Lab 7 Microscopic Anatomy and Organization of Skeletal Muscle Exercise 14 Activity 1: Examining Skeletal Muscle Cell Anatomy Be sure you can identify striations, nuclei, axons and axon terminals, muscle cells or fibers. (Plate 2 and Figure from Exercise 6). Activity 2: Examining the Histological Structure of Skeletal Muscle Activity 3: Studying the Structure of the Neuromuscular Junction (Plate 4) Identify axon, axon terminal, and skeletal muscle cell Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System Exercise 15 Begin Muscle Anatomy – Do this part to prepare for Lab Exam 2 at the end of the semester. On the anatomical models, begin to locate all of the muscles on the attached list. It may help to demonstrate the muscle action as you locate each muscle. Figures are available on my web site and through links to other web sites to help you with this at home. I will give you keys to the muscles. Please do not use other keys you may find in the lab. A table has been supplied at the end of this exercise to help you with this assignment. You may use the models in the lab and in the ARC. This may require some time outside of lab to complete. Note: Although I have asked you to list muscle origins and insertions, you are responsible only for the identification and action of the muscles on the lab exam. In Lab Activity 1. Each lab bench has been assigned three muscles. Create a model of each muscle using clay and attach it correctly to the skeleton. Model all three muscles on the same skeleton. Each member of the group will present one muscle from their list during the last 30 minutes of lab. In your demonstration each member of the group will: Introduce yourself Identify a muscle on the skeleton. Identify the origin and insertion of the muscle. Demonstrate the action of the muscle. The model, demonstration and oral presentation is 40% of your lab 7 grade. You are all responsible for the quality and accuracy of the demonstration. Each person in the group must speak during the presentation. Due at the end of lab or at the next class. Carefully draw and label the three muscles your group demonstrated in class on the attached figures. 5 points each. Muscle Assignments for Lab Tables Table Number Muscle 1 Muscle 2 Muscle 3 1 deltoid masseter erector spinae 2 latissimus dorsi zygomaticus major rectus femoris 3 tibialis anterior temporalis biceps femoris 4 vastus lateralis biceps brachii gastrocnemius 5 trapezius triceps brachii rectus abdominis 6 pectoralis major epicranius occipital and frontal bellies gluteus maximus 7 platysma soleus gracilis 8 sternocleidomastoid semi-tendinosus sartorius Name____________________________ Lab Section ________________ Lab 7 – Muscle Anatomy – turn in at the end of lab or at the next class. 1. Draw and label the three muscles demonstrated by your group where appropriate on these figures. 5 points each Name 2. Obtain slides of skeletal muscle and a neuromuscular junction (motor end plate), and review the structures of each. Draw a picture of each slide below and label where appropriate: striations, branched cells, intercalated disc, nucleus, axon, and axon terminal (at neuromuscular junction). Use a colored pencil, a ruler for the leader lines and print the labels. Colored pencils are available in the lab. Use the 40X lens for the drawings. 2 Figures, 5 points each. Skeletal Muscle Neuromuscular Junction Worksheet Do at Home. Using the supplied table, fill in the origin, insertion and action of the muscles of the head and trunk on the list below, using the tables in the text or lab manual. You may wish to begin this before coming to lab. Use Tables and Figures in Exercise 15 of the lab manual or Chapter 10 of the text to help you with this exercise. This will not be graded – it is a worksheet for you to use to learn the muscles for the lab exam. Ventral Muscles of the Trunk and Neck (Generally) external oblique platysma internal oblique rectus abdominis pectoralis major serratus anterior pectoralis minor sternocleidomastoid Dorsal Muscles of the Trunk and Neck, Generally deltoid rhomboid major erector spinae rhomboid minor infraspinatus subscapularis latissimus dorsi supraspinatus Muscles of the Head and Neck epicranius (occipital belly) epicranius (frontal belly) masseter orbicularis oculi orbicularis oris temporalis Muscles of the Upper Limb (Generally) biceps brachii extensor carpi brachialis ulnaris brachioradialis extensor digitorum extensor carpi (forearm) radialis longus flexor carpi radialis Muscles of the Lower Limb (Generally) adductor longus gluteus medius adductor magnus gracilis biceps femoris pectineus extensor digitorum rectus femoris longus sartorius gastrocnemius semimembranosus gluteus maximus semitendinosus transversus abdominis teres major teres minor trapezius zygomaticus major flexor carpi ulnaris palmaris longus triceps brachii – lateral, medial, and long heads soleus tensor fasciae latae tibialis anterior vastus lateralis vastus medialis Note: The worksheet is provided for you to help you organize the muscles. It is not going to be graded. You don’t need to turn it in to me. Muscle Name Ventral Trunk and Neck External oblique Internal oblique Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Platysma Rectus abdominis Transversus abdominis Sternocleidomastoid Serratus anterior Brief Origin Brief Insertion Brief Action Muscle Worksheet. Please use the text or lab manual and brief but correct descriptions of the origin, insertion and action of each muscle. You are only responsible for identification and action on the lab exam. Dorsal Trunk and Neck Deltoid Infraspinatus Latissimus dorsi Rhomboideus major Rhomboideus minor Subscapularis Supraspinatus Teres major Teres minor Trapezius Muscle Worksheet. Please use the text or lab manual and brief but correct descriptions of the origin, insertion and action of each muscle. You are only responsible for identification and action on the lab exam. Muscle Name Upper Limb Biceps brachii Brachialis Brachioradialis Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor digitorum Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Palmaris longus Triceps brachii Lateral head Medial head Long head Brief Origin Brief Insertion Brief Action Muscle Worksheet. Please use the text or lab manual and brief but correct descriptions of the origin, insertion and action of each muscle. You are only responsible for identification and action on the lab exam. Muscle Name Brief Origin Brief Brief Action Insertion Lower Limb Adductor magnus Biceps femoris Adductor Longus Extensor digitorum longus Erector spinae Gastrocnemius Gluteus maximus Gracilis Pectineus Gluteus medius Muscle Worksheet. Please use the text or lab manual and brief but correct descriptions of the origin, insertion and action of each muscle. You are only responsible for identification and action on the lab exam. Muscle Name Rectus femoris Sartorius Semimembranosus Soleus Tensor fasciae latae Vastus lateralis Semitendinosus Vastus medialis Brief Origin Brief Insertion Brief Action Muscle Worksheet. Please use the text or lab manual and brief but correct descriptions of the origin, insertion and action of each muscle. You are only responsible for identification and action on the lab exam. Muscle Name Head Epicranius frontal belly Epicranius occipital belly Masseter Orbicularis oris Temporalis Zygomaticus major Orbicularis oculi Brief Origin Brief Insertion Brief Action