Marathon runner amenorrhea: hypothalamic dysfunction ->
corrected with weight gain
 Sheehan syndrome:
 Post-partum woman
 Amenorrhea and unable to breast feed
 Pituitary dysfunction
Case 5: Necrotizing fasciitis
o Clinical Presentation:
 Present in septic shock: severe hypotension
 Pathognomonic: crepitance
 Hemoconcentration and renal insufficiency
 Post-op: C-section or episiotomy
o Workup:
 Diagnosis made on CP
o Treatment:
 IV fluids immediately
 May require pressors if IV fluids are not sufficient raise bp (i.e.
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Broad spectrum antibiotic (penicillin, gentamicin, and
 Monitor UO to determine renal perfusion
 Note: septic shock presents initially as decrease in UO
o Clinical Pearls:
 Septic shock: vasodilation is the cause of the decrease in bp
 MAP of 65 mm Hg is required to maintain perfusion to vital
 MAP = [2(diastolic pressure) + (systolic pressure)]/3
 “Sun-burn like rash” (desquamation) pathognomonic for S.
Case 6: Labor
o Stages of Labor
 Stage 1: (Latent) begging of uterine contractions and cervical
ripening; cervical dilation < 4cm (upper limit for latent phase is
14 hours). (Active) Cervical dilation from 4-10 cm
 Stage 2: Delivery of the fetus
 Stage 3: Delivery of the placenta (should occur within 30
minutes of the fetal delivery)
 Stage 4: time after the delivery of the placenta
o Clinical Pearls:
 Labor: cervical change accompanied by uterine contractions
 Protraction of the active phase: dilation of the cervix that is
less than expected
 Nulliparous (normal) ≥ 1.2 cm
 Multiparous (normal) ≥ 1.5 cm
 Arrest of the active phase: no cervical dilation in 2 hours
 Fetal hear rate variability:
 Decelerations: three types: early, variable, and late
 Accelerations: 15 bpm lasting at least 15 seconds
 Earl Decelerations: occurs at the same time as the contraction
and is gradual. Benign caused by fetal head compression
 Variable Deceleration: abrupt change in deceleration and
return to baseline. (not a smooth change). Caused by cord
 Late Deceleration: occurs after the contraction peak started
 Abnormal labor the three P’s should be observed. Fetal
hypoxia (uteroplacental insufficiency) and if persistent
fetal acidemia
 Power, passenger, and pelvis
 Power assessment of uterine contractions (2 ways)
o Clinical: occurring every two to three minutes,
firm on palapation, and last 40-60 seconds
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o 10 minute window: measure of mm Hg of
contraction above baseline = Montevideo unit ≥
200 is sufficient
o If not sufficient give oxytocin
 Fetal heart rate baseline 110-160 bpm
 Fetal tachycardia: variety of reasons (i.e. maternal fever)
 Fetal bradycardia: cord compression (most common)
 Cesarean delivery
 Cephalopelvic disproportion
 Arrest of the active phase with adequate uterine
Case 7: Threatened abortion
o Clinical Presentation:
 First trimester
 Vaginal spotting
 Lower abdominal pain
 β-hCG < 1500 – 2000 mIU/mL (discriminatory threshold for
o Workup:
 Page 74, Figure 7-1
 Check β-hCG
 ≥ 1500 – 2000 mIU/mL do US
o IUP observed -> monitor closely
o No IUP consider laproscope
 ≤ 1500 – 2000 mIU/mL repeat level in 48 hours
o Normal rise ≥ 66% proabable normal IUP
monitor closely
o Abnormal rise ≤ 66% non viable pregnancy
 D and C
 Positive chorionic villi -.>
 Negate villi -> ectopic pregnancy
 Treatment:
 Ectopic pregnancy
o Medical: Intramuscular methotrexate (side
effects lower abdominal pain); asymptomatic
and < 3.5 cm
o Surgical: laproscope
 Non- viable pregnancy
o Surgical: D and C
o Medical: vaginal misoprostol
 If patient presents with vaginal spotting, severe adnexal
pain, and hypotenstion -> laproscope is warranted
Case 8: Placenta Accreta
o Clinical Presentation:
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 Abnormally retained uterus -> indicative of placenta accreta
 Previous history of c-section, or myomectomy
 No cleavage plane of the placenta
o Workup:
 Complication: uterine inversion
o Treatment:
 Abdominal hysterectomy because the risk of hemorrhage
o Clinical Pearls:
 Placenta accreta: placenta adheres to the endometrium and
lacks decidual layer
 Placenta increta: placenta adheres to the myometrium
 Placenta percreta: placenta adheres to through the
myometrium and penetrates to the serosa
 Increase risk of placenta accreta with concurrent placenta
Case 9: Gonococcal Cervicitis
o Differential diagnosis:
 Ectopic pregnancy (ruled out with negative pregnancy test)
 Threatened abortion (ruled out with negative pregnancy test)
 Upper genital tract disease (no lower abdominal pain)
o Clinical Presentation:
 Vaginal discharge
 Post-coital bleeding from endocervix infection
o Workup:
 Rule out pregnancy
 Diagnosis by gram stain and PCR
 N. gonorrhea: one dose ceftriaxone
 C. trachomatis one dose azithromycin or 7 days doxycycline
 Council patient on STD transmission
o Clinical Pearls:
 Gonorrhea is the most common cause of septic arthritis in
young women
 Most common cause of cervicitis/salpingitis ->Chlamydia,
followed by gonorrhea
 Vaginitis with “fishy odor” discharge: bacterial vaginosis
 Sexually transmitted pharyngitis -> gonorrhea (Chlamydia
does not cause pharyngitis)
 N. gonnorhea infection: cervicitis, septic arthritis, skin pustular
 Gram negative diplococci -> N. gonorrhea
 Chlamydia and gonorrhea frequently coinfect
 Infant blindness
 Few hours after birth: chemical
 2-3 days old: Gonorrhea infection
 4-7 days old: Chlamydia infection
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Case 10: Complete Abortion
o Clinical Presentation:
 Less than 20 weeks gestation
 Abdominal pain, vaginal spotting
 Passage of fetal tissue (looks like a liver)
 Closed cervix
o Workup:
 Monitor βhCG levels to see that they are halved every 48-72
 If not D and C is recommended
o Clinical Pearls:
 Threatened abortion: before 20 weeks gestation, vaginal
spotting, and without cervical dilation
 Inevitable abortion: before 20 weeks gestation, vaginal
spotting, and cervical dilation, no passage of fetal tissue yet
 Incomplete abortion: before 20 weeks gestation, vaginal
spotting, abdominal pain, passage of some fetal tissue, and
the cervix remains open with uterine contractions
 Tx: D and C
 Completed abortion: before 20 weeks gestation, expulsion of
all of the fetal tissue, and the cervix is closed
 Miss abortion: before 20 weeks gestation fetal demise without
symptoms of bleeding or cramping
 Differentiation between inevitable abortion and incompetent
cervix is +/- uterine contractions respectively
 Page 98
 Molar pregnancy: vaginal spotting, absence of fetal heart
tones, Fundal size greater than gestational dates. Diagnosis is
made by sonography
Case 11: Shoulder dystocia
o Risk Factors:
 Fetal macrosomia, maternal obesity, prolonged second stage of
labor, and gestational diabetes
o Clinical Presentation:
 Delivery of the head with retraction against the itroitus “turtle
o Treatment:
 McRoberts maneuver: placing the mother’s legs against the
chest -> increases the anterior rotation of the pubic symphysis
 Suprapubic pressure: displaces the fetal shoulder axis from
anterior-posterior to oblique
 Wood’s corkscrew maneuver: progressively rotating the
posterior shoulder 180 degrees
 Delivery of the posterior arm: decreases the fetal bony
diameter from the shoulder to the axilla
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 Zavanelli maneuver: shove the head back in and deliver by CS
o Clinical Pearls:
 Shoulder dystocia: delivery of the head with an inability of the
fetal shoulders to deliver spontaneously
 ERB palsy: brachial plexus injury from shoulder dystocia ->
waiter’s tip position
 Maternal complication of postpartum hemorrhage
 Fundal pressure is CONTRAINDICATED!!!!
