Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 4
Review of the Current McDonald’s Marketing Activities:............................................................. 5
Target market of McDonald’s ......................................................................................................... 5
Better Integrated Marketing Communication Plan for McDonald’s: ............................................. 8
Marketing and Communication Objectives: ............................................................................... 8
Advertising:............................................................................................................................. 8
Promotions: ............................................................................................................................. 9
Publicity: ............................................................................................................................... 10
Public Relations: ................................................................................................................... 11
Direct Selling: ....................................................................................................................... 11
Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................... 12
References: .................................................................................................................................... 13
Executive Summary
Companies can only manage strong relationship with customers once all the mediums used for
targeting customer have a same message to float at the other end. The core objective of
McDonald’s is the present era is to grab the maximum market share in urban areas of Australia
which will help in bringing cost efficiency. The best event which can be made to sponsor on long
term basis among which this age group will be participating is preparation for Olympics. They
have sponsored the meals at various training centres around the country which are preparing for
Olympics. Menus planned by coaches and dietician of these trainees are provided by
McDonald’s. Also McDonald’s Australia has launched a campaign aligned with their corporate
movement of Happy Meals. It helps in describing how much McDonald’s meals are good for
health and make their life happier.
Company management has also launched an initiative which encourages young people to take
part in physical activities or any sport on daily basis. Champions of Play is the name given to the
initiative that motivates children to go out and make their body work by playing instead of
staying home get physically dull. In order to communicate this message what mediums can be
adopted by the company must be looked upon fairly closely. McDonald’s needs to conduct the
advertising activities through magazines, social media, digital platforms and outdoor
advertisement like billboards.
McDonald’s is recommended to utilize different promotional activities which can enhance the
outcomes comprising mediums like search engine, site linking, seasonal offers. Public relations
will also help in getting wide recognition comprising and newsletters and also direct selling.
Integrated Marketing Communication is the customer centric and data driven method of
information flow primarily from company or advertiser to its target market. Integrated Marketing
Communication is the synchronization of various marketing mediums, function and resources
that are used to influence the customers in a coherent manner (Schultz, 1994). This coherence is
to make sure customers are conveyed a unified message from every platform through which they
are targeted. This unification also helps companies in reducing cost and therefore attracting
customers efficiently. So to summarize Integrated Marketing Communication prevents different
mediums like sales promotion, advertising, direct marketing, public relations and others to work
in isolation. This integration by management is to make sure that the marketing objectives are
attained in a cost effective manner and brand image can be created which is long lasting.
Strong brand image can only be created once a strong relationship is created between the
customers and companies (Chitty, 2012). This bond can only be managed once all the mediums
used for targeting customer have a same message to float at the other end. Though seems to be
very simple but it can be very complicated to unify the information to a single point. This is due
to the different mediums a company has to adopt and various target markets which need to be
served in order to be profitable. This paper is the discussion about Integrated Marketing
Communication activities of McDonald’s limited who is a giant restaurant in Australia. First the
activities conducted by McDonald’s under the head of IMC are analysed and then an plan in this
regard has been presented which can be adopted by the management to attain requisite marketing
Review of the Current McDonald’s Marketing Activities:
The core objective of McDonald’s is the present era is to grab the maximum market share in
urban areas of Australia which will help in bringing cost efficiency (Olsen, 2014). Among its
goals McDonald’s has strategic plan to spread its restaurant outlets all over Australia especially
in those places where competition is not tough and expected to grow in population in coming
years. Therefore company targets growth rate which are quite inflated as compared to past
record. The company has announced last year that they are the official sponsor of Olympic Team
preparations from 2013-16. There are different initiatives taken by the restaurant in order to to
facilitate this program. This particular even of sports was selected because of one major reason
which is the perception about fast foods as they are deemed unhealthy. Therefore McDonald’s
decided to sponsor an activity which is good for health and requires long term campaigning. This
will help in attracting customers on long term basis and set an image like a paradigm in customer
mind that will help divert their conception about fast food.
