Final Agenda - Environmental Business Council of New England, Inc.

EBC New Hampshire Chapter Program
Environmental, Health & Safety Management in Today’s Changing World
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Public Service of New Hampshire
Manchester, New Hampshire
8:00 a.m.
Welcome – Robert Hasevlat, EBC NH Chapter Chair
Business Development, Normandeau Associates, Inc.
Introduction – Virginia Grace, Program Moderator,
Business Development, EnviroSense, Inc.
8:20 a.m.
The Role of a Corrective Action Process in EHS Program Management
 John Lindberg, P.E., CIH, Senior EHS Consultant, EnviroSense, Inc.
8:50 a.m.
Workplace Risk Reduction Strategies
 Matt Towne, RN, CSP, President, Northeast Safety Consulting
9:20 a.m.
The Case for Electrical Safety (presentation not available)
 Wayne Treamer, CSP, Principal Safety & Health Specialist
BAE Systems
10:00 a.m.
Networking Break
10:30 a.m.
OSHA Update: OSHA’s Focus and Current Direction
 Andrew Palhof, Compliance Assistance Specialist, OSHA
11:00 a.m.
EHS Management: How do we strive toward success?
 Michelle Hamm, Environmental Services Manager
Monadnock Paper Mills
11:30 a.m.
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Virginia Grace, EnviroSense, Inc.
 Michelle Hamm, Monadnock Paper Mill
 John Lindberg, EnviroSense, Inc.
 Matt Towne, Northeast Safety Consulting
 Andrew Palhof, OSHA
12:00 p.m.
Program Chair
Russ Lagueux, President
EnviroSense, Inc.
1F Commons Drive, Suite 34, Londonderry, NH 03053
(603) 437-8227 //
Russ is the president of EnviroSense, Inc., an environmental and health & safety consulting firm located in
Londonderry, NH. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in New Hampshire and Massachusetts and has over 26
years of experience managing environmental investigations and remediation services at industrial facilities,
municipal and commercial properties, uncontrolled hazardous waste sites and solid waste landfills, and federal
facilities. He holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of New Hampshire. Russ is Vice Chair of the NH
Chapter of the Environmental Business Council, and is a member of the Boston Post and the Piscataqua Post of
the Society of Military Engineers. He has a long record of volunteer service for his home town of Londonderry,
having served in the past as Chair of the Planning Board, Chair of the Energy Efficiency Task Force, and Chair of
the Historic Properties Preservation Committee. He has also been a member of the town’s Old Home Day
Committee, Police Station Building Committee, and currently serves as a Commissioner of the Londonderry
Housing and Redevelopment Authority and is a member of the Master Plan Steering Committee.
Virginia Grace, Business Development
EnviroSense, Inc.
1F Commons Drive, Suite 34, Londonderry, NH 03053
(603) 437-8227 //
Ginny Grace currently oversees the development of EHS services at EnviroSense. Ginny has over 25 years in the
environmental field in both the public and private sectors. Early in her career, Ms. Grace worked at NHDES, in both
the solid waste and water quality divisions. Private industry experience includes working at Wheelabrator
Technologies where she served as Director of Health, Safety and Environmental Compliance for multiple waste-toenergy plants. More recently, Ginny served as Vice President of Marketing and Environmental Affairs at NEFCO, a
national biosolids management company headquartered in Quincy, MA. Ms. Grace holds a Bachelor’s degree in
Biological Sciences from the University of New Hampshire, and a Master of Science degree in Systems
Management from the University of Southern California, Viterbi School of Engineering.
Michelle Hamm, Manager, Environmental Services
Monadnock Paper Mill
117 Antrim Rd Bennington, NH 03442
(603) 588-8664 //
Michelle Hamm graduated in 1991 from NH Technical College in Berlin NH with an Associates degree in Sciences
in Pulp and Paper Technology, and a Sciences Diploma in Water and Waste Water Technology. She began
working at Papertech Corporation as the Environmental Manger and remained employed there for 8 years until the
facility’s closing in 2001.