Case 12: Ureteral injury post hysterectomy
o Clinical Presentation:
 Post-op from TAH/BSO presenting with fever and flank pain
o Workup:
 Intravenous pyelogram
 CT scan with contrast of the abdomen
o Treatment:
 IV antibiotics and the placement of a ureter stent (via
cystoscopy or percutaneous nephrostomy: placement of the
stent through the skin guided by radiology)
o Clinical Pearls:
 Cardinal ligaments:
 Connect the cervix to the posterior abdominal wall
 Contain the uterine arteries -> which pass of the ureter
and is a possible site for ureter injury in TAH
 Infundibular pelvic ligament:
 Contains the ovarian artery -> injure the pelvic brim of
the renal collecting system
 Bladder lacerations
 Top: suture up and good to go
 Lower segment (trigone area): may require ureter stent
 Meticulous dissection of the uterine aretery can lad to uterter
 Vesicovaginal fistula: leakage from the vagina
Case 13: Postmenopausal Bleeding
o Differential diagnosis:
 Endometrial cancer
 Atrophic endometrium/vagina
 Endometrial polyp
o Clinical Presentation:
 Post-menopausal bleeding
o Workup:
 Endometrial biopsy followed by…
 Hysteroscopy
 Transvaginal ultrasound
 Endometrial strip greater than 5 mm is abnormal in
postmenopausal bleeding
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o Treatment:
 Surgical therapy TAH
o Risk Factors:
 Obesity, diabetes, HTN, prior anovulation (irregular menses),
late menopause, and nulliparity, PCOS, unapposed estrogen
exposure with no progesterone
o Clinical Pearls:
 Endometrial polyps: growth of endometrial glands and stroma,
which projects into the uterine cavity
 Atrophic endometrium: most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding
 Postmenopausal bleeding is endometrial carcinoma until
proven otherwise
 Surgically staged
 Endometrial carcincoma are the most common gyn.
 Presentation in an atypical patient (without risk factors) tends
to be a more aggressive disease
Case 14: Placenta Previa
o Differential diagnosis:
 Placenta previa: placenta lies near or covers the internal os
 Complete: covers the entire internal os
 Incomplete: covers part of the internal as
 Marginal: covers up to the internal as border
 Low-lying: not near the internal os, but is located low in
the pelvis
 Placenta abruption
 Separation of the normally implanted placenta
 Vasa previa
 Umbilical cord vessels insert into the membranes with
the vessels overlying the internal cervical os -> being
vulnerable to fetal exsanguination
o Clinical Presentation:
 Painless third trimester bleeding (antepartum bleeding:
bleeding after 20 weeks gestation)
o Workup:
 Ultrasound -> speculum examination -> digital examination
o Treatment:
 ABC of Mom, if hemodynamically stable wait til further in
gestation to deliver
 CS delivery at 36-38 weeks
o Clinical Pearls:
 Placenta previa, unlike placenta abruption, rarely leads to
 Risk Factors for placenta previa
ObGyn Case Files 9
Grand multiparity, prior CS, prior uterine curretage,
previous placenta previa, multiple gestation
 A low lying/marginal placenta in the early second trimester
should be monitored, but is of no concern because it should
migrate superior as the uterus grows
 Placenta previa increases the risk of placenta acreta
Case 15: Placental Abruption
o Differential diagnosis:
 See Case 14 placenta previa
o Clinical Presentation:
 Painful antepartum bleeding
o Workup:
 Serial Hb levels, fundal height, assessment of FHR
 Kleihauer-Best Test: differentiates between maternal and fetal
blood by the addition of the acid. Is based of the solubility of
maternal and fetal Hb
o Treatment:
 ABC of Mom
 If stable: expectant management
 Unstable: delivery (CS preferred)
o Clinical Pearls:
 Risk Factors: HTN, cocaine, short umbilical cord, trauma,
uteroplacental insufficiency, submucous leiomyomata, sudden
uterine decompression, smoking, Preterm PROM
 Concealed abruption: when the bleeding occurs behind the
 Fetamaternal hemorrhage: fetal blood enters maternal
circulation -> isoimmunization
 Couvelaire uterus: bleeding into the myometrium of the uterus
giving s discolored appearance to the uterus
 US is not helpful in the diagnosis
 Comlications:
 Uterine atony -> postpartum hemorrhage
 Coagulopathy: hypofibrinogenemia (below 100-150
 Post-partum: HTN and Preeclampsia
Case 16: Cervical Cancer
o Clinical Presentation:
 Abnormal vaginal bleeding, postcoital spotting, and
malodorous discharge (necrotic tumor)
 Pelvic examination -> observed lesion
 Advance disease: ureter obstruction and spread to the
uterosacral/cardinal ligaments
o Workup:
 Screening test: Pap smear
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Abnormal Pap: colposcopy with biopsies
Cervical carcinoma: cervical biopsy of the lesion (not a Pap
o Treatment:
 Early cervical carcinoma: radical hysterectomy (hysterectomy,
removal of cardinal and uterosacral ligaments, and removal of
the vaginal cuff)
 Advanced cervical carcinoma: radiation (brachytherapy:
radioactive implants near the tumor bed; teletherapy: external
beam of radiation)
 Prevention: HPV vaccine -> serotypes 16, 18, 6, and 11
o Clinical Pearls:
 CIN: pre-invasive lesions the cervix with cellular atypia
 Cervical carcinoma risk factors: early age of coitus, STD, early
childbearing, HPV, smoking, multiple sexual partners
 Most common site for lesions to arise is the squamocolumnar
 Cervical carcinoma spread: cervix -> cardinal ligaments and
pelvic walls
 Colposcopy guided biopsy stains:
 Acetic acid: ppt cellular proteins changing the atypical
cells white
 Lugol’s iodine: stains normal cells with high glycogen
o Pap Smear:
 Screening test started 3 years after onset of sexual activity or
by age 21 -> annular pap until age 30
 After 3 consecutive negatives at 30 may screen every 2-3 years
 Hysterectomy with no history of cervical dysplasia no longer
require Pap
 Hysterectomy with a history of cervical dysplasia requires Pap
of the vaginal cuff
 After 65 yo with NO history of cervical dysplasia no longer
require Pap smear
 Cytology
Case 17: Sheehan Syndrome (post-partum amenorrhea)
o Differential diagnosis:
 Post-partum amenorrhea
 Pregnancy (negative pregnancy test)
 Sheehan syndrome (anterior hypopituitarism:
hypoprolactinemia, hypothyroidism,
 Asherman syndrome (intrauterine adhesions)
o Follows D and C -> scarred endometrium
 Amenorrhea
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PCOS: estrogen excess without progesterone, obesity,
hirsutism, and glucose intolerance
 Hypoestrogen
o Hypothalamic/pituitary dysfunction (low FSH)
o Ovarian failure (elevated FSH)
o Clinical Presentation:
 Post-partum hemorrhage
 Post-partum amenorrhea with evidence of anterior
hypopituitarism (inability to breast feed)
o Workup:
 Pregnancy test… if negative
 Evaluate pituitary function
 Sheehan syndrome
o Anterior hypopituitarism
o Will respond to OCP
 Asherman syndrome
o Normally functioning ant. pituitary
o Will not respond to OCP
o Treatment:
