UNIT NAME: Reading Literature/Writing Narrative Grade level: 9th-12th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning Unit : 1 Stage 1 – Desired Results Enduring Understandings: Effective readers use a variety of strategies to make sense of the ideas and details presented in text. Effective readers, writers, and listeners use knowledge of language to make appropriate choices when presenting information and to clarify meaning when reading or listening. Analyzing texts for structure, purpose, and viewpoint allows an effective reader to gain insight and strengthen understanding. Essential Questions: What do good readers do? How do I know I am clear about what I just read? What will help me make meaning from a variety of sources? What makes a story a great story? ESL Support: Adapted Text with Visuals Graphic Organizer: Story Map Word Detective, Frayer Model Cooperative whole group/paired reading: Guided Reading, Anticipation Guide Modeling: Teacher created mentor text (Personal Narrative); Document Reader/Overhead Projector Word Bank: Cite, identify, textual evidence, theme, central idea, poem, short story, analyze, inference, explicit, elaborate, integrate, narrative, transition, point of view, plot line, figurative language, literal language, denotative meaning, connotative meaning, cumulative, warranted, justify, summary, objective. TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Page 1 Standards Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Content Objective (CO) Language Objective(LO) CCSS SLO: 1, 2 RL.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. CO: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly and make inferences. RI.9-10.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective, summary of the text. WIDA ELPS 1, 2 Listening Reading TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills Suggested Assessments ELP1: Read to cite explicit evidence by matching phrase citations from appropriatelyleveled poetic prose and personal narratives to visual representations of the text in English. Formative Read-Aloud Choral Reading Oral Summaries Teacher Observations Graphic Organizer (Story Maps) Response Journals ELP2: Read to cite explicit evidence by matching sentence citations from appropriatelyleveled poetic prose and personal narratives to visual representations of the text in English. LO: Define textual evidence using adapted text (“a word for word” support format) and explain how a reader uses textual evidence to reach a logical conclusion (inference: “based on what I’ve read, it’s most likely true that…”) ELP3: Read to cite and express explicit evidence using adapted poetic prose and personal narratives in simple related sentences using key content based vocabulary. Speech may include some errors which do not obscure meaning. ELP4: Read to cite and express explicit evidence from approaching grade- level poetic prose and personal narratives in complete and detailed sentences with some content based vocabulary. ELP5: Read to cite and express explicit evidence from adapted grade level poetic prose and personal narratives in complex and varying sentence lengths and types with content based vocabulary. Summative Quizzes Cluster Tests Projects Role Play: Choral Recitation of Poems and Narrative Research Project Interviews Biographies Suggested Resources http://www.timeforki ds.com/homeworkhelper/a-pluspapers/personalnarrative http://www.thewrites ource.com/studentm odels/ Teacher Created Narrative Model http://www.lepnet.sp arcc.org/hck/data/kr obinson/files/Person al_Narratvie_Examp le_2.pdf http://www.mybooke zz.org/shortpersonal-narrativeexamples-for-kids1103/ Page 2 Suggested Performance Tasks: Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Other Evidence: I can recognize when the text I am reading is too easy or too difficult for me. I can determine reading strategies (ask questions, make connections, take notes, make inferences, visualize, reread) that will help me comprehend difficult text. I can determine multiple pieces of textual evidence that strongly support explicit and inferential questions (right there answers). I can review and/or research materials(s) to be discussed and determine key points and/or central ideas. I can analyze an author’s words and determine multiple pieces of textual evidence that strongly and thoroughly support both explicit and inferential questions. I can distinguish between literal language (it means exactly what it says) and figurative language (sometimes what you say is not exactly what you mean). I can recognize the difference between denotative meaning (all words have a dictionary definition) and connotative meanings (some words carry feeling). I can analyze why authors choose specific words to evoke a particular meaning or tone. I can identify when a speaker uses evidence and/or rhetoric (a technique used to persuade a listener to consider a topic from a different perspective) and analyze how these techniques strengthen his/her point of view or purpose. I can analyze how specific word choices build upon one another to create a cumulative (collective) impact on the overall meaning and tone of a text. TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations Reflective Journal Logs Teacher Observations Peer-Self Assessments Analysis of current topics (News Broadcasts, newspapers, Journals, Documentaries, Speeches, Historical Documents, etc.) Written and delivered Speeches Page 3 UNIT NAME: Reading Literature/Writing Narrative Grade level: 9th-12th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning Unit : 1 Stage 1 – Desired Results Enduring Understandings/Goals: Effective readers and writers use knowledge of the structure and context of language to acquire, clarify, and appropriately use vocabulary. Essential Questions: When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? How do I use what I know to figure out what I don’t know? ESL Support: Online resources (i.e., dictionaries, grammar reference sheets) Checklist of strategies Word Bank Visuals Multiple Reference Materials (dictionary, glossaries, thesauruses Word Bank: Multiple-meaning words, phrases, strategies, affix, root, etymology TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Page 4 Standard Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Content Objective (CO) Language Objective(LO) Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills Suggested Assessments Suggested Resources Formative CCSS SLO: 5 L.9-10.