Since that time Michelle has been the Manger of Environemtnal Services at Monadnock Paper Mills. Her duties
include: supervision of the operation of the Mill’s waste water treatment facility, monitoring and controlling mill
groundwater usage, handling and coordination of all wastes, and overall compliance with all facility’s State and
Federal Permits including NPDES, Title V, Groundwater Release Detection, and Storm Water Protection. Other
duties include attending and testifying at legislative hearings and provide input to possible negative impacts to local
industries such as ours. Michelle is the representative for both ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications.
John E. Lindberg, P.E., CIH, Senior EHS Consultant
EnviroSense, Inc.
1F Commons Drive, Suite 34, Londonderry, NH 03053
(603) 437-8227 //
John is a Senior EHS Consultant with EnviroSense Inc. of Londonderry, New Hampshire. He is also an adjunct
instructor at UMass Lowell, in the School of Health and Environment with the Department of Work Environment.
Prior to joining EnviroSense Inc he operated as an independent consultant and as a New England representative
for Hydrologex, a manufacturer of innovative, on-site wastewater treatment technologies. John’s industry
experience includes 18 years in the telecommunications equipment manufacturing sector with AT&T, Lucent
Technologies and Alcatel-Lucent. During that time he served in a range of positions from EHS Engineering Staff
through EHS Engineering and Operations Support Senior Manager. John has graduate degrees from the University
of Vermont in Civil and Environmental Engineering and from UMass Lowell in Occupational and Environmental
Hygiene. He is a New Hampshire Registered Professional Engineer in Environmental Engineering and he is
certified in the comprehensive practice of Industrial Hygiene by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene.
Andrew Palhof, Compliance Assistance Specialist
J.C. Cleveland Federal Building, Room 3901, Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-1629 //
Andrew Palhof is a Compliance Assistance Specialist in the Concord New Hampshire Area Office. His primary
responsibilities are to conduct OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program Audits (VPP), coordinate and conduct training
and outreach programs while providing technical support for OSHA's compliance and outreach efforts.
Prior to becoming the Compliance Assistance Specialist, Andy worked as an OSHA Compliance Officer in
Syracuse NY and Concord NH. Prior to working for OSHA, Andy worked as a Safety Consultant for the NH OSHA
Consultation Program while assisting employers with complying with OSHA requirements. Andy’s background in
safety started while he was employed as a Safety Director for a sawmill where he was responsible for handling all
safety, health and environmental compliance issues. Additionally, Andy has a Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational
Safety Studies from Keene State College and an Associate Degree in Applied Science, Fire Science from NH
Community Technical College. While completing his Associate Degree, Andy worked at a local fire department and
became a Certified Fire Fighter, Hazardous Material responder and a Nationally Registered Emergency Medical
Technician (EMT).
Matt Towne, RN, CSP, President
Northeast Safety Consulting
84 Woodland Street, Holyoke, MA 01040
Matt Towne RN, CSP, has extensive experience worldwide in the design and implementation of stable, selfcorrecting and self-sustaining safety programs in light to heavy industry. Using a management systems approach
and heavy employee involvement, he has ushered and guided programs to the point where they no longer need
hands on outside guidance.
Wayne Treamer, CSP, Principal Safety and Health Specialist
BAE Systems
PO Box 868, MER12-1506, Nashua, NH 03061-0868
(603) 885-8018 //
Wayne is a New Hampshire Licensed Master Electrician and an approved New Hampshire National Electric Code
Update provider. He holds an Associates Degree in Industrial Electricity from New Hampshire Vocational
Technical College and a Bachelors of Science Degree in Occupational Safety and Health from Columbia Southern
University. He has been employed at BAE Systems for 25 years, starting as an Electrician, promoted into the
position of Facilities Supervisor, and now serving as a Principal Safety and Health Specialist. He is responsible for
the Electrical Safety Program for The Electronic Systems division at BAE systems as well as Safety, Health and
Environmental Site SHE Manager for the Merrimack New Hampshire Campus.
For upcoming programs, interesting news articles, and information about the Environmental Industry, follow the EBC on:
LinkedIn: Environmental Business Council
Facebook: Environmental Business Council
Twitter: @ebcne
Environmental Business Council of New England, Inc.
375 Harvard St, Suite 2 Brookline, MA 02446
617-505-1818 // //