 Sheehan syndrome: replacement of hormones (T4, cortisol,
mineralocorticoids) and OCP
 Asherman syndrome: hysteroscopic resection of scar tissue
Case 18: Fetal Bradycardia (cord prolapse)
o Differential diagnosis:
 Cord prolapse
 Uterine rupture with prior CS
o Clinical Presentation:
 Fetal bradycardia after artificial rupture of membranes
 PE of the vagina demonstrates cord
 Trendelenburg position
o Workup:
 PE of the vaginal vault
 Confirm fetal heart rate (fetal scalp electrode or US)
 Improve maternal oxygenation and CO
 Position changes
 Oxygen
 IV fluids/pressors: ephedrine (hypotension from
 Discontinue oxytocin
o Treatment:
 Push the presenting part superior in the vagina to relieve
pressure on the cord
 CS
o Clinical Pearls:
 Risk factors for cord prolapse
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Artificial rupture of membrane with unengaged fetal
 Transverse fetal lie
 Footling breech
 Engagement: The fetal part has passed the bony pelvic inlet
 Variability
 Increase in FHR 6-25 bpm for15 seconds (moderate)
 Indicative of good fetal oxygenation
 Absence of can be due to sedatives or fetal acidosis
 Decelerations -> Case 6
Case 19: Galactorrhea Due to Hypothyroidism
o Differential diagnosis:
 Primary hypothryoidism (TRH may act as a prolactin releasing
 Pituitary adenoma (bilateral hemianopsia and headaches)
 Pregnancy (positive pregnancy test)
 Chest wall trauma
 Hypothalamic dysfunction
o Clinical Presentation:
 Galactorrhea, oligo/amenorrhea
 Nipple discharge will be have fat droplets
o Workup:
 History and Physical for possible drug reactions
 Pregnancy test
 Serum levels of prolactin and TRH, TSH, thyroxine
o Treatment:
 Hypothyroidism- > thyroxine hormone supplementation
 Pituitary adenoma -> transphenoid microsurgery
 Medical
 Bromocriptine/cabergolamine: dopamine agonist
o Clinical Pearls:
 Hyperprolactinemia inhibits the pulsing of GnRH, which
inhibits the cyclic releaes of FSH and LH resulting in the
amenorrhea and galactorrhea. Lack of FSH and LH cycling
leads to hypoestrogen -> osteoporosis
 Galactorrhea with normal menses indicates that the
hypothalamus is function normally and can rule out
hypothalamic dysfunction
 MRI is the most sensitive imaging test for pituitary adenoma
Case 20: Pruiritus (Cholestasis) of Pregnancy
o Differential diagnosis:
 Cholestasis of pregnancy
 Systemic itching and lack of a rash
 Pruritic Urcticarial paupules of pregnancy:
ObGyn Case Files 13
Erythematous papules with a white halo and hives that
start on the abdomen and spread to the buttocks
 Histology shows lymphocytic and histiocyte invasion,
but is ne
 Herpes gestationis
 NOT associated with HSV
 Intense itching and vesicles on the abdomen and
 Diagnosis confirmed by IF positive for IgG+C3 in the BM
o Clinical Presentation:
 Systemic itching +/- jaundice
 No elevation of liver enzymes (important to differentiate it
from hepatitis which will have elevated liver enzymes)
o Workup:
 Serum bile acid levels
 Liver enzymes
o Treatment:
 Cholestasis of pregnancy -> antihistamines, cornstarch bath,
ursodeoxycholic acid (increase secretion of bile acids)
 Pruritic Urcticarial paupules of pregnancy (PUPP) -> topical
steroids and antihistamines
 Herpes gestationis -> ORAL steroids
o Clinical Pearls:
 INTRAHEPATIC cholestasis of pregnancy
 If associated with jaundice has an increase incidence of
prematurity, fetal distress and fetal loss
 Herpes Gestationis
 NOT related to HSV
 Maternal development of anti-BM IgG which leads to
deposition of IgG + C3 in the BM causing vesicles
Case 21: Salpingitis, Acute
o Differential diagnosis:
 Pyelonephritis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, diverticulitis,
pancreatitis, ovarian torsion, and gastroenteritis
o Clinical Presentation:
 Cervical motion tenderness, abdominal tenderness, adnexal
o Workup:
 Clinical diagnosis; see clinical presentation
 Pregnancy test
 Chlamydia and gonorrhea test
 US for TOA
 Laparoscope is the gold standard for diagnosing PID
o Treatment:
 Inpatient: cefotetan and doxycycline
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 If it does not resolve in 48-72 hours laparoscope
o Clinical Pearls:
 PID: synonymous with acute salpingitis
 Cervical motion tenderness: tell tale sign of salpingitis
 Tubo-ovarian abscess: collection of purulent material around
the distal tube and ovary; usually treated with by antibiotic
therapy before drainage
 Acute salpingitis with RUQ pain is indicative of Fitz-HughCurtis syndrome
 Etiology: Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and polymicrobial
 IUD increases risk of PID
 OCP decreases risk of PID
 Long term sequelae: chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy,
involuntary infertility
Case 22: Pulmonary Embolus of Pregnancy
o Differential diagnosis:
 Reactive airway disease, pneumonia, pulmonary embolis
o Clinical Presentation:
 Dyspnea, acute onset, pleuritic chest pain, lungs: CTAB,
hypoxemia, clear chest x-ray
o Workup:
 Page 192; Figure 22-1
 Pulse oximetry and arterial blood gas
 Diagnosis of PE is made by a spiral CT, MRI angiography,
o Treatment:
 IV heparin 5-7 days and then switched to subq heparin to
maintain an aPTT at 1.5-2.5x control for three months
o Clinical Pearls:
 Etiology: hypercoagulable state of pregnancy -> high estrogen
and mechanical effect of venous stasis
 Other etiologies: Protein C and S resistance,
antithrombin III activity, Factor V Lieden mutation,
hyperhomocysteinememia, antiphospholipid syndrome
 Dyspnea: most common symptom of PE, tachypnea: most
common sign of PE
 Asthma: initially hyperventilation and decrease in PCO2 as the
patient begins to weaken PCO2 increases
 Page 193; Table 22-1
Case 23: HSV infection in Labor
o Clinical Presentation:
 Prodrome: tingling, burning, or itching of the perineal region,
o Workup:
 Acyclovir
 Primary infection: reduces viral shedding, pain
symptoms, and faster healing
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 Prophylaxis: decrease symptoms and the need for a CS
o Treatment:
 Absence of herpetic lesions or prodrome symptoms -> patient
opt for a vaginal delivery
 Presence of herpetic lesions of prodrome symptoms -> CS
o Clinical Pearls:
 Neonatal HSV:
 Majority occurs through exposure of fluids during birth
 It can be systemic or localized
 5-10% may become infected transplacentally, but this
usually occurs during the primary infection
 Syphilis: 1st stage small, round painless chancre
 Chancroid: H. ducreyi painful genitial lesions
 Bartholin glands: painless abscesses at the entrance of the
 Vulvar carcinoma: nontender, ulcerative, and more common in
post-menopausal women
Case 24: Uterine Leiomyomata
o Differential Diagnosis
 Ovarian mass: lateral position
 Endometrial hyperplasia, polyp or uterine cancer:
 Pelvic kidney, TOA, endometrioma
o Clinical Presentation:
 Menorrhagia, enlarged midline mass that is irregular, and
contiguous with the cervix
o Treatment:
 GnRH agonists (most effective in first three months for