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 9 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies (use context as a clue identify and correctly use patterns of word changes, and consult reference materials. CO: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiplemeaning words and phrases based on grade 9 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. LO: Clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases using multiple resources and a checklist of strategies. WIDA ELPS: 2 – 5 Reading Listening ELP1: Clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases and/or in appropriately leveled texts and presentations. ELP2: Clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases and/or in appropriately leveled texts and presentations. ELP3: Clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases in adapted texts and presentations. ELP4: Clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases in texts and presentations at a grade 7-9 text complexity level. ELP5: Clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases in grade level text and presentations. TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Read-Aloud Jigsaw Choral Reading Oral Summaries Teacher Observations Graphic Organizer www.tv411.org/ www.gobookee.net/multiplemeaning-words-highschool/Cached www.sharemylesson.com freelanguagestuff.com/multip le-meaning-words sites.google.com/site/mcsgr ammar/graphicorganizers Summative Quizzes Cluster Tests www.eslpartyland.com/graph ic-organizers-help-eslstudents.htmlCached www.teacherspayteachers.c om/.../Story-GrammarGraphic-Organizer Page 5 Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Suggested Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: I can infer the meaning of unknown words using context clues (e.g., definitions, synonyms/antonyms, restatements, examples found in surrounding text). • Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations • Reflective Journal Logs I can recognize and define common affixes and roots (units of meaning). • Teacher Observations Graphic Organizers I can break down unknown words into units of meaning to infer the definition of the unknown word. I can use patterns of word changes to determine a word’s meaning or part of speech. I can verify my inferred meaning of an unknown word, its part of speech, and/or its etymology by consulting general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses). TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Page 6 UNIT NAME: Reading Literature/Writing Narrative Grade level: 9th-12th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning Unit : 1 Stage 1 – Desired Results Enduring Understandings/Goals: Comprehension is enhanced through a collaborative process of sharing and evaluating ideas. Effective communication of ideas when speaking or writing relies on the appropriate use of the conventions of language. Essential Questions: What makes collaboration meaningful? What does it take to communicate clearly? ESL Support: Adapted Text with Visuals Think-Pair-Share Peer/Self Assessments: 3-2-1, Two Stars and a Wish Strategy, As I See It Graphic Organizer: K-W-L Chart Kinesthetic Assessments: Concentric Circles, Value Line Ups Word Bank: Collaborate, cooperate, persuasive, clearly, express, cite, research, integrate, diverse perspectives, qualify, justify, rhetoric, distorted evidence, fallacious reasoning, evaluate, integrate, multiple sources, diverse media, credibility, argument. Standards Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Content Objective (CO) Language Objective(LO) Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills Suggested Assessments Suggested Resources Formative CCSS SL9-10.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 SLO: 22, 24, 25, 26 CO: Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ELP 1: Identify the theme using appropriately leveled poems and short stories and/or non-fiction text by matching phrases to visual representations of the text. Oral/Practice Presentations Individual/Grou p Discussions Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions https://www.teachi ngchannel.org/vide os/strategies-for- Page 7 discussions (oneon-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions. SL-9.1.d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented. CO: Speak and listen during a grade- level discussion to respond and summarize diverse perspectives in order to justify personal views and make new connections. SL.9.2: Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. CO: Speak and listen to integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats. TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 LO: Orally identify various purposes (eg. To inform, to persuade, to describe, to convey an experience) for presenting information to a reader or audience. LO: Listen to and respond to diverse perspectives in order to justify personal views and make new connections using an outline. ELP2: Read to cite explicit evidence by matching sentence citations from appropriatelyleveled poetic prose and personal narratives and/or non-fiction text to visual representations of the text in English. ELP3: Identify the theme and central idea orally using adapted poems and short stories and/or non-fiction text. ELP4: Identify the theme and central idea from approaching grade- level poems and short stories and/or non-fiction text. Questioning Techniques Teacher Observations Graphic Organizers Summative QuestioningAnswerRelationship Checking for Understanding student-centereddiscussion http://www.sde.ct.g ov/sde/lib/sde/pdf/c urriculum/section7. pdf