Electric Utility Industry 101 Webinar David Schlissel Cathy Kunkel March 4, 2015 Webinar Outline • • • • • • • • History: regulation and deregulation Regional electricity markets Types of companies How investment decisions are made Industry trends Components of power plant costs Metrics for evaluating power plant performance Where to find data ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 2 History • 1935: Public Utility Holding Company Act • Restricted utility corporate structures and mergers • 1990s: Restructuring of electric utility industry in some states • Break-up of vertically integrated utilities into power generation companies, transmission companies, and distribution companies • Only distribution companies remain under state public service commission regulation • Not all states deregulated ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 3 Independent System Operators (ISOs) • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission encouraged formation of Independent System Operators and Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) • Ensure open access to the transmission grid, to facilitate competition • Created and manage wholesale markets for electricity ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 4 Map of ISOs ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 5 Electricity Markets - Energy ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 6 On-peak ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis May-14 Feb-14 Nov-13 Aug-13 May-13 Feb-13 Nov-12 Aug-12 May-12 Feb-12 Nov-11 Aug-11 May-11 Feb-11 Nov-10 Aug-10 May-10 Feb-10 Nov-09 Aug-09 May-09 Feb-09 Nov-08 Aug-08 May-08 Feb-08 Nov-07 Aug-07 May-07 Feb-07 Nov-06 Aug-06 May-06 Feb-06 Nov-05 Aug-05 $/MWh Historical PJM Energy Market Prices Historic power prices (PJM Western Hub) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 .00 Off-peak 7 Electricity Markets - Capacity • Supposed to ensure that there are enough power plants to meet reliability goals • Forward auction to purchase capacity several years in advance • Have not provided stable price signal • Only in PJM, NYISO, ISO-NE and MISO ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 8 PJM Capacity Market Prices ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 9 Types of Investor-Owned Companies in the Electricity Industry Type of Company Function Regulator Examples Merchant Generator Owns power plants in deregulated markets None NRG, Dynegy Transmission Owns transmission lines Federal Energy Regulatory Commission PATH (Potomac Allegheny Transmission Highline) Distribution Owns distribution system State Public Service Commission Pepco, National Grid Vertically Integrated Utility Owns power plants, transmission and distribution State Public Service Commission Alabama Power, Northwestern Energy ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 10 Utility Holding Companies • One investor-owned holding company can own a number of different subsidiaries and affiliates: • Southern Company owns: • Regulated vertically integrated utilities • Merchant generation • Exelon Corporation owns: • Merchant generation • Transmission • Distribution • AEP and FirstEnergy each own: • • • • Merchant generation Transmission Distribution Regulated vertically integrated utilities ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 11 Types of Power Plant Owners • • • • • Merchant Generation Companies Vertically Integrated Investor Owned Utilities Public Power utilities Electric Membership Co-operatives (EMC) Power agencies ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 12 Investment decisions Company Type Factors driving investment Merchant generators • Wholesale electricity price outlook • Not interested in investing in capital- intensive generation (e.g. nuclear, coal) if prices are expected to remain low Vertically integrated utilities • Regulatory environment and expected rate of return • Want to make capital-intensive investments (new generation, pollution control equipment) to earn a rate of return through electric rates Publicly owned utilities • Cost of debt ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 13 Merrimack – Example of Benefits to IOU of Making Expensive Investments (1) Plant Investment in Rate Base (millions of dollars) $600 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $0 Existing Plant Investment Plant Investment with Scrubber ©2013 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 14 Pre-tax Return on Rate Base From Merrimack Station (millions of dollars) Merrimack – Example of Benefits to IOU of Making Expensive Investments (2) $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 Existing Plant With Scrubber ©2013 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 15 Financial incentives driving corporate policy • Merchant generation companies: • Interested in driving up wholesale electricity market prices • Advocate for rule changes at ISOs • Want to block competition from other sources, e.g. from energy efficiency and renewables • Vertically integrated companies: • Interested in increasing sales to earn more money (rates set on a per kWh basis) • Incentive to oppose energy efficiency and customerowned power generation (e.g. rooftop solar) ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 16 Recent Industry Trends • Opposition to energy efficiency and rooftop solar • Move back towards regulation • Acquire regulated utilities • Sell merchant generation business • Transfer assets from merchant generation to regulated subsidiaries ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 17 Webinar Outline • • • • • • • • History: regulation and deregulation Regional electricity markets Types of companies How investment decisions are made Industry trends Components of power plant costs Metrics for evaluating power plant performance Where to find data ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 18 Components of Power Plant Costs • Capital cost is the cost of building the power plant and making periodic equipment replacements, major repairs and/or plant upgrades. • Cost of financing these capital expenditures are included in ongoing cost of generating power: • For investor-owned companies these financing costs are a blend of shareholder provided funds (equity) and borrowed money (debt). • For publicly-owned utilities and electric membership co-ops, financing costs are debt. • General Rule -- The more it costs to build the plant, the higher the annual financing costs will be – depending on the equity and debt borrowing rates. ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 19 Components of Power Plant Costs (Cont’d) • Annual depreciation expenses. • the cost of building a power plant is amortized (spread) over the expected life of the plant. The plant owner collects this amount each year as a depreciation expense. • For example, if it costs $1 billion to build a new fossil-fired plant with an expected depreciation life of 25 years, each year the plant owner will recover $40 million (that is, $1 billion divided by 25) through the cost of the power generated by the plant. . • Plant operating & maintenance (O&M) costs. • Labor, materials, etc. • Fuel costs. • Cost of transmitting power from plant where it is generated to places where it is used. ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 20 Fixed vs. Variable Power Plant Operating Costs • Fixed vs. variable costs. • Financing & almost all O&M costs are ‘fixed” – have to be paid whether or not plant generates any power or how much it generates. • Other costs, like fuel and some O&M, are ‘variable.’ These fluctuate depending on how many MWh are generated. • Examples of variable O&M costs include costs of operating plant environmental control equipment ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 21 Example of Rising Plant Construction Costs – Kemper IGCC Coal Plant - Mississippi $7 ?? $6.10 Billions of Dollars $6 $6.15 $5.50 $4.72 $5 $5.00 $5.04 $4.29 $4 $3.44 $2.92 $3 $2 $1 l Fi na ay 20 12 M ar ch 20 13 Ju ne 20 Se 13 pt em be r2 01 De 3 ce m be r2 01 3 M ay 20 14 Oc to be r2 01 Fe 4 br ua ry 20 15 M La te 20 09 /E ar ly 2 01 0 $0 ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 22 Relative Costs Among Supply-Side and Demand-Side Resources Capital Costs Non-Fuel O&M Costs Fuel Costs Need to Include Transmission Costs Extremely high High Very Low Yes High Moderate Low to Moderate Yes Moderate Moderate Low to Moderate to High depending on where and when Yes Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Very high Moderate to High Low to Moderate Yes Wind High but declining Low None Yes Low None No None None No Technology New nuclear Coal Natural Gas High but Distributed solar declining rapidly PV Energy Efficiency Very Low ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 23 Power Plant Cost Components – Example Prairie State Energy Campus $200 $150 $100 $50 nu Fe ary br 2 0 ua 13 ry M 20 ar 1 ch 3 2 Ap 01 ril 3 2 M 013 ay 2 Ju 01 ne 3 2 Ju 013 l Au y 2 01 g Se u 3 s pt em t 20 b 13 Oc e r 2 t 0 N o ob e 1 3 ve r 2 m 0 De be 13 r ce m 201 b 3 Ja e r 2 nu 0 1 Fe ary 3 br 2 0 ua 14 r M y 20 ar 1 ch 4 Ap 201 ril 4 2 M 014 ay 2 Ju 01 ne 4 2 Ju 014 l Au y 2 0 gu 14 st 20 14 $0 Ja Dollars per Megawa -Hour $250 Cost of Ge ng Power from plant site in Illinois to Paducah, KY KMPA Major Maintenance Reserve Prairie State Debt Cost Prairie State Opera ng Cost (fuel + O&M) ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 24 Power Plant Metrics - Capacity & Energy • Capacity is a measure of the power that a plant can produce at any one moment or instance – measured in megawatts (MW) which are millions of watts. • Large fossil and nuclear power plants have full power ratings in the range of 250 MW to 1500 MW. • A large power plant will generally have several units at the same site. • Energy is a measure of how much power the plant generates over time, whether hours, days, months or years – measured in Megawatt-Hours (MWh) • Example – a 100 MW power plant that generates at full power for 10 hours will produce 1,000 MWh ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 25 Power Plant Metric - Capacity Factor • A power plant’s ‘capacity factor’ is a measure of how much energy (in MWh) it generates during the period of time being examined. • Capacity factor is given as a % - the plant’s actual generation (in MWh) in the period divided by the power it would have generated if it had operated at full power for all hours. • Example – a power plant with a full power rating of 100 MW operates at only 50 MW for all of the hours of the period – its capacity factor is 50%. • The amount of power generated by a plant will change (perhaps frequently) in response to plant outages, equipment problems or economic factors. • The higher the capacity factor, the better. ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 26 Capacity Factors - a Tale of Two Power Plants at the Same Site 90% 80% Annual Capacity Factors 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 5 200 6 200 7 200 8 200 9 200 0 201 1 201 2 201 t F i rs Plant Barry Natural Gas-Fired Combined Cycle Units 3 14 201 f 20 o s h o nt M 1 1 Plant Barry Coal-Fired Unit 5 ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 27 Power Plant Metric - Heat Rate • A power plant’s ‘heat rate’ measures how efficiently the plant burns fuel – the more efficiently the plant burns fuel, the less fuel it needs, and, consequently, the lower its fuel costs. • Heat rate is measured in British Thermal Units (btu) – energy input from fuel - per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated – btu/kwh • The lower the heat rate, the better – this means it requires less energy input from the fuel to produce an average kwh of electricity. ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 28 Illustrative Power Plant Heat Rates 14,000 13,000 Average Heat Rate (btu/kwh) 12,000 10,000 11,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 New Coal Plant Older Coal Plant New Natural GasNew Gas-Fired Fired Combined Combus on Turbine Cycle Plant ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 29 Fuel or Generation Mix – New England in 2013 SOLAR, 0.1% OIL, 0.3% REFUSE, 6.1% WIND, 1.6% COAL, 5.6% NUCLEAR, 33.2% GAS, 45.6% HYDRO, 7.5% ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 30 Where Can You Find Information about Power Plant Operations and Costs • Investor-owned companies (both regulated utilities and merchant) - Form 10-K annual filings to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. • Regulated investor-owned utilities – Form 1 annual filings to state utility commission and/or Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. • Data filed by plant owners with the U.S. Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy – especially Forms 860, 861, 923. • Public power utilities and electric membership cooperatives – Ask nicely, find a friendly board member to ask for info, file Freedom of Information Act requests (FOIA) requests. • Ask IEEFA or Synapse Energy Economics. ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 31 Thank you!! Contact: David Schlissel: david@schlissel-technical.com Cathy Kunkel: ckunkel@ieefa.org ©2015 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 32