shrinking the fibroid
 Uterine artery embolization or myomectomy -> attempt to
preserve fertility
 Definitive treatment is hysterectomy
o Clinical Pearls:
 Carneous (red) degeneration: changes of the leiomyomata due
to rapid growth; the center becomes red, causing pain
 Most common tumor of the female pelvis and is leading
indication for hysterectomy
 Submucosal fibroids and the most likely associated with
recurrent abortions -> difficulty with fertility and embryo
 Leiomyosarcoma is differentiated from lieomyoma based on
different growth rates
Case 25: Preeclampsia and Hepatic Rupture
o Clinical Presentation:
ObGyn Case Files 16
Preeclampsia with severe onset of epigastric pain, abdominal
distension, syncope, hypotension, and tachycardia
o Workup:
 Labs: CBC, urinalysis, 24 hours protein collection, CMP, LDH,
and uric acid test
 Fetal testing : BPP
o Treatment:
 Page 219; Figure 25-1
 Delivery of the fetus
 MgSO4: seizure prevention
 HTN: postpartum treated with hydralazine or labetalol
o Clinical Pearls:
 Chronic HTN: BP 140/90 before 20 wks gestation
 Gestational HTN: BP 140/90 after 20 wks gestation
 Preeclampsia: HTN, proteinuria > 300 mg in 24 hours, and
edema at a gestational age greater than 20 wks due to
vasospasm (mild BP 140-160/90-110)
 Eclampsia: preeclampsia + seizures
 Severe preeclampsia: BP >160/110 (can be systolic, diastolic
or both), proteinuria > 5g in 24 hours or urine dipstick with 3+
or 4+ proteinuria
 Superimposed preeclampsia: preeslampsia in a patient with
chronic HTN
 Complications of preeclampsia are: placental abruption,
eclampsia, coagulopathies, hepatic rupture, hepatic capsular
hematoma, and uteroplacental insufficiency
 MgSO4 toxicity:
Case 26: Fibroadenoma of the Breast
o Differential diagnosis:
 Fibroadenoma: benign, smooth muscle tumor of the breast;
most common breast mass; does NOT respond to hormones
 Fibrocystic changes: lumpy-bumpy breast; most common
benign breast condition; lobules become swollen and cystic
that become fibrotic
 CP: cyclic, painful, engorged breast right before
 Tx: decrease caffeine, NSAIDS, proper bra, OCP and oral
o Clinical Presentation:
 Firm, nontender, rubbery mass
o Workup:
 Core needle biopsy: 14-16 gauge needle used to extract tissue
and preserves cellular architecture
ObGyn Case Files 17
Fine needle aspiration: small gauge needle with associated
vacuum to aspirate fluid and cells from a breast mass or cyst,
does not preserve cellular architecture
 Triple assessment: clinical examination, US/Mammogram, and
histology (less than 35 may use FNA b/c less likely to be
malignant cancer
o Treatment:
 Small mass and not growing may choose to leave alone, but
most women opt for lumpectomy
 Over the age of 35, + Family Hx, or discordinant triple
assessment warrants further investigation: (excisional biopsy
or core needle biopsy)
Case 27: Infertility, Peritoneal Factor
o Differential diagnosis:
 Five basic factors of infertility: ovulatory, uterine, tubal, male
factor, and peritoneal factor (endometriosi/cervical factor)
o Clinical Presentation:
 Infertility: inability to conceive after 1 year of unprotected
 Primary never been able to get pregnancy
 Secondary has a past history of pregnancy
o Workup:
 Ovulatory:
 Basal body temperature looking for a biphasic profile ->
rise occurs after ovulation and is due to progesterone
 Urine LH kit
 Progesterone levels
 Uterine problem: hysterosalpingogram (more common with
recurrent pregnancy loss not infertility)
 Tubal problem: hysterosalpingogram; laparoscope which is the
gold standard for diagnosis
 Male factor problems: semen analysis
 Peritoneal factor: laparoscope gold standard for diagnosis
 Cervical factor: too thick cervical mucous for the sperm to get
to the egg, rare, treated with intrauterine insemination
o Treatment:
 Surgery is the main treatment for tubal abnormalities or
o Clinical Pearls:
 Endometriosis: three D’s: dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and
 Fecundability: probability of achieving a pregnancy within one
mestrual cycle
Case 28: Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy (Ovarian Torsion)
o Differential diagnosis:
ObGyn Case Files 18
 Page 238; Table 28-1
o Clinical Presentation:
 More common at 14 wks gestation (uterus clears pelvic brim)
or postpartum
 Acuter onset unilateral abdominal or pelvic pain
 Nausea and vomiting
 NO fever, NO leucocytosis
o Workup:
 Usually differentiated based on history and physical exam
o Treatment:
 Surgical intervention
 Necrotic: removal of the ovary
 Ischemia: release the torsion -> untwist the pedicle
o Clinical Pearls:
 Ovarian torsion: is the most frequent and serious complication
of a benign ovarian cyst;
Case 29: Ectopic Pregnancy
o Differential diagnosis:
 Page 248; Table 29-2
o Clinical Presentation:
 Amenorrhea, vaginal spotting, abdominal pain, no intrauterine
pregnancy (IUP) observed
o Workup:
 hCG levels:
 >66% rise in 48 hours is indicative of a viable (IUP)
 <66% rise in 48 hours is indicative of abnormal
pregnancy (i.e. ectopic)
 Progesterone
 >25 ng/mL indicative of IUP
 <5 ng/mL indicative of an abnormal pregnancy
 US
 Crown-rump length or yolk sac -> + IUP
 Gestational sac is not a definitive measure of the
presence of an IUP because an ectopic can produce a
pseudogestational sac
 If no IUP is detected laparoscope is indicated for definitive
o Treatment:
 Surgical
 Preserve fertility: salpingostomy
 Do not wish to preserve fertility: salpingectomy
 Medical
 Pregnancy less than 4 cm methotrexate
o Clinical Pearls:
ObGyn Case Files 19
Plateau in hCG levels after 8 wks is indicative of miscarriage or
Case 30: Anemia of Pregnancy (thalassemia)
o Differential diagnosis:
 Iron deficiency anemia: increase in demand
 Beta thalassemia
o Clinical Presentation:
 Microcytic anemia with normal iron levels and ferritin
 Elevated Hb A2 on electrophoresis
 NOTE: Elevated HbF indicative of alpha thalassemia
o Workup:
 CBC, Iron, Ferritin levels, Hb electrophoresis
o Treatment:
 Fe deficiency anemia: treatment with Fe for 3 - 4 weeks
 Beta thalassemia minor: no treatment indicated, monitor
o Clinical Pearls:
 Most common cause of megaloblastic anemia in pregnancy is
folate deficiency
 G6PD: hemolytic anemia following reducing drugs
(sulfonamides, nitrofurantoin, and antimalarial)
 NOTE: nitrofurantoin is a common drug used to treat
UTI in pregnancy
Case 31: Preterm Labor
o Clinical Presentation:
 Contractions with cervical change between the weeks 20-37
o Workup:
 Page 266 Table 31-2
 Fetal fibronectin: + may or may not be preterm labor – preterm
 If in preterm labor: begin tocolysis, steroids (weeks 24-34),
GBS prophylaxis (penicillin)
 Cervical length assessment: TVUS -> less than 25 mm increase
risk in preterm labor
 Weekly injections of 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate from
weeks 20 – 36 to prevent preterm
o Clinical Pearls:
 Tocolytic agents: Page 267 Table 31-3
 Gonococcal cervicitis strongly associated with preterm labor
