Ender's Game Vocabulary Chapters 14 – End 1. Impromptu: (255

Ender’s Game Vocabulary
Chapters 14 – End
1. Impromptu: (255) suddenly or hastily prepared, made
2. Gluttonous (257) tending to eat and drink excessively
3. Ascetic (257) a person who leads a very simple life
4. Vertigo (257) dizzying sensation of tilting within stable surroundings
5. Intuition (258) a knowing of something without conscious reasoning
6. Apathy (261) absence of passion, emotion, or excitement
7. Disconcert (261) to throw into disorder or confusion; disarrange
8. Pinion (262) to bind (a person's arms or hands) so they cannot be used
9. Inscrutable (266) not easily understood; mysterious
10. Sentient (270) having the power of perception by the senses; conscious
11. Entice (275) to attract by offering hope of reward
12. Catacomb (276) an underground passageway, especially one full of twists and turns
13. Interstices (277) an interval of time
14. Coddle (281) to treat tenderly; pamper
15. Innovations (283) something new or different introduced
16. Attrition (284) a reduction or decrease in numbers, size, or strength
17. Petulant (290) showing sudden, impatient irritation over some unimportant annoyance
18. Acquitted (305) to relieve from a charge of fault or crime; declare not guilty
19. Exigencies (306) a situation calling for immediate action or attention
20. Littoral (315) of or pertaining to the shore of a lake, sea, or ocean