Target market of McDonald’s
The core target market of McDonald’s is children and young adults who fall in the age category
of 8 to 22. The best event which can be made to sponsor on long term basis among which this
age group will be participating is preparation for Olympics (McDonald's, 2014). Australia has a
history of performing at optimum level in Olympics if ratio between medals won by each
country and population of that state is calculated Australia is right on the top. This is due to the
fact that this nation participates in Olympics more enthusiastically then anybody. Different
session round the year is conducted for training next year Olympians and in the last months
competitions are held so that best candidates could be selected. All such activities are witnessed
by large audience who come to motivate their friends and family members (Tuckwell, 2011).
Table 1: Target Market Profile of McDonald's
Age: 8 - 22
Urban cities of Australia
Fast food is trendy and delicious in taste
Fast food should be eaten once in two or three days
Products strategy of McDonald’s is very appreciating for this marketing campaign (Lu, 2014).
They have sponsored the meals at various training centres around the country which are
preparing for Olympics. Menus planned by coaches and dietician of these trainees are provided
by McDonald’s. This will vastly help in changing the mindset of the customers as they will get to
know that McDonald’s not only provides fast food which is always condemned as unhealthy. It
also knows and serves food which is used by Olympians of tomorrow.
Also McDonald’s Australia has launched a campaign aligned with their corporate movement of
Happy Meals. It helps in describing how much McDonald’s meals are good for health and make
their life happier. Various cartoon characters have been animated in order to attract young
generation and they have been shown doing gymnastics, running and various physical activities
which are part of Olympics (McDonald's, 2014). This will surely help in making a mindset of the
young generation who will be told through such IMC campaigns that fast food can be healthy.
Also for this reason new meals have been added in the menu which will also help in gaining vote
of parents who generally forbade their kids to eat fast food.
Company management has also launched an initiative which encourages young people to take
part in physical activities or any sport on daily basis. Fast food is poison if no physical activity is
conducted and the eaten is made to rest in body as fats (Herbison and Swain, 2014). ‘Champions
of Play is the name given to the initiative that motivates children to go out and make their body
work by playing instead of staying home get physically dull. The meals which have been added
in the menu also help in promoting the message of healthy food and sports go along every day.
So the message that McDonald’s wants to convey to its target market is pretty much clear which
is fast food is healthy for life. So in order to communicate this message what mediums can be
adopted by the company must be looked upon fairly closely (Tribune, 2014). This is due to the
fact it’s a long campaign which has been initiated by the company in order to reap long term
benefits. So, if media to target customers are selected on wrong assumptions it will not help in
meeting the targets.
Better Integrated Marketing Communication Plan for McDonald’s:
Marketing and Communication Objectives:
To revamp its value proposition and brand image that McDonald’s is healthier with it
new menus.
To guarantee customers that McDonald’s has the intention of causing no harm to
customer health rather they tend to make it live longer
Encourage and motivate every age group especially children, teens and young adults to
buy McDonald’s.
Integrated Marketing Communication plan given below will help in achieving the marketing
objectives which will leave a long lasting impact over the people of Australia
Advertising: McDonald’s needs to conduct the advertising activities through following
o Magazines: Different magazine related to sports and food must be targeted by
McDonald’s which will help in conveying the message to the parents of those
teens and young adults whom company targets most frequently. Initially those
magazine must be selected which have circulation all over Australia (Percy,
2014). This can include Inside Sport and Delicious which have vast recognition
in the Australian market.
o Social Media Marketing: This is the medium which has dominated all other
media channels in the recent past with highly impressive growth rate of
subscribers. This is the reason various multinationals have targeted this medium
in order to promote its products among customers. McDonald’s must also use the
social media marketing through developing its official pages related as to
Olympic Games on various social networks such as Facebook, twitter, my space
and YouTube. Profile of upcoming Olympians must be made on such social
o TV/Radio: These are the mediums widely followed among young age group
people especially music and sports channels. Using the TV and radio channels to
advertise the McDonald’s products will enable the company to keep in
customers’ mind at all times. Through this the company will be able to deliver the
similar message to mass audience (Warner, 2011). Among sports channels
Channel and 9 and VMusic of songs can be the most effective mediums. Prime
time would be most appropriate from 7 pm to 10 pm on such TV channels.