(Chlamydia is not)
 Dyspnea on tocolysis is usually due to pulmonary edema
Case 32: Bacterial Cystitis
o Differential diagnosis:
ObGyn Case Files 20
Bacterial cystitis (E. coli), cervicitis (gonorrhea, chlamydia; no
growth on the urine culture), candidal vaginitis, and urethral
syndrome (urgency and dysuria caused by inflammation; urine
cultures are negative)
o Clinical Presentation:
 Dysuria, frequency, urgency
o Workup:
 UA and Urine culture
 Acute pyelonephritis: in pregnancy after treatment standard of
care is antibiotic prophylaxis to term
o Clinical Pearls:
 Pyelonephritis: UTI symptoms + flank tenderness and fever
 Asymptomatic bacturia has a high incidence in women with
sickle cell trait
Case 33: Contraception
o Clinical Pearls:
 Emergency contraception:
 Yuzpe method: two high doses of the combination pill
within 72 hours
o High incidence of N/V
 Plan B: two high doses of progesterone within 72 hours
 Copper IUD within 5 days
 OCP: decrease risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer
 Contraceptive patch has an increase risk of DVT
 35 yo and smoker is a contraindication for OCP
 Pages 283-285 Table 33-2
Case 34: Pyelonephritis, Unresponsive
o Clinical Presentation:
 Acute pyelonephritis: UTI symptoms plus flank pain and fever
 48 to 72 hours after the administration of antibiotics
(cephalosporin or ampicillin and gentamicin) there is not
response -> high risk for progression to ARDS
 Consider ureterolithiasis or perinephric abscess
 ARDS alveolar and endothelial damage leading to leaky
pulmonary capillaries caused by endotoxins, clinically causing
hypoxemia, large alveolar-arterial gradient, and loss of lung
volume (dyspnea and tachypnea)
 Temporary increase in creatinine and liver enzymes
o Treatment:
 ARDS: oxygenation and fluid management in severe cases
mechanical ventilation
o Clinical Pearls:
 Most common cause of sepsis in pregnant women is
ObGyn Case Files 21
Pregnancy with a case of acute pyelonephritis post treatment
has to be treated with antibiotic prophylaxis for the rest of the
Case 35: DVT in Pregnancy
o Clinical Presentation:
 Calf pain (deep linear cords), leg edema, increase in leg size
o Workup:
 Doppler flow (pregnant) and venography (not pregnant)
o Treatment:
 Bed rest and extremity elevation
 Heparin
 IV for 5-7 days, followed by oral heparin to reach
therapeutic dosing for three months, and then heparin
prophylaxis until 6 wks post partum
 MOA: stabilizes antithrombin and prevents clot
 Complications: osteoporosis and thrombocytopenia
o Clinical Pearls:
 Risk of DVT increases in pregnancy because of
hypercoagulable state (increase in clotting factors particularly
fibrinogen) and mechanical stasis induced from the gravida
 DVT complication is pulmonary embolism
Case 36: Dominant Breast Mass
o Clinical Presentation:
 Mobile, non-tender mass
o Workup:
 Mammography, US, FNA (less than 35), excisional biopsy/core
needle biopsy (greater than 35)
o Treatment:
o Clinical Pearls:
 Age is the most important risk factor for breast cancer
 Invasion of lymph nodes is the most important factor for
 BRCA1 chromosome 17 mutation; BRCA2 chromosome 13
mutation; autosomal dominant inheritance
 Genetic testing for BRCA1/2 is required for two first degree
relatives with breast cancer
 3D breast mass, must be biopsied irregardless of imaging
 When to get a mammogram
 20-39: every 3 years
 40-49: every 2 years and yearly breast exam
 50+: annual breast exam
ObGyn Case Files 22
Most common cause of serosenguinous nipple discharge from a
single duct is intraductal papilloma
 Infiltrating intraductal carcinoma is the most common
histological type
Case 37: Ovarian Tumor (Struma Ovarii)
o Differential diagnosis:
 Benign or Malignant; gonadal, stromal, or epithelial ovarian
o Clinical Presentation:
 Complex cystic tumor, unilateral (multilobulated with thick
 Symptoms of hyperthyroidism, but a normal physical exam for
the thyroid
o Workup:
 TVUS of the cyst to evaluate the mass and laparotomy with
ovarian cystectomy
o Germ Cell Tumors:
 Most common is a benign cystic teratoma (dermoid cyst)
 The most common tissue type is squamos, but the
dermoid can contain all three germ layers
 Complications: torsion of the ovary or rupture (rare)
 Immature teratoma/malignant teratoma
 Contains all three germ layers and the amount
immature neural elements determines the grade
 Grade I: treat with salpingoophrectomy
 Grade II-III: salpingoophrectomy and chemotherapy
o Epithelial Tumors:
 Serous: psammoma bodies; most common; bilateral
 Mucinous: unilateral; large; may rupture and lead to
pseudomyxoma peritoneii
 Endometroid: presence of endometrial glands
 Elevated CA125, but is nonspecific in reproductive women
o Stromal tumor:
 Granulosa theca cell tumor: solid and secretes estrogen
 Sertoli-leydig cell tumor: solid and secretes androgens
o Functional Cysts:
 Follicular, corpus luteal, and thecal-lutein
o Clinical Pearls:
 The presence of ascites on US is indicative of a malignant
 Page 316 Table 37-3
 Ovarian cancer staging: TAHBSO, lymph nodes, ascites,
Case 38: Fascial Disruption
o Differential diagnosis:
ObGyn Case Files 23
Superficial wound infection, wound dehiscence, fascial
disruption, evisceration
o Clinical Presentation:
 Larger volume of a serosanguinous fluid from the abdomen,
 Risk factors: vertical incision, obesity, DM,corticosteroid,
infection, increasing intra-abdominal pressure
o Treatment:
 Superficial wound infection: surgical drainage of the wound
and broad spectrum antibiotics
 Wound Dehiscence: surgical closure and broad spectrum
 Fascial Disruption: surgical repair and broad spectrum
 Evisceration: covering the bowel with a moist towel and
immediate surgical repair
o Clinical Pearls:
 Wound dehiscence: separation of the surgical incision with
peritoneum remaining intact
 Fascial disruption: disruption of the peritoneum and pannus
 Evisceration: fascial disruption with protruding bowel
 Wound dehiscence risk factors same as fascial disruption
 Most common cause of fascial disruption is the suture tearing
through the fascia
 Differentiation of lymphatic drainage and urinary tract fistula
is evaluation of the creatine level in the draining fluid from the
incision (elevated creatinine in urine)
 Superficial wound infection usually occurs due to infection or
Case 39: Abdominal Pain In Pregnancy (Ruptured Corpus Luteum)
o Differential diagnosis:
 Ectopic pregnancy (most common cause of hemoperitoneum),
ruptured endometrioma, adnexal torsion, appendicitis, splenic
o Clinical Presentation:
 Symptoms of hemorrhagic shock (tachycardia, hypotension,
syncope) and hemoperitoneum (abdominal pain, abdominal
distension, rebound tenderness, positive fluid wave)
o Workup:
 US demonstrating free fluid in the peritoneum which is
confirmed by laparoscope
o Treatment:
o Clinical Pearls:
 Corpus luteal cyst: grow under the influence of hCG and up to
weeks 10-12 produce the majority of the progesterone
required for pregnancy.
