Vision- Your-Company

Vision and The Status Quo
All growth and change requires the development
of new neural network pathways
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Vision – your passionate, clear,
focused, present “Why”
Personal Fuel
Personal Fuel
Personal Fuel
Vision Consensus
Wealth Creation
Personal Fuel
On average an
employee works 5.4
hours in an 8 hour
day, but during
times of change,
confusion and
perceived inequity,
that drops to 45
Personal Fuel
Personal Fuel
Employee Engagement “Pistons”
Your Company’s Engine
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A clear, focused Vision can defeat an empire. Mahatma Ghandi
Vision is the lifeblood of any organization. It is the “Why” that keeps it moving forward. It
provides strategic meaning to the day-to-day tactical challenges and setbacks that make up real
life. In a down economy, particularly one that has taken most of us by surprise, things get very
tactical with lots of fire drills. We are just trying to survive. Decisions become pragmatic. But
after a while this wears on people. They lose sight of why their efforts matter. They cannot
connect their actions to a larger story. Their work becomes a matter of going through the motions
as they become less engaged.
This is where authentic leadership makes all the difference. Inspirational leadership is more
than influence. It is about reminding people of what it is we are trying to build and why it
matters. It is about painting a clear, focused, passionate picture of a better future. It comes down
to pointing the way and saying, “C’mon. We can do this!” When times are tough, vision is the
first casualty. Before conditions can improve, it is the first thing we must recover.
Vision is the company’s motivational engine and we are its pistons
Sharing the big picture about where the organization is headed is
an important factor in creating employee engagement, ownership
and commitment for the work they perform.
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Change Your Mind and Your Business
The Mind’s Gatekeeper and Autopilot
A focused, passionate Vision can change our minds and our businesses leading to new habits, beliefs
and results. We see with our brains not our senses. Perception occurs in the unconscious mind which
receives about 400 billion bits of information per second (bps). Our Reticular Activation System
(RAS) serves as the “gatekeeper” between the unconscious and conscious mind. The RAS decides
which information the unconscious mind will show the conscious mind (around 2,000 bps) and edits
out the rest. By consciously focusing our RAS on what we want a positive information search string is
created, running 800 times faster than our conscious mind, as our unconscious mind is continuously
“Googled” for our desired results.
It is important to be aware that as new actions begin to move us in new directions our “autopilot” (the
Psycho-Cybernetic Mechanism or PCM) will unconsciously trigger the Amygdala to release
chemicals which can cause us to feel doubt, fear or anxiety. This activity is designed to return us to
our comfort zone, the status quo. By consciously and continually visualizing (practicing) what our
new desired results look and feel like our PCM gradually begins to unconsciously recalibrate as a new
comfort zone is created. This is called neural pathway reconditioning. The development and belief in
a focused, passionate Vision for better results is fundamental to our growth as individuals and
As the “why” gets strong the “how” gets easy
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Unconscious Mind
Unconscious mind
always wins over
conscious mind.
Titanic was sunk by
the iceberg beneath
the surface.
Conscious Mind
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Changing the Status Quo
Neurons that fire together wire together
MBL University - Authenticity and Service
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Neural Network Pathways
Growth and Change … Habits and Beliefs
Neurons that fire together wire together
All growth and change require
the development of new neural
network pathways.
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The Grand Fallacy – Because we have
imagined, understood, planned and
decided something this does not mean
we are actually going to do something
… in most cases we don’t. Our
conscious mind does not get things
done in the long term. The good news
… we are not just our conscious mind.
100 Billion Neurons or Brain Cells
MBL University - Authenticity and Service
Conscious Mind
“CEO – Future or Past”
Vision, Desires, Observations, Reasoning, Risk
Taking, New Paths Chosen, Decisions, Imagination
The Conscious Mind Has Only Short Term Control
… But What We Think About Expands
Non-Conscious Mind Believes Thoughts Are Reality
2-4% Actions and Results
17% Brain Mass, 2Kbps (2,000)
Neural Pathway Reconditioning (Growth & Change)
Non-Conscious Mind
“Engine Room & Crew - Present”
Habits, Beliefs, Buying Decisions
Beliefs, Habits 1000sX Stronger Than Desires
“Contests” Won By Non-Conscious Mind
RAS “Gateway” 800 X Faster (24/7)
Our Non-Conscious Mind Gets Things Done
Perception Occurs Here – i.e. FedEx Scotoma
96-98% Actions and Results (Automatic)
83% Brain Mass, 400Bbps (400,000,000,000)
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Vision – your passionate, clear,
focused , present “Why”
Establishing New Habits, Beliefs and Results
10-30 Minutes Per Day
1. Vision – Your unconscious mind is unable to distinguish between your conscious
thoughts and reality. To the unconscious mind your thoughts are reality. Clearly
focusing your conscious mind on feeling your passionate Vision is essential to
reconditioning the RAS (gateway) and PCM (autopilot) in your brain.
SMART Goals - Specific, Measureable, Action and Results-Oriented, Time-Based.
2. Beliefs – Are the unconscious habits of thought that may or may not reflect reality. How you
are currently choosing to be and your results reflect your current beliefs or paradigm. By
consciously creating positive affirmations you develop new beliefs aligned with your
Vision. Realize whenever there is a conflict between your conscious and non-conscious
mind your non-conscious mind’s existing beliefs will always win out until your new neural
belief pathways have been established. Present tense affirmation examples: I am, I have…
3. Emotional Anchors – It is important to link your new belief affirmations with other vivid
memories (sights, smells, feelings and sounds) of positive achievement. In this way you are
bonding your new neural pathway with a strong existing neural pathway adding power and
impact to your new belief. Proteins are released as the neuron firing thresh holds for new
beliefs and habits are reduced … neurons that fire together wire together.
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Establishing New Habits, Beliefs and Results
10-30 Minutes Per Day
Business chaos
can only be
eliminated by the
elimination of
personal chaos
4. Neural Imprinting Practice Materials
Your Vision Statement
New belief affirmation statements
Meditation – “The Law of Vibrational Energy Attraction”
Vision Board – Visualizing your achievements
“The Servant Warrior Leader” audio book
5. “Neutral Pathway Reconditioning” Routine
Meditation – the calming, focused discipline of broadcasting and receiving quantum
vibrational energy related to your Vision and new belief affirmations
Visualization – experience your Vision in this present moment (Disney, Edison)
Affirmations – connect with and feel the emotion of your new beliefs
Passion, clarity and repetition and are the key
…is your Ferrari stuck in 1st gear?
MBL University - Authenticity and Service
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Phil Johnson & Authentic Leadership
MBL University - Authenticity and Service
1968 – 1982
1982 – 2003…
January 1968, Grade 7
SJC – 5 Year A&S
McMaster University
Electrical Engineering
25 yrs Semi Industry
MBL University
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Phil Johnson, MBL University
Toronto, Canada Bus: 905-272-5690 Cell: 416-729-7445
Skype: MBLCoach
Twitter: PhilJohnson_MBL
MBL University - Authenticity and Service
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