Document 9487240

CRM software is a phrase used to describe a category of enterprise
software that covers a broad set of applications and software to help
businesses manage customer data and customer interaction, access
business information, automate sales, marketing and customer support
and also manage employee, vendor and partner relationships.
Types of Customer Relationship Management Systems
1. Operational CRM
It concentrates on three areas of business processes: the computerization, enhancement and
improvement of services. These areas are based on offering customer support mostly. There
are major automation applications, which support the CRM systems that aid in the
computerization of marketing, selling and services process.
These automation applications are:
Marketing automation: It concentrates on automating the marketing processes. Marketing
campaigns management consists of the use of the actual information of a specific customer in
determining, evaluating and developing communications aiming at customers.
Sales force automation: CRM systems are used in acquiring new customers and dealing with
existing customers. The system identifies a customer and maintains all the data.
Service automation: This application deals with managing. Examples of the operational CRM
are the actual interactions with customers like websites, data aggregation systems, direct
sales, call centers and blogs. It enables anyone around the organization to access customer
information and gives actual views of customer needs.
2. Analytical CRM
This is a CRM type that maintains the analysis and
operations of an organizational back-office. The sole
aim of analytical CRM towards the organization is
developing, supporting and enhancing the decisionmaking in the organization. It establishes the
powerful patterns and forecasts in the clients’
information and data collected from different
operational CRM systems.
Features of analytical CRM
Deploying and implementing the outcome to improve the effectiveness of CRM
systems and processes, and enhance relationships and customer interaction.
Analyzing, determining and developing comprehensive rules and methods to level
and optimize the customer relationship.
Getting the entire important customer’s information from different channels and
3. Strategic CRM
The role of this CRM type is to focus and improve the knowledge of the customer and utilize
it in enhancing and customizing the customers’ interactions in sustaining a strong relationship
with them. Developing CRM strategies uses various steps:
Amplifying commitment: Strategic CRM is experienced in all business departments of
the organization like distribution, marketing, finance and sales. It is very important to
have the customer support and feedback to help them in determining the strategies.
Building a valuable project team: After securing the organizational commitment, the
next thing is to develop the strategies and build an established and valuable project
team. The project team members are always experts and professionals and they are
involved in the decision-making of the company.
Requirement analysis: The strategy concentrates and focuses on the actual
requirements of business. It involves questionnaires and surveys with high-level sales,
financial managers and marketing to correct all the information and expectations of
the customers in bettering the company.
1. Customer Relationship Management Software
(A) InfusionSoft
Infusionsoft simplifies your sales and marketing efforts
by delivering everything you need in a single online
system. Built exclusively for small businesses,
Infusionsoft includes all aspects of lifecycle marketing.
Start with lead generation tools to attract and capture
website visitors. Use Infusionsoft’s marketing
automation, email, and social media features to engage
and convert leads. Robust CRM functionality allows you
to score hot leads, streamline sales and close more deals. E-commerce tools help you boost
online sales, automate fulfillment and get repeat sales.
In addition to powerful software, Infusionsoft provides personalized, one-on-one coaching
services to help you get up and running quickly. Infusionsoft can help redefine the way you
achieve your marketing and sales goals.
(B) Sales Nexus
SalesNexus is a CRM tool for small businesses that helps sales
and marketing teams know which customers and leads to target
and helps effectively close on them. SalesNexus is a fully
featured online CRM with sales automation, email marketing,
team collaboration and database customization.
SalesNexus offers HTML and text emails sent with its email marketing capability. Customers
can send 25,000 emails/month/user. Complete, fully featured email marketing includes
tracking of opens and clicks, automated auto-responder campaigns, insightful analytics and
the ability to easily manage lists and create emails.
Along with the CRM and email marketing that customers get with SalesNexus, customers
also get free support with the SalesNexus Success Team. This support comes in the forms of
webinars that are taught weekly as well as live chat email support.
SalesNexus online CRM software helps facilitate many functions within sales and marketing
departments. By using SalesNexus customers get all the benefits of no upgrade costs, no
server maintenance, no IT costs and an online contact manager. Fully featured online CRM
software includes sales automation, email marketing, team collaboration and database
customization. SalesNexus is built by sales people for sales people. It’s packed with tools to
generate and nurture leads while enabling sales team to manage and close more deals with
CRM Software.
SalesNexus sales force automation allows salespeople to completely automate the steps that
need to be taken to secure and close a prospect. From everyday routine tasks such as emails
and phone calls to more aggressive approaches such as mail offs, customers can plan
campaigns for every scenario.
(C) CapsuleCRM
Capsule is a solid, easy-to use CRM
system which is a good tool for small
particularly those using Google
Apps. It is competitively priced, and
it provides a feature set that will
allow you to efficiently manage a
large database, identify business
opportunities, track communications and manage a sales pipeline with relative ease.
Capsule's plan allows you to:
store and share up to 50,000 contacts with colleagues
categorise data using tags
create contact lists and use them to send multiple emails
manage to-do lists and calendars
create tasks relating to particular deals and share them with co-workers
use ‘tracks’ to create a standard selling process: a sequence of predefined tasks that
should be completed and checked off within Capsule when following up on a business
integrate the system with Google Apps
make use of a wide range of third-party tools, like Mailchimp or Zendesk
identify which of your contacts are on social media and append this info to contacts
manage ‘cases’ related to particular events – Capsule describe these as ‘storage bin’
for everything that can happen relating to a particular event; essentially you can use
them to deal with customer enquiries or manage pieces of work to do with a particular
project. As you might suspect you keep these open until they are resolved and close
them off when they are finished, and this functionality effectively allows you to run a
basic support desk.