debatecentral.ncpa.org http://homeworktip s.about.com/od/sp eechclass/a/debate .htm http://guides.library .unt.edu/gicdebate www.webcrawler.c om/Get_More ELP5: Identify the theme and central idea of grade- level poems and short stories and/or non-fiction text. LO: Speak and listen to integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats Page 8 using Cornell Notes. SL.9-10.3 Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence. WIDA ELPS 1, 2 Listening Speaking CO: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view and reasoning. LO: Listen to assess a speaker’s point of view and rationale using a checklist. ELP1: Listen to assess the teacher model a point of view and rationale from an appropriately -leveled, illustrated text. Check whether in agreement or not. ELP2: Listen to assess the teacher model a point of view and rationale from an appropriately- leveled, illustrated text using a checklist and guide. ELP3: Listen to assess a speaker discuss a topic using simple related sentences and identify their point of view and rationale using a checklist and notes. ELP4; Listen to assess a speaker discuss grade level texts and identify their point of view and rationale using a checklist. ELP5: Listen to assess a speaker discussing grade- level texts and identify their point of view and rationale. TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Page 9 Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Suggested Performance Tasks: I can review and/or research material (s) to be discussed and determine key points and/or central ideas. I can analyze how specific details developed over the course of a text shape and refine a central idea. I can participate in a discussion by posing questions that connect the ideas of several speakers, responding to questions, and elaborating on my own ideas and/or the ideas of others to propel the discussion. I can define inference and explain how a reader uses textual evidence to reach a logical conclusion (“based on what I’ve read, it’s most likely true that…”). I can recognize when a speaker introduces distorted evidence (unjust interpretation) and/or fallacious reasoning (incorrect reasoning- People who sneeze have allergies. Katy sneezed, so she must be allergic to something) to his/her argument. I can compose an objective summary stating the key points of the text without adding my own opinions or feelings. TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Other Evidence: Audio recording of discussions Group discussion videotaping and feedback Peer/Self Assessments Cornell Notes Page 10 UNIT NAME: Reading Literature/Writing Narrative Grade level: 9th-12th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning Unit : 1 Stage 1 – Desired Results Enduring Understandings: Writing should be purposely focused, detailed, organized, and sequenced in a way that clearly communicates the ideas to the reader. Producing clear ideas as a writer involves selecting appropriate style and structure for an audience and is strengthened through revision and technology. Essential Questions: What do good writers do? What’s my purpose and how do I develop it? What makes a difference in writing clearly? ESL Support: Four Corners Graphic Organizers: Concept Maps, Chain of Events, Brainstorming Web Online Resources Thesaurus, Bilingual Dictionary, Translation Word Bank: Purpose, audience, writing tasks, writing style, task, debate, argument, claim, counterclaim, evidence, credible sources, transition, resolution, conclusion, semicolon, colon, independent clause Standards CCSS W.9-10.3 Write narratives to develop TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Content Objective (CO) Language Objective(LO) SLO: 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 CO: Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills ELP1: Compose short, engaging personal narratives using visual representations and captions written using a cloze activity. Suggested Assessments Suggested Resources Formative Constructive Quizzes http://www.iss.k12.nc.u s/writing/prompts_p.ht m Page 11 real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen build on one another to create a coherent whole. details, and wellstructured event sequences. LO: Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters. ELP2: Compose short, sentencelevel engaging personal narratives using phrases and illustrations. ELP3: Compose short, paragraphlevel engaging personal narratives using simple related sentences, and general and specific vocabulary. Writing may include some grammatical errors which do not impede comprehension. Student Conferences One Minute Essay Anecdotal Note Cards/Notes http://www.creativewritingnow.com/creativewriting-prompts.html http://www.sde.ct.gov/s de/lib/sde/pdf/curriculu m/section7.pdf Summative CCSS W.9.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. WIDA ELPS 1,2 Reading Writing TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 CO: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience suitable for task, purpose or audience, demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English. LO: Produce clear and coherent writing suitable for task, purpose, and audience using a graphic organizer (specific to task and purpose). ELP4: Compose detailed and engaging personal and fictional narratives with complete sentences, extended discourse, specific and technical vocabulary and minimal errors in language forms and conventions. ELP5: Compose well-written, detailed, and engaging personal and fictional narratives and/or poetic prose with a variety of sentence types and lengths, grade level vocabulary and correct syntax and form. Write a personal narrative/persu asive/informatio nal essay Write a Poem (s) End-of-Unit Test Project Topic Debates Page 12 Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Suggested Performance Tasks: I can determine when to capitalize words, use semicolons, colon and/or quotation. I can identify misspelled words and use resources to assist me in spelling correctly. I can use narrative techniques (e.g. dialogue, pacing, description, reflection and/or multiple plot lines) to develop experiences, events, and/or characters where one event logically leads to another. I can write a logical conclusion that reflects on the experiences/events and provides a sense of closure (ties up all loose ends and leaves the reader satisfied). I can choose a side of the argument and identify claims that support my choice and claims that oppose mu choice. I can determine the credibility of a source (who wrote it, when it was written, and why it was written) and the accuracy of the details presented in the source. I can support my claims and counterclaims by pointing out the strengths and limitations of both with textual evidence (“word for word” support) found in credible sources. I can present my argument in a formal style that includes an introduction, supporting details with transitions that create cohesion and clarify relationships, and provide a concluding statement/section that supports my argument. I can identify the writing style (argument, informative/explanatory, or narrative) that best fits my task, purpose, and audience. TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Other Evidence: Individual/Peer conferencing and Evaluation Journal Entries Summaries Cornell Notes Graphic Organizers/Posters Page 13 UNIT NAME: Reading Literature/Writing Narrative Grade level: 9th-12th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning Unit : 1 Stage 1 – Desired Results Enduring Understandings/Goals: Comprehension is enhanced through a collaborative process of sharing and evaluating ideas. Presentation of knowledge and ideas are enhanced through appropriate organization and style for an audience via the use of visual displays, technology, and the appropriate use of language. Essential Questions: What makes collaboration meaningful? Making meaning from a variety of sources: What will help? What makes a presentation “great”? “What I say” versus “how I say it”, does it really matter? How does situation affect meaning? How does author’s choice impact and audience? ESL Support: Notes English/Teacher Models Outlines (teacher prepared) Multiple Reference Materials Media Center Pictures/Photographs Word Wall Word Bank: Cite, research, integrate, media, format, line of reasoning, task, purpose, audience, evaluate, adapt, formal, informal, supporting evidence, concise, substance, style TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Page 14 Standard Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Content Objective (CO) Language Objective(LO) CCSS SLO: 25, 27 SL.9-10.2 Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. CO: Integrate multiple sources of information using diverse media. SL.9-10.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. LO: Speak and listen to integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats using Cornell Notes. CO: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate; present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning. LO: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks by using a TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Suggested Instructional Scaffold Skills ELP1: Speak and listen to integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats and/or speak in single words and listen to a teacher -facilitated discussion to understand how to integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats. ELP2: Speak and listen to integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats based on visuals, adapted text, teacher -modeled techniques, and notetaking strategies. ELP3: Speak and listen to integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats using simple related sentences which may include some grammatical Suggested Assessments Suggested Resources Formative Cornell Notes Journal Entries Rubrics Constructive Quizzes Student Conferences One Minute Essay Organizers Anecdotal Note Cards/Notes www2.uttyler.edu/meidenmuller/... /studentpptpresentations.htm https://sites.google.com/a/ nycempowerment.org/...highschool/student-work www.ehow.com www.gobookee.net/sample-highschool-reflective-powerpoint Summative Presentations Page 15 speaking rubric specific to task. errors. (Power Point, Videos, etc.) ELP4: Speak and listen to integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats during an approaching grade-level academic discussion using complete sentences with emerging complexity of sentence length and type with appropriate stress and intonation. ELP5: Speak and listen to integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats during a grade- level academic discussion using complex sentences of varying length and type and appropriate stress and intonation. TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Page 16 Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Suggested Performance Tasks: I can identify various purposes (e.g., to inform, to persuade, to describe, to convey an experience) for presenting information to a reader or audience. I can analyze the information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., charts, graphs, tables, websites, speeches) and integrate the information to gain an overall understanding of the topic presented. I can evaluate the credibility and accuracy of various presentations. I can present information, findings, and/or supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically. I can present my information in a sequence that allows the listener to follow my line of reasoning. I can prepare a presentation with organization, development, substance, and style that are appropriate to purpose, task, and audience. I can identify how language functions in different contexts. I can analyze the context of various texts and determine how language choice affects meaning, style, and comprehension. I can apply the guidelines in a given style manual to write and edit work. TBOE Approved 8/26/2013 Other Evidence: • Individual/Peer conferencing and Evaluation • Journal Entries • Summaries • Cornell Notes • Graphic Organizers/Posters Page 17