ObGyn Case Files 24
The cyst can have intrafollicular bleeding which may
become excessive leading to rupture and bleeding into
the peritoneum
 Carneous degeneration of a leiomyoma typically presents with
localized tenderness over the fibroid
 The first sign of hypovolemia is decreased urine output
 If cystectomy is performed before weeks 10-12 supplemental
progesterone should be given to prevent abortion
 Vaginal tissue discharge can be tested for the presence of
chorionic villi by the addition of the tissue to normal saline… if
the tissue floats in a frond pattern it is indicative of chorionic
villi and supports the diagnosis of an intrauterine pregnancy
 Hemorrhagic corpus luteum usually occurs in women with
bleeding tendencies
Case 40: Secondary Amenorrhea (intrauterine adhesions)
o Differential diagnosis:
 Pregnancy, hypothalamic/pituitary dysfunction, ovarian
o Clinical Presentation:
 Secondary amenorrhea post endometrial trauma (D and C)
o Workup:
 Pregnancy test, FSH and LH levels, Estrogen levels, basal body
temperature plot, trial OCP/progesterone withdraw, TSH,
prolactin levels
 Hysterosalpingogram/hysteroscopy (diagnostic gold standard)
o Treatment:
 Surgical hysteroscopy, placement of IUD or pediatric foley
catheter to prevent further adhesions, OCP
o Clinical Pearls:
 Intrauterine adhesions (Asherman syndrome) sin qua non is
endometrial trauma, especially to the basalis layer
 Myometrial adhesions have a worst prognosis
 CP: positive ovulation, normal hypothalamic and pituitary fnx,
with cyclic abdominal cramping post D and C and cone biopsy
-> diagnosis: cervical stenosis preventing passage of products
of menstration -> increase incidence of retrograde mestruation
and endometriosis
Case 41: Breast, Abnormal Mammogram
o Case 36: Dominant Breast Mass
o Clinical Pearls:
 A history of breast trauma with calcifications in the same area
is indicative of fat necrosis. However, a confirmatory biopsy is
still required
 Modern mammogram has no increase risk of malignancy
ObGyn Case Files 25
All breast masses or positive mammograms have to be
confirmed by biopsy
Case 42: Primary Amenorrhea, Mullerian Agenesis
o Differential diagnosis:
 Pregnancy, Turner syndrome (lack breast development),
androgen insensitivity (lack pubic and axillary hair), mullerian
agenesis (+ breast development and pubic/axillary hair; may
be positive for renal abnormalities)
o Clinical Presentation:
 Mullerian agenesis: Tanner stage IV for both breast and
pubic/axillary hair development, with renal abnormalities
 Androgen insensitivity: Tanner state IV for the breast, but
underdeveloped pubic/axillary hair
o Workup:
 Serum testosterone levels and karyotype
o Treatment:
 Androgen insensitivity: gonadal dysgenesis -> high risk of
malignant transformation
o Clinical Pearls:
 Estrogen: promotes breast development
 Sources: ovaries, adrenals, and peripheral conversion
 Testosterone: promotes pubic and axillary hair development
 Turner syndrome: lack of breast development and gonadal
 Kallman syndrome: hypogonadotropic hypogonadism ->
deficiency of GnRH and inability to smell
Case 43: Septic Abortion
o Clinical Presentation:
 Post D and C for abortion presenting with fever and
 Indications of retained products of conception
 Open cervical os, lower abdominal cramping, vaginal
 Cervical motion tenderness and foul smelling discharge
o Workup:
 CBC with differential, Urinalysis, and CMP
o Treatment:
 Maternal ABC, broad spectrum antibiotic therapy (gentamicin
and clindamycin or metronidazole, ampicillin, and an
aminoglycoside), repeat uterine curretage
o Clinical Pearls:
 Septic abortion is caused by an ascending infection
 CT scan positive for air pockets in the myometrium ->
clostridium infection -> treatment with hysterectomy to
prevent significant morbidity and mortality
ObGyn Case Files 26
 Bacteria polymicrobial: streptococci, bacteroides, GBS, staph
Case 44: Postpartum hemorrhage
o Differential diagnosis:
 Uterine atony (most common cause), genital tract lacerations,
uterine inversion, placenta accreta, retained placenta, or
o Clinical Presentation:
 PPH (>500mL vaginal and >1000mL CS)
 Boggy uterus on palpation
o Treatment:
 Maternal ABC
 Medical therapy
 Begin oxytocin -> methylergevine (contraindicated with
HTN)-> PGF2α (contraindicated with asthma) -> rectal
 Surgical therapy
 Ligation of uterine or internal iliac artery
 B-lynch stitch
 All else fails hysterectomy
o Clinical Pearls:
 Treatment for preeclampsia with MgSO4 increases the risk of
uterine atony
 Late PPH: subinvolution of the placental site occurring 10-14
days postpartum (hematoma from the placenta falls off and
bleeds) -> oral ergot alkaloids is the standard of care
 Risk of uterine atony Page 361 Table 44-1
Case 45: Pubertal Delay, Gonadal dysgenesis
o Differential diagnosis:
 Hypogonadotropic
 Hypogonadism
o Clinical Presentation:
 Delay in puberty (i.e. thelarche -> adrenarche -> growth spurt
-> menarche
o Workup:
 Measurement of FSH levels
 Decreased FSH -> hypogonadotropic
o Eating disorder, XS exercise, cushing syndrome,
pituitary adenomas, and craniopharyngiomas
 Elevated FSH -> hypogonadism
 Decrease estrogen and FSH -> FSH, prolactin, TSH, free
T4, adrenal and ovarian steroids
o Treatment:
 Hormonal therapy (i.e. OCP), HGH, and the prevention of
o Clinical Pearls:
ObGyn Case Files 27
Most common karyotype of gonadal dysgeneisi is 45XO
Delayed puberty is the lack of secondary sexual characteristics
by age 14
 Primary amenorrhea with normal breast development ->
pregnancy test
Case 46: Breast Abscess and Mastitis
o Differential diagnosis:
 Mastitis/breast abscess
 Galactocele: noninfectious collection of milk in the mammary
duct due to blockage -> nonerythematous fluctuant mass
o Clinical Presentation:
 Breast pain, fever, induration, redness
 If + for fluctuance -> breast abscess
o Workup:
 If physical exam is+ for fluctuance confirm diagnosis with US
o Treatment:
 Mastitis -> S. aureus is the most common etiology and should
be treated with dicloxacillin
 Breastfeeding should be encouraged to prevent breast
 Breast abscess -> surgical drainage and dicloxacillin
o Clinical Pearls:
 Breast milk lacks vitamin D and needs to be supplemented at 2
 Maternal HIV infection is a contraindication to breastfeeding
 Best treatment for cracked nipples is air-drying and the