Whereas radio channels will help if 8 am to 10 am timing would be useful.
o Billboards: This can be very effective medium to target school and college
students and those training at any club. Billboards outside these places can be
targeted by McDonald’s especially those close to their restaurant.
Promotions: Promotional mediums play a very important role in success of IMC. McDonald’s
is therefore recommended to utilize different promotional activities which can enhance the
outcomes. Major activities to be conducted are defined below;
o Search Engine Optimization: SEO has become of the widely used tool and
technique among the business entrepreneurs across the world. Therefore the
Kleenex is also suggested to use SEO to improve its online rankings.
o Linking the Site and Articles: A part from this, it is also noted that almost every
article and blog site is linked with the official website of the companies too (Shah
and D'Souza, 2009). Therefore linking the official website with such website will
also allow the company to improve its brand identity and potentially increase its
market shares. The company can also make sure that it has publicizing the
activities that it will be conducting during the Olympic Games.
o Seasonal Offers: Moreover, the company is also suggested to offer the
promotions in seasons too (Warner, 2011). For example, in the world’s largest
sporting event, the company can offer Buy 1 Get 1 free or 50% off etc. this
promotional activity can be very useful in gaining customer loyalty and easy to
conduct when the company is planning to entertain huge amount of customers.
Publicity: Since the competition is increasing at significant rate, the costs are increasing too
as companies like McDonald’s needs to incur huge costs in advertisements. Publicity is
therefore the most effective tool for the firms that require minimum cost but generates
positive outcomes;
o Exhibitions: Like art exhibitions etc may be the useful tool for the company to
publicize its brand name (Chitty, 2012). The open exhibitions will attract many
potential customers and within the limited time, many customers will get the
company’s name and its products into their minds.
o Poll or Survey: Conducting a poll or survey on frequent basis will also be very
efficient tool for the company (Schultz, 1994). As it will allow the company to
understand and analyse the customers’ behaviours and at the other end, the
customers will also think that McDonald’s is very responsible company, therefore
it collects the consumers’ review to improve the quality of product etc. Therefore
it will be very effective and result oriented tool for the company too.
o Reports: Moreover, issuing the reports on any topic which is related to the
company and its products will also be very useful for the company. The readers
will surely be attracted towards the company and positive picture of the report
will make the customers to consume McDonald’s’ products.
Public Relations: Within the context of IMC, the public relations also play very important part.
The company is therefore strongly suggested to perform below defined activities;
o Writings: Article writing on various known websites, writing for books and
journals and magazines will be useful and most effective technique for the
company. It will attract the readers and make up their mind that the company is
taking all the responsible steps to develop their minds (Tuckwell, 2011). The
company can also publish its ingredients that are used in to cook different menus.
Through this the company can create a well established image.
o Newsletters: Using e-newsletter or traditional printed newsletter will also be
useful approach for the company to attract the potential customers.
Direct Selling: A part from the above mentioned techniques and approaches, the company is
also suggested to use, adopt and implement the direct selling method. Although this will require
the company to make huge expenditure, but occasionally direct selling approach can generate the
positive outcomes for the company (Tuckwell, 2011). McDonald’s can also use mobile
marketing to promote the products during the Olympic Games. It can sent text messages
regarding the price of menu that is available in the restaurants near the Olympic stadium.
The above report presents the discussion over the integrated marketing communication plan for
McDonald’s. In order to serve the purpose, first the current marketing activities conducted by the
McDonald’s are being discussed. Then the new IMC plan is being established for the company to
be conducted for the 6 months. The activities that are to be conducted are based on weekly basis
and with the marketing budget.
Chitty, W. (2012). Integrated marketing communications. South Melbourne, Vic.: Cengage
Herbison, M. and Swain, M. (2014). Mcdonalds | Marketing magazine. [online] Marketing
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Lu, A. (2014). Hungry Jack’s Joins McDonald’s Australia Monopoly Campaign With
http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/567144/20140922/hungry-jack-s-macca-monopoly-flamemcopoly.htm [Accessed 23 Oct. 2014].
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Warner, C. (2011). Media Selling. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.