avoidance of harsh soaps
 Breast engorgement is due to vascular congestion and milk
accumulation -> Tx: breast binder, ice packs, and analgesia
 Note fever will not persist pass 24 hours
Case 47: Thyroid Storm of Pregnancy
o Clinical Presentation:
 Symptoms of hyperthyroidism: tachycardia, nevoursness,
sweating, diarrhea
 Autonomic instability/change in mental status-> hallmark of
thyroid storm
o Treatment:
 Propylthiouracil: inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
 Side effects: bone marrow aplasia -> increase risk of
 Methimazole: similar to PTU, but contraindicated in
 Beta-blocker: to protect the heart
ObGyn Case Files 28
 Acetominophen/cooling blankets: treat hyperthermia
 Corticosteroids: prevent peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
o Clinical Pearls:
 Grave’s disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism
in the US -> treated with PTU
 During pregnancy total thyroxine levels increase, but relative
levels of thyroxine are maintained by a corresponding increase
in thyroid binding globulin
 Postpartum thyroiditis
 Postpartum hyperthyroidism patient is more likely to
demonstrate hypothyroidism after the delivery of the
placenta (decrease in corticosteroids) and rise of antimicrosomal/antiperoxidase immunoglobulins
 Maternal hypothyroidism left untreated can lead to neonatal
and childhood neurodevelopmental delays
 Pregnancy thyroid changes
 Increase: total T4, TGB
 Unchanged: free T4, TSH
Case 48: Chlamydial Cervicitis and HIV in pregnancy
o Chlamydia:
 Vertical transmission occurring during L and D causing
neonatal conjunctivitis and pneumonia
 Hence, why it is imperative to have a negative
Chlamydia screen in the third trimester
 It is not prevented by eye drops of erythromycin
prophylaxis -> however, this does work to prevent
gonococcal conjunctivitis
 Has a propensity for transitional and columnar epithelium
 Diagnosed by IF or PCR
 Treatment: amoxicillin for 7 days or one dose azithromycin
 Most common cause of conjunctivitis in the first month of life
 Because of repeat infection repeat testing is prudent in the
third trimester
o HIV:
 Vertical transmission can occur via transplacental, during
delivery, or breastfeeding
 Primary goal of HART therapy with pregnancy is to decrease
the viral load -> decrease the risk of vertical transmission
 Management
 Place Mom on HARRT therapy
 Scheduled CS
 If a vaginal delivery is decided on then IV AZT should be
given during the delivery
 Neonate receives oral AZT for 6 months
ObGyn Case Files 29
Most common method of HIV transmission to women in the US
is via heterosexual intercourse
Case 49: Parvovirus Infection in Pregnancy
o Clinical Presentation:
 Myalgia, lacy red rash, and low grade fever + exposure to a
child with parvovirus (slapped cheek presentation)
o Workup:
 Maternal serology of IgM and IgG antibodies to parvovirus
 US for fetal hydroamnios
 PUBS to diagnose fetal anemia
o Treatment:
 Fetal transfusion
o Clinical Pearls:
 Parvovirus is a single stranded DNA virus. Also called “fifth
 Fetal infection leads to suppression of RBC production -> fetal
anemia -> hydroamnios -> hydrops fetalis (high output cardiac
failure and third spacing)
 Sinusoidal FHR: FHR pattern is a sine wave every 3-5 minutes
and is indicative of severe anemia/fetal asphyxia
 Maternal Serology: Page 395 Table 49-1
 Causes of hydroamnios: gestation diabetes, isoimmunization,
syphilis, fetal cardiac arrhythmias, and fetal intestinal atresias
Case 50: Postpartum Endomyometritis
o Differential diagnosis: Postpartum Fever
 Atelectasis, pyelonephritis, breast engorgement, wound
infection, endometritis
 Endometritis, wound infection, necrotizing fasciitis, and septic
pelvic thrombophlebitis
o Clinical Presentation:
 Postpartum fever, fundal tenderness, foul smelling lochia
 Usually presents with postpartum fever on day 2
o Treatment:
 Broad spectrum antibiotic therapy
 Gentamicin and clindamycin
 If fever persist past 48 hours of antibiotics add
ampicillin to cover E. coli
 If fever persists 48-72 hours post ampicillin CT exam is
warranted to reveal an abscess or infected hematoma
o Clinical Pearls:
 Endometritis is caused by the ascension of bacteria into the
 Endometritis is a polymicrobial infection with the predominant
bacteria being anaerobic (i.e. bacteroides)
ObGyn Case Files 30
Fever PPD #1 -> necrotizing fasciitis -> debridement and
antibiotics to cover streptococcus
 Fever POD #4 -> wound infection -> debridement and
 Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis: bacterial infection of pelvic
venous thrombi, usually involving the ovarian veins -> bacteria
spread from the placental implantation site -> antibiotics +/heparin
 The most common cause of fever post-CS is endomyometritis
Case 51: Syphillis
o Differential diagnosis:
 Syphillis:
 Stage 1: painless chancre and adenopathy +/- pain
 Stage 2: macular/papular rash of palms and soles and
condyloma lata
 Stage 3: cardiovascular abnormalities, neurosyphillis
 HSV: painful vesicular lesions with a sequlae of
encephalitis/urinary retention
 Chancre: painful chancre with ragged edges and a necrotic base
+ painful lymphadenopathy
o Clinical Presentation:
 Painless chancre and usually painless adenopathy
o Workup:
 RPR or VRDL if negative confirm with dark field microscopy
 MHA-TP and FTA-ABS test are used to confirm RPR/VRDL
o Treatment:
 Penicillin… if allergic desesntize and treat with penicillin
 < 1 year treat with one dose IM penicillin
 > 1 year treat with three courses of penicillin at 1 week
o Clinical Pearls:
 Abrupt increase in RPR titers post treatment is indicative of
 Lumbar puncture can be used to diagnosis neurosyphillis
Case 52: Intra-amniotic Infection
o Clinical Presentation:
 PROM, maternal fever, fetal tachycardia, fundal tenderness
 First sign of chorioamnionitis is fetal tachycardia
o Workup:
 Sterile speculum exam showing pooling of the amniotic fluid in
the posterior vaginal vault
 Alkaline changes of the fluid and ferning pattern
 US to reveal oligohydroamnios
o Treatment:
ObGyn Case Files 31
Less than 32 weeks antenatal steroids and antibiotics (has
been shown to delay pregnancy up to one week)
 After 34-35 wks induction of labor with the addition of
antibiotics (ampicillin/gentamicin) if infection is apparent.
o Clinical Pearls:
 Premature rupture of membranes: rupture of membranes
before the labor
 Complications of PROM: labor, chorioamnionitis, RDS,
placental abruption, and necrotizing entercolitis
 Listeria may induce chorioamnionitis without rupture of
 GBS and E. coli are the most common organisms to affect
Case 53: Bacterial vaginosis
o Differential diagnosis:
 Bacterial vaginosis, Trichomonas, and Candida
o Clinical Pearls:
 Page 423 table 53-1
 Organism of wet mount prep T. vaginalis
 Predominance of anaerobes in bacterial vaginosis
 BV and trichomonas are associated with alkaline pH and
positive whiff test
 Candidal vulvovaginitis infections are common in pregnancy
women who are taking broad spectrum antibiotics, diabetic, or
 BV is associated with preterm labor, post-partum endometritis,
and PID
 T. vaginalis is associated with an intense inflammatory process
and may induce punctuations of the cervix known as
“strawberry cervix”
Case 54: Hirsutism, Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor
o Differential diagnosis:
 Cushing syndrome: buffalo hump, HTN, central obesity, straie,
diagnosed with dexamethasone test
 Adrenal tumor: abrupt increase in DHEA-S (abrupt
presentation of hirsutism); virilization
 Adrenal hyperplasia: hirsutism, virilization, and anovulation;
elevated morning fasting 17-hydroxyprogesterone
 PCOS: elevated testosterone, but is a slow increase in
testosterone so the process of hirsutism is over a period of
years, patient is also obese with anovulatory cycles
 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor: abrupt onset of hirsutism and
virilization with an ovarian mass
 Page 432 Table 54-1
o Clinical Presentation:
ObGyn Case Files 32
 Abrupt onset of hirsutism and virilization with an ovarian mass
o Workup:
 Based of the H and P
 Labs: DHEA-S, testosterone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone,
prolactin, and TSH
o Treatment:
 Sertoi-Leydig cell tumor: surgical excision
o Clinical Pearls:
 Abrupt growth of hirstusim is indicative of a ovarian or adrenal
androgen secreting tumor and slow growth of hirsutism is
indicative of PCOS
 The most common cause of hirsutism and irregular menses is
Case 55: Serum Screening in pregnancy
o Clinical Pearls:
 At 16 weeks the fundus of the uterus should be at the levele
between the pubic symphysis and the umbilicus
 At 20 weeks the fundus should be at the level of the umbilicus
 Triple screen weeks 15-21
 Elevated msAFP -> indicative of neural tube defect
 Low msAFP and estradiol with an elevated hCG ->
indicative of Down’s syndrome
 Low msAFP, estradiol, and hCG -> indicative of trisomy
 First trimester screen for Down’s syndrome
 Low PAPP-A and beta hCG with thickened nuchal
translucency -> Down’s syndrome
 The genetics for a cleft palate/lip only are multifactorial
 Unexplained elevation of msAFP has an increase risk for still
 Most common cause of abnormal triple screen is wrong dates
 95% of neural tube defects are determined by targeted US
Case 56: PCOS
o Differential diagnosis:
 See Case 54
o Clinical Presentation
 Long-standing history of irregular cycles, obesity, hirsutism,
and acne
o Workup:
 DHEA-S, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, testosterone, prolactin, TSH
 Endometrial biopsy
 Glucose tolerance test
 PCOS diagnosis is one of exclusion
o Treatment:
ObGyn Case Files 33
OCP: to regulate cycles and decrease unopposed estrogen
 Diet and Exercise: reduce hyperinsulinemia and
 Clomiphene citrate: to induce ovulation if pregnancy desired
o Clinical Pearls:
 PCOS patients are at an increase risk of developing metabolic
syndrome: DM, cardiovascular disease, hyperlipidemia, HTN
 Stage I endometrial carcinoma and a desire to maintain fertility
treat with high dose progesterone
 Testosterone largely secreted by the ovary and DHEA-S is
largely secreted by the adrenal gland
Case 57: Pelvic Organ Prolapse
o Differential diagnosis:
 Cystocele: Defect in the pelvic muscular support of the bladder
-> anterior pelvic organ prolapse
 Enterocele: Defect in the pelvic muscular support of the uterus
and cervix or vaginal cuff -> central pelvic organ prolapse
 Rectocele: Defect in the pelvic muscular support of the rectum
allowing feces to impinge on the vagina -> difficulty having BM
-> posterior pelvic organ prolapse -> Tx posterior repair
 Paravaginal defect: defect in levator ani attachments to the
lateral pelvic walls -> vaginal prolapse
o Clinical Presentation:
 Feeling as if something is falling out of the vagina.
 Past medical Hx of multiparity, heavy lifting
o Workup:
 Cystocele: valsalva bladder moves down/positive Q-tip test (60
degreee angle excursion or greater indicates cystocele)
 Rectocele: diagnosed usually by history of difficulty with BM
and the need to apply pressure to the vagina to have a BM
o Treatment:
 Mild -> pelvic floor exercises
 Pessary device
 Sacrospinous ligament fixation
 Sacroplexy fixing the vaginal cuff with using mesh to the sacral
o Clinical Pearls:
 Uterine prolapse:
 Mild above the hymen
 Moderate at the hymen
 Complete beyond the hymen
 Procedentia: entire uterus is prolapsed outside of the
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Case 58: Twin Gestation with Vasa Previa
o Clinical Pearls:
 Case 14
 Monozygotic twins are associated with a higher rate of fetal
anomalies and maternal complications
 Maternal effects of pregnancy are enhanced in twin gestation:
increase N/V, anemia, BP, etc.
 Twin transfusion syndrome should be considered with growth
discordance and discrepancies in amniotic fluid -> Tx: laser
ablation of arteriovenous malformations
 Twin gestations without a dividing membrane is associated
with a high stillbirth rate due to cord entanglement
 Velamentous cord insertion: umbilical vessels separate before
reaching the placenta -> susceptible to tearing after membrane
 Chorionicity: number of placentas
 Amnionicity: number of amniotic sacs
 Page 462 Table 58-1
Timing of Division
Resulting chorionicity and amnionicity
First 72 hours
Day 4-8
Day 8
After day 8
Conjoined twins
Case 59: Prenatal Care
o Page 467-480 Tables 59-1 to 59-3
Case 60: Lichen Sclerosis and Vulvar Cancer
o Differential diagnosis:
 Lichen planus
 Psoriasis: will have the presence of other silver scaley lesions
 VIN: diagnosed on biopsy
 Vitiligo
 Candida infection: presents with uncontrolled diabetes and
o Clinical Presentation:
 Pruritus of the anogenital region in a figure eight pattern
 Post-menopausal women
 Itching worsens at night
 Vulva is thinned with a cigarette paper appearance
o Workup:
 Biopsy to rule VIN or vulvar cancer
o Treatment:
 Steroid ointment -> clobetasol
o Clinical Pearls:
ObGyn Case Files 35
Lichen sclerosis histology: thinned epidermis, hyperkeratosis,
and loss of the rete pegs
Bartholin gland cyst: polymicrobial infection; treated with
surgical drainage either by a Word catheter or
Lichen sclerosis patients have an increased risk of squamos cell
ObGyn Case Files 36